#ifndef __INC_CLOCKLESS_H #define __INC_CLOCKLESS_H #include "controller.h" #include "lib8tion.h" #include "led_sysdefs.h" // Macro to convert from nano-seconds to clocks and clocks to nano-seconds // #define NS(_NS) (_NS / (1000 / (F_CPU / 1000000L))) #if F_CPU < 96000000 #define NS(_NS) ( (_NS * (F_CPU / 1000000L))) / 1000 #define CLKS_TO_MICROS(_CLKS) _CLKS / (F_CPU / 1000000L) #else #define NS(_NS) ( (_NS * (F_CPU / 2000000L))) / 1000 #define CLKS_TO_MICROS(_CLKS) _CLKS / (F_CPU / 2000000L) #endif // Macro for making sure there's enough time available #define NO_TIME(A, B, C) (NS(A) < 3 || NS(B) < 3 || NS(C) < 6) #if defined(__MK20DX128__) extern volatile uint32_t systick_millis_count; # define MS_COUNTER systick_millis_count #elif defined(__SAM3X8E__) extern volatile uint32_t fuckit; # define MS_COUNTER fuckit #else # if defined(CORE_TEENSY) extern volatile unsigned long timer0_millis_count; # define MS_COUNTER timer0_millis_count # else extern volatile unsigned long timer0_millis; # define MS_COUNTER timer0_millis # endif #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Base template for clockless controllers. These controllers have 3 control points in their cycle for each bit. The first point // is where the line is raised hi. The second pointsnt is where the line is dropped low for a zero. The third point is where the // line is dropped low for a one. T1, T2, and T3 correspond to the timings for those three in clock cycles. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convinience macros to wrap around the toggling of hi vs. lo #define SET_LO FLIP ? FastPin::fastset(port, hi) : FastPin::fastset(port, lo); #define SET_HI FLIP ? FastPin::fastset(port, lo) : FastPin::fastset(port, hi); #ifdef FASTLED_AVR template class ClocklessController : public CLEDController { typedef typename FastPin::port_ptr_t data_ptr_t; typedef typename FastPin::port_t data_t; data_t mPinMask; data_ptr_t mPort; CMinWait mWait; public: virtual void init() { FastPin::setOutput(); mPinMask = FastPin::mask(); mPort = FastPin::port(); } template inline static void bitSetFast(register data_ptr_t port, register data_t hi, register data_t lo, register uint8_t b) { // First cycle SET_HI; // 1/2 clock cycle if using out delaycycles(); // 1st cycle length minus 1/2 clock for out, 1 clock for sbrs __asm__ __volatile__ ("sbrs %0, %1" :: "r" (b), "M" (N) :); // 1 clock for check (+1 if skipping, next op is also 1 clock) // Second cycle SET_LO; // 1/2 clock cycle if using out delaycycles(); // 2nd cycle length minus 1/2 clock for out // Third cycle SET_LO; // 1 clock cycle if using out delaycycles(); // 3rd cycle length minus 1 clock for out } #define END_OF_BYTE #define END_OF_LOOP 6 // loop compare, jump, next uint8_t load template inline static void bitSetLast(register data_ptr_t port, register data_t hi, register data_t lo, register uint8_t b) { // First cycle SET_HI; // 1 clock cycle if using out, 2 otherwise delaycycles(); // 1st cycle length minus 1 clock for out, 1 clock for sbrs __asm__ __volatile__ ("sbrs %0, %1" :: "r" (b), "M" (N) :); // 1 clock for check (+1 if skipping, next op is also 1 clock) // Second cycle SET_LO; // 1/2 clock cycle if using out delaycycles(); // 2nd cycle length minus 1/2 clock for out // Third cycle SET_LO; // 1/2 clock cycle if using out delaycycles(); // 3rd cycle length minus 7 clocks for out, loop compare, jump, next uint8_t load } virtual void clearLeds(int nLeds) { showColor(CRGB(0, 0, 0), nLeds, 0); } // set all the leds on the controller to a given color virtual void showColor(const struct CRGB & data, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); showRGBInternal<0, false>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)&data); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); sei(); mWait.mark(); } virtual void show(const struct CRGB *rgbdata, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); showRGBInternal<0, true>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)rgbdata); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); sei(); mWait.mark(); } #ifdef SUPPORT_ARGB virtual void show(const struct CARGB *rgbdata, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); showRGBInternal<1, true>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)rgbdata); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); sei(); mWait.mark(); } #endif // This method is made static to force making register Y available to use for data on AVR - if the method is non-static, then // gcc will use register Y for the this pointer. template static void showRGBInternal(register int nLeds, register uint8_t scale, register const byte *rgbdata) { register byte *data = (byte*)rgbdata; data_t mask = FastPin::mask(); register data_ptr_t port = FastPin::port(); nLeds *= (3 + SKIP); register uint8_t *end = data + nLeds; register data_t hi = FastPin::hival(); register data_t lo = FastPin::loval();; *port = lo; register uint8_t b; b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY(b, scale); register uint8_t c; register uint8_t d; while(data < end) { for(register byte x=5; x; x--) { bitSetLast<7, 4>(port, hi, lo, b); b <<= 1; } delaycycles<1>(); // Leave an extra 2 clocks for the next byte load bitSetLast<7, 0>(port, hi, lo, b); // Leave an extra 4 clocks for the scale bitSetLast<6, 5>(port, hi, lo, b); c = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE1(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE1(RGB_ORDER)]; c = scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY(c, scale); bitSetLast<5, 1>(port, hi, lo, b); for(register byte x=5; x; x--) { bitSetLast<7, 4>(port, hi, lo, c); c <<= 1; } delaycycles<1>(); // Leave an extra 2 clocks for the next byte load bitSetLast<7, 0>(port, hi, lo, c); // Leave an extra 4 clocks for the scale bitSetLast<6, 5>(port, hi, lo, c); d = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE2(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE2(RGB_ORDER)]; d = scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY(d, scale); bitSetLast<5, 1>(port, hi, lo, c); for(register byte x=5; x; x--) { bitSetLast<7, 4>(port, hi, lo, d); d <<= 1; } delaycycles<1>(); // Leave an extra 2 clocks for the next byte load bitSetLast<7, 2>(port, hi, lo, d); data += (SKIP + 3); // Leave an extra 4 clocks for the scale bitSetLast<6, 5>(port, hi, lo, d); b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY(b, scale); bitSetLast<5, 6>(port, hi, lo, d); } cleanup_R1(); } }; #elif defined(__MK20DX128__) template class ClocklessController : public CLEDController { typedef typename FastPin::port_ptr_t data_ptr_t; typedef typename FastPin::port_t data_t; data_t mPinMask; data_ptr_t mPort; CMinWait mWait; public: virtual void init() { FastPin::setOutput(); mPinMask = FastPin::mask(); mPort = FastPin::port(); } virtual void clearLeds(int nLeds) { showColor(CRGB(0, 0, 0), nLeds, 0); } // set all the leds on the controller to a given color virtual void showColor(const struct CRGB & data, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); showRGBInternal<0, false>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)&data); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); sei(); mWait.mark(); } virtual void show(const struct CRGB *rgbdata, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); showRGBInternal<0, true>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)rgbdata); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); sei(); mWait.mark(); } #ifdef SUPPORT_ARGB virtual void show(const struct CARGB *rgbdata, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); showRGBInternal<1, true>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)rgbdata); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); sei(); mWait.mark(); } #endif // This method is made static to force making register Y available to use for data on AVR - if the method is non-static, then // gcc will use register Y for the this pointer. template static void showRGBInternal(register int nLeds, register uint8_t scale, register const byte *rgbdata) { register byte *data = (byte*)rgbdata; data_t mask = FastPin::mask(); register data_ptr_t port = FastPin::port(); nLeds *= (3 + SKIP); register uint8_t *end = data + nLeds; register data_t hi = FastPin::hival(); register data_t lo = FastPin::loval();; *port = lo; register uint32_t b; b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); while(data < end) { // TODO: hand rig asm version of this method. The timings are based on adjusting/studying GCC compiler ouptut. This // will bite me in the ass at some point, I know it. for(register uint32_t i = 7; i > 0; i--) { SET_HI; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles - 1 store, 1 test, 1 if if(b & 0x80) { SET_HI; } else { SET_LO; } b <<= 1; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles, 1 store, 1 store/skip, 1 shift SET_LO; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles, 1 store, 1 sub, 1 branch backwards } // extra delay because branch is faster falling through delaycycles<1>(); // 8th bit, interleave loading rest of data SET_HI; delaycycles(); if(b & 0x80) { SET_HI; } else { SET_LO; } delaycycles(); // 4 cycles, 2 store, store/skip SET_LO; b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE1(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE1(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); delaycycles(); // 1 store, 2 load, 1 mul, 1 shift, for(register uint32_t i = 7; i > 0; i--) { SET_HI; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles - 1 store, 1 test, 1 if if(b & 0x80) { SET_HI; } else { SET_LO; } b <<= 1; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles, 1 store, 1 store/skip, 1 shift SET_LO; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles, 1 store, 1 sub, 1 branch backwards } // extra delay because branch is faster falling through delaycycles<1>(); // 8th bit, interleave loading rest of data SET_HI; delaycycles(); if(b & 0x80) { SET_HI; } else { SET_LO; } delaycycles(); // 4 cycles, 2 store, store/skip SET_LO; b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE2(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE2(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); data += 3 + SKIP; if((RGB_ORDER & 0070) == 0) { delaycycles(); // 1 store, 2 load, 1 mul, 1 shift, 1 adds if BRG or GRB } else { delaycycles(); // 1 store, 2 load, 1 mul, 1 shift, } for(register uint32_t i = 7; i > 0; i--) { SET_HI; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles - 1 store, 1 test, 1 if if(b & 0x80) { SET_HI; } else { SET_LO; } b <<= 1; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles, 1 store, 1 store/skip, 1 shift SET_LO; delaycycles(); // 3 cycles, 1 store, 1 sub, 1 branch backwards } // extra delay because branch is faster falling through delaycycles<1>(); // 8th bit, interleave loading rest of data SET_HI; delaycycles(); if(b & 0x80) { SET_HI; } else { SET_LO; } delaycycles(); // 4 cycles, 2 store, store/skip SET_LO; b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); delaycycles(); // 1 store, 2 load (with increment), 1 mul, 1 shift, 1 cmp, 1 branch backwards, 1 movim }; } }; #elif defined(__SAM3X8E__) template class ClocklessController : public CLEDController { typedef typename FastPinBB::port_ptr_t data_ptr_t; typedef typename FastPinBB::port_t data_t; data_t mPinMask; data_ptr_t mPort; CMinWait mWait; public: virtual void init() { FastPinBB::setOutput(); mPinMask = FastPinBB::mask(); mPort = FastPinBB::port(); } virtual void clearLeds(int nLeds) { showColor(CRGB(0, 0, 0), nLeds, 0); } // set all the leds on the controller to a given color virtual void showColor(const struct CRGB & data, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); SysClockSaver savedClock(T1 + T2 + T3); showRGBInternal<0, false>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)&data); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); savedClock.restore(); sei(); mWait.mark(); } virtual void show(const struct CRGB *rgbdata, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); SysClockSaver savedClock(T1 + T2 + T3); // FastPinBB::hi(); delay(1); FastPinBB::lo(); showRGBInternal<0, true>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)rgbdata); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); savedClock.restore(); sei(); mWait.mark(); } #ifdef SUPPORT_ARGB virtual void show(const struct CARGB *rgbdata, int nLeds, uint8_t scale = 255) { mWait.wait(); cli(); SysClockSaver savedClock(T1 + T2 + T3); showRGBInternal<1, true>(nLeds, scale, (const byte*)rgbdata); // Adjust the timer