/**************************************************************************************************** RepRapFirmware - Tool This class implements a tool in the RepRap machine, usually (though not necessarily) an extruder. Tools may have zero or more drives associated with them and zero or more heaters. There are a fixed number of tools in a given RepRap, with fixed heaters and drives. All this is specified on reboot, and cannot be altered dynamically. This restriction may be lifted in the future. Tool descriptions are stored in GCode macros that are loaded on reboot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1 Created on: Apr 11, 2014 Adrian Bowyer RepRap Professional Ltd http://reprappro.com Licence: GPL ****************************************************************************************************/ #include "Tool.h" #include "Filament.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if SUPPORT_OBJECT_MODEL // Object model table and functions // Note: if using GCC version 7.3.1 20180622 and lambda functions are used in this table, you must compile this file with option -std=gnu++17. // Otherwise the table will be allocated in RAM instead of flash, which wastes too much RAM. // Macro to build a standard lambda function that includes the necessary type conversions #define OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(...) OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_BODY(Tool, __VA_ARGS__) constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::activeTempsArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const Tool*)self)->heaterCount; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const Tool*)self)->activeTemperatures[context.GetLastIndex()], 1); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::standbyTempsArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const Tool*)self)->heaterCount; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const Tool*)self)->standbyTemperatures[context.GetLastIndex()], 1); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::heatersArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const Tool*)self)->heaterCount; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue((int32_t)((const Tool*)self)->heaters[context.GetLastIndex()]); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::feedForwardArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const Tool*)self)->heaterCount; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const Tool*)self)->heaterFeedForward[context.GetLastIndex()], 3); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::extrudersArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const Tool*)self)->driveCount; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue((int32_t)((const Tool*)self)->drives[context.GetLastIndex()]); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::mixArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return ((const Tool*)self)->driveCount; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const Tool*)self)->mix[context.GetLastIndex()], 2); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::offsetsArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return reprap.GetGCodes().GetVisibleAxes(); }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const Tool*)self)->offset[context.GetLastIndex()], 3); } }; constexpr ObjectModelArrayDescriptor Tool::axesArrayDescriptor = { nullptr, // no lock needed [] (const ObjectModel *self, const ObjectExplorationContext&) noexcept -> size_t { return 2; }, [] (const ObjectModel *self, ObjectExplorationContext& context) noexcept -> ExpressionValue { return ExpressionValue(((const Tool*)self)->axisMapping[context.GetLastIndex()]); } }; constexpr ObjectModelTableEntry Tool::objectModelTable[] = { // Within each group, these entries must be in alphabetical order // 0. Tool members { "active", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&activeTempsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "axes", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&axesArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "extruders", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&extrudersArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "fans", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->fanMapping), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "feedForward", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&feedForwardArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "filamentExtruder", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->filamentExtruder), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "heaters", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&heatersArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "isRetracted", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->IsRetracted()), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "mix", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&mixArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "name", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->name), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "number", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->myNumber), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "offsets", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&offsetsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "offsetsProbed", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->axisOffsetsProbed.GetRaw()), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "retraction", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "spindle", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->spindleNumber), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "spindleRpm", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC((int32_t)self->spindleRpm), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "standby", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC_NOSELF(&standbyTempsArrayDescriptor), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, { "state", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->state.ToString()), ObjectModelEntryFlags::live }, // 1. Tool.retraction members { "extraRestart", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->retractExtra, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "length", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->retractLength, 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "speed" , OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(InverseConvertSpeedToMmPerSec(self->retractSpeed), 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "unretractSpeed", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(InverseConvertSpeedToMmPerSec(self->unRetractSpeed), 1), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, { "zHop", OBJECT_MODEL_FUNC(self->retractHop, 2), ObjectModelEntryFlags::none }, }; constexpr uint8_t Tool::objectModelTableDescriptor[] = { 2, 18, 5 }; DEFINE_GET_OBJECT_MODEL_TABLE(Tool) #endif // Create a new tool and return a pointer to it. If an error occurs, put an error message in 'reply' and return nullptr. /*static*/ Tool *Tool::Create(unsigned int toolNumber, const char *toolName, int32_t d[], size_t dCount, int32_t h[], size_t hCount, AxesBitmap xMap, AxesBitmap yMap, FansBitmap fanMap, int filamentDrive, size_t sCount, int8_t spindleNo, const StringRef& reply) noexcept { const size_t numExtruders = reprap.GetGCodes().GetNumExtruders(); if (dCount > ARRAY_SIZE(Tool::drives)) { reply.copy("too many drives"); return nullptr; } if (hCount > ARRAY_SIZE(Tool::heaters)) { reply.copy("too many heaters"); return nullptr; } // Validate the heater and extruder numbers for (size_t i = 0; i < dCount; ++i) { if (d[i] < 0 || d[i] >= (int)numExtruders) { reply.copy("bad drive number"); return nullptr; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < hCount; ++i) { if (h[i] < 0 || h[i] >= (int)MaxHeaters) { reply.copy("bad heater number"); return nullptr; } } // Check that the spindle - if given - is configured if (sCount > 0 && spindleNo > -1) { if (spindleNo >= (int)MaxSpindles) { reply.copy("bad spindle number"); return nullptr; } if (reprap.GetPlatform().AccessSpindle(spindleNo).GetState() == SpindleState::unconfigured) { reply.copy("unconfigured spindle"); return nullptr; } } Tool * const t = new Tool; if (filamentDrive >= 0 && filamentDrive < (int)MaxExtruders) { // Use exactly only one Filament instance per extruder drive Filament * const filament = Filament::GetFilamentByExtruder(filamentDrive); t->filament = (filament == nullptr) ? new Filament(d[0]) : filament; t->filamentExtruder = filamentDrive; } else { // Don't support filament codes for other tools t->filament = nullptr; t->filamentExtruder = -1; } const size_t nameLength = strlen(toolName); if (nameLength != 0) { char *tName = new char[nameLength + 1]; SafeStrncpy(tName, toolName, nameLength + 1); t->name = tName; } else { t->name = nullptr; } t->next = nullptr; t->myNumber = (uint16_t)toolNumber; t->state = ToolState::off; t->driveCount = (uint8_t)dCount; t->heaterCount = (uint8_t)hCount; t->axisMapping[0] = xMap; t->axisMapping[1] = yMap; t->fanMapping = fanMap; t->heaterFault = false; t->axisOffsetsProbed.Clear(); t->displayColdExtrudeWarning = false; t->retractLength = DefaultRetractLength; t->retractExtra = 0.0; t->retractHop = 0.0; t->retractSpeed = t->unRetractSpeed = ConvertSpeedFromMmPerMin(DefaultRetractSpeed); t->isRetracted = false; t->spindleNumber = spindleNo; t->spindleRpm = 0; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < MaxAxes; axis++) { t->offset[axis] = 0.0; } for (size_t drive = 0; drive < t->driveCount; drive++) { t->drives[drive] = d[drive]; t->mix[drive] = (drive == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0; // initial