/* * SbcInterface.cpp * * Created on: 29 Mar 2019 * Author: Christian */ #include "SbcInterface.h" #include "DataTransfer.h" #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern char _estack; // defined by the linker volatile OutputStack SbcInterface::gcodeReply; Mutex SbcInterface::gcodeReplyMutex; // The SBC task's stack size needs to be enough to support rr_model and expression evaluation // In RRF 3.3beta3, 744 is only just enough for simple expression evaluation in a release build when using globals // In 3.3beta3.1 we have saved ~151 bytes (37 words) of stack compared to 3.3beta3 #ifdef __LPC17xx__ constexpr size_t SBCTaskStackWords = 375; #elif defined(DEBUG) constexpr size_t SBCTaskStackWords = 1200; // debug builds use more stack #else constexpr size_t SBCTaskStackWords = 1000; // increased from 820 so that we can evaluate "abs(move.calibration.initial.deviation - move.calibration.final.deviation) < 0.000" #endif constexpr uint32_t SbcYieldTimeout = 10; static Task *sbcTask; extern "C" [[noreturn]] void SBCTaskStart(void * pvParameters) noexcept { reprap.GetSbcInterface().TaskLoop(); } SbcInterface::SbcInterface() noexcept : isConnected(false), numDisconnects(0), numTimeouts(0), maxDelayBetweenTransfers(SpiTransferDelay), maxFileOpenDelay(SpiFileOpenDelay), numMaxEvents(SpiEventsRequired), delaying(false), numEvents(0), reportPause(false), reportPauseWritten(false), printAborted(false), codeBuffer(nullptr), rxPointer(0), txPointer(0), txEnd(0), sendBufferUpdate(true), waitingForFileChunk(false), fileMutex(), fileSemaphore(), fileOperation(FileOperation::none), fileOperationPending(false) #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES , fileCodesRead(0), fileCodesHandled(0), fileMacrosRunning(0), fileMacrosClosing(0) #endif { } void SbcInterface::Init() noexcept { if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) { fileMutex.Create("SBCFile"); gcodeReplyMutex.Create("SBCReply"); codeBuffer = (char *)new uint32_t[(SpiCodeBufferSize + 3)/4]; #if defined(DUET_NG) // Make sure that the Wifi module if present is disabled. The ESP Reset pin is already forced low in Platform::Init(); pinMode(EspEnablePin, OUTPUT_LOW); #endif transfer.Init(); sbcTask = new Task(); sbcTask->Create(SBCTaskStart, "SBC", nullptr, TaskPriority::SbcPriority); iapRamAvailable = &_estack - Tasks::GetHeapTop(); } else { // Set up the data transfer to exchange the header + response code. No task is started to save memory transfer.Init(); } } void SbcInterface::Spin() noexcept { if (transfer.DoTransfer() != TransferState::finishingTransfer) { // Don't process anything, just kick off the next transfer to report we're operating in standalone mode transfer.StartNextTransfer(); } } [[noreturn]] void SbcInterface::TaskLoop() noexcept { transfer.InitFromTask(); transfer.StartNextTransfer(); bool busy = false, transferComplete = false, hadTimeout = false, hadReset = false; for (;;) { // Try to exchange data with the SBC transferComplete = hadTimeout = hadReset = false; do { busy = false; state = transfer.DoTransfer(); switch (state) { case TransferState::doingFullTransfer: hadTimeout = !TaskBase::Take(isConnected ? SpiConnectionTimeout : TaskBase::TimeoutUnlimited); break; case TransferState::doingPartialTransfer: hadTimeout = !TaskBase::Take(SpiTransferTimeout); break; case TransferState::finishingTransfer: busy = true; break; case TransferState::connectionTimeout: hadTimeout = true; break; case TransferState::connectionReset: hadReset = true; break; case TransferState::finished: transferComplete = true; break; } } while (busy); // Handle connection errors if (isConnected && (hadReset || hadTimeout)) { isConnected = false; numDisconnects++; if (hadTimeout) { numTimeouts++; } reprap.GetPlatform().Message(NetworkInfoMessage, "Lost connection to SBC\n"); // Invalidate local resources InvalidateResources(); if (hadReset) { // Let the main task invalidate resources before processing new data TaskBase::Take(SbcYieldTimeout); } } // Deal with received data if (transferComplete) { if (!isConnected) { isConnected = true; reprap.GetPlatform().Message(NetworkInfoMessage, "Connection to SBC established!\n"); } // Handle exchanged data and kick off the next transfer ExchangeData(); transfer.StartNextTransfer(); } else if (hadTimeout || hadReset) { // Reset the SPI connection if no data could be exchanged transfer.ResetConnection(hadTimeout); } } } void SbcInterface::ExchangeData() noexcept { // Process incoming packets bool codeBufferAvailable = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < transfer.PacketsToRead(); i++) { const PacketHeader * const packet = transfer.ReadPacket(); if (packet == nullptr) { if (reprap.Debug(moduleSbcInterface)) { debugPrintf("Error trying to read next SPI packet\n"); } break; } if (packet->request >= (uint16_t)SbcRequest::InvalidRequest) { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } bool packetAcknowledged = true; switch ((SbcRequest)packet->request) { // Perform an emergency stop case SbcRequest::EmergencyStop: reprap.EmergencyStop(); break; // Reset the controller