#include "MassStorage.h" #include #include #include #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE # include # include # include // Check that the LFN configuration in FatFS is sufficient static_assert(FF_MAX_LFN >= MaxFilenameLength, "FF_MAX_LFN too small"); // Check that the correct number of SD cards is configured in the library static_assert(SD_MMC_MEM_CNT == NumSdCards); #endif #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE # include #endif #ifdef DUET3_MB6HC # include #endif // A note on using mutexes: // Each SD card volume has its own mutex. There is also one for the file table, and one for the find first/find next buffer. // The FatFS subsystem locks and releases the appropriate volume mutex when it is called. // Any function that needs to acquire both the file table mutex and a volume mutex MUST take the file table mutex first, to avoid deadlocks. // Any function that needs to acquire both the find buffer mutex and a volume mutex MUST take the find buffer mutex first, to avoid deadlocks. // No function should need to take both the file table mutex and the find buffer mutex. // No function in here should be called when the caller already owns the shared SPI mutex. #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE // Private data and methods # if SAME70 alignas(4) static __nocache uint8_t sectorBuffers[NumSdCards][512]; alignas(4) static __nocache char writeBufferStorage[NumFileWriteBuffers][FileWriteBufLen]; # endif enum class CardDetectState : uint8_t { notPresent = 0, inserting, present, removing }; struct SdCardInfo INHERIT_OBJECT_MODEL { FATFS fileSystem; uint32_t cdChangedTime; uint32_t mountStartTime; Mutex volMutex; uint16_t seq; Pin cdPin; bool mounting; bool isMounted; CardDetectState cardState; void Clear(unsigned int card) noexcept; protected: DECLARE_OBJECT_MODEL }; void SdCardInfo::Clear(unsigned int card) noexcept { memset(&fileSystem, 0, sizeof(fileSystem)); #if SAME70 fileSystem.win = sectorBuffers[card]; memset(sectorBuffers[card], 0, sizeof(sectorBuffers[card])); #endif } #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL // Object model table and functions // Note: if using GCC version 7.3.1 20180622 and lambda functions are used in this table, you must compile this file with option -std=gnu++17. // Otherwise the table will be allocate in RAM instead of flash, which wastes too much RAM. // Macro to build a standard lambda function that includes the necessary type conversions #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_BODY(SdCardInfo, __VA_ARGS__) #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(_condition,...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF_BODY(SdCardInfo, _condition,__VA_ARGS__) // These two functions are only called from one place each in the OM table, hence inlined static inline uint64_t GetFreeSpace(size_t slot) { MassStorage::SdCardReturnedInfo returnedInfo; (void)MassStorage::GetCardInfo(slot, returnedInfo); return returnedInfo.freeSpace; } static inline uint64_t GetPartitionSize(size_t slot) { MassStorage::SdCardReturnedInfo returnedInfo; (void)MassStorage::GetCardInfo(slot, returnedInfo); return returnedInfo.partitionSize; } static const char * const VolPathNames[] = { "0:/", "1:/" }; static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(VolPathNames) >= NumSdCards, "Incorrect VolPathNames array"); #ifdef DUET3_MB6HC static IoPort sd1Ports[2]; // first element is CS port, second is CD port #endif constexpr ObjectModelTableEntry SdCardInfo::objectModelTable[] = { // Within each group, these entries must be in alphabetical order // 0. volumes[] root { "capacity", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(self->isMounted, (uint64_t)sd_mmc_get_capacity(context.GetLastIndex()) * 1024u), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "freeSpace", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(self->isMounted, GetFreeSpace(context.GetLastIndex())), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "mounted", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->isMounted), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "openFiles", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(self->isMounted, MassStorage::AnyFileOpen(&(self->fileSystem))), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "partitionSize", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(self->isMounted, GetPartitionSize(context.GetLastIndex())), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "path", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(VolPathNames[context.GetLastIndex()]), ObjectModelEntryFlags::verbose }, { "speed", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_IF(self->isMounted, (int32_t)sd_mmc_get_interface_speed(context.GetLastIndex())), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, }; // TODO Add storages here in the format /* openFiles = null path = null */ constexpr uint8_t SdCardInfo::objectModelTableDescriptor[] = { 1, 7 }; DEFINE_GET_OBJECT_MODEL_TABLE(SdCardInfo) #endif static SdCardInfo info[NumSdCards]; static DIR findDir; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES static Mutex dirMutex; static FileInfoParser infoParser; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE static FileWriteBuffer *freeWriteBuffers; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES static Mutex fsMutex; static FileStore files[MAX_FILES]; #endif // Construct a full path name from a path and a filename. Returns false if error i.e. filename too long /*static*/ bool MassStorage::CombineName(const StringRef& outbuf, const char* directory, const char* fileName) noexcept { bool hadError = false; if (directory != nullptr && directory[0] != 0 && fileName[0] != '/' && (strlen(fileName) < 2 || !isdigit(fileName[0]) || fileName[1] != ':')) { hadError = outbuf.copy(directory); if (!hadError) { const size_t len = outbuf.strlen(); if (len != 0 && outbuf[len - 1] != '/') { hadError = outbuf.cat('/'); } } } else { outbuf.Clear(); } if (!hadError) { hadError = outbuf.cat(fileName); } if (hadError) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Filename too long: cap=%u, dir=%.12s%s name=%.12s%s\n", outbuf.Capacity(), directory, (strlen(directory) > 12 ? "..." : ""), fileName, (strlen(fileName) > 12 ? "..." : "") ); outbuf.copy("?????"); } return !hadError; } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE # ifdef DUET3_MB6HC // Return the number of volumes, which on the 6HC is normally 1 but can be increased to 2 size_t MassStorage::GetNumVolumes() noexcept { return (sd1Ports[0].IsValid()) ? 2 : 1; // we have 2 slots if the second one has a valid CS pin, else 1 } // Configure additional SD card slots // The card detect pin may be NoPin if the SD card slot doesn't support card detect GCodeResult MassStorage::ConfigureSdCard(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { (void)gb.GetLimitedUIValue('D', 1, 2); // only slot 1 may be configured IoPort * const portAddresses[2] = { &sd1Ports[0], &sd1Ports[1] }; if (gb.Seen('C')) { const PinAccess accessNeeded[2] = { PinAccess::write1, PinAccess::read }; if (IoPort::AssignPorts(gb, reply, PinUsedBy::sdCard, 2, portAddresses, accessNeeded) == 0) { return GCodeResult::error; } sd_mmc_change_cs_pin(1, sd1Ports[0].GetPin()); info[1].cdPin = sd1Ports[1].GetPin(); reprap.VolumesUpdated(); } else { reply.copy("SD card 1 uses pins "); IoPort::AppendPinNames(reply, 2, portAddresses); } return GCodeResult::ok; } # endif // Sequence number management uint16_t MassStorage::GetVolumeSeq(unsigned int volume) noexcept { return info[volume].seq; } // If 'path' is not the name of a temporary file, update the sequence number of its volume // Return true if we did update the sequence number static bool VolumeUpdated(const char *path) noexcept { if (!StringEndsWithIgnoreCase(path, ".part") #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE && !reprap.UsingSbcInterface() #endif ) { const unsigned int volume = (isdigit(path[0]) && path[1] == ':') ? path[0] - '0' : 0; if (volume < ARRAY_SIZE(info)) { ++info[volume].seq; return true; } } return false; } // Unmount a file system returning the number of open files were invalidated static unsigned int InternalUnmount(size_t card, bool doClose) noexcept { SdCardInfo& inf = info[card]; MutexLocker lock1(fsMutex); MutexLocker lock2(inf.volMutex); const unsigned int invalidated = MassStorage::InvalidateFiles(&inf.fileSystem, doClose); const char path[3] = { (char)('0' + card), ':', 0 }; f_mount(nullptr, path, 