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github.com/Fastbyte01/KeepIt.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-03-16Merge pull request #66 from svsaraf/masterHEADmasterGiuseppe Pignataro
2022-03-16Merge pull request #69 from JoshuaACasey/patch-1Giuseppe Pignataro
2022-03-16Merge pull request #68 from yashgarg1232/masterGiuseppe Pignataro
2022-02-25update mastodonJoshua
2022-02-02Fixed the Google Scholar link Yash Garg
2021-11-22added ssaraf blogSanjay Saraf
2021-11-14Merge pull request #63 from googollee/masterGiuseppe Pignataro
2021-11-07Update: .Parmes.Share -> .Site.Params.ShareGoogol Lee
2021-05-10Merge pull request #60 from Eumeryx/unified-date-formatGiuseppe Pignataro
2021-05-09add date format in configEumeryx
2021-05-09Minor UpdateGiuseppe Pignataro
2021-05-09Updated lightgallery to v 1.10.0Giuseppe Pignataro
2020-09-03Updated Lazysizes to 5.2.2Fastbyte01
2020-07-07Fix for issue #47Fastbyte01
2019-12-17Merge pull request #44 from batkiz/masterGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-12-15fix the regex for img人造电子小猫咪
2019-11-11Merge pull request #42 from BlankerL/masterGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-11-11Add i18n support for Valine.Isaac Lin
2019-11-11Bug of Valine comments fixed.Isaac Lin
2019-11-09Minor fixFastbyte01
2019-11-09Fix issue #39Fastbyte01
2019-11-09Minor fixFastbyte01
2019-10-29Updated Fastbyte01
2019-10-29Updated ReadmeFastbyte01
2019-10-29Updated comment systemFastbyte01
2019-09-13Updated prettify 2013.03.04Giuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-13Minor changesGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-13Updated tl v 1.6.12Giuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-13Minor changesGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-13Updated to v 5.1.1Giuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-12Minor changesGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-12Minor changesGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-12Bug FixGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-12Updated ValineGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-12Updated gitalkGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-12Updated DisqusGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-09-02Update LICENSEGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-08-21Updated ReadmeGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-08-21Added gitment comment systemGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-08-21Minor changesGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-08-21Added utterances comment systemGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-08-20Updated to latest Hugo versionGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-05-14Merge pull request #26 from sarathsp06/masterGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-05-08template: Fix template to not show `share` when the list is emptysarathsp06
2019-05-05Minor changesGiuseppe Pignataro
2019-05-05Various Fix and added support for Hugo 0.55Giuseppe Pignataro
2019-05-05Fixed issue #22Giuseppe Pignataro
2019-04-30Updated ReadmeFastbyte01
2019-04-29Fixed bug with roboto fontFastbyte01
2019-04-26Fixed Blockquote dark theme bugGiuseppe Pignataro