case SbcRequest::Reset: SoftwareReset(SoftwareResetReason::user); break; // Perform a G/M/T-code case SbcRequest::Code: { // Read the next code if (packet->length == 0) { reprap.GetPlatform().Message(WarningMessage, "Received empty binary code, discarding\n"); break; } const CodeHeader *code = reinterpret_cast(transfer.ReadData(packet->length)); const GCodeChannel channel(code->channel); GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); if (gb->IsInvalidated()) { // Don't deal with codes that will be thrown away break; } // Check if a GB is waiting for a macro file to be started if (gb->IsWaitingForMacro() && !gb->IsMacroRequestPending()) { gb->ResolveMacroRequest(false, false); #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if (channel == GCodeChannel::File) { fileMacrosRunning++; } #endif } // Don't process any more codes if we failed to store them last time... if (!codeBufferAvailable) { packetAcknowledged = false; break; } TaskCriticalSectionLocker locker; // Make sure no existing codes are overwritten uint16_t bufferedCodeSize = sizeof(BufferedCodeHeader) + packet->length; if ((txEnd == 0 && bufferedCodeSize > max(rxPointer, SpiCodeBufferSize - txPointer)) || (txEnd != 0 && bufferedCodeSize > rxPointer - txPointer)) { #if false // This isn't enabled because the debug call plus critical section would lead to software resets debugPrintf("Failed to store code, RX/TX %d/%d-%d\n", rxPointer, txPointer, txEnd); #endif packetAcknowledged = codeBufferAvailable = false; break; } // Overlap if necessary if (txPointer + bufferedCodeSize > SpiCodeBufferSize) { txEnd = txPointer; txPointer = 0; sendBufferUpdate = true; } // Store the buffer header BufferedCodeHeader *bufHeader = reinterpret_cast(codeBuffer + txPointer); bufHeader->isPending = true; bufHeader->length = packet->length; // Store the corresponding code. Binary codes are always aligned on a 4-byte boundary uint32_t *dst = reinterpret_cast(codeBuffer + txPointer + sizeof(BufferedCodeHeader)); const uint32_t *src = reinterpret_cast(code); memcpyu32(dst, src, packet->length / sizeof(uint32_t)); txPointer += bufferedCodeSize; break; } // Get the object model case SbcRequest::GetObjectModel: { String key; String flags; transfer.ReadGetObjectModel(packet->length, key.GetRef(), flags.GetRef()); try { OutputBuffer *outBuf = reprap.GetModelResponse(key.c_str(), flags.c_str()); if (outBuf == nullptr || !transfer.WriteObjectModel(outBuf)) { // Failed to write the whole object model, try again later packetAcknowledged = false; OutputBuffer::ReleaseAll(outBuf); } } catch (const GCodeException& e) { // Get the error message and send it back to DSF OutputBuffer *buf; if (OutputBuffer::Allocate(buf)) { String errorMessage; e.GetMessage(errorMessage.GetRef(), nullptr); buf->cat(errorMessage.c_str()); if (!transfer.WriteObjectModel(buf)) { OutputBuffer::ReleaseAll(buf); packetAcknowledged = false; } } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } } break; } // Set value in the object model case SbcRequest::SetObjectModel: { const size_t dataLength = packet->length; const char * const data = transfer.ReadData(dataLength); // TODO implement this (void)data; break; } // Print is about to be started, set file print info case SbcRequest::SetPrintFileInfo: { String filename; transfer.ReadPrintStartedInfo(packet->length, filename.GetRef(), fileInfo); reprap.GetPrintMonitor().SetPrintingFileInfo(filename.c_str(), fileInfo); break; } // Print has been stopped case SbcRequest::PrintStopped: { const PrintStoppedReason reason = transfer.ReadPrintStoppedInfo(); if (reason == PrintStoppedReason::abort) { // Stop the print with the given reason printAborted = true; InvalidateBufferedCodes(GCodeChannel::File); } else { // Just mark the print file as finished GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(GCodeChannel::File); MutexLocker locker(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (locker.IsAcquired()) { gb->SetPrintFinished(); } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } } break; } // Macro file has been finished case SbcRequest::MacroCompleted: { bool error; const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadMacroCompleteInfo(error); if (channel.IsValid()) { GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); if (gb->IsWaitingForMacro() && !gb->IsMacroRequestPending()) { gb->ResolveMacroRequest(error, true); if (reprap.Debug(moduleSbcInterface)) { debugPrintf("Waiting macro completed on channel %u\n", channel.ToBaseType()); } } else { MutexLocker locker(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (locker.IsAcquired()) { if (error) { gb->CurrentFileMachineState().CloseFile(); gb->PopState(); gb->Init(); } else { #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if (channel == GCodeChannel::File) { fileMacrosClosing++; } #endif gb->SetFileFinished(); } if (reprap.Debug(moduleSbcInterface)) { debugPrintf("Macro completed on channel %u\n", channel.ToBaseType()); } } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } } } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; } // Return heightmap as generated by G29 S0 case SbcRequest::GetHeightMap: { ConditionalReadLocker locker(reprap.GetMove().heightMapLock); if (locker.IsLocked()) { packetAcknowledged = transfer.WriteHeightMap(); } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } break; } // Set heightmap via G29 S1 case SbcRequest::SetHeightMap: { ConditionalWriteLocker locker(reprap.GetMove().heightMapLock); if (locker.IsLocked()) { if (!transfer.ReadHeightMap()) { reprap.GetPlatform().Message(ErrorMessage, "Failed to set height map - bad data?