0); inf.Clear(card); sd_mmc_unmount(card); inf.isMounted = false; reprap.VolumesUpdated(); return invalidated; } static time_t ConvertTimeStamp(uint16_t fdate, uint16_t ftime) noexcept { struct tm timeInfo; memset(&timeInfo, 0, sizeof(timeInfo)); timeInfo.tm_year = (fdate >> 9) + 80; const uint16_t month = (fdate >> 5) & 0x0F; timeInfo.tm_mon = (month == 0) ? month : month - 1; // month is 1..12 in FAT but 0..11 in struct tm timeInfo.tm_mday = max(fdate & 0x1F, 1); timeInfo.tm_hour = (ftime >> 11) & 0x1F; timeInfo.tm_min = (ftime >> 5) & 0x3F; timeInfo.tm_sec = (ftime & 0x1F) * 2; timeInfo.tm_isdst = 0; return mktime(&timeInfo); } static const char* TranslateCardType(card_type_t ct) noexcept { switch (ct) { case CARD_TYPE_SD | CARD_TYPE_HC: return "SDHC"; case CARD_TYPE_SD: return "SD"; case CARD_TYPE_MMC | CARD_TYPE_HC: return "MMC High Capacity"; case CARD_TYPE_MMC: return "MMC"; case CARD_TYPE_SDIO: return "SDIO"; case CARD_TYPE_SD_COMBO: return "SD COMBO"; case CARD_TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: return "Unknown type"; } } static const char* TranslateCardError(sd_mmc_err_t err) noexcept { switch (err) { case SD_MMC_ERR_NO_CARD: return "Card not found"; case SD_MMC_ERR_UNUSABLE: return "Card is unusable"; case SD_MMC_ERR_SLOT: return "Slot unknown"; case SD_MMC_ERR_COMM: return "Communication error"; case SD_MMC_ERR_PARAM: return "Illegal input parameter"; case SD_MMC_ERR_WP: return "Card write protected"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES void MassStorage::Init() noexcept { fsMutex.Create("FileSystem"); #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES dirMutex.Create("DirSearch"); #endif # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE freeWriteBuffers = nullptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < NumFileWriteBuffers; ++i) { # if SAME70 freeWriteBuffers = new FileWriteBuffer(freeWriteBuffers, writeBufferStorage[i]); # else freeWriteBuffers = new FileWriteBuffer(freeWriteBuffers); # endif } # endif # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE static const char * const VolMutexNames[] = { "SD0", "SD1" }; static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(VolMutexNames) >= NumSdCards, "Incorrect VolMutexNames array"); // Initialise the SD card structs for (size_t card = 0; card < NumSdCards; ++card) { SdCardInfo& inf = info[card]; inf.Clear(card); inf.mounting = inf.isMounted = false; inf.seq = 0; inf.cdPin = SdCardDetectPins[card]; inf.cardState = (inf.cdPin == NoPin) ? CardDetectState::present : CardDetectState::notPresent; inf.volMutex.Create(VolMutexNames[card]); } sd_mmc_init(SdWriteProtectPins, SdSpiCSPins); // initialize SD MMC stack // We no longer mount the SD card here because it may take a long time if it fails # endif } void MassStorage::Spin() noexcept { # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE for (size_t card = 0; card < NumSdCards; ++card) { SdCardInfo& inf = info[card]; if (inf.cdPin != NoPin) { if (IoPort::ReadPin(inf.cdPin)) { // Pin state says no card present switch (inf.cardState) { case CardDetectState::inserting: case CardDetectState::present: inf.cardState = CardDetectState::removing; inf.cdChangedTime = millis(); break; case CardDetectState::removing: if (millis() - inf.cdChangedTime > SdCardDetectDebounceMillis) { inf.cardState = CardDetectState::notPresent; if (inf.isMounted) { const unsigned int numFiles = InternalUnmount(card, false); if (numFiles != 0) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "SD card %u removed with %u file(s) open on it\n", card, numFiles); } } } break; default: break; } } else { // Pin state says card is present switch (inf.cardState) { case CardDetectState::removing: case CardDetectState::notPresent: inf.cardState = CardDetectState::inserting; inf.cdChangedTime = millis(); break; case CardDetectState::inserting: inf.cardState = CardDetectState::present; break; default: break; } } } } # endif // Check if any files are supposed to be closed { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (FileStore & fil : files) { if (fil.IsCloseRequested()) { // We could not close this file in an ISR, so do it here fil.Close(); } } } } FileStore* MassStorage::OpenFile(const char* filePath, OpenMode mode, uint32_t preAllocSize) noexcept { { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_FILES; i++) { if (files[i].IsFree()) { FileStore * const ret = (files[i].Open(filePath, mode, preAllocSize)) ? &files[i]: nullptr; # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE if (ret != nullptr && (mode == OpenMode::write || mode == OpenMode::writeWithCrc)) { (void)VolumeUpdated(filePath); } # endif return ret; } } } reprap.GetPlatform().Message(ErrorMessage, "Max open file count exceeded.