#include "RepRap.h" #include "Movement/Move.h" #include "GCodes/GCodes.h" #include "Heating/Heat.h" #include "Network.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Scanner.h" #include "PrintMonitor.h" #include "Tools/Tool.h" #include "Tools/Filament.h" #include "Version.h" #ifdef DUET_NG # include "DueXn.h" #endif #if SUPPORT_IOBITS # include "PortControl.h" #endif #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD # include "Display/Display.h" #endif #if HAS_HIGH_SPEED_SD # include "sam/drivers/hsmci/hsmci.h" #endif // Callback function from the hsmci driver, called while it is waiting for an SD card operation to complete extern "C" void hsmciIdle() { if (reprap.GetSpinningModule() != moduleNetwork) { reprap.GetNetwork().Spin(false); } #if SUPPORT_IOBITS if (reprap.GetSpinningModule() != modulePortControl) { reprap.GetPortControl().Spin(false); } #endif #ifdef DUET_NG if (reprap.GetSpinningModule() != moduleDuetExpansion) { DuetExpansion::Spin(false); } #endif if (reprap.GetSpinningModule() != moduleFilamentSensors) { FilamentMonitor::Spin(false); } #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD if (reprap.GetSpinningModule() != moduleDisplay) { reprap.GetDisplay().Spin(false); } #endif } // RepRap member functions. // Do nothing more in the constructor; put what you want in RepRap:Init() RepRap::RepRap() : toolList(nullptr), currentTool(nullptr), lastWarningMillis(0), activeExtruders(0), activeToolHeaters(0), ticksInSpinState(0), spinningModule(noModule), debug(0), stopped(false), active(false), resetting(false), processingConfig(true), beepFrequency(0), beepDuration(0), displayMessageBox(false), boxSeq(0) { OutputBuffer::Init(); platform = new Platform(); network = new Network(*platform); gCodes = new GCodes(*platform); move = new Move(); heat = new Heat(*platform); #if SUPPORT_ROLAND roland = new Roland(*platform); #endif #if SUPPORT_SCANNER scanner = new Scanner(*platform); #endif #if SUPPORT_IOBITS portControl = new PortControl(); #endif #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD display = new Display(); #endif printMonitor = new PrintMonitor(*platform, *gCodes); SetPassword(DEFAULT_PASSWORD); message[0] = 0; } void RepRap::Init() { // All of the following init functions must execute reasonably quickly before the watchdog times us out platform->Init(); network->Init(); SetName(DEFAULT_MACHINE_NAME); // network must be initialised before calling this because this calls SetHostName gCodes->Init(); move->Init(); heat->Init(); #if SUPPORT_ROLAND roland->Init(); #endif #if SUPPORT_SCANNER scanner->Init(); #endif #if SUPPORT_IOBITS portControl->Init(); #endif printMonitor->Init(); #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD display->Init(); #endif active = true; // must do this before we start the network, else the watchdog may time out platform->MessageF(UsbMessage, "%s Version %s dated %s\n", FIRMWARE_NAME, VERSION, DATE); // Run the configuration file const char *configFile = platform->GetConfigFile(); platform->Message(UsbMessage, "\nExecuting "); if (platform->GetMassStorage()->FileExists(platform->GetSysDir(), configFile)) { platform->MessageF(UsbMessage, "%s...", platform->GetConfigFile()); } else { platform->MessageF(UsbMessage, "%s (no configuration file found)...", platform->GetDefaultFile()); configFile = platform->GetDefaultFile(); } if (gCodes->RunConfigFile(configFile)) { while (gCodes->IsDaemonBusy()) { // GCodes::Spin will read the macro and ensure IsDaemonBusy returns false when it's done Spin(); } platform->Message(UsbMessage, "Done!\n"); } else { platform->Message(UsbMessage, "Error, not found\n"); } processingConfig = false; // Enable network (unless it's disabled) network->Activate(); // Need to do this here, as the configuration GCodes may set IP address etc. #if HAS_HIGH_SPEED_SD hsmci_set_idle_func(hsmciIdle); #endif platform->MessageF(UsbMessage, "%s is up and running.\n", FIRMWARE_NAME); fastLoop = UINT32_MAX; slowLoop = 0; lastTime = micros(); } void RepRap::Exit() { #if HAS_HIGH_SPEED_SD hsmci_set_idle_func(nullptr); #endif active = false; heat->Exit(); move->Exit(); gCodes->Exit(); #if SUPPORT_SCANNER scanner->Exit(); #endif #if SUPPORT_IOBITS portControl->Exit(); #endif #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD display->Exit(); #endif network->Exit(); platform->Exit(); } void RepRap::Spin() { if(!active) return; ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = modulePlatform; platform->Spin(); ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleNetwork; network->Spin(true); ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleWebserver; ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleGcodes; gCodes->Spin(); ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleMove; move->Spin(); ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleHeat; heat->Spin(); #if SUPPORT_ROLAND ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleRoland; roland->Spin(); #endif #if SUPPORT_SCANNER ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleScanner; scanner->Spin(); #endif #if SUPPORT_IOBITS ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = modulePortControl; portControl->Spin(true); #endif ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = modulePrintMonitor; printMonitor->Spin(); #ifdef DUET_NG ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleDuetExpansion; DuetExpansion::Spin(true); #endif ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleFilamentSensors; FilamentMonitor::Spin(true); #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = moduleDisplay; display->Spin(true); #endif ticksInSpinState = 0; spinningModule = noModule; // Check if we need to display a cold extrusion warning const uint32_t now = millis(); if (now - lastWarningMillis >= MinimumWarningInterval) { for (Tool *t = toolList; t != nullptr; t = t->Next()) { if (t->DisplayColdExtrudeWarning()) { platform->MessageF(WarningMessage, "Tool %d was not driven because its heater temperatures were not high enough or it has a heater fault\n", t->myNumber); lastWarningMillis = now; } } } // Keep track of the