\n"); } } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } break; } // Lock movement and wait for standstill case SbcRequest::LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill: { const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadCodeChannel(); if (channel.IsValid()) { GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); MutexLocker locker(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (locker.IsAcquired() && reprap.GetGCodes().LockMovementAndWaitForStandstill(*gb)) { transfer.WriteLocked(channel); } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; } // Unlock everything case SbcRequest::Unlock: { const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadCodeChannel(); if (channel.IsValid()) { GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); MutexLocker locker(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (locker.IsAcquired()) { reprap.GetGCodes().UnlockAll(*gb); } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; } // Write the first chunk of the IAP binary case SbcRequest::WriteIap: { reprap.PrepareToLoadIap(); ReceiveAndStartIap(transfer.ReadData(packet->length), packet->length); break; } // Assign filament (deprecated) case SbcRequest::AssignFilament_deprecated: (void)transfer.ReadData(packet->length); // skip the packet content break; // Return a file chunk case SbcRequest::FileChunk: transfer.ReadFileChunk(requestedFileBuffer, requestedFileDataLength, requestedFileLength); requestedFileSemaphore.Give(); break; // Evaluate an expression case SbcRequest::EvaluateExpression: { String expression; const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadEvaluateExpression(packet->length, expression.GetRef()); if (channel.IsValid()) { GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); // If there is a macro file waiting, the first instruction must be conditional. Don't block any longer... if (gb->IsWaitingForMacro()) { gb->ResolveMacroRequest(false, false); #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if (channel == GCodeChannel::File) { fileMacrosRunning++; } #endif } try { // Evaluate the expression and send the result to DSF MutexLocker lock(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (lock.IsAcquired()) { ExpressionParser parser(*gb, expression.c_str(), expression.c_str() + expression.strlen()); const ExpressionValue val = parser.Parse(); packetAcknowledged = transfer.WriteEvaluationResult(expression.c_str(), val); } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } } catch (const GCodeException& e) { // Get the error message and send it back to DSF String errorMessage; e.GetMessage(errorMessage.GetRef(), nullptr); packetAcknowledged = transfer.WriteEvaluationError(expression.c_str(), errorMessage.c_str()); } } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; } // Send a firmware message, typically a response to a command that has been passed to DSF. // These responses can get quite long (e.g. responses to M20) so receive it into an OutputBuffer. case SbcRequest::Message: { OutputBuffer *buf; if (OutputBuffer::Allocate(buf)) { MessageType type; if (transfer.ReadMessage(type, buf)) { // FIXME Push flag is not supported yet reprap.GetPlatform().Message(type, buf); } else { // Not enough memory for reading the whole message, try again later OutputBuffer::ReleaseAll(buf); packetAcknowledged = false; } } break; } // Macro file has been started case SbcRequest::MacroStarted: { const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadCodeChannel(); if (channel.IsValid()) { GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); if (gb->IsWaitingForMacro() && !gb->IsMacroRequestPending()) { // File exists and is open, but no code has arrived yet gb->ResolveMacroRequest(false, false); #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if (channel == GCodeChannel::File) { fileMacrosRunning++; } #endif } else if (channel != GCodeChannel::Daemon) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(WarningMessage, "Macro file has been started on channel %s but none was requested\n", channel.ToString()); } else { // dameon.g is running, now the OM may report the file is being executed reprap.InputsUpdated(); } } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; } // Invalidate all files and codes on a given channel case SbcRequest::InvalidateChannel: { const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadCodeChannel(); if (channel.IsValid()) { GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); if (gb->IsWaitingForMacro()) { gb->ResolveMacroRequest(true, false); } MutexLocker