/**************************************************************************************************** RepRapFirmware - Platform Platform contains all the code and definitions to deal with machine-dependent things such as control pins, bed area, number of extruders, tolerable accelerations and speeds and so on. No definitions that are system-independent should go in here. Put them in Configuration.h. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.3 28 August 2013 Adrian Bowyer RepRap Professional Ltd http://reprappro.com Licence: GPL ****************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef PLATFORM_H #define PLATFORM_H // Language-specific includes // Platform-specific includes #include "RepRapFirmware.h" #include "IoPorts.h" #include "DueFlashStorage.h" #include "Fan.h" #include "Heating/TemperatureError.h" #include "OutputMemory.h" #include "Storage/FileStore.h" #include "Storage/FileData.h" #include "Storage/MassStorage.h" // must be after Pins.h because it needs NumSdCards defined #include "MessageType.h" #include "ZProbe.h" #include "ZProbeProgrammer.h" #if defined(DUET_NG) # include "DueXn.h" #elif defined(DUET_06_085) # include "MCP4461/MCP4461.h" #elif defined(__ALLIGATOR__) # include "DAC/DAC084S085.h" // SPI DAC for motor current vref # include "EUI48/EUI48EEPROM.h" // SPI EUI48 mac address EEPROM # include "Microstepping.h" #endif constexpr bool FORWARDS = true; constexpr bool BACKWARDS = !FORWARDS; // Define the number of ADC filters and the indices of the extra ones #if HAS_VREF_MONITOR constexpr size_t VrefFilterIndex = Heaters; constexpr size_t VssaFilterIndex = Heaters + 1; # if HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR constexpr size_t CpuTempFilterIndex = Heaters + 2; constexpr size_t NumAdcFilters = Heaters + 3; # else constexpr size_t NumAdcFilters = Heaters + 2; # endif #elif HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR constexpr size_t CpuTempFilterIndex = Heaters; constexpr size_t NumAdcFilters = Heaters + 1; #else constexpr size_t NumAdcFilters = Heaters; #endif /**************************************************************************************************/ #if SUPPORT_INKJET // Inkjet (if any - no inkjet is flagged by INKJET_BITS negative) const int8_t INKJET_BITS = 12; // How many nozzles? Set to -1 to disable this feature const int INKJET_FIRE_MICROSECONDS = 5; // How long to fire a nozzle const int INKJET_DELAY_MICROSECONDS = 800; // How long to wait before the next bit #endif const float MAX_FEEDRATES[DRIVES] = DRIVES_(100.0, 100.0, 3.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0); // mm/sec const float ACCELERATIONS[DRIVES] = DRIVES_(500.0, 500.0, 20.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0); // mm/sec^2 const float DRIVE_STEPS_PER_UNIT[DRIVES] = DRIVES_(87.4890, 87.4890, 4000.0, 420.0, 420.0, 420.0, 420.0, 420.0, 420.0, 420.0, 420.0, 420.0); // steps/mm const float INSTANT_DVS[DRIVES] = DRIVES_(15.0, 15.0, 0.2, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0); // mm/sec // AXES const float AXIS_MINIMA[MaxAxes] = AXES_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // mm const float AXIS_MAXIMA[MaxAxes] = AXES_(230.0, 210.0, 200.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // mm // Z PROBE constexpr float Z_PROBE_STOP_HEIGHT = 0.7; // Millimetres constexpr unsigned int Z_PROBE_AVERAGE_READINGS = 8; // We average this number of readings with IR on, and the same number with IR off // HEATERS - The bed is assumed to be the at index 0 // Define the number of temperature readings we average for each thermistor. This should be a power of 2 and at least 4 ^ AD_OVERSAMPLE_BITS. // Keep THERMISTOR_AVERAGE_READINGS * NUM_HEATERS * 2ms no greater than HEAT_SAMPLE_TIME or the PIDs won't work well. constexpr unsigned int ThermistorAverageReadings = 32; constexpr uint32_t maxPidSpinDelay = 5000; // Maximum elapsed time in milliseconds between successive temp samples by Pid::Spin() permitted for a temp sensor /****************************************************************************************************/ enum class BoardType : uint8_t { Auto = 0, #if defined(SAME70_TEST_BOARD) SamE70TestBoard = 1 #elif defined(DUET_NG) DuetWiFi_10 = 1, DuetWiFi_102 = 2, DuetEthernet_10 = 3, DuetEthernet_102 = 4 #elif defined(DUET_M) DuetM_10 = 1, #elif defined(DUET_06_085) Duet_06 = 1, Duet_07 = 2, Duet_085 = 3 #elif defined(__RADDS__) RADDS_15 = 1 #elif defined(__ALLIGATOR__) Alligator_2 = 1 #else # error Unknown board #endif }; enum class EndStopHit { noStop = 0, // no endstop hit lowHit = 1, // low switch hit, or Z-probe in use and above threshold highHit = 2, // high stop hit nearStop = 3 // approaching Z-probe threshold }; // The values of the following enumeration must tally with the X,Y,... parameters for the M574 command enum class EndStopPosition { noEndStop = 0, lowEndStop = 1, highEndStop = 2 }; // Type of an endstop input - values must tally with the M574 command S parameter enum class EndStopInputType { activeLow = 0, activeHigh = 1, zProbe = 2, motorStall = 3 }; // Other firmware that we might switch to be compatible with. enum class Compatibility : uint8_t { me = 0, reprapFirmware = 1, marlin = 2, teacup = 3, sprinter = 4, repetier = 5 }; /***************************************************************************************************/ // Enumeration describing the reasons for a software reset. // The spin state gets or'ed into this, so keep the lower 4 bits unused. enum class SoftwareResetReason : uint16_t { user = 0, // M999 command erase = 0x10, // special M999 command to erase firmware and reset NMI = 0x20, hardFault = 0x30, // most exceptions get escalated to a hard fault stuckInSpin = 0x40, // we got stuck in a Spin() function for too long wdtFault = 0x50, // secondary watchdog otherFault = 0x70, inAuxOutput = 0x0800, // this bit is or'ed in if we were in aux output at the time inLwipSpin = 0x2000, // we got stuck in a call to LWIP for too long inUsbOutput = 0x4000, // this bit is or'ed in if we were in USB output at the time deliberate = 0x8000 // this but it or'ed in if we deliberately caused a fault }; // Enumeration to describe various tests we do in response to the M122 command enum class DiagnosticTestType : int { PrintTestReport = 1, // run some tests and report the processor ID PrintMoves = 100, // print summary of recent moves (only if recording moves was enabled in firmware) #ifdef DUET_NG PrintExpanderStatus = 101, // print DueXn expander status #endif TimeSquareRoot = 102, // do a timing test on the square root function TestWatchdog = 1001, // test that we get a watchdog reset if the tick interrupt stops TestSpinLockup = 1002, // test that we get a software reset if a Spin() function takes too long TestSerialBlock = 1003, // test what happens when we write a blocking message via debugPrintf() DivideByZero = 1004, // do an integer divide by zero to test exception handling UnalignedMemoryAccess = 1005, // do an unaligned memory access to test exception handling BusFault = 1006 // generate a bus fault }; /***************************************************************************************************************/ // Class to perform averaging of values read from the ADC // numAveraged should be a power of 2 for best efficiency template class AveragingFilter { public: AveragingFilter() { Init(0); } void Init(uint16_t val) volatile { irqflags_t flags = cpu_irq_save(); sum = (uint32_t)val * (uint32_t)numAveraged; index = 0; isValid = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < numAveraged; ++i) { readings[i] = val; } cpu_irq_restore(flags); } // Call this to put a new reading into the filter // This is only called by the ISR, so it not declared volatile to make it faster void ProcessReading(uint16_t r) { sum = sum - readings[index] + r; readings[index] = r; ++index; if (index == numAveraged) { index = 0; isValid = true; } } // Return the raw sum uint32_t GetSum() const volatile { return sum; } // Return true if we have a valid average bool IsValid() const volatile { return isValid; } private: uint16_t readings[numAveraged]; size_t index; uint32_t sum; bool isValid; //invariant(sum == + over readings) //invariant(index < numAveraged) }; typedef AveragingFilter ThermistorAveragingFilter; typedef AveragingFilter ZProbeAveragingFilter; // Enumeration of error condition bits enum class ErrorCode : uint32_t { BadTemp = 1 << 0, BadMove = 1 << 1, OutputStarvation = 1 << 2, OutputStackOverflow = 1 << 3 }; struct AxisDriversConfig { size_t numDrivers; // Number of drivers assigned to each axis uint8_t driverNumbers[MaxDriversPerAxis]; // The driver numbers assigned - only the first numDrivers are meaningful }; // The main class that defines the RepRap machine for the benefit of the other classes class Platform { public: // Enumeration to describe the status of a drive enum class DriverStatus : uint8_t { disabled, idle, enabled }; Platform(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // These are the functions that form the interface between Platform and the rest of the firmware. void Init(); // Set the machine up after a restart. If called subsequently this should set the machine up as if // it has just been restarted; it can do this by executing an actual restart if you like, but beware the loop of death... void Spin(); // This gets called in the main loop and should do any housekeeping needed void Exit(); // Shut down tidily. Calling Init after calling this should reset to the beginning Compatibility Emulating() const; void SetEmulating(Compatibility c); void Diagnostics(MessageType mtype); bool DiagnosticTest(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, int d); void ClassReport(uint32_t &lastTime); // Called on Spin() return to check everything's live. void LogError(ErrorCode e) { errorCodeBits |= (uint32_t)e; } void SoftwareReset(uint16_t reason, const uint32_t *stk = nullptr); bool AtxPower() const; void AtxPowerOn(); void AtxPowerOff(bool defer); void SetBoardType(BoardType bt); const char* GetElectronicsString() const; const char* GetBoardString() const; #ifdef DUET_NG bool IsDuetWiFi() const; #endif const uint8_t *GetDefaultMacAddress() const { return defaultMacAddress; } // Timing static uint32_t GetInterruptClocks() __attribute__ ((hot)); // Get the interrupt clock count static uint32_t GetInterruptClocksInterruptsDisabled() __attribute__ ((hot)); // Get the interrupt clock count, when we know already that interrupts are disabled static bool ScheduleStepInterrupt(uint32_t tim) __attribute__ ((hot)); // Schedule an interrupt at the specified clock count, or return true if it has passed already static void DisableStepInterrupt(); // Make sure we get no step interrupts static bool ScheduleSoftTimerInterrupt(uint32_t tim); // Schedule an interrupt at the specified clock count, or return true if it has passed already static void DisableSoftTimerInterrupt(); // Make sure we get no software timer interrupts void Tick() __attribute__((hot)); // Process a systick interrupt // Real-time clock bool IsDateTimeSet() const; // Has the RTC been set yet? time_t GetDateTime() const; // Retrieves the current RTC datetime and returns true if it's valid bool SetDateTime(time_t time); // Sets