//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Arc Welder: Anti-Stutter Library // // Compresses many G0/G1 commands into G2/G3(arc) commands where possible, ensuring the tool paths stay within the specified resolution. // This reduces file size and the number of gcodes per second. // // Uses the 'Gcode Processor Library' for gcode parsing, position processing, logging, and other various functionality. // // Copyright(C) 2020 - Brad Hochgesang //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // // You can contact the author at the following email address: // FormerLurker@pm.me //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "segmented_shape.h" #include #include "utilities.h" #include #include #pragma region Operators for Vector and Point point operator +(point lhs, const vector rhs) { point p( lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y, lhs.z + rhs.z ); return p; } point operator -(point lhs, const vector rhs) { return point( lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.z - rhs.z ); } vector operator -(point& lhs, point& rhs) { return vector( lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.z - rhs.z ); } vector operator -(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) { return vector( lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.z - rhs.z ); } vector operator *(vector lhs, const double& rhs) { return vector( lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs, lhs.z * rhs ); } #pragma endregion Operators for Vector and Point #pragma region Point Functions point point::get_midpoint(point p1, point p2) { double x = (p1.x + p2.x) / 2.0; double y = (p1.y + p2.y) / 2.0; double z = (p1.z + p2.z) / 2.0; return point(x, y, z); } #pragma endregion Point Functions #pragma region Segment Functions bool segment::get_closest_perpendicular_point(point c, point& d) { return segment::get_closest_perpendicular_point(p1, p2, c, d); } bool segment::get_closest_perpendicular_point(const point& p1, const point& p2, const point& c, point& d) { // [(Cx - Ax)(Bx - Ax) + (Cy - Ay)(By - Ay)] / [(Bx - Ax) ^ 2 + (By - Ay) ^ 2] double num = (c.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (c.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y); double x_dif = p2.x - p1.x; double y_dif = p2.y - p1.y; double denom = (x_dif * x_dif) + (y_dif * y_dif); double t = num / denom; // We're considering this a failure if t == 0 or t==1 within our tolerance. In that case we hit the endpoint, which is OK. // Why are we using the CIRCLE_GENERATION_A_ZERO_TOLERANCE tolerance here?? if (utilities::less_than_or_equal(t, 0) || utilities::greater_than_or_equal(t, 1)) return false; d.x = p1.x + t * (p2.x - p1.x); d.y = p1.y + t * (p2.y - p1.y); return true; } #pragma endregion #pragma region Vector Functions double vector::get_magnitude() { return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } double vector::cross_product_magnitude(vector v1, vector v2) { return (v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x); } #pragma endregion Vector Functions #pragma region Distance Calculation Source // Distance Calculation code taken from the following source: // Copyright for distance calculations: // Copyright 2001 softSurfer, 2012 Dan Sunday // This code may be freely used, distributed and modified for any purpose // providing that this copyright notice is included with it. // SoftSurfer makes no warranty for this code, and cannot be held // liable for any real or imagined damage resulting from its use. // Users of this code must verify correctness for their application. // dot product (3D) which allows vector operations in arguments #define dot(u,v) ((u).x * (v).x + (u).y * (v).y + (u).z * (v).z) #define norm(v) sqrt(dot(v,v)) // norm = length of vector #define d(u,v) norm(u-v) // distance = norm of difference double distance_from_segment(segment s, point p) { vector v = s.p2 - s.p1; vector w = p - s.p1; double c1 = dot(w, v); if (c1 <= 0) return d(p, s.p1); double c2 = dot(v, v); if (c2 <= c1) return d(p, s.p2); double b = c1 / c2; point pb = s.p1 + (v * b); return d(p, pb); } #pragma endregion Distance Calculation Source #pragma region Circle Functions bool circle::try_create_circle(const point& p1, const point& p2, const point& p3, const double max_radius, circle& new_circle) { double x1 = p1.x; double y1 = p1.y; double x2 = p2.x; double y2 = p2.y; double x3 = p3.x; double y3 = p3.y; double a = x1 * (y2 - y3) - y1 * (x2 - x3) + x2 * y3 - x3 * y2; // Take out to figure out how we handle very small values