//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Arc Welder: Inverse Processor (firmware simulator). // Please see the copyright notices in the function definitions // // Converts G2/G3(arc) commands back to G0/G1 commands. Intended to test firmware changes to improve arc support. // This reduces file size and the number of gcodes per second. // // Based on arc interpolation implementations from: // Marlin 1.x (see https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/blob/1.0.x/LICENSE for the current license) // Marlin 2.x (see https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/blob/2.0.x/LICENSE for the current license) // Prusa-Firmware (see https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/blob/MK3/LICENSE for the current license) // Smoothieware (see https://github.com/Smoothieware/Smoothieware for the current license) // Repetier (see https://github.com/repetier/Repetier-Firmware for the current license) // // Built using the 'Arc Welder: Anti Stutter' library // // Copyright(C) 2021 - Brad Hochgesang //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // // You can contact the author at the following email address: // FormerLurker@pm.me //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "arc_interpolation.h" #include #include "gcode_position.h" #include "marlin_1.h" #include "marlin_2.h" #include "repetier.h" #include "prusa.h" #include "smoothieware.h" #include "utilities.h" gcode_position_args arc_interpolation::get_args_(bool g90_g91_influences_extruder, int buffer_size) { gcode_position_args args; // Configure gcode_position_args args.g90_influences_extruder = g90_g91_influences_extruder; args.position_buffer_size = buffer_size; args.autodetect_position = true; args.home_x = 0; args.home_x_none = true; args.home_y = 0; args.home_y_none = true; args.home_z = 0; args.home_z_none = true; args.shared_extruder = true; args.zero_based_extruder = true; args.default_extruder = 0; args.xyz_axis_default_mode = "absolute"; args.e_axis_default_mode = "absolute"; args.units_default = "millimeters"; args.location_detection_commands = std::vector(); args.is_bound_ = false; args.is_circular_bed = false; args.x_min = -9999; args.x_max = 9999; args.y_min = -9999; args.y_max = 9999; args.z_min = -9999; args.z_max = 9999; return args; } arc_interpolation::arc_interpolation() { p_current_firmware_ = NULL; } arc_interpolation::arc_interpolation(arc_interpolation_args args) { args_ = args; switch (args.firmware_args.firmware_type) { case firmware_types::MARLIN_1: p_current_firmware_ = new marlin_1(args.firmware_args); break; case firmware_types::MARLIN_2: p_current_firmware_ = new marlin_2(args.firmware_args); break; case firmware_types::REPETIER: p_current_firmware_ = new repetier(args.firmware_args); break; case firmware_types::PRUSA: p_current_firmware_ = new prusa(args.firmware_args); break; case firmware_types::SMOOTHIEWARE: p_current_firmware_ = new smoothieware(args.firmware_args); } // Initialize the source position p_source_position_ = new gcode_position(get_args_(p_current_firmware_->get_g90_g91_influences_extruder(), DEFAULT_GCODE_BUFFER_SIZE)); } arc_interpolation::~arc_interpolation() { delete p_source_position_; if (p_current_firmware_ != NULL) { delete p_current_firmware_; } } void arc_interpolation::process() { // Create a stringstream we can use for messaging. std::stringstream stream; // Create a current and target position variable for arc processing firmware_state state; firmware_position current; firmware_position target; // I, J, and R parameter values double i=0, j=0, r=0; // bool values for is_clockwise and is_relative bool is_clockwise = false, is_relative = false; // e absolute offset, in case we are outputting absolute e double offset_absolute_e = 0; int read_lines_before_clock_check = 5000; //std::cout << "stabilization::process_file - Processing file.\r\n"; stream << "Decompressing gcode file."; stream << "Source File: " << args_.source_path << "\n"; stream << "Target File: " << args_.target_path << "\n"; std::cout << stream.str(); const clock_t start_clock = clock(); // Create the source file read stream and target write stream std::ifstream gcode_file; gcode_file.open(args_.source_path.c_str()); output_file_.open(args_.target_path.c_str()); std::string line; int lines_with_no_commands = 0; gcode_file.sync_with_stdio(false); output_file_.sync_with_stdio(false); gcode_parser parser; int gcodes_processed = 0; if (gcode_file.is_open()) { if (output_file_.is_open()) { parsed_command cmd; // Communicate every second while (std::getline(gcode_file, line)) { lines_processed_++; cmd.clear(); parser.try_parse_gcode(line.c_str(), cmd); bool has_gcode = false; if (cmd.gcode.length() > 0) { has_gcode = true; gcodes_processed++; } else { lines_with_no_commands++; } p_source_position_->update(cmd, lines_processed_, gcodes_processed, -1); if (cmd.command == "G2" || cmd.command == "G3") { // increment the number of arc commands encountered num_arc_commands_++; // Get the current and previous positions position* p_cur_pos = p_source_position_->get_current_position_ptr(); position* p_pre_pos = p_source_position_->get_previous_position_ptr(); // create the current and target positions current.x = p_pre_pos->get_gcode_x(); current.y = p_pre_pos->get_gcode_y(); current.z = p_pre_pos->get_gcode_z(); current.e = p_pre_pos->get_current_extruder().get_offset_e(); current.f = p_pre_pos->f; // set the current firmware position p_current_firmware_->set_current_position(current); target.x = p_cur_pos->get_gcode_x(); target.y = p_cur_pos->get_gcode_y(); target.z = p_cur_pos->get_gcode_z(); target.e = p_cur_pos->get_current_extruder().get_offset_e(); target.f = p_cur_pos->f; state.is_extruder_relative = p_pre_pos->is_extruder_relative; state.is_relative = p_pre_pos->is_relative; // set the current firmware state p_current_firmware_->set_current_state(state); // get I, J, and R i = 0; j = 0; r = 0; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < cmd.parameters.size(); index++) { parsed_command_parameter p = cmd.parameters[index]; if (p.name == "I") { i = p.double_value; } else if (p.name == "J") { j = p.double_value; } else if (p.name == "R") { r = p.double_value; } } // If r is 0, calculate the radius if(r==0) { r = utilities::hypot(i, j); } is_clockwise = cmd.command == "G2" ? 1 : 0; is_relative = p_cur_pos->is_extruder_relative; offset_absolute_e = p_pre_pos->get_current_extruder().get_offset_e(); // run the callback and capture any created gcode commands std::string gcodes = p_current_firmware_->interpolate_arc(target, i, j, r, is_clockwise); if (gcodes.length() > 0) { // there are gcodes to write, write them! output_file_ << gcodes << "\n"; } } else { // Nothing to do with the current line, just write it to disk. output_file_ << line << "\n"; } } output_file_.close(); } else { std::cout << "Unable to open the output file for writing.\n"; } std::cout << "Closing the input file.\n"; gcode_file.close(); } else { std::cout << "Unable to open the gcode file for processing.\n"; } const clock_t end_clock = clock(); const double total_seconds = (static_cast(end_clock) - static_cast(start_clock)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; stream.clear(); stream.str(""); stream << "Completed file processing\r\n"; stream << "\tLines Processed : " << lines_processed_ << "\r\n"; stream << "\tArc Commands Processed: " << num_arc_commands_ << "\r\n"; stream << "\tArc Segments Generated: " << p_current_firmware_->get_num_arc_segments_generated() << "\r\n"; stream << "\tTotal Seconds : " << total_seconds << "\r\n"; std::cout << stream.str(); } std::string arc_interpolation::get_firmware_argument_description() const { return p_current_firmware_->get_argument_description(); }