the current RTC date and time or returns false on error // Communications and data storage OutputBuffer *GetAuxGCodeReply(); // Returns cached G-Code reply for AUX devices and clears its reference void AppendAuxReply(OutputBuffer *buf, bool rawMessage); void AppendAuxReply(const char *msg, bool rawMessage); uint32_t GetAuxSeq() { return auxSeq; } bool HaveAux() const { return auxDetected; } // Any device on the AUX line? void SetAuxDetected() { auxDetected = true; } void SetIPAddress(uint8_t ip[]); const uint8_t* GetIPAddress() const; void SetNetMask(uint8_t nm[]); const uint8_t* NetMask() const; void SetGateWay(uint8_t gw[]); const uint8_t* GateWay() const; void SetBaudRate(size_t chan, uint32_t br); uint32_t GetBaudRate(size_t chan) const; void SetCommsProperties(size_t chan, uint32_t cp); uint32_t GetCommsProperties(size_t chan) const; #if defined(__ALLIGATOR__) // Mac address from EUI48 EEPROM EUI48EEPROM eui48MacAddress; #endif friend class FileStore; MassStorage* GetMassStorage() const; FileStore* OpenFile(const char* directory, const char* fileName, OpenMode mode) { return massStorage->OpenFile(directory, fileName, mode); } const char* GetWebDir() const; // Where the html etc files are const char* GetGCodeDir() const; // Where the gcodes are const char* GetSysDir() const; // Where the system files are const char* GetMacroDir() const; // Where the user-defined macros are const char* GetConfigFile() const; // Where the configuration is stored (in the system dir). const char* GetDefaultFile() const; // Where the default configuration is stored (in the system dir). // Message output (see MessageType for further details) void Message(MessageType type, const char *message); void Message(MessageType type, OutputBuffer *buffer); void MessageF(MessageType type, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); void MessageF(MessageType type, const char *fmt, va_list vargs); bool FlushAuxMessages(); bool FlushMessages(); // Flush messages to USB and aux, returning true if there is more to send void SendAlert(MessageType mt, const char *message, const char *title, int sParam, float tParam, AxesBitmap controls); void StopLogging(); // Movement void EmergencyStop(); void SetDirection(size_t drive, bool direction); void SetDirectionValue(size_t driver, bool dVal); bool GetDirectionValue(size_t driver) const; void SetEnableValue(size_t driver, int8_t eVal); bool GetEnableValue(size_t driver) const; void EnableDriver(size_t driver); void DisableDriver(size_t driver); void EnableDrive(size_t drive); void DisableDrive(size_t drive); void DisableAllDrives(); void SetDriversIdle(); void SetMotorCurrent(size_t drive, float current, int code); float GetMotorCurrent(size_t drive, int code) const; void SetIdleCurrentFactor(float f); float GetIdleCurrentFactor() const { return idleCurrentFactor; } bool SetDriverMicrostepping(size_t driver, unsigned int microsteps, int mode); unsigned int GetDriverMicrostepping(size_t drive, int mode, bool& interpolation) const; bool SetMicrostepping(size_t drive, int microsteps, int mode); unsigned int GetMicrostepping(size_t drive, int mode, bool& interpolation) const; void SetDriverStepTiming(size_t driver, const float microseconds[4]); void GetDriverStepTiming(size_t driver, float microseconds[4]) const; float DriveStepsPerUnit(size_t drive) const; const float *GetDriveStepsPerUnit() const { return driveStepsPerUnit; } void SetDriveStepsPerUnit(size_t drive, float value); float Acceleration(size_t drive) const; const float* Accelerations() const; void SetAcceleration(size_t drive, float value); float GetMaxPrintingAcceleration() const { return maxPrintingAcceleration; } void SetMaxPrintingAcceleration(float acc) { maxPrintingAcceleration = acc; } float GetMaxTravelAcceleration() const { return maxTravelAcceleration; } void SetMaxTravelAcceleration(float acc) { maxTravelAcceleration = acc; } float MaxFeedrate(size_t drive) const; const float* MaxFeedrates() const; void SetMaxFeedrate(size_t drive, float value); float GetInstantDv(size_t drive) const; void SetInstantDv(size_t drive, float value); EndStopHit Stopped(size_t drive) const; bool EndStopInputState(size_t drive) const; float AxisMaximum(size_t axis) const; void SetAxisMaximum(size_t axis, float value, bool byProbing); float AxisMinimum(size_t axis) const; void SetAxisMinimum(size_t axis, float value, bool byProbing); float AxisTotalLength(size_t axis) const; float GetPressureAdvance(size_t drive) const; void SetPressureAdvance(size_t extruder, float factor); void SetEndStopConfiguration(size_t axis, EndStopPosition endstopPos, EndStopInputType inputType) pre(axis < MaxAxes); void GetEndStopConfiguration(size_t axis, EndStopPosition& endstopPos, EndStopInputType& inputType) const pre(axis < MaxAxes); uint32_t GetAllEndstopStates() const; void SetAxisDriversConfig(size_t axis, const AxisDriversConfig& config); const AxisDriversConfig& GetAxisDriversConfig(size_t drive) const { return axisDrivers[drive]; } void SetExtruderDriver(size_t extruder, uint8_t driver); uint8_t GetExtruderDriver(size_t extruder) const { return extruderDrivers[extruder]; } uint32_t GetDriversBitmap(size_t drive) const // get the bitmap of driver step bits for this axis or extruder { return driveDriverBits[drive]; } static void StepDriversLow(); // set all step pins low static void StepDriversHigh(uint32_t driverMap); // set the specified step pins high uint32_t GetSlowDriversBitmap() const { return slowDriversBitmap; } uint32_t GetSlowDriverStepHighClocks() const { return slowDriverStepTimingClocks[0]; } uint32_t GetSlowDriverStepLowClocks() const { return