for a if (utilities::is_zero(a, 0.000000001)) { return false; } double b = (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (y3 - y2) + (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * (y1 - y3) + (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3) * (y2 - y1); double c = (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (x2 - x3) + (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * (x3 - x1) + (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3) * (x1 - x2); double x = -b / (2.0 * a); double y = -c / (2.0 * a); double radius = utilities::get_cartesian_distance(x, y, x1, y1); if (radius > max_radius) return false; new_circle.center.x = x; new_circle.center.y = y; new_circle.center.z = p1.z; new_circle.radius = radius; return true; } bool circle::try_create_circle(const array_list& points, const double max_radius, const double resolution_mm, const double xyz_tolerance, bool allow_3d_arcs, circle& new_circle) { int count = points.count(); int middle_index = count / 2; // The middle point will almost always produce the best arcs. if (circle::try_create_circle(points[0], points[middle_index], points[count - 1], max_radius, new_circle) && !new_circle.is_over_deviation(points, resolution_mm, xyz_tolerance, allow_3d_arcs)) { return true; } // Find the circle with the least deviation, if one exists. // Note, this could possibly take a LONG time in the worst case, but it's a pretty unlikely. // However, if the midpoint check doesn't pass, it's worth it to spend a bit more time // finding the best fit for the circle (least squares deviation) circle test_circle; double least_deviation; bool found_circle=false; for (int index = 1; index < count - 1; index++) { if (index == middle_index) { // We already checked this one, and it failed, continue. continue; } double current_deviation; if (circle::try_create_circle(points[0], points[index], points[count - 1], max_radius, test_circle) && test_circle.get_deviation_sum_squared(points, resolution_mm, xyz_tolerance, allow_3d_arcs, current_deviation)) { if (!found_circle || current_deviation < least_deviation) { found_circle = true; least_deviation = current_deviation; new_circle = test_circle; } } } return found_circle; } double circle::get_polar_radians(const point& p1) const { double polar_radians = atan2(p1.y - center.y, p1.x - center.x); if (polar_radians < 0) polar_radians = (2.0 * PI_DOUBLE) + polar_radians; return polar_radians; } bool circle::get_deviation_sum_squared(const array_list& points, const double resolution_mm, const double xyz_tolerance, const bool allow_3d_arcs, double &total_deviation) { // We need to ensure that the Z steps are constand per linear travel unit double z_step_per_distance = 0; total_deviation = 0; // Skip the first and last points since they will fit perfectly. for (int index = 1; index < points.count() - 1; index++) { // Make sure the length from the center of our circle to the test point is // at or below our max distance. double distance_from_center = utilities::get_cartesian_distance(points[index].x, points[index].y, center.x, center.y); if (allow_3d_arcs) { double z1 = points[index - 1].z; double z2 = points[index].z; double current_z_stepper_distance = (z2 - z1) / distance_from_center; if (index == 1) { z_step_per_distance = current_z_stepper_distance; } else if (!utilities::is_equal(z_step_per_distance, current_z_stepper_distance, xyz_tolerance)) { // The z step is uneven, can't create arc return false; } } double deviation = std::fabs(distance_from_center - radius); total_deviation += deviation * deviation; if (deviation > resolution_mm) { // Too much deviation return false; } } // Check the point perpendicular from the segment to the circle's center, if any such point exists for (int index = 0; index < points.count() - 1; index++) { point point_to_test; if (segment::get_closest_perpendicular_point(points[index], points[index + 1], center, point_to_test)) { double distance = utilities::get_cartesian_distance(point_to_test.x, point_to_test.y, center.x, center.y); double deviation = std::fabs(distance - radius); total_deviation += deviation * deviation; if (deviation > resolution_mm) { return false; } } } return true; } bool circle::is_over_deviation(const array_list& points, const double resolution_mm, const double xyz_tolerance, const bool allow_3d_arcs) { // We need to ensure that the Z steps are constand per linear travel unit double z_step_per_distance = 0; // shared point to test point point_to_test; int max_index = points.count() - 1; // Skip the