loop time const uint32_t t = micros(); const uint32_t dt = t - lastTime; if (dt < fastLoop) { fastLoop = dt; } if (dt > slowLoop) { slowLoop = dt; } lastTime = t; } void RepRap::Timing(MessageType mtype) { platform->MessageF(mtype, "Slowest main loop (seconds): %f; fastest: %f\n", (double)(slowLoop * 0.000001), (double)(fastLoop * 0.000001)); fastLoop = UINT32_MAX; slowLoop = 0; } void RepRap::Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) { platform->Message(mtype, "=== Diagnostics ===\n"); OutputBuffer::Diagnostics(mtype); platform->Diagnostics(mtype); // this includes a call to our Timing() function move->Diagnostics(mtype); heat->Diagnostics(mtype); gCodes->Diagnostics(mtype); network->Diagnostics(mtype); FilamentMonitor::Diagnostics(mtype); #ifdef DUET_NG DuetExpansion::Diagnostics(mtype); #endif } // Turn off the heaters, disable the motors, and deactivate the Heat and Move classes. Leave everything else working. void RepRap::EmergencyStop() { stopped = true; // Do not turn off ATX power here. If the nozzles are still hot, don't risk melting any surrounding parts... //platform->SetAtxPower(false); Tool* tool = toolList; while (tool != nullptr) { tool->Standby(); tool = tool->Next(); } heat->Exit(); for (size_t heater = 0; heater < Heaters; heater++) { platform->SetHeater(heater, 0.0); } // We do this twice, to avoid an interrupt switching a drive back on. move->Exit() should prevent interrupts doing this. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { move->Exit(); platform->DisableAllDrives(); } platform->StopLogging(); } void RepRap::SetDebug(Module m, bool enable) { if (m < numModules) { if (enable) { debug |= (1u << m); } else { debug &= ~(1u << m); } } PrintDebug(); } void RepRap::SetDebug(bool enable) { debug = (enable) ? 0xFFFF : 0; } void RepRap::PrintDebug() { platform->Message(GenericMessage, "Debugging enabled for modules:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < numModules; i++) { if ((debug & (1u << i)) != 0) { platform->MessageF(GenericMessage, " %s(%u)", moduleName[i], i); } } platform->Message(GenericMessage, "\nDebugging disabled for modules:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < numModules; i++) { if ((debug & (1u << i)) == 0) { platform->MessageF(GenericMessage, " %s(%u)", moduleName[i], i); } } platform->Message(GenericMessage, "\n"); } // Add a tool. // Prior to calling this, delete any existing tool with the same number // The tool list is maintained in tool number order. void RepRap::AddTool(Tool* tool) { Tool** t = &toolList; while(*t != nullptr && (*t)->Number() < tool->Number()) { t = &((*t)->next); } tool->next = *t; *t = tool; tool->UpdateExtruderAndHeaterCount(activeExtruders, activeToolHeaters); platform->UpdateConfiguredHeaters(); } void RepRap::DeleteTool(Tool* tool) { // Must have a valid tool... if (tool == nullptr) { return; } // Deselect it if necessary if (GetCurrentTool() == tool) { SelectTool(-1, false); } // Switch off any associated heater and remove heater references for (size_t i = 0; i < tool->HeaterCount(); i++) { heat->SwitchOff(tool->Heater(i)); } // Purge any references to this tool for (Tool **t = &toolList; *t != nullptr; t = &((*t)->next)) { if (*t == tool) { *t = tool->next; break; } } // Delete it Tool::Delete(tool); // Update the number of active heaters and extruder drives activeExtruders = activeToolHeaters = 0; for (Tool *t = toolList; t != nullptr; t = t->Next()) { t->UpdateExtruderAndHeaterCount(activeExtruders, activeToolHeaters); } platform->UpdateConfiguredHeaters(); } // Select the specified tool, putting the existing current tool into standby void RepRap::SelectTool(int toolNumber, bool simulating) { Tool* const newTool = GetTool(toolNumber); if (!simulating) { if (currentTool != nullptr && currentTool != newTool) { currentTool->Standby(); } if (newTool != nullptr) { newTool->Activate(); } } currentTool = newTool; } void RepRap::PrintTool(int toolNumber, const StringRef& reply) const { const Tool* const tool = GetTool(toolNumber); if (tool != nullptr) { tool->Print(reply); } else { reply.copy("Error: Attempt to print details of non-existent tool.\n"); } } void RepRap::StandbyTool(int toolNumber, bool simulating) { Tool* const tool = GetTool(toolNumber); if (tool != nullptr) { if (!simulating) { tool->Standby(); } if (currentTool == tool) { currentTool = nullptr; } } else { platform->MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Attempt to standby a non-existent tool: %d.\n", toolNumber); } } Tool* RepRap::GetTool(int toolNumber) const { Tool* tool = toolList; while(tool != nullptr) { if (tool->Number() == toolNumber) { return tool; } tool = tool->Next(); } return nullptr; // Not an error } // Return the current tool number, or -1 if no tool selected int RepRap::GetCurrentToolNumber() const { return (currentTool == nullptr) ? -1 : currentTool->Number(); } // Get the current tool, or failing that the default tool. May return nullptr if we can't // Called when a M104 or M109 command doesn't specify a tool number. Tool* RepRap::GetCurrentOrDefaultTool() const { // If a tool is already selected, use that one, else use the lowest-numbered tool which is the one at the start of the tool list return (currentTool != nullptr) ? currentTool : toolList; } void RepRap::SetToolVariables(int toolNumber, const float* standbyTemperatures, const float* activeTemperatures) { Tool* tool = GetTool(toolNumber); if (tool != nullptr) { tool->SetVariables(standbyTemperatures, activeTemperatures); } else { platform->MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Attempt to set variables for a non-existent tool: %d.