/**************************************************************************************************** RepRapFirmware - Main Include This includes all the other include files in the right order and defines some globals. No other definitions or information should be in here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 18 November 2012 Adrian Bowyer RepRap Professional Ltd http://reprappro.com Licence: GPL ****************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef REPRAPFIRMWARE_H #define REPRAPFIRMWARE_H #include #include // for size_t #include #include #include // for CHAR_BIT #include [[deprecated("use gmtime_r instead for thread-safety")]] tm* gmtime(const time_t* t); [[deprecated("use SafeStrptime instead")]] char * strptime (const char *buf, const char *format, struct tm *timeptr); const char *_ecv_array SafeStrptime(const char *_ecv_array buf, const char *_ecv_array format, struct tm *timeptr) noexcept; #include #ifndef SAMC21 # error SAMC21 should be defined as 0 or 1 #endif #ifndef SAME5x # error SAME5X should be defined as 0 or 1 #endif #if SAME70 # define __nocache __attribute__((section(".ram_nocache"))) #else # define __nocache // nothing #endif #include # include // The following are needed by many other files, so include them here # include # include #define SPEED_CRITICAL __attribute__((optimize("O2"))) // API level definition. // ApiLevel 1 is the first level that supports rr_model. constexpr unsigned int ApiLevel = 1; // Definitions needed by Pins.h and/or Configuration.h // Logical pins used for general output, servos, CCN and laser control typedef uint8_t LogicalPin; // type used to represent logical pin numbers constexpr LogicalPin NoLogicalPin = 0xFF; constexpr const char * _ecv_array NoPinName = "nil"; // Enumeration to describe what we want to do with a pin enum class PinAccess : int { read, readWithPullup_InternalUseOnly, readAnalog, write0, write1, pwm, servo }; enum class PinUsedBy : uint8_t { unused = 0, heater, fan, endstop, zprobe, tacho, spindle, laser, gpin, gpout, filamentMonitor, temporaryInput, sensor }; #include "Pins.h" #include "Configuration.h" static_assert(MinVisibleAxes <= MinAxes); static_assert(NumNamedPins <= 255 || sizeof(LogicalPin) > 1, "Need 16-bit logical pin numbers"); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # include // We have to declare CanInterface::GetCanAddress here because CanInterface.h needs to include this file for the declaration of DriverId namespace CanInterface { CanAddress GetCanAddress() noexcept; } #else namespace CanInterface { inline CanAddress GetCanAddress() noexcept { return 0; } } #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #define THROWS(...) // expands to nothing, for providing exception specifications #define THROW_INTERNAL_ERROR throw GCodeException(-1, -1, "internal error at file " __FILE__ "(%d)", (int32_t)__LINE__) // Assertion mechanism extern "C" [[noreturn]] void vAssertCalled(uint32_t line, const char *file) noexcept __attribute__((naked)); #define RRF_ASSERT(_expr) do { if (!(_expr)) { vAssertCalled(__LINE__, __FILE__); } } while (false) // Type of a driver identifier struct DriverId { uint8_t localDriver; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION CanAddress boardAddress; DriverId() noexcept : localDriver(0), boardAddress(CanInterface::GetCanAddress()) { } // Constructor used by ATE configurations and object model DriverId(CanAddress addr, uint8_t drv) noexcept : localDriver(drv), boardAddress(addr) { } void SetFromBinary(uint32_t val) noexcept { localDriver = val & 0x000000FF; const uint32_t brdNum = val >> 16; boardAddress = (brdNum <= CanId::MaxCanAddress) ? (CanAddress)brdNum : CanId::NoAddress; } void SetLocal(unsigned int driver) noexcept { localDriver = (uint8_t)driver; boardAddress = CanInterface::GetCanAddress(); } bool IsLocal() const noexcept { return boardAddress == CanInterface::GetCanAddress(); } bool IsRemote() const noexcept { return boardAddress != CanInterface::GetCanAddress(); } bool operator<(const DriverId other) const noexcept { return boardAddress < other.boardAddress || (boardAddress == other.boardAddress && localDriver < other.localDriver); } bool operator==(const DriverId other) const noexcept { return boardAddress == other.boardAddress && localDriver == other.localDriver; } bool operator!