locker(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (locker.IsAcquired()) { // Note that we do not call StopPrint here or set any other variables; DSF already does that gb->AbortFile(true, false); InvalidateBufferedCodes(channel); } else { packetAcknowledged = false; } } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; } // Set the content of a variable case SbcRequest::SetVariable: { bool createVariable; String varName; String expression; const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadSetVariable(createVariable, varName.GetRef(), expression.GetRef()); // Make sure we can access the gb safely... if (!channel.IsValid()) { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); MutexLocker lock(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (!lock.IsAcquired()) { packetAcknowledged = false; break; } // Get the variable set const bool isGlobal = StringStartsWith(varName.c_str(), "global."); if (!isGlobal && !StringStartsWith(varName.c_str(), "var.")) { packetAcknowledged = transfer.WriteSetVariableError(varName.c_str(), "expected a global or local variable"); break; } WriteLockedPointer vset = (isGlobal) ? reprap.GetGlobalVariablesForWriting() : WriteLockedPointer(nullptr, &gb->GetVariables()); // Check if the variable is valid const char *shortVarName = varName.c_str() + strlen(isGlobal ? "global." : "var."); Variable * const v = vset->Lookup(shortVarName); if (createVariable && v != nullptr) { // For now we don't allow an existing variable to be reassigned using a 'var' or 'global' statement. We may need to allow it for 'global' statements. // Save memory by re-using 'expression' to capture the error message expression.printf("variable '%s' already exists", varName.c_str()); packetAcknowledged = transfer.WriteSetVariableError(varName.c_str(), expression.c_str()); break; } if (!createVariable && v == nullptr) { // Save memory by re-using 'expression' to capture the error message expression.printf("unknown variable '%s'", varName.c_str()); packetAcknowledged = transfer.WriteSetVariableError(varName.c_str(), expression.c_str()); break; } // Evaluate the expression and assign it try { ExpressionParser parser(*gb, expression.c_str(), expression.c_str() + expression.strlen()); ExpressionValue ev = parser.Parse(); if (v == nullptr) { // DSF doesn't provide indent values but instructs RRF to delete local variables when the current block ends vset->InsertNew(shortVarName, ev, 0); } else { v->Assign(ev); } transfer.WriteSetVariableResult(varName.c_str(), ev); if (isGlobal) { reprap.GlobalUpdated(); } } catch (const GCodeException& e) { // Get the error message and send it back to DSF // Save memory by re-using 'expression' to capture the error message e.GetMessage(expression.GetRef(), nullptr); packetAcknowledged = transfer.WriteSetVariableError(varName.c_str(), expression.c_str()); } break; } // Delete a local variable case SbcRequest::DeleteLocalVariable: { String varName; const GCodeChannel channel = transfer.ReadDeleteLocalVariable(varName.GetRef()); // Make sure we can access the gb safely... if (!channel.IsValid()) { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); MutexLocker lock(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (!lock.IsAcquired()) { packetAcknowledged = false; break; } // Try to delete the variable again WriteLockedPointer vset = WriteLockedPointer(nullptr, &gb->GetVariables()); vset.Ptr()->Delete(varName.c_str()); break; } // Result of a file exists check case SbcRequest::CheckFileExistsResult: if (fileOperation == FileOperation::checkFileExists) { fileSuccess = transfer.ReadBoolean(); fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; // Result of a deletion request case SbcRequest::FileDeleteResult: if (fileOperation == FileOperation::deleteFileOrDirectory) { fileSuccess = transfer.ReadBoolean(); fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; // Result of a file open request case SbcRequest::OpenFileResult: if (fileOperation == FileOperation::openRead || fileOperation == FileOperation::openWrite || fileOperation == FileOperation::openAppend) { fileHandle = transfer.ReadOpenFileResult(fileOffset); fileSuccess = (fileHandle != noFileHandle); fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; // Result of a file read request case SbcRequest::FileReadResult: if (fileOperation == FileOperation::read) { int bytesRead = transfer.ReadFileData(fileReadBuffer, fileBufferLength); fileSuccess = bytesRead >= 0; fileOffset = fileSuccess ? bytesRead : 0; fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; // Result of a file write request case SbcRequest::FileWriteResult: if (fileOperation == FileOperation::write) { fileSuccess = transfer.ReadBoolean(); if (!fileSuccess || fileBufferLength == 0) { fileOperationPending = false; fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; // Result of a file seek request case SbcRequest::FileSeekResult: if (fileOperation == FileOperation::seek) { fileSuccess = transfer.ReadBoolean(); fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; // Result of a file seek request