slowDriverStepTimingClocks[1]; } uint32_t GetSlowDriverDirSetupClocks() const { return slowDriverStepTimingClocks[2]; } uint32_t GetSlowDriverDirHoldClocks() const { return slowDriverStepTimingClocks[3]; } #if SUPPORT_NONLINEAR_EXTRUSION bool GetExtrusionCoefficients(size_t extruder, float& a, float& b, float& limit) const; void SetNonlinearExtrusion(size_t extruder, float a, float b, float limit); #endif // Z probe void SetZProbeDefaults(); float ZProbeStopHeight(); float GetZProbeDiveHeight() const; float GetZProbeStartingHeight(); float GetZProbeTravelSpeed() const; int GetZProbeReading() const; EndStopHit GetZProbeResult() const; int GetZProbeSecondaryValues(int& v1, int& v2); void SetZProbeType(unsigned int iZ); ZProbeType GetZProbeType() const { return zProbeType; } const ZProbe& GetZProbeParameters(ZProbeType probeType) const; const ZProbe& GetCurrentZProbeParameters() const { return GetZProbeParameters(zProbeType); } void SetZProbeParameters(ZProbeType probeType, const struct ZProbe& params); bool HomingZWithProbe() const; bool WritePlatformParameters(FileStore *f, bool includingG31) const; void SetProbing(bool isProbing); bool ProgramZProbe(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply); void SetZProbeModState(bool b) const; // Heat and temperature float GetZProbeTemperature(); // Get our best estimate of the Z probe temperature volatile ThermistorAveragingFilter& GetAdcFilter(size_t channel) pre(channel < ARRAY_SIZE(adcFilters)) { return adcFilters[channel]; } void SetHeater(size_t heater, float power, PwmFrequency freq = 0) // power is a fraction in [0,1] pre(heater < Heaters); uint32_t HeatSampleInterval() const; void SetHeatSampleTime(float st); float GetHeatSampleTime() const; void UpdateConfiguredHeaters(); // Fans bool ConfigureFan(unsigned int mcode, int fanNumber, GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply, bool& error); float GetFanValue(size_t fan) const; // Result is returned in percent void SetFanValue(size_t fan, float speed); // Accepts values between 0..1 and 1..255 #if defined(DUET_06_085) void EnableSharedFan(bool enable); // enable/disable the fan that shares its PWM pin with the last heater #endif bool WriteFanSettings(FileStore *f) const; // Save some resume information float GetFanRPM() const; // Flash operations void UpdateFirmware(); bool CheckFirmwareUpdatePrerequisites(const StringRef& reply); // AUX device void Beep(int freq, int ms); void SendAuxMessage(const char* msg); // Hotend configuration float GetFilamentWidth() const; void SetFilamentWidth(float width); float GetNozzleDiameter() const; void SetNozzleDiameter(float diameter); // Fire the inkjet (if any) in the given pattern // If there is no inkjet false is returned; if there is one this returns true // So you can test for inkjet presence with if(platform->Inkjet(0)) bool Inkjet(int bitPattern); // MCU temperature #if HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR void GetMcuTemperatures(float& minT, float& currT, float& maxT) const; void SetMcuTemperatureAdjust(float v) { mcuTemperatureAdjust = v; } float GetMcuTemperatureAdjust() const { return mcuTemperatureAdjust; } #endif #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR // Power in voltage void GetPowerVoltages(float& minV, float& currV, float& maxV) const; float GetCurrentPowerVoltage() const; bool IsPowerOk() const; void DisableAutoSave(); void EnableAutoSave(float saveVoltage, float resumeVoltage); bool GetAutoSaveSettings(float& saveVoltage, float&resumeVoltage); #endif #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS float GetTmcDriversTemperature(unsigned int board) const; void DriverCoolingFansOn(uint32_t driverChannelsMonitored); #endif #if HAS_STALL_DETECT bool ConfigureStallDetection(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply); #endif // User I/O and servo support bool GetFirmwarePin(LogicalPin logicalPin, PinAccess access, Pin& firmwarePin, bool& invert); // For filament sensor support Pin GetEndstopPin(int endstop) const; // Get the firmware pin number for an endstop // Logging support bool ConfigureLogging(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply); // Ancillary PWM void SetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmValue(float v); float GetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmValue() const; void SetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmFrequency(float f); float GetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmFrequency() const; bool SetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmPin(LogicalPin logicalPin, bool invert); LogicalPin GetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmPin(bool& invert) const { return extrusionAncilliaryPwmPort.GetLogicalPin(invert); } void ExtrudeOn(); void ExtrudeOff(); // CNC and laser support void SetSpindlePwm(float pwm); void SetLaserPwm(float pwm); bool SetSpindlePins(LogicalPin lpf, LogicalPin lpr, bool invert); void GetSpindlePins(LogicalPin& lpf, LogicalPin& lpr, bool& invert) const; void SetSpindlePwmFrequency(float freq); float GetSpindlePwmFrequency() const { return spindleForwardPort.GetFrequency(); } bool SetLaserPin(LogicalPin lp, bool invert); LogicalPin GetLaserPin(bool& invert) const { return laserPort.GetLogicalPin(invert); } void SetLaserPwmFrequency(float freq); float GetLaserPwmFrequency() const { return laserPort.GetFrequency(); } // Misc void InitI2c(); #if SAM4E || SAM4S || SAME70 uint32_t Random(); #endif static uint8_t softwareResetDebugInfo; // extra info for debugging #if SAM4S || SAME70 // Static data used by step ISR static volatile uint32_t