#ifndef __INC_PIXELS_H #define __INC_PIXELS_H #include #include "lib8tion.h" struct CHSV { union { struct { union { uint8_t hue; uint8_t h; }; union { uint8_t saturation; uint8_t sat; uint8_t s; }; union { uint8_t value; uint8_t val; uint8_t v; }; }; uint8_t raw[3]; }; // default values are UNITIALIZED inline CHSV() __attribute__((always_inline)) { } // allow construction from H, S, V inline CHSV( uint8_t ih, uint8_t is, uint8_t iv) __attribute__((always_inline)) : h(ih), s(is), v(iv) { } // allow copy construction inline CHSV(const CHSV& rhs) __attribute__((always_inline)) { h = rhs.h; s = rhs.s; v = rhs.v; } inline CHSV& operator= (const CHSV& rhs) __attribute__((always_inline)) { h = rhs.h; s = rhs.s; v = rhs.v; return *this; } inline CHSV& setHSV(uint8_t ih, uint8_t is, uint8_t iv) __attribute__((always_inline)) { h = ih; s = is; v = iv; return *this; } }; struct CRGB { union { struct { union { uint8_t r; uint8_t red; }; union { uint8_t g; uint8_t green; }; union { uint8_t b; uint8_t blue; }; }; uint8_t raw[3]; }; inline uint8_t& operator[] (uint8_t x) __attribute__((always_inline)) { return raw[x]; } inline const uint8_t& operator[] (uint8_t x) const __attribute__((always_inline)) { return raw[x]; } // default values are UNINITIALIZED inline CRGB() __attribute__((always_inline)) { } // allow construction from R, G, B inline CRGB( uint8_t ir, uint8_t ig, uint8_t ib) __attribute__((always_inline)) : r(ir), g(ig), b(ib) { } // allow construction from 32 (24) bit color code inline CRGB( uint32_t colorcode) __attribute__((always_inline)) : r((colorcode >> 16) & 0xFF), g((colorcode >> 8) & 0xFF), b((colorcode >> 0) & 0xFF) { } // allow copy construction inline CRGB(const CRGB& rhs) __attribute__((always_inline)) { r = rhs.r; g = rhs.g; b = rhs.b; } // allow assignment from one RGB struct to another inline CRGB& operator= (const CRGB& rhs) __attribute__((always_inline)) { r = rhs.r; g = rhs.g; b = rhs.b; return *this; } // allow assignment from one RGB struct to another inline CRGB& operator= (const uint32_t colorcode) __attribute__((always_inline)) { r = (colorcode >> 16) & 0xFF; g = (colorcode >> 8) & 0xFF; b = (colorcode >> 0) & 0xFF; return *this; } // allow assignment from R, G, and B inline CRGB& setRGB (uint8_t nr, uint8_t ng, uint8_t nb) __attribute__((always_inline)) { r = nr; g = ng; b = nb; return *this; } // allow assignment from 32 (24) bit color code inline CRGB& setColorCode (uint32_t colorcode) __attribute__((always_inline)) { r = (colorcode >> 16) & 0xFF; g = (colorcode >> 8) & 0xFF; b = (colorcode >> 0) & 0xFF; return *this; } // add one RGB to another, saturating at 0xFF for each channel inline CRGB& operator+= (const CRGB& rhs ) { r = qadd8( r, rhs.r); g = qadd8( g, rhs.g); b = qadd8( b, rhs.b); return *this; } // add a contstant to each channel, saturating at 0xFF inline CRGB& operator+= (uint8_t d ) { r = qadd8( r, d); g = qadd8( g, d); b = qadd8( b, d); return *this; } // subtract one RGB from another, saturating at 0x00 for each channel inline CRGB& operator-= (const