\n", toolNumber); } } bool RepRap::IsHeaterAssignedToTool(int8_t heater) const { for (Tool *tool = toolList; tool != nullptr; tool = tool->Next()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tool->HeaterCount(); i++) { if (tool->Heater(i) == heater) { // It's already in use by some tool return true; } } } return false; } unsigned int RepRap::GetNumberOfContiguousTools() const { unsigned int numTools = 0; while (GetTool(numTools) != nullptr) { ++numTools; } return numTools; } void RepRap::Tick() { if (active && !resetting) { platform->Tick(); ++ticksInSpinState; if (ticksInSpinState >= MaxTicksInSpinState) // if we stall for 20 seconds, save diagnostic data and reset { resetting = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < Heaters; i++) { platform->SetHeater(i, 0.0); } for (size_t i = 0; i < DRIVES; i++) { platform->DisableDrive(i); // We can't set motor currents to 0 here because that requires interrupts to be working, and we are in an ISR } // We now save the stack when we get stuck in a spin loop register const uint32_t * stackPtr asm ("sp"); platform->SoftwareReset((uint16_t)SoftwareResetReason::stuckInSpin, stackPtr + 5); } } } // Return true if we are close to timeout bool RepRap::SpinTimeoutImminent() const { return ticksInSpinState >= HighTicksInSpinState; } // Get the JSON status response for the web server (or later for the M105 command). // Type 1 is the ordinary JSON status response. // Type 2 is the same except that static parameters are also included. // Type 3 is the same but instead of static parameters we report print estimation values. OutputBuffer *RepRap::GetStatusResponse(uint8_t type, ResponseSource source) { // Need something to write to... OutputBuffer *response; if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(response)) { // Should never happen return nullptr; } // Machine status char ch = GetStatusCharacter(); response->printf("{\"status\":\"%c\",\"coords\":{", ch); // Coordinates const size_t numVisibleAxes = gCodes->GetVisibleAxes(); // Homed axes response->cat("\"axesHomed\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { response->catf("%c%d", ch, (gCodes->GetAxisIsHomed(axis)) ? 1 : 0); ch = ','; } // XYZ positions // Coordinates may be NaNs or infinities, for example when delta or SCARA homing fails. We must replace any NaNs or infinities to avoid JSON parsing errors. // Ideally we would report "unknown" or similar for axis positions that are not known because we haven't homed them, but that requires changes to both DWC and PanelDue. // So we report 9999.9 instead. // First the user coordinates response->cat("],\"xyz\":"); const float * const userPos = gCodes->GetUserPosition(); ch = '['; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; axis++) { const float coord = userPos[axis]; response->catf("%c%.3f", ch, (double)((std::isnan(coord) || std::isinf(coord)) ? 9999.9 : coord)); ch = ','; } // Now the machine coordinates and the extruder coordinates { float liveCoordinates[DRIVES]; #if SUPPORT_ROLAND if (roland->Active()) { roland->GetCurrentRolandPosition(liveCoordinates); } else #endif { move->LiveCoordinates(liveCoordinates, GetCurrentXAxes(), GetCurrentYAxes()); } // Machine coordinates response->catf("],\"machine\":"); // announce the machine position ch = '['; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < numVisibleAxes; drive++) { response->catf("%c%.3f", ch, (double)liveCoordinates[drive]); ch = ','; } // Actual and theoretical extruder positions since power up, last G92 or last M23 response->catf("],\"extr\":"); // announce actual extruder positions ch = '['; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < GetExtrudersInUse(); extruder++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)liveCoordinates[gCodes->GetTotalAxes() + extruder]); ch = ','; } if (ch == '[') // we may have no extruders { response->cat(ch); } } // Current tool number response->catf("]},\"currentTool\":%d", GetCurrentToolNumber()); // Output notifications { const bool sendBeep = ((source == ResponseSource::AUX || !platform->HaveAux()) && beepDuration != 0 && beepFrequency != 0); const bool sendMessage = (message[0] != 0); float timeLeft = 0.0; if (displayMessageBox && boxTimer != 0) { timeLeft = (float)(boxTimeout) / 1000.0 - (float)(millis() - boxTimer) / 1000.0; displayMessageBox = (timeLeft > 0.0); } if (sendBeep || sendMessage || displayMessageBox) { response->cat(",\"output\":{"); // Report beep values if (sendBeep) { response->catf("\"beepDuration\":%u,\"beepFrequency\":%u", beepDuration, beepFrequency); if (sendMessage) { response->cat(","); } beepFrequency = beepDuration = 0; } // Report message if (sendMessage) { response->cat("\"message\":"); response->EncodeString(message, ARRAY_SIZE(message), false); if (displayMessageBox) { response->cat(","); } message[0] = 0; } // Report message box if (displayMessageBox) { response->cat("\"msgBox\":{\"msg\":"); response->EncodeString(boxMessage.c_str(), boxMessage.MaxLength(), false); response->cat(",\"title\":"); response->EncodeString(boxTitle.c_str(), boxTitle.MaxLength(), false); response->catf(",\"mode\":%d,\"seq\":%" PRIu32 ",\"timeout\":%.1f,\"controls\":%" PRIu32 "}", boxMode, boxSeq, (double)timeLeft, boxControls); } response->cat("}"); } } // Parameters { // ATX power response->catf(",\"params\":{\"atxPower\":%d", platform->AtxPower() ? 1 : 0); // Cooling fan value response->cat(",\"fanPercent\":"); ch = '['; for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_FANS; i++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(platform->GetFanValue(i) * 100.0)); ch = ','; } // Speed and Extrusion factors response->catf("],\"speedFactor\":%.2f,\"extrFactors\":", (double)(gCodes->GetSpeedFactor() * 100.0)); ch = '['; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < GetExtrudersInUse(); extruder++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(gCodes->GetExtrusionFactor(extruder) * 100.0)); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); response->catf(",\"babystep\":%.03f}", (double)gCodes->GetBabyStepOffset()); } // G-code reply sequence for webserver (sequence number for AUX is handled later) if (source == ResponseSource::HTTP) { response->catf(",\"seq\":%" PRIu32, network->GetHttpReplySeq()); } /* Sensors */ { response->cat(",\"sensors\":{"); // Probe const int v0 = platform->GetZProbeReading(); int v1, v2; switch (platform->GetZProbeSecondaryValues(v1, v2)) { case 1: response->catf("\"probeValue\":%d,\"probeSecondary\":[%d]", v0, v1); break; case 2: response->catf("\"probeValue\":%d,\"probeSecondary\":[%d,%d]", v0, v1, v2); break; default: response->catf("\"probeValue\":%d", v0); break; } // Fan RPM response->catf(",\"fanRPM\":%d}", static_cast(platform->GetFanRPM())); } /* Temperatures */ { response->cat(",\"temps\":{"); /* Bed */ const int8_t bedHeater = (NumBedHeaters > 0) ? heat->GetBedHeater(0) : -1; if (bedHeater != -1) { response->catf("\"bed\":{\"current\":%.1f,\"active\":%.1f,\"state\":%d,\"heater\":%d},", (double)heat->GetTemperature(bedHeater), (double)heat->GetActiveTemperature(bedHeater), heat->GetStatus(bedHeater), bedHeater); } /* Chamber */ const int8_t chamberHeater = (NumChamberHeaters > 0) ? heat->GetChamberHeater(0) : -1; if (chamberHeater != -1) { response->catf("\"chamber\":{\"current\":%.1f,\"active\":%.1f,\"state\":%d,\"heater\":%d},", (double)heat->GetTemperature(chamberHeater), (double)heat->GetActiveTemperature(chamberHeater), heat->GetStatus(chamberHeater), chamberHeater); } /* Cabinet */ const int8_t cabinetHeater = (NumChamberHeaters > 1) ? heat->GetChamberHeater(1) : -1; if (cabinetHeater != -1) { response->catf("\"cabinet\":{\"current\":%.1f,\"active\":%.1f,\"state\":%d,\"heater\":%d},", (double)heat->GetTemperature(cabinetHeater), (double)heat->GetActiveTemperature(cabinetHeater), heat->GetStatus(cabinetHeater), cabinetHeater); } /* Heaters */ // Current temperatures response->cat("\"current\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t heater = 0; heater < Heaters; heater++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)heat->GetTemperature(heater)); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); // Current states response->cat(",\"state\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t heater = 0; heater < Heaters; heater++) { response->catf("%c%d", ch, heat->GetStatus(heater)); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); /* Heads - NOTE: This field is subject to deprecation and will be removed in v1.20 */ response->cat(",\"heads\":{\"current\":"); // Current temperatures ch = '['; for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)heat->GetTemperature(heater)); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); // Active temperatures response->catf(",\"active\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)heat->GetActiveTemperature(heater)); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); // Standby temperatures response->catf(",\"standby\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)heat->GetStandbyTemperature(heater)); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); // Heater statuses (0=off, 1=standby, 2=active, 3=fault) response->cat(",\"state\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf("%c%d", ch, static_cast(heat->GetStatus(heater))); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); /* Tool temperatures */ response->cat("},\"tools\":{\"active\":["); for (const Tool *tool = toolList; tool != nullptr; tool = tool->Next()) { ch = '['; for (size_t heater = 0; heater < tool->heaterCount; heater++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)tool->activeTemperatures[heater]); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); if (tool->Next() != nullptr) { response->cat(","); } } response->cat("],\"standby\":["); for (const Tool *tool = toolList; tool != nullptr; tool = tool->Next()) { ch = '['; for (size_t heater = 0; heater < tool->heaterCount; heater++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)tool->standbyTemperatures[heater]); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); if (tool->Next() != nullptr) { response->cat(","); } } // Named extra temperature sensors response->cat("]},\"extra\":["); bool first = true; for (size_t heater = FirstVirtualHeater; heater < FirstVirtualHeater + MaxVirtualHeaters; ++heater) { const char * const nm = heat->GetHeaterName(heater); if (nm != nullptr) { if (!first) { response->cat(','); } first = false; response->cat("{\"name\":"); response->EncodeString(nm, strlen(nm), false, true); TemperatureError err; const float t = heat->GetTemperature(heater, err); response->catf(",\"temp\":%.1f}", (double)t); } } response->cat("]}"); } // Time since last reset response->catf(",\"time\":%.1f", (double)(millis64()/1000u)); #if SUPPORT_SCANNER // Scanner if (scanner->IsEnabled()) { response->catf(",\"scanner\":{\"status\":\"%c\"", scanner->GetStatusCharacter()); response->catf(",\"progress\":%.1f}", (double)(scanner->GetProgress())); } #endif // Spindle const double spindleRpm = gCodes->GetSpindleRpm(); response->catf(",\"spindle\":{\"current\":%1.f,\"active\":%1.f}", spindleRpm, spindleRpm); /* Extended Status Response */ if (type == 2) { // Cold Extrude/Retract response->catf(",\"coldExtrudeTemp\":%1.f", (double)(heat->ColdExtrude() ? 0.0 : HOT_ENOUGH_TO_EXTRUDE)); response->catf(",\"coldRetractTemp\":%1.f", (double)(heat->ColdExtrude() ? 0.0 : HOT_ENOUGH_TO_RETRACT)); // Maximum hotend temperature - DWC just wants the highest one response->catf(",\"tempLimit\":%1.f", (double)(heat->GetHighestTemperatureLimit())); // Endstops uint32_t endstops = 0; const size_t totalAxes = gCodes->GetTotalAxes(); for (size_t drive = 0; drive < DRIVES; drive++) { if (drive < totalAxes) { const EndStopHit es = platform->Stopped(drive); if (es == EndStopHit::highHit || es == EndStopHit::lowHit) { endstops |= (1u << drive); } } else if (platform->EndStopInputState(drive)) { endstops |= (1u << drive); } } response->catf(",\"endstops\":%" PRIu32, endstops); // Firmware name, machine geometry and number of axes response->catf(",\"firmwareName\":\"%s\",\"geometry\":\"%s\",\"axes\":%u,\"axisNames\":\"%s\"", FIRMWARE_NAME, move->GetGeometryString(), numVisibleAxes, gCodes->GetAxisLetters()); // Total and mounted volumes size_t mountedCards = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < NumSdCards; i++) { if (platform->GetMassStorage()->IsDriveMounted(i)) { mountedCards |= (1 << i); } } response->catf(",\"volumes\":%u,\"mountedVolumes\":%u", NumSdCards, mountedCards); // Machine name response->cat(",\"name\":"); response->EncodeString(myName.c_str(), myName.MaxLength(), false); /* Probe */ { const ZProbe probeParams = platform->GetCurrentZProbeParameters(); // Trigger threshold response->catf(",\"probe\":{\"threshold\":%" PRIi32, probeParams.adcValue); // Trigger height response->catf(",\"height\":%.2f", (double)probeParams.triggerHeight); // Type response->catf(",\"type\":%u}", (unsigned int)platform->GetZProbeType()); } /* Tool Mapping */ { response->cat(",\"tools\":["); for (Tool *tool = toolList; tool != nullptr; tool = tool->Next()) { // Number and Name const char *toolName = tool->GetName(); response->catf("{\"number\":%d,\"name\":", tool->Number()); response->EncodeString(toolName, strlen(toolName), false); // Heaters response->cat(",\"heaters\":["); for (size_t heater = 0; heater < tool->HeaterCount(); heater++) { response->catf("%d", tool->Heater(heater)); if (heater + 1 < tool->HeaterCount()) { response->cat(","); } } // Extruder drives response->cat("],\"drives\":["); for (size_t drive = 0; drive < tool->DriveCount(); drive++) { response->catf("%d", tool->Drive(drive)); if (drive + 1 < tool->DriveCount()) { response->cat(","); } } // Axis mapping response->cat("],\"axisMap\":[["); bool first = true; for (size_t xi = 0; xi < MaxAxes; ++xi) { if ((tool->GetXAxisMap() & (1u << xi)) != 0) { if (first) { first = false; } else { response->cat(","); } response->catf("%u", xi); } } response->cat("],["); first = true; for (size_t yi = 0; yi < MaxAxes; ++yi) { if ((tool->GetYAxisMap() & (1u << yi)) != 0) { if (first) { first = false; } else { response->cat(","); } response->catf("%u", yi); } } response->cat("]]"); // Fan mapping response->catf(",\"fans\":%lu", tool->GetFanMapping()); // Filament (if any) if (tool->GetFilament() != nullptr) { const char *filamentName = tool->GetFilament()->GetName(); response->catf(",\"filament\":"); response->EncodeString(filamentName, strlen(filamentName), false); } // Offsets response->cat(",\"offsets\":["); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVisibleAxes; i++) { response->catf((i == 0) ? "%.2f" : ",%.2f", (double)tool->GetOffset(i)); } // Do we have any more tools? response->cat((tool->Next() != nullptr) ? "]}," : "]}"); } response->cat("]"); } // MCU temperatures #if HAS_CPU_TEMP_SENSOR { float minT, currT, maxT; platform->GetMcuTemperatures(minT, currT, maxT); response->catf(",\"mcutemp\":{\"min\":%.1f,\"cur\":%.1f,\"max\":%.1f}", (double)minT, (double)currT, (double)maxT); } #endif #if HAS_VOLTAGE_MONITOR // Power in voltages { float minV, currV, maxV; platform->GetPowerVoltages(minV, currV, maxV); response->catf(",\"vin\":{\"min\":%.1f,\"cur\":%.1f,\"max\":%.1f}", (double)minV, (double)currV, (double)maxV); } #endif } else if (type == 3) { // Current Layer response->catf(",\"currentLayer\":%d", printMonitor->GetCurrentLayer()); // Current Layer Time response->catf(",\"currentLayerTime\":%.1f", (double)(printMonitor->GetCurrentLayerTime())); // Raw Extruder Positions response->cat(",\"extrRaw\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < GetExtrudersInUse(); extruder++) // loop through extruders { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)(gCodes->GetRawExtruderTotalByDrive(extruder))); ch = ','; } if (ch == '[') { response->cat(ch); // no extruders } // Fraction of file printed response->catf("],\"fractionPrinted\":%.1f", (double)((printMonitor->IsPrinting()) ? (gCodes->FractionOfFilePrinted() * 100.0) : 0.0)); // First Layer Duration response->catf(",\"firstLayerDuration\":%.1f", (double)(printMonitor->GetFirstLayerDuration())); // First Layer Height // NB: This shouldn't be needed any more, but leave it here for the case that the file-based first-layer detection fails response->catf(",\"firstLayerHeight\":%.2f", (double)(printMonitor->GetFirstLayerHeight())); // Print Duration response->catf(",\"printDuration\":%.1f", (double)(printMonitor->GetPrintDuration())); // Warm-Up Time response->catf(",\"warmUpDuration\":%.1f", (double)(printMonitor->GetWarmUpDuration())); /* Print Time Estimations */ { // Based on file progress response->catf(",\"timesLeft\":{\"file\":%.1f", (double)(printMonitor->EstimateTimeLeft(fileBased))); // Based on filament usage response->catf(",\"filament\":%.1f", (double)(printMonitor->EstimateTimeLeft(filamentBased))); // Based on layers response->catf(",\"layer\":%.1f}", (double)(printMonitor->EstimateTimeLeft(layerBased))); } } if (source == ResponseSource::AUX) { OutputBuffer *reply = platform->GetAuxGCodeReply(); if (response != nullptr) { // Send the response to the last command. Do this last response->catf(",\"seq\":%" PRIu32 ",\"resp\":", platform->GetAuxSeq()); // send the response sequence number // Send the JSON response response->EncodeReply(reply, true); // also releases the OutputBuffer chain } } response->cat("}"); return response; } OutputBuffer *RepRap::GetConfigResponse() { // We need some resources to return a valid config response... OutputBuffer *response; if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(response)) { return nullptr; } const size_t numAxes = gCodes->GetVisibleAxes(); // Axis minima response->copy("{\"axisMins\":"); char ch = '['; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numAxes; axis++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(platform->AxisMinimum(axis))); ch = ','; } // Axis maxima response->cat("],\"axisMaxes\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numAxes; axis++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(platform->AxisMaximum(axis))); ch = ','; } // Accelerations response->cat("],\"accelerations\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < DRIVES; drive++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(platform->Acceleration(drive))); ch = ','; } // Motor currents response->cat("],\"currents\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < DRIVES; drive++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(platform->GetMotorCurrent(drive, 906))); ch = ','; } // Firmware details response->catf("],\"firmwareElectronics\":\"%s", platform->GetElectronicsString()); #ifdef DUET_NG const char* expansionName = DuetExpansion::GetExpansionBoardName(); if (expansionName != nullptr) { response->catf(" + %s", expansionName); } const char* additionalExpansionName = DuetExpansion::GetAdditionalExpansionBoardName(); if (additionalExpansionName != nullptr) { response->catf(" + %s", additionalExpansionName); } #endif response->catf("\",\"firmwareName\":\"%s\"", FIRMWARE_NAME); response->catf(",\"firmwareVersion\":\"%s\"", VERSION); #if HAS_WIFI_NETWORKING // If we have WiFi networking, send the WiFi module firmware version # ifdef DUET_NG if (platform->IsDuetWiFi()) { # endif response->catf(",\"dwsVersion\":\"%s\"", network->GetWiFiServerVersion()); # ifdef DUET_NG } # endif #endif response->catf(",\"firmwareDate\":\"%s\"", DATE); // Motor idle parameters response->catf(",\"idleCurrentFactor\":%.1f", (double)(platform->GetIdleCurrentFactor() * 100.0)); response->catf(",\"idleTimeout\":%.1f", (double)(move->IdleTimeout())); // Minimum feedrates response->cat(",\"minFeedrates\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < DRIVES; drive++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(platform->GetInstantDv(drive))); ch = ','; } // Maximum feedrates response->cat("],\"maxFeedrates\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < DRIVES; drive++) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(platform->MaxFeedrate(drive))); ch = ','; } // Config file is no longer included, because we can use rr_configfile or M503 instead response->cat("]}"); return response; } // Get the JSON status response for PanelDue or the old web server. // Type 0 was the old-style webserver status response, but is no longer supported. // Type 1 is the new-style webserver status response. // Type 2 is the M105 S2 response, which is like the new-style status response but some fields are omitted. // Type 3 is the M105 S3 response, which is like the M105 S2 response except that static values are also included. // 'seq' is the response sequence number, if it is not -1 and we have a different sequence number then we send the gcode response OutputBuffer *RepRap::GetLegacyStatusResponse(uint8_t type, int seq) { // Need something to write to... OutputBuffer *response; if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(response)) { // Should never happen return nullptr; } // Send the status. Note that 'S' has always meant that the machine is halted in this version of the status response, so we use A for pAused. char ch = GetStatusCharacter(); if (ch == 'S') // if paused then send 'A' { ch = 'A'; } else if (ch == 'H') // if halted then send 'S' { ch = 'S'; } response->printf("{\"status\":\"%c\",\"heaters\":", ch); // Send the heater actual temperatures. If there is no bed heater, send zero for PanelDue. const int8_t bedHeater = (NumBedHeaters > 0) ? heat->GetBedHeater(0) : -1; ch = ','; response->catf("[%.1f", (double)((bedHeater == -1) ? 0.0 : heat->GetTemperature(bedHeater))); for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf("%c%.1f", ch, (double)(heat->GetTemperature(heater))); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); // Send the heater active temperatures response->catf(",\"active\":[%.1f", (double)((bedHeater == -1) ? 0.0 : heat->GetActiveTemperature(bedHeater))); for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf(",%.1f", (double)(heat->GetActiveTemperature(heater))); } response->cat("]"); // Send the heater standby temperatures response->catf(",\"standby\":[%.1f", (double)((bedHeater == -1) ? 0.0 : heat->GetStandbyTemperature(bedHeater))); for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf(",%.1f", (double)(heat->GetStandbyTemperature(heater))); } response->cat("]"); // Send the heater statuses (0=off, 1=standby, 2=active, 3 = fault) response->catf(",\"hstat\":[%d", (bedHeater == -1) ? 0 : static_cast(heat->GetStatus(bedHeater))); for (size_t heater = DefaultE0Heater; heater < GetToolHeatersInUse(); heater++) { response->catf(",%d", static_cast(heat->GetStatus(heater))); } response->cat("]"); // Send XYZ positions const size_t numVisibleAxes = gCodes->GetVisibleAxes(); // First the user coordinates response->catf(",\"pos\":"); // announce the user position const float * const userPos = gCodes->GetUserPosition(); ch = '['; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; axis++) { // Coordinates may be NaNs, for example when delta or SCARA homing fails. Replace any NaNs or infinities by 9999.9 to prevent JSON parsing errors. const float coord = userPos[axis]; response->catf("%c%.3f", ch, (double)((std::isnan(coord) || std::isinf(coord)) ? 9999.9 : coord)); ch = ','; } // Now the machine coordinates float liveCoordinates[DRIVES]; move->LiveCoordinates(liveCoordinates, GetCurrentXAxes(), GetCurrentYAxes()); response->catf("],\"machine\":"); // announce the machine position ch = '['; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < numVisibleAxes; drive++) { response->catf("%c%.3f", ch, (double)liveCoordinates[drive]); ch = ','; } // Send the speed and extruder override factors response->catf("],\"sfactor\":%.2f,\"efactor\":", (double)(gCodes->GetSpeedFactor() * 100.0)); ch = '['; for (size_t i = 0; i < GetExtrudersInUse(); ++i) { response->catf("%c%.2f", ch, (double)(gCodes->GetExtrusionFactor(i) * 100.0)); ch = ','; } response->cat((ch == '[') ? "[]" : "]"); // Send the baby stepping offset response->catf(",\"babystep\":%.03f", (double)(gCodes->GetBabyStepOffset())); // Send the current tool number response->catf(",\"tool\":%d", GetCurrentToolNumber()); // Send the Z probe value const int v0 = platform->GetZProbeReading(); int v1, v2; switch (platform->GetZProbeSecondaryValues(v1, v2)) { case 1: response->catf(",\"probe\":\"%d (%d)\"", v0, v1); break; case 2: response->catf(",\"probe\":\"%d (%d, %d)\"", v0, v1, v2); break; default: response->catf(",\"probe\":\"%d\"", v0); break; } // Send the fan settings, for PanelDue firmware 1.13 and later response->catf(",\"fanPercent\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_FANS; ++i) { response->catf("%c%.02f", ch, (double)(platform->GetFanValue(i) * 100.0)); ch = ','; } // Send fan RPM value (we only support one) response->catf("],\"fanRPM\":%u", static_cast(platform->GetFanRPM())); // Send the home state. To keep the messages short, we send 1 for homed and 0 for not homed, instead of true and false. response->cat(",\"homed\":"); ch = '['; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < numVisibleAxes; ++axis) { response->catf("%c%d", ch, (gCodes->GetAxisIsHomed(axis)) ? 