stepTimerPendingStatus; // for holding status bits that we have read (and therefore cleared) but haven't serviced yet static volatile uint32_t stepTimerHighWord; // upper 16 bits of step timer #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private: Platform(const Platform&); // private copy constructor to make sure we don't try to copy a Platform void RawMessage(MessageType type, const char *message); // called by Message after handling error/warning flags void ResetChannel(size_t chan); // re-initialise a serial channel float AdcReadingToCpuTemperature(uint32_t reading) const; #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS void ReportDrivers(MessageType mt, DriversBitmap whichDrivers, const char* text, bool& reported); #endif #if HAS_STALL_DETECT bool AnyAxisMotorStalled(size_t drive) const pre(drive < DRIVES); bool ExtruderMotorStalled(size_t extruder) const pre(extruder < MaxExtruders); #endif #if SAM4E || SAM4S || SAME70 void PrintUniqueId(MessageType mtype); #endif // These are the structures used to hold our non-volatile data. // The SAM3X and SAM4E don't have EEPROM so we save the data to flash. This unfortunately means that it gets cleared // every time we reprogram the firmware via bossa, but it can be retained when firmware updates are performed // via the web interface. That's why it's a good idea to implement versioning here - increase these values // whenever the fields of the following structs have changed. // // The SAM4E has a large page erase size (8K). For this reason we store the software reset data in the 512-byte user signature area // instead, which doesn't get cleared when the Erase button is pressed. The SoftareResetData struct must have at least one 32-bit // field to guarantee that values of this type will be 32-bit aligned. It must have no virtual members because it is read/written // directly from/to flash memory. struct SoftwareResetData { static const uint16_t versionValue = 8; // increment this whenever this struct changes static const uint16_t magicValue = 0x7D00 | versionValue; // value we use to recognise that all the flash data has been written #if SAM3XA static const uint32_t nvAddress = 0; // must be 4-byte aligned #endif static const size_t numberOfSlots = 4; // number of storage slots used to implement wear levelling - must fit in 512 bytes uint16_t magic; // the magic number, including the version uint16_t resetReason; // this records why we did a software reset, for diagnostic purposes uint32_t neverUsedRam; // the amount of never used RAM at the last abnormal software reset uint32_t hfsr; // hard fault status register uint32_t cfsr; // configurable fault status register uint32_t icsr; // interrupt control and state register uint32_t bfar; // bus fault address register uint32_t sp; // stack pointer uint32_t when; // value of the RTC when the software reset occurred uint32_t stack[24]; // stack when the exception occurred, with the program counter at the bottom bool isVacant() const // return true if this struct can be written without erasing it first { const uint32_t *p = reinterpret_cast(this); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(*this)/sizeof(uint32_t); ++i) { if (*p != 0xFFFFFFFF) { return false; } ++p; } return true; } }; #if SAM4E || SAM4S || SAME70 static_assert(SoftwareResetData::numberOfSlots * sizeof(SoftwareResetData) <= 512, "Can't fit software reset data in user signature area"); #else static_assert(SoftwareResetData::numberOfSlots * sizeof(SoftwareResetData) <= FLASH_DATA_LENGTH, "NVData too large"); #endif // Logging Logger *logger; // Z probes ZProbe switchZProbeParameters; // Z probe values for the switch Z-probe ZProbe irZProbeParameters; // Z probe values for the IR sensor ZProbe alternateZProbeParameters; // Z probe values for the alternate sensor ZProbeType zProbeType; // the type of Z probe we are currently using // Network uint8_t ipAddress[4]; uint8_t netMask[4]; uint8_t gateWay[4]; uint8_t defaultMacAddress[6]; // Board and processor #if SAM4E || SAM4S || SAME70 uint32_t uniqueId[5]; #endif BoardType board; #ifdef DUET_NG ExpansionBoardType expansionBoard; #endif uint32_t longWait; bool active; Compatibility compatibility; uint32_t errorCodeBits; void InitialiseInterrupts(); void GetStackUsage(uint32_t* currentStack, uint32_t* maxStack, uint32_t* neverUsed) const; // DRIVES void SetDriverCurrent(size_t driver, float current, int code); void UpdateMotorCurrent(size_t driver); void SetDriverDirection(uint8_t driver, bool direction) pre(driver < DRIVES); static uint32_t CalcDriverBitmap(size_t driver); // calculate the step bit(s) for this driver volatile DriverStatus driverState[DRIVES]; bool directions[DRIVES]; int8_t enableValues[DRIVES]; Pin endStopPins[DRIVES]; float maxFeedrates[DRIVES]; float accelerations[DRIVES]; float maxPrintingAcceleration; float maxTravelAcceleration; float driveStepsPerUnit[DRIVES]; float instantDvs[DRIVES]; float pressureAdvance[MaxExtruders]; #if SUPPORT_NONLINEAR_EXTRUSION float nonlinearExtrusionA[MaxExtruders], nonlinearExtrusionB[MaxExtruders], nonlinearExtrusionLimit[MaxExtruders]; #endif float motorCurrents[DRIVES]; // the normal motor current for each stepper driver float motorCurrentFraction[DRIVES]; // the percentages of normal motor current that each driver is set to AxisDriversConfig axisDrivers[MaxAxes]; // the driver numbers assigned to each axis uint8_t extruderDrivers[MaxExtruders]; // the driver number assigned to each extruder uint32_t driveDriverBits[2 * DRIVES]; // the bitmap of driver port bits for each axis or extruder, followed by the raw versions uint32_t