/**************************************************************************************************** RepRapFirmware - PrintMonitor This class provides methods to obtain print end-time estimations and file information from generated G-Code files, which may be reported to auxiliary devices and to the web interface using status responses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 Created on: Feb 24, 2015 Christian Hammacher Licence: GPL ****************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef PRINTMONITOR_H #define PRINTMONITOR_H #include "RepRapFirmware.h" #include "Storage/FileInfoParser.h" // for struct GCodeFileInfo const float LAYER_HEIGHT_TOLERANCE = 0.015; // Tolerance for comparing two Z heights (in mm) const size_t MAX_LAYER_SAMPLES = 5; // Number of layer samples for end-time estimation (except for first layer) const float ESTIMATION_MIN_FILAMENT_USAGE = 0.01; // Minimum per cent of filament to be printed before the filament-based estimation returns values const float ESTIMATION_MIN_FILE_USAGE = 0.001; // Minimum per cent of the file to be processed before any file-based estimations are made const float FIRST_LAYER_SPEED_FACTOR = 0.25; // First layer speed factor compared to other layers (only for layer-based estimation) const uint32_t PRINTMONITOR_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 200; // Update interval in milliseconds enum PrintEstimationMethod { filamentBased, fileBased, layerBased }; class PrintMonitor { public: PrintMonitor(Platform& p, GCodes& gc); void Spin(); void Init(); bool IsPrinting() const; // Is a file being printed? void StartingPrint(const char *filename); // Called to indicate a file will be printed (see M23) void StartedPrint(); // Called whenever a new live print starts (see M24) void StoppedPrint(); // Called whenever a file print has stopped // Return an estimate in seconds based on a specific estimation method float EstimateTimeLeft(PrintEstimationMethod method) const; // Provide some information about the file being printed unsigned int GetCurrentLayer() const; float GetCurrentLayerTime() const; float GetPrintDuration() const; float GetWarmUpDuration() const; float GetFirstLayerDuration() const; float GetFirstLayerHeight() const; const char *GetPrintingFilename() const { return (isPrinting) ? filenameBeingPrinted.c_str() : nullptr; } bool GetPrintingFileInfoResponse(OutputBuffer *&response) const; private: Platform& platform; GCodes& gCodes; uint32_t lastUpdateTime; // Information/Events concerning the file being printed void WarmUpComplete(); void FirstLayerComplete(); void LayerComplete(); bool isPrinting; uint64_t printStartTime; uint64_t pauseStartTime, totalPauseTime; bool heatingUp; unsigned int currentLayer; float warmUpDuration, firstLayerDuration; float firstLayerFilament, firstLayerProgress; float lastLayerChangeTime, lastLayerFilament, lastLayerZ; unsigned int numLayerSamples; float layerDurations[MAX_LAYER_SAMPLES]; float filamentUsagePerLayer[MAX_LAYER_SAMPLES]; float fileProgressPerLayer[MAX_LAYER_SAMPLES]; float layerEstimatedTimeLeft; bool printingFileParsed; GCodeFileInfo printingFileInfo; String filenameBeingPrinted; }; inline bool PrintMonitor::IsPrinting() const { return isPrinting; } inline unsigned int PrintMonitor::GetCurrentLayer() const { return currentLayer; } inline float PrintMonitor::GetCurrentLayerTime() const { return (lastLayerChangeTime > 0.0) ? (GetPrintDuration() - lastLayerChangeTime) : 0.0; } inline float PrintMonitor::GetFirstLayerDuration() const { return (firstLayerDuration > 0.0) ? firstLayerDuration : ((currentLayer > 0) ? GetPrintDuration() - warmUpDuration : 0.0); } inline float PrintMonitor::GetFirstLayerHeight() const { return printingFileParsed ? printingFileInfo.firstLayerHeight : 0.0; } #endif /* PRINTMONITOR_H */ // vim: ts=4:sw=4