=(const DriverId other) const noexcept { return boardAddress != other.boardAddress || localDriver != other.localDriver; } uint32_t AsU32() const noexcept { return (boardAddress << 8) | localDriver; } #else DriverId() noexcept : localDriver(0) { } // Constructor used by object model explicit DriverId(uint8_t drv) noexcept : localDriver(drv) { } // Set the driver ID from the binary value, returning true if there was a nonzero board number so that the caller knows the address is not valid bool SetFromBinary(uint32_t val) noexcept { localDriver = val & 0x000000FFu; const uint32_t brdNum = val >> 16; return (brdNum != 0); } void SetLocal(unsigned int driver) noexcept { localDriver = (uint8_t)driver; } bool operator==(const DriverId other) const noexcept { return localDriver == other.localDriver; } bool operator!=(const DriverId other) const noexcept { return localDriver != other.localDriver; } bool IsLocal() const noexcept { return true; } bool IsRemote() const noexcept { return false; } uint32_t AsU32() const noexcept { return localDriver; } #endif }; #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION # define PRIdriverId "%u.%u" # define DRIVER_ID_PRINT_ARGS(_d) _d.boardAddress,_d.localDriver #else # define PRIdriverId "%u" # define DRIVER_ID_PRINT_ARGS(_d) _d.localDriver #endif // Module numbers and names, used for diagnostics and debug // All of these including noModule must be <= 31 because we 'or' the module number into the software reset code enum Module : uint8_t { modulePlatform = 0, moduleNetwork = 1, moduleWebserver = 2, moduleGcodes = 3, moduleMove = 4, moduleHeat = 5, moduleDda = 6, moduleRoland = 7, moduleScanner = 8, modulePrintMonitor = 9, moduleStorage = 10, modulePortControl = 11, moduleDuetExpansion = 12, moduleFilamentSensors = 13, moduleWiFi = 14, moduleDisplay = 15, moduleSbcInterface = 16, moduleCan = 17, numModules = 18, // make this one greater than the last real module number noModule = numModules }; const char *_ecv_array GetModuleName(uint8_t module) noexcept; // Warn of what's to come, so we can use pointers and references to classes without including the entire header files class Network; class Platform; class GCodes; class Move; class DDA; class Kinematics; class Heat; class TemperatureSensor; class Tool; class Roland; class Scanner; class PrintMonitor; class RepRap; class FileStore; class OutputBuffer; class OutputStack; class GCodeBuffer; class GCodeQueue; class FilamentMonitor; class RandomProbePointSet; class Logger; class FansManager; #if SUPPORT_IOBITS class PortControl; #endif #if SUPPORT_12864_LCD class Display; #endif #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE class SbcInterface; #endif #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION class ExpansionManager; #endif // Define floating point type to use for calculations where we would like high precision in matrix calculations #if SAME70 typedef double floatc_t; // type of matrix element used for calibration #else // We are more memory-constrained on the older processors typedef float floatc_t; // type of matrix element used for calibration #endif #ifdef DUET3 typedef Bitmap AxesBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of axes, and sometimes extruders too #else typedef Bitmap AxesBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of axes, and sometimes extruders too #endif typedef Bitmap ExtrudersBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of extruder drive numbers typedef Bitmap DriversBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of local driver numbers typedef Bitmap FansBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of fan numbers typedef Bitmap HeatersBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of heater numbers typedef Bitmap DriverChannelsBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of drivers that typically have a common cooling fan #if defined(DUET3) || defined(DUET_NG) typedef Bitmap InputPortsBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of input ports #else typedef Bitmap InputPortsBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of input ports #endif typedef Bitmap TriggerNumbersBitmap; // Type of a bitmap representing a set of trigger numbers #if defined(DUET3) || defined(DUET3MINI) typedef Bitmap SensorsBitmap; #else typedef Bitmap SensorsBitmap; #endif static_assert(MaxAxesPlusExtruders <= AxesBitmap::MaxBits()); static_assert(MaxExtruders <= ExtrudersBitmap::MaxBits()); static_assert(MaxFans <= FansBitmap::MaxBits()); static_assert(MaxHeaters <= HeatersBitmap::MaxBits()); static_assert(NumDirectDrivers <= DriversBitmap::MaxBits()); static_assert(MaxSensors <= SensorsBitmap::MaxBits()); static_assert(MaxGpInPorts <= InputPortsBitmap::MaxBits()); static_assert(MaxTriggers <= TriggerNumbersBitmap::MaxBits()); typedef uint16_t Pwm_t; // Type of a PWM value when we don't want to use floats #if SUPPORT_IOBITS typedef uint16_t IoBits_t; // Type of the port control bitmap (G1 P parameter) #endif #if SUPPORT_LASER || SUPPORT_IOBITS union LaserPwmOrIoBits { #if SUPPORT_LASER Pwm_t laserPwm; // the laser PWM to use for this move #endif #if SUPPORT_IOBITS IoBits_t ioBits; // I/O bits to set/clear at the start of this move #endif void Clear() // set to zero, whichever one it is { #if SUPPORT_LASER laserPwm = 0; #else ioBits = 0; #endif } }; #endif // Debugging support extern "C" void debugPrintf(const char* fmt, ...) noexcept __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))); #define DEBUG_HERE do { debugPrintf("At " __FILE__ " line %d\n", __LINE__); delay(50); } while (false) // Functions and globals not part of any class double HideNan(float val) noexcept; void ListDrivers(const StringRef& str, DriversBitmap drivers) noexcept; // Macro to assign an array from an initialiser list #define ARRAY_INIT(_dest, _init) static_assert(sizeof(_dest) == sizeof(_init), "Incompatible array types"); memcpy(_dest, _init, sizeof(_init)); // UTF8 code for the degree-symbol #define DEGREE_SYMBOL "\xC2\xB0" // Unicode degree-symbol as UTF8 // Classes to facilitate range-based for loops that iterate from 0 up to just below a limit template class SimpleRangeIterator { public: explicit SimpleRangeIterator(T value_) noexcept : val(value_) {} bool operator != (SimpleRangeIterator const& other) const noexcept { return val != other.val; } T const& operator*() const noexcept { return val; } SimpleRangeIterator& operator++() noexcept { ++val; return *this; } private: T val; }; template class SimpleRange { public: explicit SimpleRange(T limit) noexcept : _end(limit) {} SimpleRangeIterator begin() const noexcept { return SimpleRangeIterator(0); } SimpleRangeIterator end() const noexcept { return SimpleRangeIterator(_end); } private: const T _end; }; // Macro to create a SimpleRange from an array #define ARRAY_INDICES(_arr) (SimpleRange(ARRAY_SIZE(_arr))) // A simple milliseconds timer class class MillisTimer { public: MillisTimer() noexcept { running = false; } void Start() noexcept; void Stop() noexcept { running = false; } bool Check(uint32_t timeoutMillis) const noexcept; bool CheckAndStop(uint32_t timeoutMillis) noexcept; bool IsRunning() const noexcept { return running; } private: uint32_t whenStarted; bool running; }; // Function to delete an object and clear the pointer. Safe to call even if the pointer is already null. template void DeleteObject(T*& ptr) noexcept { T* p2 = nullptr; std::swap(ptr, p2); delete p2; } // Function to make a pointer point to a new object and delete the existing object, if any. T2 must be the same as T or derived from it. template void ReplaceObject(T*& ptr, T2* pNew) noexcept { T* p2 = pNew; std::swap(ptr, p2); delete p2; } // Common definitions used by more than one module constexpr size_t XY_AXES = 2; // The number of Cartesian axes constexpr size_t XYZ_AXES = 3; // The number of Cartesian axes constexpr size_t X_AXIS = 0, Y_AXIS = 1, Z_AXIS = 2; // The indices of the Cartesian axes in drive arrays constexpr size_t U_AXIS = 3; // The assumed index of the U axis when executing M673 constexpr size_t NO_AXIS = 0x3F; // A value to represent no axis, must fit in 6 bits (see EndstopHitDetails and RemoteInputHandle) and not be a valid axis