slowDriverStepTimingClocks[4]; // minimum step high, step low, dir setup and dir hold timing for slow drivers uint32_t slowDriversBitmap; // bitmap of driver port bits that need extended step pulse timing float idleCurrentFactor; #if HAS_SMART_DRIVERS size_t numSmartDrivers; // the number of TMC2660 drivers we have, the remaining are simple enable/step/dir drivers DriversBitmap temperatureShutdownDrivers, temperatureWarningDrivers, shortToGroundDrivers, openLoadDrivers; uint8_t nextDriveToPoll; bool driversPowered; bool onBoardDriversFanRunning; // true if a fan is running to cool the on-board drivers bool offBoardDriversFanRunning; // true if a fan is running to cool the drivers on the DueX uint32_t onBoardDriversFanStartMillis; // how many times we have suppressed a temperature warning uint32_t offBoardDriversFanStartMillis; // how many times we have suppressed a temperature warning #endif #if HAS_STALL_DETECT DriversBitmap logOnStallDrivers, pauseOnStallDrivers, rehomeOnStallDrivers; DriversBitmap stalledDrivers, stalledDriversToLog, stalledDriversToPause, stalledDriversToRehome; #endif #if defined(DUET_06_085) // Digipots MCP4461 mcpDuet; MCP4461 mcpExpansion; Pin potWipes[8]; // we have only 8 digipots, on the Duet 0.8.5 we use the DAC for the 9th float senseResistor; float maxStepperDigipotVoltage; float stepperDacVoltageRange, stepperDacVoltageOffset; #elif defined(__ALLIGATOR__) Pin spiDacCS[MaxSpiDac]; DAC084S085 dacAlligator; DAC084S085 dacPiggy; #endif // Z probe Pin zProbePin; Pin zProbeModulationPin; ZProbeProgrammer zProbeProg; volatile ZProbeAveragingFilter zProbeOnFilter; // Z probe readings we took with the IR turned on volatile ZProbeAveragingFilter zProbeOffFilter; // Z probe readings we took with the IR turned off // Thermistors and temperature monitoring volatile ThermistorAveragingFilter adcFilters[NumAdcFilters]; // ADC reading averaging filters #if HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR uint32_t highestMcuTemperature, lowestMcuTemperature; float mcuTemperatureAdjust; #endif void InitZProbe(); uint16_t GetRawZProbeReading() const; void UpdateNetworkAddress(uint8_t dst[4], const uint8_t src[4]); // Axes and endstops float axisMaxima[MaxAxes]; float axisMinima[MaxAxes]; AxesBitmap axisMinimaProbed, axisMaximaProbed; EndStopPosition endStopPos[MaxAxes]; EndStopInputType endStopInputType[MaxAxes]; static bool WriteAxisLimits(FileStore *f, AxesBitmap axesProbed, const float limits[MaxAxes], int sParam); // Heaters - bed is assumed to be the first Pin tempSensePins[Heaters]; Pin heatOnPins[Heaters]; Pin spiTempSenseCsPins[MaxSpiTempSensors]; uint32_t configuredHeaters; // bitmask of all real heaters in use uint32_t heatSampleTicks; // Fans Fan fans[NUM_FANS]; Pin coolingFanRpmPin; // we currently support only one fan RPM input uint32_t lastFanCheckTime; void InitFans(); bool FansHardwareInverted(size_t fanNumber) const; // Serial/USB uint32_t baudRates[NUM_SERIAL_CHANNELS]; uint8_t commsParams[NUM_SERIAL_CHANNELS]; OutputStack *auxOutput; #ifdef SERIAL_AUX2_DEVICE OutputStack *aux2Output; #endif OutputStack *usbOutput; bool auxDetected; // Have we processed at least one G-Code from an AUX device? OutputBuffer *auxGCodeReply; // G-Code reply for AUX devices (special one because it is actually encapsulated before sending) uint32_t auxSeq; // Sequence number for AUX devices // Files MassStorage* massStorage; // Data used by the tick interrupt handler // Heater #n, 0 <= n < HEATERS, uses "temperature channel" tc given by // // tc = heaterTempChannels[n] // // Temperature channels follow a convention of // // if (0 <= tc < HEATERS) then // The temperature channel is a thermistor read using ADC. // The actual ADC to read for tc is // // thermistorAdcChannel[tc] // // which, is equivalent to // // PinToAdcChannel(tempSensePins[tc]) // // if (100 <= tc < 100 + (MaxSpiTempSensors - 1)) then // The temperature channel is a thermocouple attached to a MAX31855 chip // The MAX31855 object corresponding to the specific MAX31855 chip is // // Max31855Devices[tc - 100] // // Note that the MAX31855 objects, although statically declared, are not // initialized until configured via a "M305 Pn X10m" command with 0 <= n < HEATERS // and 0 <= m < MaxSpiTempSensors. // // NOTE BENE: When a M305 command is processed, the onus is on the gcode processor, // GCodes.cpp, to range check the value of the X parameter. Code consuming the results // of the M305 command (e.g., SetThermistorNumber() and array lookups assume range // checking has already been performed. AnalogChannelNumber filteredAdcChannels[NumAdcFilters]; AnalogChannelNumber zProbeAdcChannel; uint8_t tickState; size_t currentFilterNumber; int debugCode; // Hotend configuration float filamentWidth; float nozzleDiameter; // Power monitoring #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR AnalogChannelNumber vInMonitorAdcChannel; volatile uint16_t currentVin, highestVin, lowestVin; uint16_t autoPauseReading, autoResumeReading; uint32_t numUnderVoltageEvents, previousUnderVoltageEvents; volatile uint32_t numOverVoltageEvents, previousOverVoltageEvents; bool autoSaveEnabled; enum class AutoSaveState : uint8_t { starting = 0, normal, autoPaused }; AutoSaveState autoSaveState; #endif uint32_t lastWarningMillis; // When we last sent a warning message // RTC time_t realTime; // the current date/time, or zero if never set uint32_t timeLastUpdatedMillis; // the milliseconds counter when we last incremented the time // CNC and laser support float extrusionAncilliaryPwmValue; PwmPort extrusionAncilliaryPwmPort; PwmPort spindleForwardPort, spindleReversePort, laserPort; // Power