#ifndef MASSSTORAGE_H #define MASSSTORAGE_H #include #include #include "FileWriteBuffer.h" #include #include "FileStore.h" #include "FileInfoParser.h" #include #include // Info returned by FindFirst/FindNext calls struct FileInfo { time_t lastModified; uint32_t size; String fileName; bool isDirectory; }; #if HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES // Functions that we call out to when using an embedded filesystem namespace EmbeddedFiles { bool DirectoryExists(const StringRef& path) noexcept; bool FindFirst(const char *directory, FileInfo& info) noexcept; bool FindNext(FileInfo& info) noexcept; FilePosition Length(FileIndex fileIndex) noexcept; int Read(FileIndex fileIndex, FilePosition pos, char* extBuf, size_t nBytes) noexcept; FileIndex OpenFile(const char *filePath) noexcept; } #endif class ObjectModel; namespace MassStorage { bool CombineName(const StringRef& outbuf, const char* directory, const char* fileName) noexcept; // returns false if error i.e. filename too long const char* GetMonthName(const uint8_t month) noexcept; #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES void Init() noexcept; FileStore* OpenFile(const char* filePath, OpenMode mode, uint32_t preAllocSize) noexcept; bool FileExists(const char *filePath) noexcept; void CloseAllFiles() noexcept; void Spin() noexcept; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE FileWriteBuffer *AllocateWriteBuffer() noexcept; size_t GetFileWriteBufferLength() noexcept; void ReleaseWriteBuffer(FileWriteBuffer *buffer) noexcept; bool Delete(const char* filePath, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept; #endif #if HAS_SBC_INTERFACE bool AnyFileOpen() noexcept; // Return true if any files are open on the file system void InvalidateAllFiles() noexcept; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_EMBEDDED_FILES bool DirectoryExists(const StringRef& path) noexcept; // Warning: if 'path' has a trailing '/' or '\\' character, it will be removed! bool DirectoryExists(const char *path) noexcept; unsigned int GetNumFreeFiles() noexcept; bool IsDriveMounted(size_t drive) noexcept; bool FindFirst(const char *directory, FileInfo &file_info) noexcept; bool FindNext(FileInfo &file_info) noexcept; void AbandonFindNext() noexcept; GCodeResult GetFileInfo(const char *filePath, GCodeFileInfo& info, bool quitEarly) noexcept; GCodeResult Mount(size_t card, const StringRef& reply, bool reportSuccess) noexcept; GCodeResult Unmount(size_t card, const StringRef& reply) noexcept; void Diagnostics(MessageType mtype) noexcept; #endif #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE bool EnsurePath(const char* filePath, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept; bool MakeDirectory(const char *directory, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept; bool Rename(const char *oldFilePath, const char *newFilePath, bool deleteExisting, bool messageIfFailed) noexcept; time_t GetLastModifiedTime(const char *filePath) noexcept; bool SetLastModifiedTime(const char *file, time_t time) noexcept; bool CheckDriveMounted(const char* path) noexcept; bool IsCardDetected(size_t card) noexcept; unsigned int InvalidateFiles(const FATFS *fs, bool doClose) noexcept; // Invalidate all open files on the specified file system, returning the number of files invalidated bool AnyFileOpen(const FATFS *fs) noexcept; // Return true if any files are open on the file system Mutex& GetVolumeMutex(size_t vol) noexcept; void RecordSimulationTime(const char *printingFilePath, uint32_t simSeconds) noexcept; // Append the simulated printing time to the end of the file uint16_t GetVolumeSeq(unsigned int volume) noexcept; enum class InfoResult : uint8_t { badSlot = 0, noCard = 1, ok = 2 }; InfoResult GetCardInfo(size_t slot, uint64_t& capacity, uint64_t& freeSpace, uint32_t& speed, uint32_t& clSize) noexcept; # if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL inline size_t GetNumVolumes() noexcept { return NumSdCards; } const ObjectModel *GetVolume(size_t vol) noexcept; # endif #endif } #endif