number static_assert(MaxAxesPlusExtruders <= MaxAxes + MaxExtruders); static_assert(MaxAxesPlusExtruders >= MinAxes + NumDefaultExtruders); #if SUPPORT_CAN_EXPANSION constexpr size_t MaxTotalDrivers = NumDirectDrivers + MaxCanDrivers; #else constexpr size_t MaxTotalDrivers = NumDirectDrivers; #endif // Convert between extruder drive numbers and logical drive numbers. // In order to save memory when MaxAxesPlusExtruders < MaxAxes + MaxExtruders, the logical drive number of an axis is the same as the axis number, // but the logical drive number of an extruder is MaxAxesPlusExtruders - 1 - extruder_number. inline size_t ExtruderToLogicalDrive(size_t extruder) noexcept { return MaxAxesPlusExtruders - 1 - extruder; } inline size_t LogicalDriveToExtruder(size_t drive) noexcept { return MaxAxesPlusExtruders - 1 - drive; } const AxesBitmap DefaultXAxisMapping = AxesBitmap::MakeFromBits(X_AXIS); // by default, X is mapped to X const AxesBitmap DefaultYAxisMapping = AxesBitmap::MakeFromBits(Y_AXIS); // by default, Y is mapped to Y const AxesBitmap XyzAxes = AxesBitmap::MakeLowestNBits(XYZ_AXES); const AxesBitmap XyAxes = AxesBitmap::MakeLowestNBits(XY_AXES); // Common conversion factors constexpr float MinutesToSeconds = 60.0; constexpr uint32_t iMinutesToSeconds = 60; constexpr float SecondsToMinutes = 1.0/MinutesToSeconds; constexpr float SecondsToMillis = 1000.0; constexpr float MillisToSeconds = 0.001; constexpr float InchToMm = 25.4; constexpr float Pi = 3.141592653589793; constexpr float TwoPi = 3.141592653589793 * 2.0; constexpr float DegreesToRadians = 3.141592653589793/180.0; constexpr float RadiansToDegrees = 180.0/3.141592653589793; // The step clock is used for timing step pulses and oyther fine-resolution timer purposes #if SAME70 || SAME5x // All Duet 3 boards use a common step clock rate of 750kHz so that we can sync the clocks over CAN constexpr uint32_t StepClockRate = 48000000/64; // 750kHz #elif defined(__LPC17xx__) constexpr uint32_t StepClockRate = 1000000; // 1MHz #else constexpr uint32_t StepClockRate = SystemCoreClockFreq/128; // Duet 2 and Maestro: use just under 1MHz #endif constexpr uint64_t StepClockRateSquared = (uint64_t)StepClockRate * StepClockRate; constexpr float StepClocksToMillis = 1000.0/(float)StepClockRate; // Functions to convert speeds and accelerations between seconds and step clocks static inline constexpr float ConvertSpeedFromMmPerSec(float speed) noexcept { return speed * 1.0/(float)StepClockRate; } static inline constexpr float ConvertSpeedFromMmPerMin(float speed) noexcept { return speed * (1.0/(float)(StepClockRate * iMinutesToSeconds)); } static inline constexpr float ConvertSpeedFromMm(float speed, bool useSeconds) noexcept { return speed * ((useSeconds) ? 1.0/(float)StepClockRate : 1.0/(float)(StepClockRate * iMinutesToSeconds)); } static inline constexpr float InverseConvertSpeedToMmPerSec(float speed) noexcept { return speed * (float)StepClockRate; } static inline constexpr float InverseConvertSpeedToMmPerMin(float speed) noexcept { return speed * (float)(StepClockRate * iMinutesToSeconds); } static inline constexpr float InverseConvertSpeedToMm(float speed, bool useSeconds) noexcept { return speed * (float)((useSeconds) ? StepClockRate : StepClockRate * iMinutesToSeconds); } static inline constexpr float ConvertAcceleration(float accel) noexcept { return accel * (1.0/(float)StepClockRateSquared); } static inline constexpr float InverseConvertAcceleration(float accel) noexcept { return accel * (float)StepClockRateSquared; } constexpr unsigned int MaxFloatDigitsDisplayedAfterPoint = 7; const char *_ecv_array GetFloatFormatString(unsigned int numDigitsAfterPoint) noexcept; #if SUPPORT_WORKPLACE_COORDINATES constexpr size_t NumCoordinateSystems = 9; // G54 up to G59.3 #else constexpr size_t NumCoordinateSystems = 1; #endif #define DEGREE_SYMBOL "\xC2\xB0" // degree-symbol encoding in UTF8 #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE typedef uint32_t FileHandle; const FileHandle noFileHandle = 0; #endif // Type of an offset in a file typedef uint32_t FilePosition; const FilePosition noFilePosition = 0xFFFFFFFFu; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interrupt