first and last points since they will fit perfectly. for (int index = 0; index < max_index; index++) { point current_point(points[index]); if (index != 0) { // Make sure the length from the center of our circle to the test point is // at or below our max distance. double distance_from_center = utilities::get_cartesian_distance(current_point.x, current_point.y, center.x, center.y); if (allow_3d_arcs) { double z1 = points[index - 1].z; double z2 = current_point.z; double current_z_stepper_distance = (z2 - z1) / distance_from_center; if (index == 1) { z_step_per_distance = current_z_stepper_distance; } else if (!utilities::is_equal(z_step_per_distance, current_z_stepper_distance, xyz_tolerance)) { // The z step is uneven, can't create arc return true; } } if (std::fabs(distance_from_center - radius) > resolution_mm) { return true; } } // Check the point perpendicular from the segment to the circle's center, if any such point exists if (segment::get_closest_perpendicular_point(current_point, points[index + 1], center, point_to_test)) { double distance = utilities::get_cartesian_distance(point_to_test.x, point_to_test.y, center.x, center.y); if (std::fabs(distance - radius) > resolution_mm) { return true; } } } return false; } #pragma endregion Circle Functions #pragma region Arc Functions double arc::get_i() const { return center.x - start_point.x; } double arc::get_j() const { return center.y - start_point.y; } bool arc::try_create_arc( const circle& c, const point& start_point, const point& mid_point, const point& end_point, arc& target_arc, double approximate_length, double resolution, double path_tolerance_percent, bool allow_3d_arcs) { double polar_start_theta = c.get_polar_radians(start_point); double polar_mid_theta = c.get_polar_radians(mid_point); double polar_end_theta = c.get_polar_radians(end_point); // variable to hold radians double angle_radians = 0; DirectionEnum direction = DirectionEnum::UNKNOWN; // 1 = counter clockwise, 2 = clockwise, 3 = unknown. // Determine the direction of the arc if (polar_end_theta > polar_start_theta) { if (polar_start_theta < polar_mid_theta && polar_mid_theta < polar_end_theta) { direction = DirectionEnum::COUNTERCLOCKWISE; angle_radians = polar_end_theta - polar_start_theta; } else if ( (0.0 <= polar_mid_theta && polar_mid_theta < polar_start_theta) || (polar_end_theta < polar_mid_theta && polar_mid_theta < (2.0 * PI_DOUBLE)) ) { direction = DirectionEnum::CLOCKWISE; angle_radians = polar_start_theta + ((2.0 * PI_DOUBLE) - polar_end_theta); } } else if (polar_start_theta > polar_end_theta) { if ( (polar_start_theta < polar_mid_theta && polar_mid_theta < (2.0 * PI_DOUBLE)) || (0.0 < polar_mid_theta && polar_mid_theta < polar_end_theta) ) { direction = DirectionEnum::COUNTERCLOCKWISE; angle_radians = polar_end_theta + ((2.0 * PI_DOUBLE) - polar_start_theta); } else if (polar_end_theta < polar_mid_theta && polar_mid_theta < polar_start_theta) { direction = DirectionEnum::CLOCKWISE; angle_radians = polar_start_theta - polar_end_theta; } } // this doesn't always work.. in rare situations, the angle may be backward if (direction == 0 || utilities::is_zero(angle_radians)) return false; // Let's check the length against the original length // This can trigger simply due to the differing path lengths // but also could indicate that our vector calculation above // got the direction wrong double arc_length = c.radius * angle_radians; if (allow_3d_arcs) { // We may be traveling in 3 space, calculate the arc_length of the spiral if (start_point.z != end_point.z) { arc_length = utilities::hypot(arc_length, end_point.z - start_point.z); } } // Calculate the percent difference of the original path double difference = (arc_length - approximate_length) / approximate_length; if (!utilities::is_zero(difference, path_tolerance_percent)) { // So it's possible our vector calculation above got the direction wrong. // This can happen if there is a crazy arrangement of points // extremely close to eachother. They have to be close enough to // break our other checks. However, we may be able to salvage this. // see if an arc moving in the opposite direction had the correct length. // Find the rest of the angle across the circle double test_radians = std::fabs(angle_radians - 2 * PI_DOUBLE); // Calculate the length of that arc double test_arc_length = c.radius * test_radians; if (allow_3d_arcs) { // We may be traveling in 3 space, calculate the arc_length of the spiral if (start_point.z != end_point.z) { test_arc_length = utilities::hypot(test_arc_length, end_point.z - start_point.z); } } difference = (test_arc_length - approximate_length) / approximate_length; if (!utilities::is_zero(difference, path_tolerance_percent)) { return false; } // So, let's set the new length and flip the direction (but not the angle)! arc_length = test_arc_length; direction = direction == DirectionEnum::COUNTERCLOCKWISE ? DirectionEnum::CLOCKWISE : DirectionEnum::COUNTERCLOCKWISE; } if (allow_3d_arcs) { // Ensure the perimeter of the arc is less than that of a full circle double perimeter = utilities::hypot(c.radius * 2.0 * PI_DOUBLE, end_point.z - start_point.z); if (perimeter <= approximate_length) { return false; } } if (direction == 2) { angle_radians *= -1.0; } target_arc.direction = direction; target_arc.center.x = c.center.x; target_arc.center.y = c.center.y; target_arc.center.z = c.center.z; target_arc.radius = c.radius; target_arc.start_point = start_point; target_arc.end_point = end_point; target_arc.length = arc_length; target_arc.angle_radians = angle_radians; target_arc.polar_start_theta = polar_start_theta; target_arc.polar_end_theta = polar_end_theta; return true; } bool arc::try_create_arc( const array_list& points, arc& target_arc, double approximate_length, double max_radius_mm, double resolution_mm, double path_tolerance_percent, int min_arc_segments, double mm_per_arc_segment, double xyz_tolerance, bool allow_3d_arcs) { circle test_circle = (circle)target_arc; if (!circle::try_create_circle(points, max_radius_mm, resolution_mm, xyz_tolerance, allow_3d_arcs, test_circle)) { return false; } // We could save a bit of processing power and do our firmware compensation here, but we won't be able to track statistics for this easily. // moved check to segmented_arc.cpp int mid_point_index = ((points.count() - 2) / 2) + 1; arc test_arc; if (!arc::try_create_arc(test_circle, points[0], points[mid_point_index], points[points.count() - 1], test_arc, approximate_length, resolution_mm, path_tolerance_percent, allow_3d_arcs)) { return false; } if (arc::are_points_within_slice(test_arc, points)) { target_arc = test_arc; return true; } return false; } bool arc::are_points_within_slice(const arc& test_arc, const array_list& points) { // Loop through the points and see if they fit inside of the angles double previous_polar = test_arc.polar_start_theta; bool will_cross_zero = false; bool crossed_zero = false; const int point_count = points.count(); point start_norm((test_arc.start_point.x - test_arc.center.x) / test_arc.radius, (test_arc.start_point.y - test_arc.center.y) / test_arc.radius, 0.0); point end_norm((test_arc.end_point.x - test_arc.center.x) / test_arc.radius, (test_arc.end_point.y - test_arc.center.y) / test_arc.radius, 0.0); if (test_arc.direction == DirectionEnum::COUNTERCLOCKWISE) { will_cross_zero = test_arc.polar_start_theta > test_arc.polar_end_theta; } else { will_cross_zero = test_arc.polar_start_theta < test_arc.polar_end_theta; } // Need to see if point 1 to point 2 cross zero for (int index = point_count - 2; index < point_count; index++) { double polar_test; if (index < point_count - 1) { polar_test = test_arc.get_polar_radians(points[index]); } else { polar_test = test_arc.polar_end_theta; } // First ensure the test point is within the arc if (test_arc.direction == DirectionEnum::COUNTERCLOCKWISE) { // Only check to see if we are within the arc if this isn't the endpoint if (index < point_count - 1) { if (will_cross_zero) { if (!(polar_test > test_arc.polar_start_theta || polar_test < test_arc.polar_end_theta)) { return false; } } else if (!(test_arc.polar_start_theta < polar_test && polar_test < test_arc.polar_end_theta)) { return false; } } // Now make sure the angles are increasing if (previous_polar > polar_test) { if (!will_cross_zero) { return false; } // Allow the angle to cross zero once if (crossed_zero) { return false; } crossed_zero = true; } } else { if (index < point_count - 1) { if (will_cross_zero) { if (!(polar_test < test_arc.polar_start_theta || polar_test > test_arc.polar_end_theta)) { return false; } } else if (!