on/off bool deferredPowerDown; // Direct pin manipulation int8_t logicalPinModes[HighestLogicalPin + 1]; // what mode each logical pin is set to - would ideally be class PinMode not int8_t // Misc bool deliberateError; // true if we deliberately caused an exception for testing purposes bool i2cInitialised; // true if the I2C subsystem has been initialised }; // Where the htm etc files are inline const char* Platform::GetWebDir() const { return WEB_DIR; } // Where the gcodes are inline const char* Platform::GetGCodeDir() const { return GCODE_DIR; } // Where the system files are inline const char* Platform::GetSysDir() const { return SYS_DIR; } inline const char* Platform::GetMacroDir() const { return MACRO_DIR; } inline const char* Platform::GetConfigFile() const { return CONFIG_FILE; } inline const char* Platform::GetDefaultFile() const { return DEFAULT_FILE; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // Drive the RepRap machine - Movement inline float Platform::DriveStepsPerUnit(size_t drive) const { return driveStepsPerUnit[drive]; } inline void Platform::SetDriveStepsPerUnit(size_t drive, float value) { driveStepsPerUnit[drive] = max(value, 1.0); // don't allow zero or negative } inline float Platform::Acceleration(size_t drive) const { return accelerations[drive]; } inline const float* Platform::Accelerations() const { return accelerations; } inline void Platform::SetAcceleration(size_t drive, float value) { accelerations[drive] = max(value, 1.0); // don't allow zero or negative } inline float Platform::MaxFeedrate(size_t drive) const { return maxFeedrates[drive]; } inline const float* Platform::MaxFeedrates() const { return maxFeedrates; } inline void Platform::SetMaxFeedrate(size_t drive, float value) { maxFeedrates[drive] = max(value, 1.0); // don't allow zero or negative } inline float Platform::GetInstantDv(size_t drive) const { return instantDvs[drive]; } inline void Platform::SetInstantDv(size_t drive, float value) { instantDvs[drive] = max(value, 1.0); // don't allow zero or negative values, they causes Move to loop indefinitely } inline void Platform::SetDirectionValue(size_t drive, bool dVal) { directions[drive] = dVal; } inline bool Platform::GetDirectionValue(size_t drive) const { return directions[drive]; } inline void Platform::SetDriverDirection(uint8_t driver, bool direction) { const bool d = (direction == FORWARDS) ? directions[driver] : !directions[driver]; digitalWrite(DIRECTION_PINS[driver], d); } inline bool Platform::GetEnableValue(size_t driver) const { return enableValues[driver]; } inline float Platform::AxisMaximum(size_t axis) const { return axisMaxima[axis]; } inline float Platform::AxisMinimum(size_t axis) const { return axisMinima[axis]; } inline float Platform::AxisTotalLength(size_t axis) const { return axisMaxima[axis] - axisMinima[axis]; } inline void Platform::SetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmValue(float v) { extrusionAncilliaryPwmValue = min(v, 1.0); // negative values are OK, they mean don't set the output } inline float Platform::GetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmValue() const { return extrusionAncilliaryPwmValue; } inline void Platform::SetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmFrequency(float f) { extrusionAncilliaryPwmPort.SetFrequency(f); } inline float Platform::GetExtrusionAncilliaryPwmFrequency() const { return extrusionAncilliaryPwmPort.GetFrequency(); } // For the Duet we use the fan output for this // DC 2015-03-21: To allow users to control the cooling fan via gcodes generated by slic3r etc., // only turn the fan on/off if the extruder ancilliary PWM has been set nonzero. // Caution: this is often called from an ISR, or with interrupts disabled! inline void Platform::ExtrudeOn() { if (extrusionAncilliaryPwmValue > 0.0) { extrusionAncilliaryPwmPort.WriteAnalog(extrusionAncilliaryPwmValue); } } // DC 2015-03-21: To allow users to control the cooling fan via gcodes generated by slic3r etc., // only turn the fan on/off if the extruder ancilliary PWM has been set nonzero. // Caution: this is often called from an ISR, or with interrupts disabled! inline void Platform::ExtrudeOff() { if (extrusionAncilliaryPwmValue > 0.0) { extrusionAncilliaryPwmPort.WriteAnalog(0.0); } } //******************************************************************************************************** // Drive the RepRap machine - Heat and temperature inline uint32_t Platform::HeatSampleInterval() const { return heatSampleTicks; } inline float Platform::GetHeatSampleTime() const { return (float)heatSampleTicks/1000.0; } inline void Platform::SetHeatSampleTime(float st) { if (st > 0) { heatSampleTicks = (uint32_t)(st * 1000.0); } } inline const uint8_t* Platform::GetIPAddress() const { return ipAddress; } inline const uint8_t* Platform::NetMask() const { return netMask; } inline const uint8_t* Platform::GateWay() const { return gateWay; } inline float Platform::GetPressureAdvance(size_t extruder) const { return (extruder < MaxExtruders) ? pressureAdvance[extruder] : 0.0; } #if SAM4S || SAME70 // if the TCs are 16-bit // Get the interrupt clock count /*static*/ inline uint32_t Platform::GetInterruptClocks() { const irqflags_t flags = cpu_irq_save(); // ensure interrupts are disabled const uint32_t rslt = GetInterruptClocksInterruptsDisabled(); cpu_irq_restore(flags); // restore interrupt enable state return rslt; } // Function GetInterruptClocksInterruptsDisabled() is quite long for these processors, so it is moved to Platform.cpp and no longer inlined #else // TCs are 32-bit // Get the interrupt clock count /*static*/ inline uint32_t Platform::GetInterruptClocks() { return STEP_TC->TC_CHANNEL[STEP_TC_CHAN].TC_CV; } // Get the interrupt clock count, when we know that interrupts are already disabled /*static*/ inline uint32_t Platform::GetInterruptClocksInterruptsDisabled() { return STEP_TC->TC_CHANNEL[STEP_TC_CHAN].TC_CV; } #endif // This is called by the tick ISR to get the raw Z probe reading to feed to the filter inline uint16_t Platform::GetRawZProbeReading() const { switch (zProbeType) { case ZProbeType::analog: case ZProbeType::dumbModulated: case ZProbeType::alternateAnalog: return min(AnalogInReadChannel(zProbeAdcChannel), 4000); case ZProbeType::e0Switch: { const bool b = IoPort::ReadPin(endStopPins[E0_AXIS]); return (b) ? 