CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY "Wellbury LLC" CATEGORY "ts_block" KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Wellbury LLC\ts_block" POLICY "Block attempts" PART "Block attempts threshold" NUMERIC REQUIRED SPIN 1 VALUENAME "BlockAttempts" DEFAULT 5 MIN 2 END PART ; "Block attempts threshold" EXPLAIN "The number of sequential failed logon attempts (with accounts that are not considered 'block immediately' accounts) that will trigger a block." END POLICY POLICY "Block duration" PART "Block duration (seconds)" NUMERIC REQUIRED SPIN 1 VALUENAME "BlockDuration" DEFAULT 300 MIN 1 END PART ; "Block duration" EXPLAIN "The duration, in seconds, of a block (either because of reaching the BlockAttempts threshhold or because of a 'block immediately')." END POLICY POLICY "Block timeout" PART "Block timeout (seconds)" NUMERIC REQUIRED SPIN 1 VALUENAME "BlockTimeout" DEFAULT 120 MIN 1 END PART ; "Block timeout" EXPLAIN "The duration, in seconds, that must elapse between failed logon attempts to reset the count of failed logon attempts for a given IP address." END POLICY POLICY "Black-hole IP address" PART "Black-hole IP address" EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "BlackholeIP" END PART ; "Block timeout" EXPLAIN "The IP address used for the black-hole route (for Windows Server 2003). If not specified the default algorithm of selecting the IP address of a network interface with no default gateway specified will be used. This setting is not used in Windows Server 2008 and later versions of Windows." END POLICY END CATEGORY ; "ts_block" END CATEGORY ; "Wellbury LLC"