mix ratio is 1:0:0 } for (size_t heater = 0; heater < t->heaterCount; heater++) { const int8_t heaterNumber = (int8_t)h[heater]; reprap.GetHeat().SetAsToolHeater(heaterNumber); t->heaters[heater] = heaterNumber; t->activeTemperatures[heater] = ABS_ZERO; t->standbyTemperatures[heater] = ABS_ZERO; t->heaterFeedForward[heater] = 0.0; } if (t->filament != nullptr) { t->filament->LoadAssignment(); } return t; } /*static*/ AxesBitmap Tool::GetXAxes(const Tool *tool) noexcept { return (tool == nullptr) ? DefaultXAxisMapping : tool->axisMapping[0]; } /*static*/ AxesBitmap Tool::GetYAxes(const Tool *tool) noexcept { return (tool == nullptr) ? DefaultYAxisMapping : tool->axisMapping[1]; } /*static*/ AxesBitmap Tool::GetAxisMapping(const Tool *tool, unsigned int axis) noexcept { return (tool != nullptr && axis < ARRAY_SIZE(tool->axisMapping)) ? tool->axisMapping[axis] : AxesBitmap::MakeFromBits(axis); } /*static*/ float Tool::GetOffset(const Tool *tool, size_t axis) noexcept { return (tool == nullptr) ? 0.0 : tool->offset[axis]; } void Tool::Print(const StringRef& reply) const noexcept { reply.printf("Tool %u - ", myNumber); if (name != nullptr) { reply.catf("name: %s; ", name); } if (driveCount == 0) { reply.cat("no drives"); } else { reply.cat("drives:"); char sep = ' '; for (size_t drive = 0; drive < driveCount; drive++) { reply.catf("%c%d", sep, drives[drive]); sep = ','; } } if (heaterCount == 0) { reply.cat("; no heaters"); } else { reply.cat("; heaters (active/standby temps):"); char sep = ' '; for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { reply.catf("%c%d (%.1f/%.1f)", sep, heaters[heater], (double)activeTemperatures[heater], (double)standbyTemperatures[heater]); sep = ','; } } reply.cat("; xmap:"); char sep = ' '; for (size_t xi = 0; xi < MaxAxes; ++xi) { if (axisMapping[0].IsBitSet(xi)) { reply.catf("%c%c", sep, reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters()[xi]); sep = ','; } } reply.cat("; ymap:"); sep = ' '; for (size_t yi = 0; yi < MaxAxes; ++yi) { if (axisMapping[1].IsBitSet(yi)) { reply.catf("%c%c", sep, reprap.GetGCodes().GetAxisLetters()[yi]); sep = ','; } } reply.cat("; fans:"); sep = ' '; for (size_t fi = 0; fi < MaxFans; ++fi) { if (fanMapping.IsBitSet(fi)) { reply.catf("%c%u", sep, fi); sep = ','; } } if (spindleNumber == -1) { reply.cat("; no spindle"); } else { reply.catf("; spindle: %d@%" PRIi32 "RPM", spindleNumber, spindleRpm); } reply.catf("; status: %s", (state == ToolState::active) ? "selected" : (state == ToolState::standby) ? "standby" : "off"); } // There is a temperature fault on a heater, so disable all tools using that heater. // This function must be called for the first entry in the linked list. void Tool::FlagTemperatureFault(int8_t heater) noexcept { Tool* n = this; while (n != nullptr) { n->SetTemperatureFault(heater); n = n->Next(); } } void Tool::ClearTemperatureFault(int8_t heater) noexcept { Tool* n = this; while (n != nullptr) { n->ResetTemperatureFault(heater); n = n->Next(); } } void Tool::SetTemperatureFault(int8_t dudHeater) noexcept { for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { if (dudHeater == heaters[heater]) { heaterFault = true; return; } } } void Tool::ResetTemperatureFault(int8_t wasDudHeater) noexcept { for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { if (wasDudHeater == heaters[heater]) { heaterFault = false; return; } } } bool Tool::AllHeatersAtHighTemperature(bool forExtrusion) const noexcept { for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { const float temperature = reprap.GetHeat().GetHeaterTemperature(heaters[heater]); if (temperature < reprap.GetHeat().GetRetractionMinTemp() || (forExtrusion && temperature < reprap.GetHeat().GetExtrusionMinTemp())) { return false; } } return true; } void Tool::Activate() noexcept { for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { try { reprap.GetHeat().SetActiveTemperature(heaters[heater], activeTemperatures[heater]); reprap.GetHeat().SetStandbyTemperature(heaters[heater], standbyTemperatures[heater]); } catch (const GCodeException& exc) { String message; exc.GetMessage(message.GetRef(), nullptr); reprap.GetPlatform().Message(ErrorMessage, message.c_str()); } String<1> dummy; (void)reprap.GetHeat().Activate(heaters[heater], dummy.GetRef()); } if (spindleNumber > -1) { Spindle& spindle = reprap.GetPlatform().AccessSpindle(spindleNumber); // NIST Standard M6 says "When the tool change is complete: * The spindle will be stopped. [...]" spindle.SetState(SpindleState::stopped); // Restore the configured RPM of this tool only after we made sure the spindle is not running spindle.SetConfiguredRpm(spindleRpm, false); } state = ToolState::active; } void Tool::HeatersToStandby() const noexcept { const Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { // Don't switch a heater to standby if the active tool is using it and is different