long microsTaken = CLKS_TO_MICROS(nLeds * 8 * (T1 + T2 + T3)); MS_COUNTER += (microsTaken / 1000); savedClock.restore(); sei(); mWait.mark(); } #endif // I hate using defines for these, should find a better representation at some point #define _CTRL CTPTR[0] #define _LOAD CTPTR[1] #define _VAL CTPTR[2] __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline void wait_loop_start(register volatile uint32_t *CTPTR) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "L_%=: ldr.w r8, [%0]\n" " tst.w r8, #65536\n" " beq.n L_%=\n" : /* no outputs */ : "r" (CTPTR) : "r8" ); } template __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline void wait_loop_mark(register volatile uint32_t *CTPTR) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "L_%=: ldr.w r8, [%0, #8]\n" " cmp.w r8, %1\n" " bhi.n L_%=\n" : /* no outputs */ : "r" (CTPTR), "I" (MARK) : "r8" ); } __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline void mark_port(register data_ptr_t port, register int val) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( " str.w %0, [%1]\n" : /* no outputs */ : "r" (val), "r" (port) ); } #define AT_BIT_START(X) wait_loop_start(CTPTR); X; #define AT_MARK(X) wait_loop_mark(CTPTR); { X; } #define AT_END(X) wait_loop_mark(CTPTR); { X; } // #define AT_BIT_START(X) while(!(_CTRL & SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Msk)); { X; } // #define AT_MARK(X) while(_VAL > T1_MARK); { X; } // #define AT_END(X) while(_VAL > T2_MARK); { X; } //#define AT_MARK(X) delayclocks_until(_VAL); X; //#define AT_END(X) delayclocks_until(_VAL); X; #define TOTAL (T1 + T2 + T3) #define T1_MARK (TOTAL - T1) #define T2_MARK (T1_MARK - T2) template __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline void delayclocks_until(register byte b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( " sub %0, %0, %1\n" "L_%=: subs %0, %0, #2\n" " bcs.n L_%=\n" : /* no outputs */ : "r" (b), "I" (MARK) : /* no clobbers */ ); } #define FORCE_REFERENCE(var) asm volatile( "" : : "r" (var) ) // This method is made static to force making register Y available to use for data on AVR - if the method is non-static, then // gcc will use register Y for the this pointer. template static void showRGBInternal(register int nLeds, register uint8_t scale, register const byte *rgbdata) { register data_ptr_t port asm("r7") = FastPinBB::port(); FORCE_REFERENCE(port); register byte *data = (byte*)rgbdata; register uint8_t *end = data + (nLeds*3 + SKIP); register volatile uint32_t *CTPTR asm("r6")= &SysTick->CTRL; FORCE_REFERENCE(CTPTR); *port = 0; register uint32_t b; b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)] :rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); // Setup and start the clock _LOAD = TOTAL; _VAL = 0; _CTRL |= SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk; _CTRL |= SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk; // read to clear the loop flag _CTRL; while(data < end) { for(register uint32_t i = 7; i > 0; i--) { AT_BIT_START(*port = 1); if(b& 0x80) {} else { AT_MARK(*port = 0); } AT_END(*port = 0); b <<= 1; } AT_BIT_START(*port = 1); if(b& 0x80) {} else { AT_MARK(*port = 0); } AT_END(*port = 0); b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE1(RGB_ORDER)] : rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE1(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); for(register uint32_t i = 7; i > 0; i--) { AT_BIT_START(*port = 1); if(b& 0x80) {} else { AT_MARK(*port = 0); } AT_END(*port = 0); b <<= 1; } AT_BIT_START(*port = 1); if(b& 0x80) {} else { AT_MARK(*port = 0); } AT_END(*port = 0); b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE2(RGB_ORDER)] : rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE2(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); data += (3 + SKIP); for(register uint32_t i = 7; i > 0; i--) { AT_BIT_START(*port = 1); if(b& 0x80) {} else { AT_MARK(*port = 0); } AT_END(*port = 0); b <<= 1; } AT_BIT_START(*port = 1); if(b& 0x80) {} else { AT_MARK(*port = 0); } AT_END(*port = 0); b = ADVANCE ? data[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)] : rgbdata[SKIP + RGB_BYTE0(RGB_ORDER)]; b = scale8(b, scale); }; } }; #endif #endif