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github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
tag name1.1.7 (ad5d85eb77e35536696cc5b52649279175cf67ae)
tag date2019-02-28 18:25:14 +0300
tagged byJulien Deswaef <judeswae@thoughtworks.com>
tagged objectcommit 326af9c8be...
Fixes a bug that made all the new icons since 1.0.11 not available in SCSS files.
This release solves that. So if you are not using SCSSĀ files, this did not affect you. This release also improves the build process to catch these kind of bugs earlier. Thanks to @eidsonator for finding the bug and providing the fix.