4000 : 0; } case ZProbeType::digital: case ZProbeType::unfilteredDigital: case ZProbeType::blTouch: return (IoPort::ReadPin(zProbePin)) ? 4000 : 0; case ZProbeType::e1Switch: { const bool b = IoPort::ReadPin(endStopPins[E0_AXIS + 1]); return (b) ? 4000 : 0; } case ZProbeType::zSwitch: { const bool b = IoPort::ReadPin(endStopPins[Z_AXIS]); return (b) ? 4000 : 0; } default: return 4000; } } inline float Platform::GetFilamentWidth() const { return filamentWidth; } inline void Platform::SetFilamentWidth(float width) { filamentWidth = width; } inline float Platform::GetNozzleDiameter() const { return nozzleDiameter; } inline void Platform::SetNozzleDiameter(float diameter) { nozzleDiameter = diameter; } inline MassStorage* Platform::GetMassStorage() const { return massStorage; } inline OutputBuffer *Platform::GetAuxGCodeReply() { OutputBuffer *temp = auxGCodeReply; auxGCodeReply = nullptr; return temp; } // *** These next three functions must use the same bit assignments in the drivers bitmap *** // Each stepper driver must be assigned one bit in a 32-bit word, in such a way that multiple drivers can be stepped efficiently // and more or less simultaneously by doing parallel writes to several bits in one or more output ports. // The bitmaps for various controller electronics are organised like this: // Duet WiFi: // All step pins are on port D, so the bitmap is just the map of step bits in port D. // Duet M: // All step pins are on port C, so the bitmap is just the map of step bits in port C. // Duet 0.6 and 0.8.5: // Step pins are PA0, PC7,9,11,14,25,29 and PD0,3. // The PC and PD bit numbers don't overlap, so we use their actual positions. // PA0 clashes with PD0, so we use bit 1 to represent PA0. // RADDS: // Step pins are PA2,9,12,15 PB16,19 PC3,12 PD6 // PC12 clashes with PA12 so we shift PC3,12 left one bit // Alligator: // Pins on ports B,C,D are used but the bit numbers are all different, so we use their actual positions // Calculate the step bit for a driver. This doesn't need to be fast. /*static*/ inline uint32_t Platform::CalcDriverBitmap(size_t driver) { #if defined(SAME70_TEST_BOARD) return 0; #else const PinDescription& pinDesc = g_APinDescription[STEP_PINS[driver]]; #if defined(DUET_NG) return pinDesc.ulPin; #elif defined(DUET_M) return pinDesc.ulPin; #elif defined(DUET_06_085) return (pinDesc.pPort == PIOA) ? pinDesc.ulPin << 1 : pinDesc.ulPin; #elif defined(__RADDS__) return (pinDesc.pPort == PIOC) ? pinDesc.ulPin << 1 : pinDesc.ulPin; #elif defined(__ALLIGATOR__) return pinDesc.ulPin; #else # error Unknown board #endif #endif } // Set the specified step pins high // This needs to be as fast as possible, so we do a parallel write to the port(s). // We rely on only those port bits that are step pins being set in the PIO_OWSR register of each port /*static*/ inline void Platform::StepDriversHigh(uint32_t driverMap) { #if defined(SAME70_TEST_BOARD) // TBD #elif defined(DUET_NG) PIOD->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; // on Duet WiFi all step pins are on port D #elif defined(DUET_M) PIOC->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; // on Duet M all step pins are on port C #elif defined(DUET_06_085) PIOD->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; PIOC->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; PIOA->PIO_ODSR = driverMap >> 1; // do this last, it means the processor doesn't need to preserve the register containing driverMap #elif defined(__RADDS__) PIOA->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; PIOB->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; PIOD->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; PIOC->PIO_ODSR = driverMap >> 1; // do this last, it means the processor doesn't need to preserve the register containing driverMap #elif defined(__ALLIGATOR__) PIOB->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; PIOD->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; PIOC->PIO_ODSR = driverMap; #else # error Unknown board #endif } // Set all step pins low // This needs to be as fast as possible, so we do a parallel write to the port(s). // We rely on only those port bits that are step pins being set in the PIO_OWSR register of each port /*static*/ inline void Platform::StepDriversLow() { #if defined(SAME70_TEST_BOARD) // TODO #elif defined(DUET_NG) PIOD->PIO_ODSR = 0; // on Duet WiFi all step pins are on port D #elif defined(DUET_M) PIOC->PIO_ODSR = 0; // on Duet M all step pins are on port C #elif defined(DUET_06_085) PIOD->PIO_ODSR = 0; PIOC->PIO_ODSR = 0; PIOA->PIO_ODSR = 0; #elif defined(__RADDS__) PIOD->PIO_ODSR = 0; PIOC->PIO_ODSR = 0; PIOB->PIO_ODSR = 0; PIOA->PIO_ODSR = 0; #elif defined(__ALLIGATOR__) PIOD->PIO_ODSR = 0; PIOC->PIO_ODSR = 0; PIOB->PIO_ODSR = 0; #else # error Unknown board #endif } //*************************************************************************************** #endif