(test_arc.polar_start_theta > polar_test && polar_test > test_arc.polar_end_theta)) { return false; } } // Now make sure the angles are decreasing if (previous_polar < polar_test) { if (!will_cross_zero) { return false; } // Allow the angle to cross zero once if (crossed_zero) { return false; } crossed_zero = true; } } // Now see if the segment intersects either of the vector from the center of the circle to the endpoints of the arc if ((index != 1 && ray_intersects_segment(test_arc.center, start_norm, points[index - 1], points[index])) || (index != point_count - 1 && ray_intersects_segment(test_arc.center, end_norm, points[index - 1], points[index]))) return false; previous_polar = polar_test; } // Ensure that all arcs that cross zero do, and that all arcs that should not did not. if (will_cross_zero != crossed_zero) { return false; } return true; } // return the distance of ray origin to intersection point bool arc::ray_intersects_segment(const point rayOrigin, const point rayDirection, const printer_point point1, const printer_point point2) { vector v1 = rayOrigin - point1; vector v2 = point2 - point1; vector v3 = vector(-rayDirection.y, rayDirection.x, 0); double dot = dot(v2, v3); if (std::fabs(dot) < 0.000001) return false; double t1 = vector::cross_product_magnitude(v2, v1) / dot; double t2 = dot(v1, v3) / dot; if (t1 >= 0.0 && (t2 >= 0.0 && t2 <= 1.0)) return true; return false; } #pragma endregion segmented_shape::segmented_shape(int min_segments, int max_segments, double resolution_mm, double path_tolerance_percnet, unsigned char default_xyz_precision, unsigned char default_e_precision) : points_(max_segments) { set_xyz_precision(default_xyz_precision); e_precision_ = default_e_precision; max_segments_ = max_segments; path_tolerance_percent_ = path_tolerance_percnet; resolution_mm_ = resolution_mm / 2.0; // divide by 2 because it is + or - 1/2 of the desired resolution. e_relative_ = 0; is_shape_ = false; // min segments can never be lower than 3 (the default) else there could be no compression. if (min_segments < DEFAULT_MIN_SEGMENTS) min_segments_ = DEFAULT_MIN_SEGMENTS; else min_segments_ = min_segments; original_shape_length_ = 0; is_extruding_ = true; } segmented_shape::~segmented_shape() { } unsigned char segmented_shape::get_xyz_precision() const { return xyz_precision_; } double segmented_shape::get_xyz_tolerance() const { return xyz_tolerance_; } unsigned char segmented_shape::get_e_precision() const { return e_precision_; } void segmented_shape::set_xyz_precision(unsigned char precision) { xyz_precision_ = precision; set_xyz_tolerance_from_precision(); } void segmented_shape::set_xyz_tolerance_from_precision() { xyz_tolerance_ = std::pow(10.0, -1.0 * static_cast(xyz_precision_)); } void segmented_shape::reset_precision() { set_xyz_precision(DEFAULT_XYZ_PRECISION); e_precision_ = DEFAULT_E_PRECISION; } void segmented_shape::update_xyz_precision(unsigned char precision) { if (xyz_precision_ < precision) { set_xyz_precision(precision); } } void segmented_shape::update_e_precision(unsigned char precision) { if (e_precision_ < precision) { e_precision_ = precision; } } bool segmented_shape::is_extruding() { return is_extruding_; } segmented_shape& segmented_shape::operator=(const segmented_shape& obj) { points_.clear(); if (obj.max_segments_ != max_segments_) { max_segments_ = obj.max_segments_; points_.resize(max_segments_); } points_.copy(obj.points_); original_shape_length_ = obj.original_shape_length_; e_relative_ = obj.e_relative_; is_shape_ = obj.is_shape_; max_segments_ = obj.max_segments_; resolution_mm_ = obj.resolution_mm_; return *this; } int segmented_shape::get_num_segments() { return points_.count(); } double segmented_shape::get_shape_length() { return original_shape_length_; } double segmented_shape::get_shape_e_relative() { return e_relative_; } void segmented_shape::clear() { points_.clear(); is_shape_ = false; e_relative_ = 0; original_shape_length_ = 0; } bool segmented_shape::is_shape() const { // return the pre-calculated value. This should be updated by the plugin return is_shape_; } void segmented_shape::set_is_shape(bool value) { is_shape_ = value; } int segmented_shape::get_min_segments() { return min_segments_; } int segmented_shape::get_max_segments() { return max_segments_; } double segmented_shape::get_resolution_mm() { return resolution_mm_; } double segmented_shape::get_path_tolerance_percent() { return path_tolerance_percent_; } void segmented_shape::set_resolution_mm(double resolution_mm) { resolution_mm_ = resolution_mm; } printer_point segmented_shape::pop_front() { return points_.pop_front(); } printer_point segmented_shape::pop_back() { return points_.pop_back(); } bool segmented_shape::try_add_point(printer_point p, double e_relative) { throw std::exception(); } std::string segmented_shape::get_shape_gcode_absolute(double e_abs_start) { throw std::exception(); } std::string segmented_shape::get_shape_gcode_relative() { throw std::exception(); }