case SbcRequest::FileTruncateResult: if (fileOperation == FileOperation::truncate) { fileSuccess = transfer.ReadBoolean(); fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } else { REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; // Invalid request default: REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } // Request the packet again if no response could be sent back if (!packetAcknowledged) { transfer.ResendPacket(packet); } } // Check if we can wait a short moment to reduce CPU load on the SBC if (!skipNextDelay && numEvents < numMaxEvents && !waitingForFileChunk && !fileOperationPending && fileOperation == FileOperation::none) { delaying = true; if (!TaskBase::Take(MassStorage::AnyFileOpen() ? maxFileOpenDelay : maxDelayBetweenTransfers)) { delaying = false; } } numEvents = 0; skipNextDelay = false; // Send code replies and generic messages if (!gcodeReply.IsEmpty()) { MutexLocker lock(gcodeReplyMutex); while (!gcodeReply.IsEmpty()) { const MessageType type = gcodeReply.GetFirstItemType(); OutputBuffer *buffer = gcodeReply.GetFirstItem(); // this may be null if (!transfer.WriteCodeReply(type, buffer)) // this handles the null case too { break; } gcodeReply.SetFirstItem(buffer); // this does a pop if buffer is null } } // Notify DSF about the available buffer space if (!codeBufferAvailable || sendBufferUpdate) { TaskCriticalSectionLocker locker; const uint16_t bufferSpace = (txEnd == 0) ? max(rxPointer, SpiCodeBufferSize - txPointer) : rxPointer - txPointer; sendBufferUpdate = !transfer.WriteCodeBufferUpdate(bufferSpace); } // Get another chunk of the file being requested if (waitingForFileChunk && !fileChunkRequestSent && transfer.WriteFileChunkRequest(requestedFileName.c_str(), requestedFileOffset, requestedFileLength)) { fileChunkRequestSent = true; } // Perform the next file operation if requested if (fileOperationPending) { switch (fileOperation) { case FileOperation::checkFileExists: fileOperationPending = !transfer.WriteCheckFileExists(filePath); break; case FileOperation::deleteFileOrDirectory: fileOperationPending = !transfer.WriteDeleteFileOrDirectory(filePath); break; case FileOperation::openRead: case FileOperation::openWrite: case FileOperation::openAppend: fileOperationPending = !transfer.WriteOpenFile(filePath, fileOperation == FileOperation::openWrite || fileOperation == FileOperation::openAppend, fileOperation == FileOperation::openAppend, filePreAllocSize); break; case FileOperation::read: fileOperationPending = !transfer.WriteReadFile(fileHandle, fileBufferLength); break; case FileOperation::write: { size_t bytesNotWritten = fileBufferLength; if (transfer.WriteFileData(fileHandle, fileWriteBuffer, fileBufferLength)) { fileWriteBuffer += bytesNotWritten - fileBufferLength; if (fileBufferLength == 0) { fileOperationPending = false; } } break; } case FileOperation::seek: fileOperationPending = !transfer.WriteSeekFile(fileHandle, fileOffset); break; case FileOperation::truncate: fileOperationPending = !transfer.WriteTruncateFile(fileHandle); break; case FileOperation::close: fileOperationPending = !transfer.WriteCloseFile(fileHandle); if (!fileOperationPending) { // Close requests don't get a result back, so they can be resolved as soon as they are sent to the SBC fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } break; default: REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } } // Deal with code channel requests for (size_t i = 0; i < NumGCodeChannels; i++) { const GCodeChannel channel(i); GCodeBuffer * const gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(channel); // Invalidate buffered codes if required if (gb->IsInvalidated()) { InvalidateBufferedCodes(gb->GetChannel()); gb->Invalidate(false); } // Deal with macro files being closed if (gb->IsMacroFileClosed() && transfer.WriteMacroFileClosed(channel)) { // Note this is only sent when a macro file has finished successfully gb->MacroFileClosedSent(); } // Handle blocking macro requests if (gb->IsWaitingForMacro() && gb->IsMacroRequestPending()) { const char * const requestedMacroFile = gb->GetRequestedMacroFile(); bool fromCode = gb->IsMacroStartedByCode(); if (transfer.WriteMacroRequest(channel, requestedMacroFile, fromCode)) { if (reprap.Debug(moduleSbcInterface)) { debugPrintf("Requesting macro file '%s' (fromCode: %s)\n", requestedMacroFile, fromCode ? "true" : "false"); } gb->MacroRequestSent(); gb->Invalidate(); } } // Deal with other requests unless we are still waiting in a semaphore if (!gb->IsWaitingForMacro()) { MutexLocker gbLock(gb->mutex, SbcYieldTimeout); if (gbLock.IsAcquired()) { if (gb->GetChannel() != GCodeChannel::Daemon) { skipNextDelay |= gb->IsMacroRequestPending() || gb->HasJustStartedMacro(); } // Handle file abort requests if (gb->IsAbortRequested() && transfer.WriteAbortFileRequest(channel, gb->IsAbortAllRequested())) { #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if (channel == GCodeChannel::File) { if (gb->IsAbortAllRequested()) { fileCodesRead = fileCodesHandled = fileMacrosRunning = fileMacrosClosing = 0; } else { fileMacrosClosing++; } } #endif