$(function() { var ads = [ { quote: "Take your icon game to the next level. Check out Fonticons, from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "fonticons", url: "https://fonticons.com/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_1_next_level&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Gimme Some!" }, { quote: "Subset your icons, add your own, and serve up from a CDN. Check out Fonticons, from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "fonticons", url: "https://fonticons.com/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_2_all_value_add&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Gimme Some!" }, { quote: "Make your icons load 10x faster! Check out Fonticons, from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "fonticons", url: "https://fonticons.com/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_3_faster_loading&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Gimme Some!" }, { quote: "Looking for other great icon sets? Check out Fonticons, from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "fonticons", url: "https://fonticons.com/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_4_more_icons&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Gimme Some!" }, { quote: "Need a custom icon in Font Awesome? Check out Fonticons, from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "fonticons", url: "https://fonticons.com/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_5_custom_icons&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Gimme Some!" }, { quote: "So hot right now: Black Tie, the new multi-weight icon font from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "black-tie", url: "https://blacktie.io/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_1_so_hot&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Buy it Now!" }, { quote: "Black Tie, from the creator of Font Awesome. On sale at the Kickstarter price for a limited time.", class: "black-tie", url: "https://blacktie.io/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_2_kickstarter&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Buy it Now!" }, { quote: "Get more Awesome: Black Tie, the new multi-weight icon font from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "black-tie", url: "https://blacktie.io/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_3_more_awesome&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Buy it Now!" }, { quote: "The new hotness from the maker of Font Awesome: Black Tie, the multi-weight icon font.", class: "black-tie", url: "https://blacktie.io/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_4_new_hotness&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Buy it Now!" }, { quote: "Want clean, minimalist icons? Check out Black Tie, the new multi-weight icon font from the maker of Font Awesome.", class: "black-tie", url: "https://blacktie.io/?utm_source=font_awesome_homepage&utm_medium=display&utm_content=ad_5_clean_minimalist&utm_campaign=promo_4.3_update", btn_text: "Buy it Now!" } ]; selectFonticonsAd(); // start the icon carousel $('#icon-carousel').carousel({ interval: 5000 }); var $filter_by = $('#filter-by'); // Filter icons if($filter_by.length) { var $filter_val = $('#filter-val'); var $filter = $('#filter'); var $other = $('#new, #web-application, #transportation, #gender, #form-control, #medical, #currency, #text-editor, #directional, #video-player, #brand, #file-type, #spinner, #payment, #chart'); var $clear = $('#filter-clear'); var $no_results = $('#no-search-results'); var $icons = $('.filter-icon', $filter); // Add tab completion $filter_by.tabcomplete(filterSet, { arrowKeys: true }); $clear.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $filter_by .val('') .trigger('input') .trigger('keyup') .focus(); $clear.addClass('hide'); // Hide clear button }); $filter_by.on('keyup', function() { var $this = $(this); var val = $this.val().toLowerCase(); $filter.toggle(!!val); $other.toggle(!val); $clear.toggleClass('hide', !val); $filter_val.text(val); if(!val) return; var resultsCount = 0; $icons.each(function() { var filter = $(this).attr('data-filter').split('|'); var show = inFilter(val, filter); if (!show) { if (val.slice(-1) === 's') { // Try to be smart. Make plural terms singular. show = inFilter(val.slice(0, -1), filter); } } if (show) resultsCount++; $(this).toggle(!!show); }); if( resultsCount == 0 && val.length != 0 ) { $no_results.find('span').text(val); $no_results.show(); } else { $no_results.hide(); } }); } function inFilter(val, filter) { for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) { if (filter[i].match(val)) return true; } return false; } $filter_by .val('') .trigger('input') .trigger('keyup'); if ($clear) { $clear.addClass('hide'); // Hide clear button } function selectFonticonsAd() { random_number = Math.floor( Math.random() * ads.length ); random_ad = ads[random_number]; $('#banner').addClass(random_ad.class); $('#rotating-message').html(random_ad.quote); $('#rotating-url').attr("href", random_ad.url); $('#rotating-url').html(random_ad.btn_text); $('#banner').collapse('show'); } });