/* * RawMove.cpp * * Created on: 18 Apr 2019 * Author: David */ #include "RawMove.h" // Set up some default values in the move buffer for special moves, e.g. for Z probing and firmware retraction void RawMove::SetDefaults(size_t firstDriveToZero) noexcept { moveType = 0; isCoordinated = false; applyM220M221 = false; usingStandardFeedrate = false; usePressureAdvance = false; checkEndstops = false; reduceAcceleration = false; hasPositiveExtrusion = false; filePos = noFilePosition; tool = nullptr; cosXyAngle = 1.0; for (size_t drive = firstDriveToZero; drive < MaxAxesPlusExtruders; ++drive) { coords[drive] = 0.0; // clear extrusion } } float MovementState::GetProportionDone() const noexcept { return (float)(totalSegments - segmentsLeft)/(float)totalSegments; } #if SUPPORT_ASYNC_MOVES void AsyncMove::SetDefaults() noexcept { for (float& f : movements) { f = 0.0; // clear extrusion } startSpeed = endSpeed = 0.0; } #endif // End