\n"); return nullptr; } // Close all files void MassStorage::CloseAllFiles() noexcept { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (FileStore& f : files) { while (!f.IsFree()) { f.Close(); } } } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES // Check if the specified directory exists bool MassStorage::DirectoryExists(const char *path) noexcept { // Remove any trailing '/' from the directory name, it sometimes (but not always) confuses f_opendir String loc; loc.copy(path); return DirectoryExists(loc.GetRef()); } // Check if the specified directory exists // Warning: if 'path' has a trailing '/' or '\\' character, it will be removed! bool MassStorage::DirectoryExists(const StringRef& path) noexcept { // Remove any trailing '/' from the directory name, it sometimes (but not always) confuses f_opendir const size_t len = path.strlen(); if (len != 0 && (path[len - 1] == '/' || path[len - 1] == '\\')) { path.Truncate(len - 1); } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE DIR dir; const bool ok = (f_opendir(&dir, path.c_str()) == FR_OK); if (ok) { f_closedir(&dir); } return ok; #elif HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES return EmbeddedFiles::DirectoryExists(path); #endif } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE // Static helper functions size_t FileWriteBuffer::fileWriteBufLen = FileWriteBufLen; FileWriteBuffer *MassStorage::AllocateWriteBuffer() noexcept { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); FileWriteBuffer * const buffer = freeWriteBuffers; if (buffer != nullptr) { freeWriteBuffers = buffer->Next(); buffer->SetNext(nullptr); buffer->DataTaken(); // make sure that the write pointer is clear } return buffer; } void MassStorage::ReleaseWriteBuffer(FileWriteBuffer *buffer) noexcept { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); buffer->SetNext(freeWriteBuffers); freeWriteBuffers = buffer; } # if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE // Return true if any files are open on the file system bool MassStorage::AnyFileOpen() noexcept { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (const FileStore & fil : files) { if (!fil.IsFree()) { return true; } } return false; } // Invalidate all files void MassStorage::InvalidateAllFiles() noexcept { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (FileStore& f : files) { while (!f.IsFree()) { f.Invalidate(); } } } # endif # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE // Delete a file or directory static bool InternalDelete(const char* filePath, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept { FRESULT unlinkReturn; bool isOpen = false; // Start new scope to lock the filesystem for the minimum time { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); // First check whether the file is open - don't allow it to be deleted if it is, because that may corrupt the file system FIL file; const FRESULT openReturn = f_open(&file, filePath, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ); if (openReturn == FR_OK) { for (const FileStore& fil : files) { if (fil.IsSameFile(file)) { isOpen = true; break; } } f_close(&file); } if (!isOpen) { unlinkReturn = f_unlink(filePath); } } if (isOpen) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Cannot delete file %s because it is open\n", filePath); return false; } if (unlinkReturn != FR_OK) { // If the error was that the file or path doesn't exist, don't generate a global error message, but still return false if (unlinkReturn != FR_NO_FILE && unlinkReturn != FR_NO_PATH) { if (messageIfFailed) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to delete file %s\n", filePath); } } return false; } return true; } # endif // Delete a file or directory and update the volume sequence number returning true if successful bool