// This class allows the RepRap firmware to transmit commands to a Roland mill // See: http://www.rolanddg.com/product/3d/3d/mdx-20_15/mdx-20_15.html // http://altlab.org/d/content/m/pangelo/ideas/rml_command_guide_en_v100.pdf #if SUPPORT_ROLAND #include "RepRapFirmware.h" Roland::Roland(Platform& p) : platform(p) { } void Roland::Init() { pinMode(ROLAND_RTS_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(ROLAND_CTS_PIN, INPUT); digitalWrite(ROLAND_RTS_PIN, HIGH); sBuffer = new StringRef(buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer)); sBuffer->Clear(); bufferPointer = 0; Zero(true); longWait = platform.Time(); active = false; } void Roland::Spin() { if (!Active()) { platform.ClassReport(longWait); return; } // 'U' is 01010101 in binary (nice for an oscilloscope...) //SERIAL_AUX2_DEVICE.write('U'); //SERIAL_AUX2_DEVICE.flush(); //return; // Are we sending something to the Roland? if (Busy()) // Busy means we are sending something { if (digitalRead(ROLAND_CTS_PIN)) { platform.ClassReport(longWait); return; } SERIAL_AUX2_DEVICE.write(buffer[bufferPointer]); SERIAL_AUX2_DEVICE.flush(); bufferPointer++; } else // Not sending. { // Finished talking to the Roland sBuffer->Clear(); bufferPointer = 0; // Anything new to do? EndstopChecks endStopsToCheck; uint8_t moveType; FilePosition filePos; if (reprap.GetGCodes()->ReadMove(move, endStopsToCheck, moveType, filePos)) { move[AXES] = move[DRIVES]; // Roland doesn't have extruders etc. ProcessMove(); } } platform.ClassReport(longWait); } void Roland::Zero(bool feed) { size_t lim = feed ? AXES + 1 : AXES; for(size_t axis = 0; axis < lim; axis++) { move[axis] = 0.0; coordinates[axis] = 0.0; oldCoordinates[axis] = 0.0; offset[axis] = 0.0; } if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.Message(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland zero\n"); } } bool Roland::Busy() { return buffer[bufferPointer] != 0; } bool Roland::ProcessHome() { if (Busy()) { return false; } sBuffer->copy("H;\n"); Zero(false); if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.MessageF(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland home: %s", buffer); } return true; } bool Roland::ProcessDwell(long milliseconds) { if (Busy()) { return false; } sBuffer->printf("W%ld;", milliseconds); sBuffer->catf("Z %.4f,%.4f,%.4f;", oldCoordinates[0], oldCoordinates[1], oldCoordinates[2]); sBuffer->cat("W0;\n"); if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.MessageF(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland dwell: %s", buffer); } return true; } bool Roland::ProcessG92(float v, size_t axis) { if (Busy()) { return false; } move[axis] = v; coordinates[axis] = move[axis]*ROLAND_FACTOR + offset[axis]; offset[axis] = oldCoordinates[axis]; oldCoordinates[axis] = coordinates[axis]; if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.Message(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland G92\n"); } return true; } bool Roland::ProcessSpindle(float rpm) { if (Busy()) { return false; } if (rpm < 0.5) // Stop { sBuffer->printf("!MC 0;\n"); } else // Go { sBuffer->printf("!RC%ld;!MC 1;\n", (long)(rpm + 100.0)); } if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.MessageF(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland spindle: %s", buffer); } return true; } void Roland::GetCurrentRolandPosition(float moveBuffer[]) { for(size_t axis = 0; axis < AXES; axis++) { moveBuffer[axis] = move[axis]; } for(size_t axis = AXES; axis < DRIVES; axis++) { moveBuffer[axis] = 0.0; } moveBuffer[DRIVES] = move[AXES]; } void Roland::ProcessMove() { for(size_t axis = 0; axis < AXES; axis++) { coordinates[axis] = move[axis] * ROLAND_FACTOR + offset[axis]; } coordinates[AXES] = move[AXES]; // Start with feedrate; For some reason the Roland won't accept more than 4 d.p. sBuffer->printf("V %.4f;", coordinates[AXES]); // Now the move sBuffer->catf("Z %.4f,%.4f,%.4f;\n", coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]); for(size_t axis = 0; axis <= AXES; axis++) { oldCoordinates[axis] = coordinates[axis]; } if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.MessageF(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland move: %s", buffer); } } bool Roland::RawWrite(const char* s) { if (Busy()) { return false; } sBuffer->copy(s); sBuffer->cat("\n"); if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.MessageF(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland rawwrite: %s", buffer); } return true; } bool Roland::Active() { return active; } void Roland::Activate() { digitalWrite(ROLAND_RTS_PIN, LOW); active = true; if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.Message(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland started\n"); } } bool Roland::Deactivate() { if (Busy()) { return false; } digitalWrite(ROLAND_RTS_PIN, HIGH); active = false; if (reprap.Debug(moduleGcodes)) { platform.Message(HOST_MESSAGE, "Roland stopped\n"); } return true; } #endif