1 : 0); ch = ','; } response->cat(']'); if (printMonitor->IsPrinting()) { // Send the fraction printed response->catf(",\"fraction_printed\":%.4f", (double)max(0.0, gCodes->FractionOfFilePrinted())); } // Short messages are now pushed directly to PanelDue, so don't include them here as well // We no longer send the amount of http buffer space here because the web interface doesn't use these forms of status response // Deal with the message box, if there is one float timeLeft = 0.0; if (displayMessageBox && boxTimer != 0) { timeLeft = (float)(boxTimeout) / 1000.0 - (float)(millis() - boxTimer) / 1000.0; displayMessageBox = (timeLeft > 0.0); } if (displayMessageBox) { response->catf(",\"msgBox.mode\":%d,\"msgBox.seq\":%" PRIu32 ",\"msgBox.timeout\":%.1f,\"msgBox.controls\":%" PRIu32 "", boxMode, boxSeq, (double)timeLeft, boxControls); response->cat(",\"msgBox.msg\":"); response->EncodeString(boxMessage.c_str(), boxMessage.MaxLength(), false); response->cat(",\"msgBox.title\":"); response->EncodeString(boxTitle.c_str(), boxTitle.MaxLength(), false); } else { response->cat(",\"msgBox.mode\":-1"); // tell PanelDue that there is no active message box } if (type == 2) { if (printMonitor->IsPrinting()) { // Send estimated times left based on file progress, filament usage, and layers response->catf(",\"timesLeft\":[%.1f,%.1f,%.1f]", (double)(printMonitor->EstimateTimeLeft(fileBased)), (double)(printMonitor->EstimateTimeLeft(filamentBased)), (double)(printMonitor->EstimateTimeLeft(layerBased))); } } else if (type == 3) { // Add the static fields response->catf(",\"geometry\":\"%s\",\"axes\":%u,\"axisNames\":\"%s\",\"volumes\":%u,\"numTools\":%u,\"myName\":", move->GetGeometryString(), numVisibleAxes, gCodes->GetAxisLetters(), NumSdCards, GetNumberOfContiguousTools()); response->EncodeString(myName.c_str(), myName.MaxLength(), false); response->cat(",\"firmwareName\":"); response->EncodeString(FIRMWARE_NAME, strlen(FIRMWARE_NAME), false); } const int auxSeq = (int)platform->GetAuxSeq(); if (type < 2 || (seq != -1 && auxSeq != seq)) { // Send the response to the last command. Do this last because it can be long and may need to be truncated. response->catf(",\"seq\":%d,\"resp\":", auxSeq); // send the response sequence number // Send the JSON response response->EncodeReply(platform->GetAuxGCodeReply(), true); // also releases the OutputBuffer chain } response->cat("}"); return response; } // Get the list of files in the specified directory in JSON format. // If flagDirs is true then we prefix each directory with a * character. OutputBuffer *RepRap::GetFilesResponse(const char *dir, bool flagsDirs) { // Need something to write to... OutputBuffer *response; if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(response)) { return nullptr; } response->copy("{\"dir\":"); response->EncodeString(dir, strlen(dir), false); response->cat(",\"files\":["); unsigned int err; if (!platform->GetMassStorage()->CheckDriveMounted(dir)) { err = 1; } else { err = 0; FileInfo fileInfo; bool firstFile = true; bool gotFile = platform->GetMassStorage()->FindFirst(dir, fileInfo); // TODO error handling here size_t bytesLeft = OutputBuffer::GetBytesLeft(response); // don't write more bytes than we can char filename[MaxFilenameLength]; filename[0] = '*'; const char *fname; while (gotFile) { if (fileInfo.fileName[0] != '.') // ignore Mac resource files and Linux hidden files { // Get the long filename if possible if (flagsDirs && fileInfo.isDirectory) { SafeStrncpy(filename + 1, fileInfo.fileName, ARRAY_SIZE(fileInfo.fileName) - 1); fname = filename; } else { fname = fileInfo.fileName; } // Make sure we can end this response properly if (bytesLeft < strlen(fname) * 2 + 4) { // No more space available - stop here break; } // Write separator and filename if (!firstFile) { bytesLeft -= response->cat(','); } bytesLeft -= response->EncodeString(fname, MaxFilenameLength, false); firstFile = false; } gotFile = platform->GetMassStorage()->FindNext(fileInfo); // TODO error handling here } } response->catf("],\"err\":%u}", err); return response; } // Get a JSON-style filelist including file types and sizes OutputBuffer *RepRap::GetFilelistResponse(const char *dir) { // Need something to write to... OutputBuffer *response; if (!OutputBuffer::Allocate(response)) { return nullptr; } // If the requested volume is not mounted, report an error if (!platform->GetMassStorage()->CheckDriveMounted(dir)) { response->copy("{\"err\":1}"); return response; } // Check if the directory exists if (!platform->GetMassStorage()->DirectoryExists(dir)) { response->copy("{\"err\":2}"); return response; } response->copy("{\"dir\":"); response->EncodeString(dir, strlen(dir), false); response->cat(",\"files\":["); FileInfo fileInfo; bool firstFile = true; bool gotFile = platform->GetMassStorage()->FindFirst(dir, fileInfo); size_t bytesLeft = OutputBuffer::GetBytesLeft(response); // don't write more bytes than we can while (gotFile) { if (fileInfo.fileName[0] != '.') // ignore Mac resource files and Linux hidden files { // Make sure we can end this response properly if (bytesLeft < strlen(fileInfo.fileName) + 70) { // No more space available - stop here break; } // Write delimiter if (!firstFile) { bytesLeft -= response->cat(','); } firstFile = false; // Write another file entry bytesLeft -= response->catf("{\"type\":\"%c\",\"name\":", fileInfo.isDirectory ? 