/** @page BLE_LLD_Lowpower example @verbatim ******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2021 STMicroelectronics ******************* * @file BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/readme.txt * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Description of the BLE LLD BLE_LLD_Lowpower application ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved. * * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * www.st.com/SLA0044 * ****************************************************************************** @endverbatim @par Example Description How to to Send Automatically LED to Toggle on another board. @note The objectives are to communicate using BLE_LLD between 2 boards, in BLE Radio format not BLE Stack protocol. BLE_LLD_Lowpower must be used with another board flashed with a Reception mode (Pressbutton) Appli is based on LP and a programmed TIMER that send a payload that contains info to Toggle LED It is launched after reset. @note BLE_LLD is a 2-level stack implemented just over the Hardware and Radio layer. Lowest Layer also called Low Level or LL It is just over the Hardware and Radio Layer. It contains all the API to Set/Configure/Initialize all the parameters for Sending/receiving BLE Radio format packet data Over LL layer there is HAL level It contains a reduced number of API to Send/Receive BLE Radio format packet with predefined parameters It works by calling a set of LL API It make simple and fast to Send/Receive Packet But It does allow the user to change all the Radio parameters @note LL is for user that want to customize the Radio and BLE parameters, it is more complex to implement HAL is for user that want to Send/Receive in a very simple way less complex, without configuring LL ble_lld module contains LLD API HAL and LL API app_ble_lld module contains Transport Layer Command call from CPU1 to CPU2 + Buffer management + IT Radio management from CPU2 @par Keywords BLE_LLD, Connectivity, BLE, LLD, IPCC, HAL, Dual core, send and receive Packet @par Directory contents - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/STM32_WPAN/App/app_ble_lld.h Header for app_ble_lld.c module - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/STM32_WPAN/App/lowpower_app.h Header for Lowpower Application lowpower_app.c module - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/STM32_WPAN/App/tl_dbg_conf.h Header for ble_lld debug module - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/STM32_WPAN/App/app_ble_lld.c contains TL management and Buffer for BLE LLD Application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/STM32_WPAN/App/lowpower_app.c Lowpower program - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/STM32_WPAN/Target/hw_ipcc.c IPCC Driver - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/app_common.h Header for all modules with common definition - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/app_conf.h Parameters configuration file of the application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/app_entry.h Parameters configuration file of the application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/gpio_lld.h Parameters for gpio configuration file of the application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/hw_conf.h Configuration file of the HW - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/hw_if.h Configuration file of the HW - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/main.h Header for main.c module - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/stm_logging.h Header for stm_logging.c module - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/stm32_lpm_if.h Header for stm32_lpm_if.c module - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/stm32wbxx_hal_conf.h HAL configuration file - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/stm32wbxx_it.h Interrupt handlers header file - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/utilities_conf.h Configuration file of the utilities - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Inc/nucleo_wb15cc_conf.h NUCLEO-WB15CC board configuration file - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/app_entry.c Initialization of the application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/gpio_lld.c GPIO for application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/hw_timerserver.c TIMERSERVER for Lowpower application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/hw_uart.c UART Driver - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/main.c Main program - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/stm_logging.c Logging for application - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/stm32_lpm_if.c Low Power Manager Interface - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/stm32wbxx_it.c Interrupt handlers - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/system_stm32wbxx.c stm32wbxx system source file - BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower/Core/Src/stm32wbxx_hal_msp.c HAL MPS for application @par Hardware and Software environment - This application uses two STM32WB15xx devices. - This example has been tested with an STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-WB15CC board and can be easily tailored to any other supported device and development board. - On NUCLEO-WB15CC, the jumpers must be configured as described in this section. Starting from the top left position up to the bottom right position, the jumpers on the Board must be set as follows: CN11: GND [OFF] JP4: VDDRF [ON] JP6: VC0 [ON] JP2: +3V3 [ON] JP1: USB_STL [ON] All others [OFF] CN12: GND [OFF] CN7: [OFF] JP3: VDD_MCU [ON] JP5: GND [OFF] All others [ON] CN10: [OFF] @par How to use it ? In order to make the program work, you must do the following: - Connect 1 NUCLEO-WB15CC board to your PC - Open your preferred toolchain - Rebuild all files and load your image into one target memory - Rebuild all files of BLE_LLD/BLE_LLD_Lowpower application and load your image into the other target memory + load stm32wb1x_BLE_LLD_fw.bin - Run the application BLE_LLD_Lowpower used only LL API for Send 3 consecutive TX ActionPackets are chained: - 1st TX ActionPacket send LED1 Toggling payload command - 2nd TX ActionPacket send LED2 Toggling payload command - 3rd TX ActionPacket send LED3 Toggling payload command You can not control this application, after power and reset Send Packet are automatically done A loop configuration has been developed. In this order and described into main.c: After power On or Reset (ALL the LED are OFF): 1) Radio Init is done and the 3 consecutive ActionPackets are configured, Low-Power is not yet activated 2) The TIMER SERVER is launched 3) First TX ActionPacket is launched at the TIMER SERVER Timeout 4) At the end of the 3 consecutive TX ActionPackets TIMER SERVER is launched, Low-Power is activated 5) loop on step 3 Serial Port Setup TERMINAL Baud Rate:115200 / Data:8 bits / Parity:none / Stop:1bit / Flow Control:none *

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