MassStorage::Delete(const char* filePath, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept { #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) { if (reprap.GetSbcInterface().DeleteFileOrDirectory(filePath)) { return true; } if (messageIfFailed) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to delete file %s\n", filePath); } return false; } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE const bool ok = InternalDelete(filePath, messageIfFailed); if (ok) { (void)VolumeUpdated(filePath); } return ok; #else return false; #endif } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES // Open a directory to read a file list. Returns true if it contains any files, false otherwise. // If this returns true then the file system mutex is owned. The caller must subsequently release the mutex either // by calling FindNext until it returns false, or by calling AbandonFindNext. bool MassStorage::FindFirst(const char *directory, FileInfo &file_info) noexcept { // Remove any trailing '/' from the directory name, it sometimes (but not always) confuses f_opendir String loc; loc.copy(directory); const size_t len = loc.strlen(); if (len != 0 && (loc[len - 1] == '/' || loc[len - 1] == '\\')) { loc.Truncate(len - 1); } if (!dirMutex.Take(10000)) { return false; } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE FRESULT res = f_opendir(&findDir, loc.c_str()); if (res == FR_OK) { FILINFO entry; for (;;) { res = f_readdir(&findDir, &entry); if (res != FR_OK || entry.fname[0] == 0) break; if (!StringEqualsIgnoreCase(entry.fname, ".") && !StringEqualsIgnoreCase(entry.fname, "..")) { file_info.isDirectory = (entry.fattrib & AM_DIR); file_info.fileName.copy(entry.fname); file_info.size = entry.fsize; file_info.lastModified = ConvertTimeStamp(entry.fdate, entry.ftime); return true; } } f_closedir(&findDir); } #elif HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES if (EmbeddedFiles::FindFirst(directory, file_info)) { return true; } #endif dirMutex.Release(); return false; } // Find the next file in a directory. Returns true if another file has been read. // If it returns false then it also releases the mutex. bool MassStorage::FindNext(FileInfo &file_info) noexcept { if (dirMutex.GetHolder() != RTOSIface::GetCurrentTask()) { return false; // error, we don't hold the mutex } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE FILINFO entry; if (f_readdir(&findDir, &entry) == FR_OK && entry.fname[0] != 0) { file_info.isDirectory = (entry.fattrib & AM_DIR); file_info.size = entry.fsize; file_info.fileName.copy(entry.fname); file_info.lastModified = ConvertTimeStamp(entry.fdate, entry.ftime); return true; } f_closedir(&findDir); #elif HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES if (EmbeddedFiles::FindNext(file_info)) { return true; } #endif // TODO implement SBC interface for this dirMutex.Release(); return false; } // Quit searching for files. Needed to avoid hanging on to the mutex. Safe to call even if the caller doesn't hold the mutex. void MassStorage::AbandonFindNext() noexcept { if (dirMutex.GetHolder() == RTOSIface::GetCurrentTask()) { dirMutex.Release(); } } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE // Month names. The first entry is used for invalid month numbers. static const char *monthNames[13] = { "???", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; // Returns the name of the specified month or '???' if the specified value is invalid. const char* MassStorage::GetMonthName(const uint8_t month) noexcept { return (month <= 12) ? monthNames[month] : monthNames[0]; } // Ensure that the path up to the last '/' (excluding trailing '/' characters) in filePath exists, returning true if successful bool MassStorage::EnsurePath(const char* filePath, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept { #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) { // This isn't needed in SBC mode because DSF does it automatically return true; } #endif // Try to create the path of this file if we want to write to it String filePathCopy; filePathCopy.copy(filePath); size_t i = (isdigit(filePathCopy[0]) && filePathCopy[1] == ':') ? 