'd' : 'f'); bytesLeft -= response->EncodeString(fileInfo.fileName, MaxFilenameLength, false); bytesLeft -= response->catf(",\"size\":%" PRIu32, fileInfo.size); const struct tm * const timeInfo = gmtime(&fileInfo.lastModified); if (timeInfo->tm_year <= /*19*/80) { // Don't send the last modified date if it is invalid bytesLeft -= response->cat('}'); } else { bytesLeft -= response->catf(",\"date\":\"%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02u\"}", timeInfo->tm_year + 1900, timeInfo->tm_mon + 1, timeInfo->tm_mday, timeInfo->tm_hour, timeInfo->tm_min, timeInfo->tm_sec); } } gotFile = platform->GetMassStorage()->FindNext(fileInfo); } response->cat("]}"); return response; } // Send a beep. We send it to both PanelDue and the web interface. void RepRap::Beep(unsigned int freq, unsigned int ms) { // Limit the frequency and duration to sensible values freq = constrain(freq, 50, 10000); ms = constrain(ms, 10, 60000); // If there is an LCD device present, make it beep #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD if (display->IsPresent()) { display->Beep(freq, ms); } else #endif if (platform->HaveAux()) { platform->Beep(freq, ms); } else { beepFrequency = freq; beepDuration = ms; } } // Send a short message. We send it to both PanelDue and the web interface. void RepRap::SetMessage(const char *msg) { SafeStrncpy(message, msg, ARRAY_SIZE(message)); if (platform->HaveAux()) { platform->SendAuxMessage(msg); } } // Display a message box on the web interface void RepRap::SetAlert(const char *msg, const char *title, int mode, float timeout, AxesBitmap controls) { boxMessage.copy(msg); boxTitle.copy(title); boxMode = mode; boxTimer = (timeout <= 0.0) ? 0 : millis(); boxTimeout = round(max(timeout, 0.0) * 1000.0); boxControls = controls; displayMessageBox = true; ++boxSeq; } // Clear pending message box void RepRap::ClearAlert() { displayMessageBox = false; } // Get the status character for the new-style status response char RepRap::GetStatusCharacter() const { return (processingConfig) ? 'C' // Reading the configuration file : (gCodes->IsFlashing()) ? 'F' // Flashing a new firmware binary : (IsStopped()) ? 'H' // Halted : (gCodes->IsPausing()) ? 'D' // Pausing / Decelerating : (gCodes->IsResuming()) ? 'R' // Resuming : (gCodes->IsDoingToolChange()) ? 'T' // Changing tool : (gCodes->IsPaused()) ? 'S' // Paused / Stopped : (printMonitor->IsPrinting()) ? ((gCodes->IsSimulating()) ? 'M' // Simulating : 'P' // Printing ) : (gCodes->DoingFileMacro() || !move->NoLiveMovement()) ? 'B' // Busy : 'I'; // Idle } bool RepRap::NoPasswordSet() const { return (password[0] == 0 || CheckPassword(DEFAULT_PASSWORD)); } bool RepRap::CheckPassword(const char *pw) const { String copiedPassword; copiedPassword.CopyAndPad(pw); return password.ConstantTimeEquals(copiedPassword); } void RepRap::SetPassword(const char* pw) { password.CopyAndPad(pw); } const char *RepRap::GetName() const { return myName.c_str(); } void RepRap::SetName(const char* nm) { // Users sometimes put a tab character between the machine name and the comment, so allow for this myName.copy(nm); // Set new DHCP hostname network->SetHostname(myName.c_str()); } // Given that we want to extrude/retract the specified extruder drives, check if they are allowed. // For each disallowed one, log an error to report later and return a bit in the bitmap. // This may be called by an ISR! unsigned int RepRap::GetProhibitedExtruderMovements(unsigned int extrusions, unsigned int retractions) { if (GetHeat().ColdExtrude()) { return 0; } Tool * const tool = currentTool; if (tool == nullptr) { // This should not happen, but if on tool is selected then don't allow any extruder movement return extrusions | retractions; } unsigned int result = 0; for (size_t driveNum = 0; driveNum < tool->DriveCount(); driveNum++) { const unsigned int extruderDrive = (unsigned int)(tool->Drive(driveNum)); const unsigned int mask = 1 << extruderDrive; if (extrusions & mask) { if (!tool->ToolCanDrive(true)) { result |= mask; } } else if (retractions & mask) { if (!tool->ToolCanDrive(false)) { result |= mask; } } } return result; } void RepRap::FlagTemperatureFault(int8_t dudHeater) { if (toolList != nullptr) { toolList->FlagTemperatureFault(dudHeater); } } void RepRap::ClearTemperatureFault(int8_t wasDudHeater) { heat->ResetFault(wasDudHeater); if (toolList != nullptr) { toolList->ClearTemperatureFault(wasDudHeater); } } // Get the current axes used as X axes AxesBitmap RepRap::GetCurrentXAxes() const { return (currentTool == nullptr) ? DefaultXAxisMapping : currentTool->GetXAxisMap(); } // Get the current axes used as X axes AxesBitmap RepRap::GetCurrentYAxes() const { return (currentTool == nullptr) ? DefaultYAxisMapping : currentTool->GetYAxisMap(); } // Save some resume information, returning true if successful // We assume that the tool configuration doesn't change, only the temperatures and the mix bool RepRap::WriteToolSettings(FileStore *f) const { // First write the settings of all tools except the current one and the command to select them if they are on standby bool ok = true; for (const Tool *t = toolList; t != nullptr && ok; t = t->Next()) { if (t != currentTool) { ok = t->WriteSettings(f); } } // Finally write the setting of the active tool and the commands to select it if (ok && currentTool != nullptr) { ok = currentTool->WriteSettings(f); } return ok; } // Save some information in config-override.g bool RepRap::WriteToolParameters(FileStore *f) const { bool ok = true, written = false; for (const Tool *t = toolList; ok && t != nullptr; t = t->Next()) { const AxesBitmap axesProbed = t->GetAxisOffsetsProbed(); if (axesProbed != 0) { if (written) { scratchString.Clear(); } else { scratchString.copy("; Probed tool offsets\n"); written = true; } scratchString.catf("G10 P%d", t->Number()); for (size_t axis = 0; axis < MaxAxes; ++axis) { if (IsBitSet(axesProbed, axis)) { scratchString.catf(" %c%.2f", gCodes->GetAxisLetters()[axis], (double)(t->GetOffset(axis))); } } scratchString.cat('\n'); ok = f->Write(scratchString.Pointer()); } } return ok; } // Helper function for diagnostic tests in Platform.cpp, to cause a deliberate divide-by-zero /*static*/ uint32_t RepRap::DoDivide(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return a/b; } // Report an internal error void RepRap::ReportInternalError(const char *file, const char *func, int line) const { platform->MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Internal Error in %s at %s(%d)\n", func, file, line); } // End