CRGB& rhs ) { r = qsub8( r, rhs.r); g = qsub8( g, rhs.g); b = qsub8( b, rhs.b); return *this; } // subtract a constant from each channel, saturating at 0x00 inline CRGB& operator-= (uint8_t d ) { r = qsub8( r, d); g = qsub8( g, d); b = qsub8( b, d); return *this; } // subtract a constant of '1' from each channel, saturating at 0x00 inline CRGB& operator-- () __attribute__((always_inline)) { *(this) -= 1; return *this; } // subtract a constant of '1' from each channel, saturating at 0x00 inline CRGB operator-- (int DUMMY_ARG) __attribute__((always_inline)) { CRGB retval(*this); --(*this); return retval; } // add a constant of '1' from each channel, saturating at 0xFF inline CRGB& operator++ () __attribute__((always_inline)) { *(this) += 1; return *this; } // add a constant of '1' from each channel, saturating at 0xFF inline CRGB operator++ (int DUMMY_ARG) __attribute__((always_inline)) { CRGB retval(*this); ++(*this); return retval; } // divide each of the channels by a constant inline CRGB& operator/= (uint8_t d ) { r /= d; g /= d; b /= d; return *this; } // multiply each of the channels by a constant, // saturating each channel at 0xFF inline CRGB& operator*= (uint8_t d ) { r = qmul8( r, d); g = qmul8( g, d); b = qmul8( b, d); return *this; } // scale down a RGB to N 256ths of it's current brightness, using // 'video' dimming rules, which means that unless the scale factor is ZERO // each channel is guaranteed NOT to dim down to zero. If it's already // nonzero, it'll stay nonzero, even if that means the hue shifts a little // at low brightness levels. inline CRGB& nscale8_video (uint8_t scaledown ) { nscale8x3_video( r, g, b, scaledown); return *this; } // %= is a synonym for nscale8_video. Think of it is scaling down // by "a percentage" inline CRGB& operator%= (uint8_t scaledown ) { nscale8x3_video( r, g, b, scaledown); return *this; } // scale down a RGB to N 256ths of it's current brightness, using // 'plain math' dimming rules, which means that if the low light levels // may dim all the way to 100% black. inline CRGB& nscale8 (uint8_t scaledown ) { nscale8x3( r, g, b, scaledown); return *this; } // "or" operator brings each channel up to the higher of the two values inline CRGB& operator|= (const CRGB& rhs ) { if( rhs.r > r) r = rhs.r; if( rhs.g > g) g = rhs.g; if( rhs.b > b) b = rhs.b; return *this; } inline CRGB& operator|= (uint8_t d ) { if( d > r) r = d; if( d > g) g = d; if( d > b) b = d; return *this; } // "and" operator brings each channel down to the lower of the two values inline CRGB& operator&= (const CRGB& rhs ) { if( rhs.r < r) r = rhs.r; if( rhs.g < g) g = rhs.g; if( rhs.b < b) b = rhs.b; return *this; } inline CRGB& operator&= (uint8_t d ) { if( d < r) r = d; if( d < g) g = d; if( d < b) b = d; return *this; } // this allows testing a CRGB for zero-ness inline operator bool() const __attribute__((always_inline)) { return r || g || b; } // invert each channel inline CRGB operator- () { CRGB retval; retval.r = 255 - r; retval.g = 255 - g; retval.b = 255 - b; return