2 : 0; if (filePathCopy[i] == '/') { ++i; } size_t limit = filePathCopy.strlen(); while (limit != 0 && filePath[limit - 1] == '/') { --limit; } while (i < limit) { if (filePathCopy[i] == '/') { filePathCopy[i] = 0; if (!MassStorage::DirectoryExists(filePathCopy.GetRef()) && f_mkdir(filePathCopy.c_str()) != FR_OK) { if (messageIfFailed) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to create folder %s in path %s\n", filePathCopy.c_str(), filePath); } return false; } filePathCopy[i] = '/'; } ++i; } return true; } // Create a new directory bool MassStorage::MakeDirectory(const char *directory, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept { if (!EnsurePath(directory, messageIfFailed)) { return false; } if (f_mkdir(directory) != FR_OK) { if (messageIfFailed) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to create folder %s\n", directory); } return false; } (void)VolumeUpdated(directory); return true; } // Rename a file or directory, optionally deleting the existing one if it exists bool MassStorage::Rename(const char *oldFilename, const char *newFilename, bool deleteExisting, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept { // Check the the old file exists before we possibly delete any existing file with the new name if (!FileExists(oldFilename) && !DirectoryExists(oldFilename)) { if (messageIfFailed) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to rename file %s: file not found\n", oldFilename); } return false; } if (newFilename[0] >= '0' && newFilename[0] <= '9' && newFilename[1] == ':') { // Workaround for DWC 1.13 which sends a volume specification at the start of the new path. // f_rename can't handle this, so skip past the volume specification. // We are assuming that the user isn't really trying to rename across volumes. This is a safe assumption when the client is DWC. newFilename += 2; } if (!EnsurePath(newFilename, messageIfFailed)) { return false; } if (deleteExisting && (FileExists(newFilename) || DirectoryExists(newFilename))) { if (!InternalDelete(newFilename, messageIfFailed)) { return false; } } if (f_rename(oldFilename, newFilename) != FR_OK) { if (messageIfFailed) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to rename file or directory %s to %s\n", oldFilename, newFilename); } return false; } if (!VolumeUpdated(oldFilename)) // only update the sequence number once { (void)VolumeUpdated(newFilename); } return true; } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE // Check if the specified file exists bool MassStorage::FileExists(const char *filePath) noexcept { #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE if (reprap.UsingSbcInterface()) { return reprap.GetSbcInterface().FileExists(filePath); } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE FILINFO fil; return (f_stat(filePath, &fil) == FR_OK); #else return false; #endif } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE // Return the last modified time of a file, or zero if failure time_t MassStorage::GetLastModifiedTime(const char *filePath) noexcept { FILINFO fil; if (f_stat(filePath, &fil) == FR_OK) { return ConvertTimeStamp(fil.fdate, fil.ftime); } return 0; } bool MassStorage::SetLastModifiedTime(const char *filePath, time_t time) noexcept { tm timeInfo; gmtime_r(&time, &timeInfo); FILINFO fno; fno.fdate = (WORD)(((timeInfo.tm_year - 80) * 512U) | (timeInfo.tm_mon + 1) * 32U | timeInfo.tm_mday); fno.ftime = (WORD)(timeInfo.tm_hour * 2048U | timeInfo.tm_min * 32U | timeInfo.tm_sec / 2U); const bool ok = (f_utime(filePath, &fno) == FR_OK); if (!ok) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to set last modified time for file '%s'\n", filePath); } return ok; } // Check if the drive referenced in the specified path is mounted. Return true if it is. // Ideally we would try to mount it if it is not, however mounting a drive can take a long time, and the functions that call this are expected to execute quickly. bool MassStorage::CheckDriveMounted(const char* path) noexcept { const size_t card = (strlen(path) >= 2 && path[1] == ':' && isDigit(path[0])) ? path[0] - '0' : 0; return card < GetNumVolumes() && info[card].isMounted; } // Return true if any files are open on the file system bool MassStorage::AnyFileOpen(const FATFS *fs) noexcept { MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (const FileStore & fil : files) { if (fil.IsOpenOn(fs)) { return