from this tool if (currentTool == this || currentTool == nullptr || !currentTool->UsesHeater(heater)) { try { reprap.GetHeat().SetStandbyTemperature(heaters[heater], standbyTemperatures[heater]); reprap.GetHeat().Standby(heaters[heater], this); } catch (const GCodeException& exc) { String message; exc.GetMessage(message.GetRef(), nullptr); reprap.GetPlatform().Message(ErrorMessage, message.c_str()); } } } } void Tool::HeatersToActive() const noexcept { const Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { // Don't switch a heater to active if the active tool is using it and is different from this tool if (currentTool == this || currentTool == nullptr || !currentTool->UsesHeater(heater)) { try { reprap.GetHeat().SetActiveTemperature(heaters[heater], activeTemperatures[heater]); String<1> dummy; (void)reprap.GetHeat().Activate(heaters[heater], dummy.GetRef()); } catch (const GCodeException& exc) { String message; exc.GetMessage(message.GetRef(), nullptr); reprap.GetPlatform().Message(ErrorMessage, message.c_str()); } } } } void Tool::HeatersToOff() const noexcept { const Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { // Don't switch a heater to standby if the active tool is using it and is different from this tool if (currentTool == this || currentTool == nullptr || !currentTool->UsesHeater(heater)) { reprap.GetHeat().SwitchOff(heaters[heater]); } } } void Tool::Standby() noexcept { HeatersToStandby(); // NIST Standard M6 says "When the tool change is complete: * The spindle will be stopped. [...]" // We don't have M6 but Tn already does tool change so we need // to make sure the spindle is off if (spindleNumber > -1) { Spindle& spindle = reprap.GetPlatform().AccessSpindle(spindleNumber); spindle.SetState(SpindleState::stopped); } state = ToolState::standby; } // May be called from ISR bool Tool::ToolCanDrive(bool extrude) noexcept { if (!heaterFault && AllHeatersAtHighTemperature(extrude)) { return true; } displayColdExtrudeWarning = true; return false; } // Update the number of active drives and extruders in use to reflect what this tool uses void Tool::UpdateExtruderAndHeaterCount(uint16_t &numExtruders, uint16_t &numHeaters, uint16_t &numToolsToReport) const noexcept { for (size_t drive = 0; drive < driveCount; drive++) { if (drives[drive] >= numExtruders) { numExtruders = drives[drive] + 1; } } for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++) { if (!reprap.GetHeat().IsBedOrChamberHeater(heaters[heater]) && heaters[heater] >= numHeaters) { numHeaters = heaters[heater] + 1; } } if (myNumber >= numToolsToReport) { numToolsToReport = myNumber + 1; } } bool Tool::DisplayColdExtrudeWarning() noexcept { bool result = displayColdExtrudeWarning; displayColdExtrudeWarning = false; return result; } void Tool::DefineMix(const float m[]) noexcept { for (size_t drive = 0; drive < driveCount; drive++) { mix[drive] = m[drive]; } reprap.ToolsUpdated(); } #if HAS_MASS_STORAGE || HAS_SBC_INTERFACE // Write the tool's settings to file returning true if successful. The settings written leave the tool selected unless it is off. bool Tool::WriteSettings(FileStore *f) const noexcept { String buf; bool ok = true; // Set up active and standby heater temperatures if (heaterCount != 0) { buf.printf("G10 P%d ", myNumber); char c = 'S'; for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; ++i) { buf.catf("%c%d", c, (int)activeTemperatures[i]); c = ':'; } buf.cat(' '); c = 'R'; for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; ++i) { buf.catf("%c%d", c, (int)standbyTemperatures[i]); c = ':'; } buf.cat('\n'); ok = f->Write(buf.c_str()); } if (ok && state != ToolState::off) { ok = buf.printf("T%d P0\n", myNumber); } return ok; } #endif void Tool::SetOffset(size_t axis, float offs, bool byProbing) noexcept { offset[axis] = offs; if (byProbing) { axisOffsetsProbed.SetBit(axis); } ToolUpdated(); } float Tool::GetToolHeaterActiveTemperature(size_t heaterNumber) const noexcept { return (heaterNumber < heaterCount) ? activeTemperatures[heaterNumber] : 0.0; } float Tool::GetToolHeaterStandbyTemperature(size_t heaterNumber) const noexcept { return (heaterNumber < heaterCount) ? standbyTemperatures[heaterNumber] : 0.0; } void Tool::SetToolHeaterActiveTemperature(size_t heaterNumber, float temp) THROWS(GCodeException) { if (heaterNumber < heaterCount) { const int8_t heater = heaters[heaterNumber]; const Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); const bool setHeater = (currentTool == nullptr || currentTool == this); if (temp < NEARLY_ABS_ZERO) // temperatures close to ABS_ZERO turn off the heater { activeTemperatures[heaterNumber] = 0; if (setHeater) { reprap.GetHeat().SwitchOff(heater); } } else { if (temp <= reprap.GetHeat().GetLowestTemperatureLimit(heater) || temp >= reprap.GetHeat().GetHighestTemperatureLimit(heater)) { throw GCodeException(-1, -1, "Requested temperature out of