/*! * Fork Awesome 1.1.1, originaly by Dave Gandy - http://forkawesome.github.io/Fork-Awesome/ * License - http://forkawesome.github.io/Fork-Awesome//license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) */ @import "variables.less"; .fas, .fab, .far { display: inline-block; font: normal normal normal @fa-font-size-base/@fa-line-height-base @fa-font-family; // shortening font declaration font-size: inherit; // can't have font-size inherit on line above, so need to override text-rendering: auto; // optimizelegibility throws things off #1094 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } .fas { &.fa-chart-area:before { content: "\f1fe"; } // area-chart &.fa-arrows-alt:before { content: "\f047"; } // arrows &.fa-expand-arrows-alt:before { content: "\f0b2"; } // arrows-alt &.fa-arrows-alt-h:before { content: "\f07e"; } // arrows-h &.fa-arrows-alt-v:before { content: "\f07d"; } // arrows-v &.fa-calendar-alt:before { content: "\f073"; } // calendar &.fa-circle-notch:before { content: "\f1ce"; } // circle-o-notch &.fa-cloud-download-alt:before { content: "\f0ed"; } // cloud-download &.fa-cloud-upload-alt:before { content: "\f0ee"; } // cloud-upload &.fa-credit-card:before { content: "\f283"; } // credit-card-alt &.fa-dollar-sign:before { content: "\f155"; } // dollar &.fa-euro-sign:before { content: "\f153"; } // eur, euro &.fa-exchange-alt:before { content: "\f0ec"; } // exchange &.fa-external-link-alt:before { content: "\f08e"; } // external-link &.fa-external-link-square-alt:before { content: "\f14c"; } // external-link-square &.fa-eye-dropper:before { content: "\f1fb"; } // eyedropper &.fa-pound-sign:before { content: "\f154"; } // gbp &.fa-glass-martini:before { content: "\f000"; } // glass &.fa-shekel-sign:before { content: "\f20b"; } // shekel &.fa-rupee-sign:before { content: "\f156"; } // rupee &.fa-won-sign:before { content: "\f159"; } // krw &.fa-level-down-alt:before { content: "\f149"; } // level-down &.fa-level-up-alt:before { content: "\f148"; } // level-up &.fa-chart-line:before { content: "\f201"; } // line-chart &.fa-long-arrow-alt-down:before { content: "\f175"; } // long-arrow-down &.fa-long-arrow-alt-left:before { content: "\f177"; } // long-arrow-left &.fa-long-arrow-alt-right:before { content: "\f178"; } // long-arrow-right &.fa-long-arrow-alt-up:before { content: "\f176"; } // long-arrow-up &.fa-map-marker-alt:before { content: "\f041"; } // map-marker &.fa-mobile-alt:before { content: "\f10b"; } // mobile &.fa-pencil-alt:before { content: "\f040"; } // pencil &.fa-pen-square:before { content: "\f14b"; } // pencil-square &.fa-chart-pie:before { content: "\f200"; } // pie-chart &.fa-yen-sign:before { content: "\f157"; } // yen &.fa-ruble-sign:before { content: "\f158"; } // ruble &.fa-shield-alt:before { content: "\f132"; } // shield &.fa-sign-in-alt:before { content: "\f090"; } // sign-in &.fa-sign-out-alt:before { content: "\f08b"; } // sign-out &.fa-sliders-h:before { content: "\f1de"; } // sliders &.fa-tablet-alt:before { content: "\f10a"; } // tablet &.fa-tachometer-alt:before { content: "\f0e4"; } // tachometer &.fa-thumbtack:before { content: "\f08d"; } // thumb-tack &.fa-ticket-alt:before { content: "\f145"; } // ticket &.fa-trash-alt:before { content: "\f1f8"; } // trash &.fa-lira-sign:before { content: "\f195"; } // turkish-lira } .fab { &.fa-linkedin-in:before { content: "\fe01"; } // linkedin &.fa-linkedin:before { content: "\f08c"; } // linkedin-square } .far { &.fa-address-book:before { content: "\f2ba"; } // address-book-o &.fa-address-card:before { content: "\f2bc"; } // address-card-o &.fa-arrow-alt-circle-down:before { content: "\f01a"; } // arrow-circle-o-down &.fa-arrow-alt-circle-left:before { content: "\f190"; } // arrow-circle-o-left &.fa-arrow-alt-circle-right:before { content: "\f18e"; } // arrow-circle-o-right &.fa-arrow-alt-circle-up:before { content: "\f01b"; } // arrow-circle-o-up &.fa-bell:before { content: "\f0f3"; } // bell-o &.fa-bell-slash:before { content: "\f1f7"; } // bell-slash-o &.fa-bookmark:before { content: "\f097"; } // bookmark-o &.fa-building:before { content: "\f0f7"; } // building-o &.fa-calendar-check:before { content: "\f274"; } // calendar-check-o &.fa-calendar-minus:before { content: "\f272"; } // calendar-minus-o &.fa-calendar:before { content: "\f133"; } // calendar-o &.fa-calendar-plus:before { content: "\f271"; } // calendar-plus-o &.fa-calendar-times:before { content: "\f273"; } // calendar-times-o &.fa-caret-square-down:before { content: "\f150"; } // caret-square-o-down &.fa-caret-square-left:before { content: "\f191"; } // caret-square-o-left &.fa-caret-square-right:before { content: "\f152"; } // caret-square-o-right &.fa-caret-square-up:before { content: "\f151"; } // caret-square-o-up &.fa-check-circle:before { content: "\f05d"; } // check-circle-o &.fa-check-square:before { content: "\f046"; } // check-square-o &.fa-circle:before { content: "\f10c"; } // circle-o &.fa-clock:before { content: "\f017"; } // clock-o &.fa-comment:before { content: "\f0e5"; } // comment-o &.fa-comment-dots:before { content: "\f27b"; } // commenting-o &.fa-comments:before { content: "\f0e6"; } // comments-o &.fa-dot-circle:before { content: "\f192"; } // dot-circle-o &.fa-id-card:before { content: "\f2c3"; } // drivers-license-o &.fa-envelope:before { content: "\f003"; } // envelope-o &.fa-envelope-open:before { content: "\f2b7"; } // envelope-open-o &.fa-file-archive:before { content: "\f1c6"; } // file-archive-o &.fa-file-audio:before { content: "\f1c7"; } // file-audio-o &.fa-file-code:before { content: "\f1c9"; } // file-code-o &.fa-file-excel:before { content: "\f1c3"; } // file-excel-o &.fa-file-image:before { content: "\f1c5"; } // file-image-o &.fa-file-video:before { content: "\f1c8"; } // file-video-o &.fa-copy:before, &.fa-file:before { content: "\f016"; } // file-o &.fa-file-pdf:before { content: "\f1c1"; } // file-pdf-o &.fa-file-powerpoint:before { content: "\f1c4"; } // file-powerpoint-o &.fa-file-alt:before { content: "\f0f6"; } // file-text-o &.fa-file-word:before { content: "\f1c2"; } // file-word-o &.fa-flag:before { content: "\f11d"; } // flag-o &.fa-save:before { content: "\f0c7"; } // foppy-o &.fa-folder:before { content: "\f114"; } // folder-o &.fa-folder-open:before { content: "\f115"; } // folder-open-o &.fa-frown:before { content: "\f119"; } // frown-o &.fa-futbol:before { content: "\f1e3"; } // futbol-o &.fa-hand-rock:before { content: "\f255"; } // hand-grab-o &.fa-hand-lizard:before { content: "\f258"; } // hand-lizard-o &.fa-hand-point-down:before { content: "\f0a7"; } // hand-o-down &.fa-hand-point-left:before { content: "\f0a5"; } // hand-o-left &.fa-hand-point-right:before { content: "\f0a4"; } // hand-o-right &.fa-hand-point-up:before { content: "\f0a6"; } // hand-o-up &.fa-hand-paper:before { content: "\256"; } // hand-paper-o &.fa-hand-pointer:before { content: "\f25a"; } // hand-pointer-o &.fa-hand-scissors:before { content: "\f257"; } // hand-scissors-o &.fa-hand-spock:before { content: "\f259"; } // hand-spock-o &.fa-handshake:before { content: "\f2b5"; } // handshake-o &.fa-hdd:before { content: "\f0a0"; } // hdd-o &.fa-heart:before { content: "\f08a"; } // heart-o &.fa-hospital:before { content: "\f0f8"; } // hospital-o &.fa-hourglass:before { content: "\f250"; } // hourglass-o &.fa-id-card:before { content: "\f2c3"; } // id-card-o &.fa-keyboard:before { content: "\f11c"; } // keyboard-o &.fa-lemon:before { content: "\f094"; } // lemon-o &.fa-lightbulb:before { content: "\f0eb"; } // lightbulb-o &.fa-meh:before { content: "\f11a"; } // meh-o &.fa-minus-square:before { content: "\f147"; } // minus-square-o &.fa-money-bill-alt:before { content: "\f0d6"; } // money &.fa-moon:before { content: "\f186"; } // moon-o &.fa-newspaper:before { content: "\f1ea"; } // newspaper-o &.fa-paper-plane:before { content: "\f1d9"; } // paper-plane-o &.fa-pause-circle:before { content: "\f28c"; } // pause-circle-o &.fa-edit:before { content: "\f044"; } // pencil-square-o &.fa-image:before { content: "\f03e"; } // picture-o &.fa-play-circle:before { content: "\f01d"; } // play-circle-o &.fa-plus-square:before { content: "\f196"; } // plus-square-o &.fa-question-circle:before { content: "\f92c"; } // question-circle-o &.fa-share-square:before { content: "\f045"; } // share-square-o &.fa-smile:before { content: "\f118"; } // smile-o &.fa-snowflake:before { content: "\f2dc"; } // snowflake-o &.fa-futbol:before { content: "\f1e3"; } // soccer-ball-o &.fa-star-half:before { content: "\f089"; } // star-half-o &.fa-star:before { content: "\f006"; } // star-o &.fa-sticky-note:before { content: "\f24a"; } // sticky-note-o &.fa-stop-circle:before { content: "\f28e"; } // stop-circle-o &.fa-sun:before { content: "\f185"; } // sun-o &.fa-thumbs-down:before { content: "\f088"; } // thumbs-o-down &.fa-thumbs-up:before { content: "\f087"; } // thumbs-o-up &.fa-times-circle:before { content: "\f05c"; } // times-circle-o &.fa-window-close:before { content: "\f2d4"; } // times-rectangle-o &.fa-trash-alt:before { content: "\f014"; } // trash-o &.fa-user-circle:before { content: "\f2be"; } // user-circle-o &.fa-user:before { content: "\f2c0"; } // user-o }