retval; } inline uint8_t getLuma ( ) { //Y' = 0.2126 R' + 0.7152 G' + 0.0722 B' // 54 183 18 (!) uint8_t luma = scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY( r, 54) + \ scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY( g, 183) + \ scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY( b, 18); cleanup_R1(); return luma; } inline uint8_t getAverageLight( ) { const uint8_t eightysix = 86; uint8_t avg = scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY( r, eightysix) + \ scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY( g, eightysix) + \ scale8_LEAVING_R1_DIRTY( b, eightysix); cleanup_R1(); return avg; } inline void nMaximizeBrightness( uint8_t limit = 255 ) { uint8_t max = red; if( green > max) max = green; if( blue > max) max = blue; uint16_t factor = ((uint16_t)(limit) * 256) / max; red = (red * factor) / 256; green = (green * factor) / 256; blue = (blue * factor) / 256; } typedef enum { AliceBlue=0xF0F8FF, Amethyst=0x9966CC, AntiqueWhite=0xFAEBD7, Aqua=0x00FFFF, Aquamarine=0x7FFFD4, Azure=0xF0FFFF, Beige=0xF5F5DC, Bisque=0xFFE4C4, Black=0x000000, BlanchedAlmond=0xFFEBCD, Blue=0x0000FF, BlueViolet=0x8A2BE2, Brown=0xA52A2A, BurlyWood=0xDEB887, CadetBlue=0x5F9EA0, Chartreuse=0x7FFF00, Chocolate=0xD2691E, Coral=0xFF7F50, CornflowerBlue=0x6495ED, Cornsilk=0xFFF8DC, Crimson=0xDC143C, Cyan=0x00FFFF, DarkBlue=0x00008B, DarkCyan=0x008B8B, DarkGoldenrod=0xB8860B, DarkGray=0xA9A9A9, DarkGreen=0x006400, DarkKhaki=0xBDB76B, DarkMagenta=0x8B008B, DarkOliveGreen=0x556B2F, DarkOrange=0xFF8C00, DarkOrchid=0x9932CC, DarkRed=0x8B0000, DarkSalmon=0xE9967A, DarkSeaGreen=0x8FBC8F, DarkSlateBlue=0x483D8B, DarkSlateGray=0x2F4F4F, DarkTurquoise=0x00CED1, DarkViolet=0x9400D3, DeepPink=0xFF1493, DeepSkyBlue=0x00BFFF, DimGray=0x696969, DodgerBlue=0x1E90FF, FireBrick=0xB22222, FloralWhite=0xFFFAF0, ForestGreen=0x228B22, Fuchsia=0xFF00FF, Gainsboro=0xDCDCDC, GhostWhite=0xF8F8FF, Gold=0xFFD700, Goldenrod=0xDAA520, Gray=0x808080, Green=0x008000, GreenYellow=0xADFF2F, Honeydew=0xF0FFF0, HotPink=0xFF69B4, IndianRed=0xCD5C5C, Indigo=0x4B0082, Ivory=0xFFFFF0, Khaki=0xF0E68C, Lavender=0xE6E6FA, LavenderBlush=0xFFF0F5, LawnGreen=0x7CFC00, LemonChiffon=0xFFFACD, LightBlue=0xADD8E6, LightCoral=0xF08080, LightCyan=0xE0FFFF, LightGoldenrodYellow=0xFAFAD2, LightGreen=0x90EE90, LightGrey=0xD3D3D3, LightPink=0xFFB6C1, LightSalmon=0xFFA07A, LightSeaGreen=0x20B2AA, LightSkyBlue=0x87CEFA, LightSlateGray=0x778899, LightSteelBlue=0xB0C4DE, LightYellow=0xFFFFE0, Lime=0x00FF00, LimeGreen=0x32CD32, Linen=0xFAF0E6, Magenta=0xFF00FF, Maroon=0x800000, MediumAquamarine=0x66CDAA, MediumBlue=0x0000CD, MediumOrchid=0xBA55D3, MediumPurple=0x9370DB, MediumSeaGreen=0x3CB371, MediumSlateBlue=0x7B68EE, MediumSpringGreen=0x00FA9A, MediumTurquoise=0x48D1CC, MediumVioletRed=0xC71585, MidnightBlue=0x191970, MintCream=0xF5FFFA, MistyRose=0xFFE4E1, Moccasin=0xFFE4B5, NavajoWhite=0xFFDEAD, Navy=0x000080, OldLace=0xFDF5E6, Olive=0x808000, OliveDrab=0x6B8E23, Orange=0xFFA500, OrangeRed=0xFF4500, Orchid=0xDA70D6, PaleGoldenrod=0xEEE8AA, PaleGreen=0x98FB98, PaleTurquoise=0xAFEEEE, PaleVioletRed=0xDB7093, PapayaWhip=0xFFEFD5, PeachPuff=0xFFDAB9, Peru=0xCD853F, Pink=0xFFC0CB, Plaid=0xCC5533, Plum=0xDDA0DD, PowderBlue=0xB0E0E6, Purple=0x800080, Red=0xFF0000, RosyBrown=0xBC8F8F, RoyalBlue=0x4169E1, SaddleBrown=0x8B4513, Salmon=0xFA8072, SandyBrown=0xF4A460, SeaGreen=0x2E8B57, Seashell=0xFFF5EE, Sienna=0xA0522D, Silver=0xC0C0C0, SkyBlue=0x87CEEB, SlateBlue=0x6A5ACD, SlateGray=0x708090, Snow=0xFFFAFA, SpringGreen=0x00FF7F, SteelBlue=0x4682B4, Tan=0xD2B48C, Teal=0x008080, Thistle=0xD8BFD8, Tomato=0xFF6347, Turquoise=0x40E0D0, Violet=0xEE82EE, Wheat=0xF5DEB3, White=0xFFFFFF, WhiteSmoke=0xF5F5F5, Yellow=0xFFFF00, YellowGreen=0x9ACD32 } HTMLColorCode; static uint32_t Squant; }; inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool operator== (const CRGB& lhs, const CRGB& rhs) { return (lhs.r == rhs.r) && (lhs.g == rhs.g) && (lhs.b == rhs.b); } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool operator!= (const CRGB& lhs, const CRGB& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool operator< (const CRGB& lhs, const CRGB& rhs) { uint16_t sl, sr; sl = lhs.r + lhs.g + lhs.b; sr = rhs.r + rhs.g + rhs.b; return sl < sr; } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool operator> (const CRGB& lhs, const CRGB& rhs) { uint16_t sl, sr; sl = lhs.r + lhs.g + lhs.b; sr = rhs.r + rhs.g + rhs.b; return sl > sr; } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool operator>= (const CRGB& lhs, const CRGB& rhs) { uint16_t sl, sr; sl = lhs.r + lhs.g + lhs.b; sr = rhs.r + rhs.g + rhs.b; return sl >= sr; } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool operator<= (const CRGB& lhs, const CRGB& rhs) { uint16_t sl, sr; sl = lhs.r + lhs.g + lhs.b; sr = rhs.r + rhs.g + rhs.b; return sl <= sr; } __attribute__((always_inline)) inline CRGB operator+( const CRGB& p1, const CRGB& p2) { return CRGB( qadd8( p1.r, p2.r), qadd8( p1.g, p2.g), qadd8( p1.b, p2.b)); } __attribute__((always_inline)) inline CRGB operator-( const CRGB& p1, const CRGB& p2) { return CRGB( qsub8( p1.r, p2.r), qsub8( p1.g, p2.g), qsub8( p1.b, p2.b)); } __attribute__((always_inline)) inline CRGB operator*( const CRGB& p1, uint8_t d) { return CRGB( qmul8( p1.r, d), qmul8( p1.g, d), qmul8( p1.b, d)); } __attribute__((always_inline)) inline CRGB operator/( const CRGB& p1, uint8_t d) { return CRGB( p1.r/d, p1.g/d, p1.b/d); } __attribute__((always_inline)) inline CRGB operator&( const CRGB& p1, const CRGB& p2) { return CRGB( p1.r < p2.r ? p1.r : p2.r, p1.g < p2.g ? p1.g : p2.g, p1.b < p2.b ? p1.b : p2.b); } __attribute__((always_inline)) inline CRGB operator|( const CRGB& p1, const CRGB& p2) { return CRGB( p1.r > p2.r ? p1.r : p2.r, p1.g > p2.g ? p1.g : p2.g, p1.b > p2.b ? p1.b : p2.b); } __attribute__((always_inline)) inline CRGB operator%( const CRGB& p1, uint8_t d) { CRGB retval( p1); retval.nscale8_video( d); return retval; } // Define RGB orderings enum EOrder { RGB=0012, RBG=0021, GRB=0102, GBR=0120, BRG=0201, BGR=0210 }; #endif