range"); } activeTemperatures[heaterNumber] = temp; if (setHeater) { reprap.GetHeat().SetActiveTemperature(heater, temp); } } } } void Tool::SetToolHeaterStandbyTemperature(size_t heaterNumber, float temp) THROWS(GCodeException) { if (heaterNumber < heaterCount) { const int8_t heater = heaters[heaterNumber]; const Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool(); const Tool * const lastStandbyTool = reprap.GetHeat().GetLastStandbyTool(heater); const bool setHeater = (currentTool == nullptr || currentTool == this || lastStandbyTool == nullptr || lastStandbyTool == this); if (temp < NEARLY_ABS_ZERO) // temperatures close to ABS_ZERO turn off the heater { standbyTemperatures[heaterNumber] = 0; if (setHeater) { reprap.GetHeat().SwitchOff(heater); } } else { if (temp <= reprap.GetHeat().GetLowestTemperatureLimit(heater) || temp >= reprap.GetHeat().GetHighestTemperatureLimit(heater)) { throw GCodeException(-1, -1, "Requested temperature out of range"); } standbyTemperatures[heaterNumber] = temp; if (setHeater) { reprap.GetHeat().SetStandbyTemperature(heater, temp); } } } } void Tool::SetSpindleRpm(uint32_t rpm) THROWS(GCodeException) { if (spindleNumber > -1) { Spindle& spindle = reprap.GetPlatform().AccessSpindle(spindleNumber); if (rpm == 0) { spindleRpm = 0; spindle.SetState(SpindleState::stopped); spindle.SetConfiguredRpm(spindleRpm, false); } else if (!spindle.IsValidRpm(rpm)) { throw GCodeException(-1, -1, "Requested spindle RPM out of range"); } else { spindleRpm = rpm; if (reprap.GetCurrentTool() == this) { spindle.SetConfiguredRpm(spindleRpm, true); } } reprap.ToolsUpdated(); } } void Tool::IterateExtruders(function_ref f) const noexcept { for (size_t i = 0; i < driveCount; ++i) { f(drives[i]); } } void Tool::IterateHeaters(function_ref f) const noexcept { for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; ++i) { f(heaters[i]); } } void Tool::SetFansPwm(float f) const noexcept { const float pwmChange = reprap.GetFansManager().SetFansValue(fanMapping, f); if (pwmChange != 0.0) { IterateHeaters([pwmChange](unsigned int heater) { reprap.GetHeat().FeedForwardAdjustment(heater, pwmChange, 0.0); }); } } // Return true if this tool uses the specified heater bool Tool::UsesHeater(int8_t heater) const noexcept { for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; ++i) { if (heaters[i] == heater) { return true; } } return false; } const char *Tool::GetFilamentName() const noexcept { return (filament == nullptr) ? "" : filament->GetName(); } GCodeResult Tool::SetFirmwareRetraction(GCodeBuffer &gb, const StringRef &reply, OutputBuffer*& outBuf) THROWS(GCodeException) { bool seen = false; if (gb.Seen('S')) { retractLength = max(gb.GetFValue(), 0.0); seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('R')) // must do this one after 'S' { retractExtra = max(gb.GetFValue(), -retractLength); seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('F')) { unRetractSpeed = retractSpeed = max(gb.GetSpeedFromMm(false), ConvertSpeedFromMmPerMin(MinRetractSpeed)); seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('T')) // must do this one after 'F' { unRetractSpeed = max(gb.GetSpeedFromMm(false), ConvertSpeedFromMmPerMin(MinRetractSpeed)); seen = true; } if (gb.Seen('Z')) { retractHop = max(gb.GetFValue(), 0.0); seen = true; } if (seen) { ToolUpdated(); } else { // Use an output buffer because M207 can report on all tools if (outBuf == nullptr && !OutputBuffer::Allocate(outBuf)) { return GCodeResult::notFinished; } outBuf->lcatf("Tool %u retract/reprime: length %.2f/%.2fmm, speed %.1f/%.1fmm/sec, Z hop %.2fmm", myNumber, (double)retractLength, (double)(retractLength + retractExtra), (double)InverseConvertSpeedToMmPerSec(retractSpeed), (double)InverseConvertSpeedToMmPerSec(unRetractSpeed), (double)retractHop); } return GCodeResult::ok; } GCodeResult Tool::GetSetFeedForward(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply) THROWS(GCodeException) { if (gb.Seen('S')) { size_t numValues = heaterCount; gb.GetFloatArray(heaterFeedForward, numValues, false); ToolUpdated(); } else { reply.printf("Tool %u heater feedforward:", myNumber); for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; ++i) { reply.catf(" %.3f", (double)heaterFeedForward[i]); } } return GCodeResult::ok; } // Apply feedforward to the current tool. Called from an ISR context or with BASEPRI set high. void Tool::ApplyFeedForward(float extrusionSpeed) const noexcept { Heat& heat = reprap.GetHeat(); for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; ++i) { heat.SetExtrusionFeedForward(heaters[i], extrusionSpeed * heaterFeedForward[i]); } } // Stop applying feedforward to the current tool. Called from an ISR context or with BASEPRI set high. void Tool::StopFeedForward() const noexcept { Heat& heat = reprap.GetHeat(); for (size_t i = 0; i < heaterCount; ++i) { heat.SetExtrusionFeedForward(heaters[i], 0.0); } } // End