priorities - must be chosen with care! 0 is the highest priority, 7 or 15 is the lowest. // This interacts with FreeRTOS config constant configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY which is currently defined as 3 for the SAME70 and 5 for the SAM4x. // ISRs with better (numerically lower) priorities than this value cannot make FreeRTOS calls, but those interrupts wont be disabled even in FreeRTOS critical sections. #if __NVIC_PRIO_BITS == 3 // We have only 8 interrupt priority levels on the SAME70 and SAME5x // Use priority 2 or lower for interrupts where low latency is critical and FreeRTOS calls are not needed. const uint32_t NvicPriorityWatchdog = 0; // the secondary watchdog has the highest priority #if SAME5x const NvicPriority NvicPriorityAuxUartRx = 1; // UART used to receive data from PanelDue or other serial input const NvicPriority NvicPriorityAuxUartTx = 3; // the SAME5x driver makes FreeRTOS calls during transmission, so use a lower priority const NvicPriority NvicPriorityWiFiUartRx = 2; // UART used to receive debug data from the WiFi module const NvicPriority NvicPriorityWiFiUartTx = 3; // the SAME5x driver makes FreeRTOS calls during transmission, so use a lower priority const NvicPriority NvicPriorityDriverDiag = 4; const NvicPriority NvicPriorityAdc = 4; #else const NvicPriority NvicPriorityAuxUart = 3; // UART is highest to avoid character loss (it has only a 1-character receive buffer) const NvicPriority NvicPriorityWiFiUart = 3; // UART used to receive debug data from the WiFi module #endif const NvicPriority NvicPriorityCan = 4; // CAN interface const NvicPriority NvicPriorityPins = 4; // priority for GPIO pin interrupts - filament sensors must be higher than step const NvicPriority NvicPriorityDriversSerialTMC = 4; // USART or UART used to control and monitor the smart drivers const NvicPriority NvicPriorityStep = 5; // step interrupt is next highest, it can preempt most other interrupts const NvicPriority NvicPriorityUSB = 6; // USB interrupt const NvicPriority NvicPriorityHSMCI = 6; // HSMCI command complete interrupt # if HAS_LWIP_NETWORKING const NvicPriority NvicPriorityNetworkTick = 7; // priority for network tick interrupt (to be replaced by a FreeRTOS task) const NvicPriority NvicPriorityEthernet = 7; // priority for Ethernet interface # endif const NvicPriority NvicPriorityDMA = 7; // end-of-DMA interrupt used by TMC drivers and HSMCI const NvicPriority NvicPrioritySpi = 7; // SPI is used for network transfers on Duet WiFi/Duet vEthernet #elif __NVIC_PRIO_BITS >= 4 // We have at least 16 priority levels // Use priority 2 or lower for interrupts where low latency is critical and FreeRTOS calls are not needed. # if SAM4E || defined(__LPC17xx__) const NvicPriority NvicPriorityWatchdog = 0; // the secondary watchdog has the highest priority # endif const NvicPriority NvicPriorityAuxUart = 3; // UART is highest to avoid character loss (it has only a 1-character receive buffer) # if defined(__LPC17xx__) constexpr NvicPriority NvicPriorityTimerPWM = 4; constexpr NvicPriority NvicPriorityTimerServo = 5; # endif const NvicPriority NvicPriorityDriversSerialTMC = 5; // USART or UART used to control and monitor the smart drivers const NvicPriority NvicPriorityPins = 5; // priority for GPIO pin interrupts - filament sensors must be higher than step const NvicPriority NvicPriorityStep = 6; // step interrupt is next highest, it can preempt most other interrupts const NvicPriority NvicPriorityWiFiUart = 7; // UART used to receive debug data from the WiFi module const NvicPriority NvicPriorityUSB = 7; // USB interrupt const NvicPriority NvicPriorityHSMCI = 7; // HSMCI command complete interrupt # if HAS_LWIP_NETWORKING const NvicPriority NvicPriorityNetworkTick = 8; // priority for network tick interrupt (to be replaced by a FreeRTOS task) const NvicPriority NvicPriorityEthernet = 8; // priority for Ethernet interface # endif const NvicPriority NvicPrioritySpi = 8; // SPI is used for network transfers on Duet WiFi/Duet vEthernet const NvicPriority NvicPriorityTwi = 9; // TWI is used to read endstop and other inputs on the DueXn #endif #endif