# Hallo [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/EmielH/hallo-hugo.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/EmielH/hallo-hugo) Hallo is a single-page Hugo theme for personal introductions. Add a portrait, an introduction, several links, and you're set. ![Hallo screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EmielH/hallo-hugo/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Installation ### 1. Install the theme If your site is also under version control using git, the easiest way to install this theme is to add it as a submodule. If you have not created a git repo for your project yet, you need to run `git init` beforehand. Inside the folder of your Hugo site, run the following command. ``` git submodule add https://github.com/EmielH/hallo-hugo.git themes/hallo ``` Alternatively, you can clone the theme into your project. ``` git clone https://github.com/EmielH/hallo-hugo.git themes/hallo ``` ### 2. Configure Hugo Add the following line to `config.toml` to tell Hugo to use the theme. ``` theme = "hallo" ``` Alternatively, you can tell Hugo to use the theme with the `server` command. ``` hugo server -t hallo ``` ### Additional information For more information, read the official [setup guide](https//gohugo.io/overview/installing/) of Hugo. ### Update the theme If you have installed the theme as a git submodule, you can update the theme by issuing the following command inside your project folder. ``` git submodule update --remote --rebase ``` If you have cloned the theme, you can run `git pull` inside the theme folder. ## Configuration ### Portrait Put your own portrait in `/static/images/portrait.jpg` of your own site and Hugo wil automatically use that portraid instead of the standard one. It's not necessary to alter the theme. ### Introduction Put your own introduction text in `/layouts/partials/introduction.html` of your own site and Hugo wil automatically use that introduction instead of the standard one. It's not necessary to alter the theme. ### Name Hallo will use the name of the author that has been configured in the `Author` section of your site's `config.toml`. Add the lines below to your `config.toml` to configure the name. ``` [Author] name = "Emiel" ``` ### Links You can put your own links below the introduction text, for example to link to your social media accounts or to include your e-mail address. These links use icons from FontAwesome. The links can be configured in the `params` section of your site's `config.toml`. This is an example configuration for a link to Github: ``` [params] [[params.links]] icon = "github" title = "Github" url = "https://github.com/" ``` Hallo by default allows you to choose an icon from [the brands set](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&s=brands&m=free). Put the name of the icon in the `icon` parameter. This set is the default set because these links will mostly be used for links to social media. It is possible to use an icon from [the solid set](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&s=solid&m=free). To do this, specify the icon set, like this: ``` [[params.links]] iconset = "fas" icon = "envelope" title = "E-mail" url = "mailto:mail@example.org" ``` ### Internationalisation (i18n) Tale supports using other languages than English. Language files for the texts Hallo uses are provided in the `i18n` directory. The default language is English. To switch languages, add the key `defaultContentLanguage` to your `config.toml` file. For example: ``` defaultContentLanguage = "nl" ``` To translate texts your site uses, add an `i18n` folder to your site. Feel free to submit pull requests for other translations of Hallo's texts. [Hugo documentation for multilingual sites](//gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/) ## Acknowledgments Stock portrait photo obtained [here](https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-beautiful-blonde-blur-324658/). ## License See [LICENSE](https://github.com/EmielH/hallo-hugo/blob/master/LICENSE).