gb->FileAbortSent(); gb->Invalidate(); } // Handle blocking messages and their results if (gb->LatestMachineState().waitingForAcknowledgement && gb->IsMessagePromptPending() && transfer.WriteWaitForAcknowledgement(channel)) { gb->MessagePromptSent(); gb->Invalidate(); } else if (gb->IsMessageAcknowledged() && transfer.WriteMessageAcknowledged(channel)) { // Note this is only sent when a message was acknowledged in a regular way (i.e. by M292) gb->MessageAcknowledgementSent(); } // Handle non-blocking macro requests (e.g. daemon.g) if (gb->IsMacroRequestPending()) { const char * const requestedMacroFile = gb->GetRequestedMacroFile(); bool fromCode = gb->IsMacroStartedByCode(); if (transfer.WriteMacroRequest(channel, requestedMacroFile, fromCode)) { if (reprap.Debug(moduleSbcInterface)) { debugPrintf("Requesting non-blocking macro file '%s' (fromCode: %s)\n", requestedMacroFile, fromCode ? "true" : "false"); } gb->MacroRequestSent(); gb->Invalidate(); } } // Send pending firmware codes if (gb->IsSendRequested() && transfer.WriteDoCode(channel, gb->DataStart(), gb->DataLength())) { gb->SetFinished(true); } } } } // Send pause notification on demand if (reportPause && transfer.WritePrintPaused(pauseFilePosition, pauseReason)) { reportPause = false; } } [[noreturn]] void SbcInterface::ReceiveAndStartIap(const char *iapChunk, size_t length) noexcept { char *iapWritePointer = reinterpret_cast(IAP_IMAGE_START); for(;;) { // Write the next IAP chunk if (iapChunk != nullptr) { uint32_t *dst = reinterpret_cast(iapWritePointer); const uint32_t *src = reinterpret_cast(iapChunk); memcpyu32(dst, src, length / sizeof(uint32_t)); iapWritePointer += length; iapChunk = nullptr; } // Get the next IAP chunk transfer.StartNextTransfer(); bool transferComplete = false; do { switch (transfer.DoTransfer()) { #if SAME5x case TransferState::connectionTimeout: #endif case TransferState::connectionReset: // Perform a firmware reset, we're in an unsafe state to resume regular operation SoftwareReset(SoftwareResetReason::user); break; case TransferState::finished: transferComplete = true; break; default: // do nothing break; } } while (!transferComplete); // Process only IAP-related packets for (size_t i = 0; i < transfer.PacketsToRead(); i++) { const PacketHeader * const packet = transfer.ReadPacket(); switch ((SbcRequest)packet->request) { case SbcRequest::WriteIap: // Write another IAP chunk. It's always bound on a 4-byte boundary { iapChunk = transfer.ReadData(packet->length); length = packet->length; break; } case SbcRequest::StartIap: // Start the IAP binary reprap.StartIap(nullptr); break; default: // Other packet types are not supported while IAP is being written // do nothing break; } } } } void SbcInterface::InvalidateResources() noexcept { rxPointer = txPointer = txEnd = 0; sendBufferUpdate = true; if (!requestedFileName.IsEmpty()) { requestedFileDataLength = -1; requestedFileSemaphore.Give(); } if (fileOperation != FileOperation::none) { fileOperation = FileOperation::none; fileSemaphore.Give(); } MassStorage::InvalidateAllFiles(); // Don't cache any messages if they cannot be sent { MutexLocker lock(gcodeReplyMutex); gcodeReply.ReleaseAll(); } // Close all open G-code files for (size_t i = 0; i < NumGCodeChannels; i++) { GCodeBuffer *gb = reprap.GetGCodes().GetGCodeBuffer(GCodeChannel(i)); if (gb->IsWaitingForMacro()) { gb->ResolveMacroRequest(true, false); } MutexLocker locker(gb->mutex); if (gb->IsMacroRequestPending()) { gb->MacroRequestSent(); } gb->AbortFile(true, false); gb->MessageAcknowledged(true); } // Abort the print (if applicable) printAborted = true; // Turn off all the heaters reprap.GetHeat().SwitchOffAll(true); } void SbcInterface::Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept { reprap.GetPlatform().Message(mtype, "=== SBC interface ===\n"); transfer.Diagnostics(mtype); reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(mtype, "State: %d, disconnects: %" PRIu32 ", timeouts: %" PRIu32 ", IAP RAM available 0x%05" PRIx32 "\n", (int)state, numDisconnects, numTimeouts, iapRamAvailable); reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(mtype, "Buffer RX/TX: %d/%d-%d\n", (int)rxPointer, (int)txPointer, (int)txEnd); #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(mtype, "File codes read/handled: %d/%d, file macros open/closing: %d %d\n", (int)fileCodesRead, (int)fileCodesHandled, (int)fileMacrosRunning, (int)fileMacrosClosing); #endif } GCodeResult SbcInterface::HandleM576(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('S')) { uint32_t sParam = gb.GetUIValue(); if (sParam > SpiConnectionTimeout) { reply.printf("SPI transfer delay must not exceed %" PRIu32 "ms", SpiConnectionTimeout); return GCodeResult::error; } maxDelayBetweenTransfers = sParam; seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('F')) { uint32_t fParam = gb.GetUIValue(); if (fParam > SpiConnectionTimeout) { reply.printf("SPI transfer delay must not exceed %" PRIu32 "ms", SpiConnectionTimeout); return GCodeResult::error; } maxFileOpenDelay = fParam; seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('P')) { numMaxEvents = gb.GetUIValue(); seen = true; } if (!seen) { reply.printf("Max transfer delay %" PRIu32 "ms, max number of events during delays: %" PRIu32, maxDelayBetweenTransfers, numMaxEvents); } return GCodeResult::ok; } bool SbcInterface::FillBuffer(GCodeBuffer &gb) noexcept { if (gb.IsInvalidated() || gb.IsMacroFileClosed() || gb.IsMessageAcknowledged() || gb.IsAbortRequested() || (reportPause && gb.GetChannel() == GCodeChannel::File) || (gb.LatestMachineState().waitingForAcknowledgement && gb.IsMessagePromptPending())) { // Don't process codes that are supposed to be suspended... return false; } bool gotCommand = false; { //TODO can we take the lock inside the loop body instead, if we re-read readPointer and writePointer after taking it? TaskCriticalSectionLocker locker; if (rxPointer != txPointer || txEnd != 0) { bool updateRxPointer = true; uint16_t readPointer = rxPointer; do { BufferedCodeHeader *bufHeader = reinterpret_cast(codeBuffer + readPointer); readPointer += sizeof(BufferedCodeHeader); const CodeHeader *codeHeader = reinterpret_cast(codeBuffer + readPointer); readPointer += bufHeader->length; RRF_ASSERT(bufHeader->length > 0); RRF_ASSERT(readPointer <= SpiCodeBufferSize); if (bufHeader->isPending) { if (gb.GetChannel().RawValue() == codeHeader->channel) { #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if (gb.GetChannel() == GCodeChannel::File && gb.GetCommandLetter() != 'Q') { fileMacrosRunning -= fileMacrosClosing; fileMacrosClosing = 0; if (fileCodesRead > fileCodesHandled + fileMacrosRunning) { // Note that we cannot use MessageF here because the task scheduler is suspended OutputBuffer *buf; if (OutputBuffer::Allocate(buf)) { String codeString; gb.PrintCommand(codeString.GetRef()); buf->printf("Code %s did not return a code result, delta %d, running macros %d\n", codeString.c_str(), fileCodesRead - fileCodesHandled - fileMacrosRunning, fileMacrosRunning); gcodeReply.Push(buf, WarningMessage); } fileCodesRead = fileCodesHandled - fileMacrosRunning; } fileCodesRead++; } #endif // Process the next binary G-code gb.PutBinary(reinterpret_cast(codeHeader), bufHeader->length / sizeof(uint32_t)); bufHeader->isPending = false; // Check if we can reset the ring buffer pointers if (updateRxPointer) { sendBufferUpdate = true; if (readPointer == txPointer && txEnd == 0) { // Buffer completely read, reset RX/TX pointers rxPointer = txPointer = 0; } else if (readPointer == txEnd) { // Read last code before overlapping, restart from the beginning rxPointer = txEnd = 0; } else { // Code has been read, move on to the next one rxPointer = readPointer; } } gotCommand = true; break; } updateRxPointer = false; } if (readPointer == txEnd) { if (updateRxPointer) { // Skipped non-pending codes, restart from the beginning rxPointer = txEnd = 0; } // About to overlap, continue from the start readPointer = 0; } } while (readPointer != txPointer); } } if (gotCommand) { gb.DecodeCommand(); return true; } return false; } bool SbcInterface::FileExists(const char *filename) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return false; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); filePath = filename; fileOperation = FileOperation::checkFileExists; fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); // Return the result return fileSuccess; } bool SbcInterface::DeleteFileOrDirectory(const char *fileOrDirectory) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return false; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); filePath = fileOrDirectory; fileOperation = FileOperation::deleteFileOrDirectory; fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); // Return the result return fileSuccess; } FileHandle SbcInterface::OpenFile(const char *filename, OpenMode mode, FilePosition& fileLength, uint32_t preAllocSize) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return false; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); filePath = filename; filePreAllocSize = preAllocSize; switch (mode) { case OpenMode::read: fileOperation = FileOperation::openRead; break; case OpenMode::write: case OpenMode::writeWithCrc: fileOperation = FileOperation::openWrite; break; case OpenMode::append: fileOperation = FileOperation::openAppend; break; default: filePath = nullptr; REPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); // Update the file length and return the handle fileLength = fileOffset; return fileHandle; } int SbcInterface::ReadFile(FileHandle handle, char *buffer, size_t bufferLength) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return false; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); fileHandle = handle; fileReadBuffer = buffer; fileBufferLength = bufferLength; fileOperation = FileOperation::read; fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); ; // Return the number of bytes read return fileSuccess ? (int)fileOffset : -1; } bool SbcInterface::WriteFile(FileHandle handle, const char *buffer, size_t bufferLength) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return false; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); fileHandle = handle; fileWriteBuffer = buffer; fileBufferLength = bufferLength; fileOperation = FileOperation::write; fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); // Return the result return fileSuccess; } bool SbcInterface::SeekFile(FileHandle handle, FilePosition offset) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return false; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); fileHandle = handle; fileOffset = offset; fileOperation = FileOperation::seek; fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); // Return the result return fileSuccess; } bool SbcInterface::TruncateFile(FileHandle handle) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return false; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); fileHandle = handle; fileOperation = FileOperation::truncate; fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); // Return the result return fileSuccess; } void SbcInterface::CloseFile(FileHandle handle) noexcept { // Don't do anything if the SBC is not connected if (!IsConnected()) { return; } // Set up the request content MutexLocker locker(fileMutex); fileHandle = handle; fileOperation = FileOperation::close; fileOperationPending = true; // Let the SBC task process this request as quickly as possible if (delaying) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } fileSemaphore.Take(); } void SbcInterface::HandleGCodeReply(MessageType mt, const char *reply) noexcept { if (!IsConnected()) { return; } #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if ((mt & (1 << GCodeChannel::File)) != 0) { fileCodesHandled++; } #endif MutexLocker lock(gcodeReplyMutex); OutputBuffer *buffer = gcodeReply.GetLastItem(); if (buffer != nullptr && mt == gcodeReply.GetLastItemType() && (mt & PushFlag) != 0 && !buffer->IsReferenced()) { // Try to save some space by combining segments that have the Push flag set buffer->cat(reply); } else if (reply[0] != 0 && OutputBuffer::Allocate(buffer)) { // Attempt to allocate one G-code buffer per non-empty output message buffer->cat(reply); gcodeReply.Push(buffer, mt); } else { // Store nullptr to indicate an empty response. This way many OutputBuffer references can be saved gcodeReply.Push(nullptr, mt); } EventOccurred(); } void SbcInterface::HandleGCodeReply(MessageType mt, OutputBuffer *buffer) noexcept { if (!IsConnected()) { OutputBuffer::ReleaseAll(buffer); return; } #ifdef TRACK_FILE_CODES if ((mt & (1 << GCodeChannel::File)) != 0) { fileCodesHandled++; } #endif MutexLocker lock(gcodeReplyMutex); gcodeReply.Push(buffer, mt); EventOccurred(); } // Read a file chunk from the SBC. When a response has been received, the current task is woken up again. // It changes bufferLength to the number of received bytes // This method returns true on success and false if an error occurred (e.g. file not found) bool SbcInterface::GetFileChunk(const char *filename, uint32_t offset, char *buffer, uint32_t& bufferLength, uint32_t& fileLength) noexcept { if (waitingForFileChunk) { reprap.GetPlatform().Message(ErrorMessage, "Trying to request a file chunk from two independent tasks\n"); bufferLength = fileLength = 0; return false; } fileChunkRequestSent = false; requestedFileName.copy(filename); requestedFileLength = bufferLength; requestedFileOffset = offset; requestedFileBuffer = buffer; waitingForFileChunk = true; requestedFileSemaphore.Take(); waitingForFileChunk = false; if (requestedFileDataLength < 0) { bufferLength = fileLength = 0; return false; } bufferLength = requestedFileDataLength; fileLength = requestedFileLength; return true; } void SbcInterface::EventOccurred(bool timeCritical) noexcept { if (!IsConnected()) { return; } // Increment the number of events if (timeCritical) { numEvents = numMaxEvents; } else { numEvents++; } // Stop delaying if the next transfer is time-critical if (delaying && numEvents >= numMaxEvents) { delaying = false; sbcTask->Give(); } } void SbcInterface::InvalidateBufferedCodes(GCodeChannel channel) noexcept { TaskCriticalSectionLocker locker; if (rxPointer != txPointer || txEnd != 0) { bool updateRxPointer = true; uint16_t readPointer = rxPointer; do { BufferedCodeHeader *bufHeader = reinterpret_cast(codeBuffer + readPointer); if (bufHeader->isPending) { const CodeHeader *codeHeader = reinterpret_cast(codeBuffer + readPointer + sizeof(BufferedCodeHeader)); if (codeHeader->channel == channel.RawValue()) { bufHeader->isPending = false; } else { updateRxPointer = false; } } readPointer += sizeof(BufferedCodeHeader) + bufHeader->length; if (updateRxPointer) { sendBufferUpdate = true; if (readPointer == txPointer && txEnd == 0) { // Buffer is empty again, reset the pointers rxPointer = txPointer = 0; break; } else if (readPointer == txEnd) { // Invalidated last code before overlapping, continue from the beginning readPointer = 0; rxPointer = txEnd = 0; } else { // Invalidated next code rxPointer = readPointer; } } else if (readPointer == txEnd) { // About to overlap, continue from the start readPointer = 0; } } while (readPointer != txPointer); } } #endif