true; } } return false; } // Invalidate all open files on the specified file system, returning the number of files that were invalidated unsigned int MassStorage::InvalidateFiles(const FATFS *fs, bool doClose) noexcept { unsigned int invalidated = 0; MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (FileStore & fil : files) { if (fil.Invalidate(fs, doClose)) { ++invalidated; } } return invalidated; } bool MassStorage::IsCardDetected(size_t card) noexcept { return info[card].cardState == CardDetectState::present; } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES // Mount the specified SD card, returning true if done, false if needs to be called again. // If an error occurs, return true with the error message in 'reply'. // This may only be called to mount one card at a time. GCodeResult MassStorage::Mount(size_t card, const StringRef& reply, bool reportSuccess) noexcept { if (card >= GetNumVolumes()) { reply.copy("SD card number out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE SdCardInfo& inf = info[card]; MutexLocker lock1(fsMutex); MutexLocker lock2(inf.volMutex); if (!inf.mounting) { if (inf.isMounted) { if (AnyFileOpen(&inf.fileSystem)) { // Don't re-mount the card if any files are open on it reply.copy("SD card has open file(s)"); return GCodeResult::error; } (void)InternalUnmount(card, false); } inf.mountStartTime = millis(); inf.mounting = true; delay(2); } if (inf.cardState == CardDetectState::notPresent) { reply.copy("No SD card present"); inf.mounting = false; return GCodeResult::error; } if (inf.cardState != CardDetectState::present) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; // wait for debounce to finish } const sd_mmc_err_t err = sd_mmc_check(card); if (err != SD_MMC_OK && millis() - inf.mountStartTime < 5000) { delay(2); return GCodeResult::notFinished; } inf.mounting = false; if (err != SD_MMC_OK) { reply.printf("Cannot initialise SD card %u: %s", card, TranslateCardError(err)); return GCodeResult::error; } // Mount the file systems const char path[3] = { (char)('0' + card), ':', 0 }; const FRESULT mounted = f_mount(&inf.fileSystem, path, 1); if (mounted == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) { reply.printf("Cannot mount SD card %u: no FAT filesystem found on card (EXFAT is not supported)", card); return GCodeResult::error; } if (mounted != FR_OK) { reply.printf("Cannot mount SD card %u: code %d", card, mounted); return GCodeResult::error; } inf.isMounted = true; reprap.VolumesUpdated(); if (reportSuccess) { float capacity = ((float)sd_mmc_get_capacity(card) * 1024) / 1000000; // get capacity and convert from Kib to Mbytes const char* capUnits; if (capacity >= 1000.0) { capacity /= 1000; capUnits = "Gb"; } else { capUnits = "Mb"; } reply.printf("%s card mounted in slot %u, capacity %.2f%s", TranslateCardType(sd_mmc_get_type(card)), card, (double)capacity, capUnits); } ++inf.seq; # endif return GCodeResult::ok; } // Unmount the specified SD card, returning true if done, false if needs to be called again. // If an error occurs, return true with the error message in 'reply'. GCodeResult MassStorage::Unmount(size_t card, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { if (card >= GetNumVolumes()) { reply.copy("SD card number out of range"); return GCodeResult::error; } # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE reply.printf("SD card %u may now be removed", card); const unsigned int numFilesClosed = InternalUnmount(card, true); if (numFilesClosed != 0) { reply.catf(" (%u file(s) were closed)", numFilesClosed); } ++info[card].seq; # endif return GCodeResult::ok; } bool MassStorage::IsDriveMounted(size_t drive) noexcept { return drive < GetNumVolumes() #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE && info[drive].isMounted #endif ; } unsigned int MassStorage::GetNumFreeFiles() noexcept { unsigned int numFreeFiles = 0; MutexLocker lock(fsMutex); for (const FileStore & fil : files) { if (fil.IsFree()) { ++numFreeFiles; } } return numFreeFiles; } GCodeResult MassStorage::GetFileInfo(const char *filePath, GCodeFileInfo& info, bool quitEarly) noexcept { return infoParser.GetFileInfo(filePath, info, quitEarly); } void MassStorage::Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept { Platform& platform = reprap.GetPlatform(); // Show the number of free entries in the file table platform.MessageF(mtype, "=== Storage ===\nFree file entries: %u\n", MassStorage::GetNumFreeFiles()); # if HAS_MASS_STORAGE # if HAS_HIGH_SPEED_SD // Show the HSMCI CD pin and speed platform.MessageF(mtype, "SD card 0 %s, interface speed: %.1fMBytes/sec\n", (IsCardDetected(0) ? "detected" : "not detected"), (double)((float)sd_mmc_get_interface_speed(0) * 0.000001)); # else platform.MessageF(mtype, "SD card 0 %s\n", (MassStorage::IsCardDetected(0) ? "detected" : "not detected")); # endif // Show the longest SD card write time platform.MessageF(mtype, "SD card longest read time %.1fms, write time %.1fms, max retries %u\n", (double)DiskioGetAndClearLongestReadTime(), (double)DiskioGetAndClearLongestWriteTime(), DiskioGetAndClearMaxRetryCount()); # endif } #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE // Append the simulated printing time to the end of the file void MassStorage::RecordSimulationTime(const char *printingFilePath, uint32_t simSeconds) noexcept { FileStore * const file = OpenFile(printingFilePath, OpenMode::append, 0); bool ok = (file != nullptr); if (ok) { // Check whether there is already simulation info at the end of the file, in which case we should replace it constexpr size_t BufferSize = 100; String buffer; const size_t bytesToRead = (size_t)min(file->Length(), BufferSize); const FilePosition seekPos = file->Length() - bytesToRead; ok = file->Seek(seekPos); time_t lastModtime = 0; if (ok) { ok = (file->Read(buffer.GetRef().Pointer(), bytesToRead) == (int)bytesToRead); if (ok) { lastModtime = GetLastModifiedTime(printingFilePath); // save the last modified time to that we can restore it later buffer[bytesToRead] = 0; // this is OK because String has N+1 bytes of storage const char* const pos = strstr(buffer.c_str(), FileInfoParser::SimulatedTimeString); if (pos != nullptr) { ok = file->Seek(seekPos + (pos - buffer.c_str())); // overwrite previous simulation time } if (ok) { buffer.printf("%s: %" PRIu32 "\n", FileInfoParser::SimulatedTimeString, simSeconds); ok = file->Write(buffer.c_str()); if (ok) { ok = file->Truncate(); // truncate file in case we overwrote a previous longer simulation time } } } } if (!file->Close()) { ok = false; } if (ok && lastModtime != 0) { ok = SetLastModifiedTime(printingFilePath, lastModtime); } } if (!ok) { reprap.GetPlatform().MessageF(ErrorMessage, "Failed to append simulated print time to file %s\n", printingFilePath); } } // Get information about the SD card and interface speed MassStorage::InfoResult MassStorage::GetCardInfo(size_t slot, SdCardReturnedInfo& returnedInfo) noexcept { if (slot >= GetNumVolumes()) { return InfoResult::badSlot; } SdCardInfo& inf = info[slot]; if (!inf.isMounted) { return InfoResult::noCard; } returnedInfo.cardCapacity = (uint64_t)sd_mmc_get_capacity(slot) * 1024; returnedInfo.speed = sd_mmc_get_interface_speed(slot); String path; path.printf("%u:/", slot); uint32_t freeClusters; FATFS *fs; const FRESULT fr = f_getfree(path.c_str(), &freeClusters, &fs); if (fr == FR_OK) { returnedInfo.clSize = fs->csize * 512; returnedInfo.partitionSize = (uint64_t)(fs->n_fatent - 2) * returnedInfo.clSize; returnedInfo.freeSpace = (uint64_t)freeClusters * returnedInfo.clSize; } else { returnedInfo.clSize = 0; returnedInfo.cardCapacity = returnedInfo.partitionSize = returnedInfo.freeSpace = 0; } return InfoResult::ok; } Mutex& MassStorage::GetVolumeMutex(size_t vol) noexcept { return info[vol].volMutex; } # if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL const ObjectModel * MassStorage::GetVolume(size_t vol) noexcept { return &info[vol]; } # endif // Functions called by FatFS to acquire/release mutual exclusion extern "C" { // Create a sync object. We already created it, we just need to copy the handle. int ff_cre_syncobj (BYTE vol, FF_SYNC_t* psy) noexcept { *psy = &MassStorage::GetVolumeMutex(vol); return 1; } // Lock sync object int ff_req_grant (FF_SYNC_t sy) noexcept { sy->Take(); return 1; } // Unlock sync object void ff_rel_grant (FF_SYNC_t sy) noexcept { sy->Release(); } // Delete a sync object int ff_del_syncobj (FF_SYNC_t sy) noexcept { return 1; // nothing to do, we never delete the mutex } } #endif // End