// This code was taken from https://github.com/miloyip/dtoa-benchmark // And was modified to output a rounded string in decimal format // with fixed precision. // This is the license as of the time of this writing /* Copyright (C) 2014 Milo Yip Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // The license for the fpconv algorithm was taken from Milo's github here // https://github.com/miloyip/dtoa-benchmark/blob/master/src/fpconv/license // The text of the license appears below, from the time of this writing. /* The MIT License Copyright(c) 2013 Andreas Samoljuk Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this softwareand associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and /or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : The above copyright noticeand this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "fpconv.h" #define fracmask 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFU #define expmask 0x7FF0000000000000U #define hiddenbit 0x0010000000000000U #define signmask 0x8000000000000000U #define expbias (1023 + 52) #define absv(n) ((n) < 0 ? -(n) : (n)) #define minv(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) static unsigned long long tens[] = { 10000000000000000000U, 1000000000000000000U, 100000000000000000U, 10000000000000000U, 1000000000000000U, 100000000000000U, 10000000000000U, 1000000000000U, 100000000000U, 10000000000U, 1000000000U, 100000000U, 10000000U, 1000000U, 100000U, 10000U, 1000U, 100U, 10U, 1U }; static /*inline */unsigned long long get_dbits(double d) { union { double dbl; unsigned long long i; } dbl_bits = { d }; return dbl_bits.i; } static Fp build_fp(double d) { unsigned long long bits = get_dbits(d); Fp fp; fp.frac = bits & fracmask; fp.exp = (bits & expmask) >> 52; if (fp.exp) { fp.frac += hiddenbit; fp.exp -= expbias; } else { fp.exp = -expbias + 1; } return fp; } static void normalize(Fp* fp) { while ((fp->frac & hiddenbit) == 0) { fp->frac <<= 1; fp->exp--; } int shift = 64 - 52 - 1; fp->frac <<= shift; fp->exp -= shift; } static void get_normalized_boundaries(Fp* fp, Fp* lower, Fp* upper) { upper->frac = (fp->frac << 1) + 1; upper->exp = fp->exp - 1; while ((upper->frac & (hiddenbit << 1)) == 0) { upper->frac <<= 1; upper->exp--; } int u_shift = 64 - 52 - 2; upper->frac <<= u_shift; upper->exp = upper->exp - u_shift; int l_shift = fp->frac == hiddenbit ? 2 : 1; lower->frac = (fp->frac << l_shift) - 1; lower->exp = fp->exp - l_shift; lower->frac <<= lower->exp - upper->exp; lower->exp = upper->exp; } static Fp multiply(Fp* a, Fp* b) { const unsigned long long lomask = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF; unsigned long long ah_bl = (a->frac >> 32) * (b->frac & lomask); unsigned long long al_bh = (a->frac & lomask) * (b->frac >> 32); unsigned long long al_bl = (a->frac & lomask) * (b->frac & lomask); unsigned long long ah_bh = (a->frac >> 32) * (b->frac >> 32); unsigned long long tmp = (ah_bl & lomask) + (al_bh & lomask) + (al_bl >> 32); /* round up */ tmp += 1U << 31; Fp fp = { ah_bh + (ah_bl >> 32) + (al_bh >> 32) + (tmp >> 32), a->exp + b->exp + 64 }; return fp; } static void round_digit(char* digits, int ndigits, unsigned long long delta, unsigned long long rem, unsigned long long kappa, unsigned long long frac) { while (rem < frac && delta - rem >= kappa && (rem + kappa < frac || frac - rem > rem + kappa - frac)) { digits[ndigits - 1]--; rem += kappa; } } static int generate_digits(Fp* fp, Fp* upper, Fp* lower, char* digits, int* K) { unsigned long long wfrac = upper->frac - fp->frac; unsigned long long delta = upper->frac - lower->frac; Fp one; one.frac = 1ULL << -upper->exp; one.exp = upper->exp; unsigned long long part1 = upper->frac >> -one.exp; unsigned long long part2 = upper->frac & (one.frac - 1); int idx = 0, kappa = 10; unsigned long long* divp; /* 1000000000 */ for (divp = tens + 10; kappa > 0; divp++) { unsigned long long div = *divp; unsigned digit = (unsigned int)(part1 / div); if (digit || idx) { digits[idx++] = digit + '0'; } part1 -= digit * div; kappa--; unsigned long long tmp = (part1 << -one.exp) + part2; if (tmp <= delta) { *K += kappa; round_digit(digits, idx, delta, tmp, div << -one.exp, wfrac); return idx; } } /* 10 */ unsigned long long* unit = tens + 18; while (true) { part2 *= 10; delta *= 10; kappa--; unsigned digit = (unsigned int)(part2 >> -one.exp); if (digit || idx) { digits[idx++] = digit + '0'; } part2 &= one.frac - 1; if (part2 < delta) { *K += kappa; round_digit(digits, idx, delta, part2, one.frac, wfrac * *unit); return idx; } unit--; } } static int grisu2(double d, char* digits, int* K) { Fp w = build_fp(d); Fp lower, upper; get_normalized_boundaries(&w, &lower, &upper); normalize(&w); int k; Fp cp = find_cachedpow10(upper.exp, &k); w = multiply(&w, &cp); upper = multiply(&upper, &cp); lower = multiply(&lower, &cp); lower.frac++; upper.frac--; *K = -k; return generate_digits(&w, &upper, &lower, digits, K); } static int emit_digits(char* digits, int ndigits, char* dest, int K, bool neg) { int exp = absv(K + ndigits - 1); /* write plain integer */ if (K >= 0 && (exp < (ndigits + 7))) { memcpy(dest, digits, ndigits); memset(dest + ndigits, '0', K); return ndigits + K; } /* write decimal w/o scientific notation */ if (K < 0 && (K > -7 || exp < 4)) { int offset = ndigits - absv(K); /* fp < 1.0 -> write leading zero */ if (offset <= 0) { offset = -offset; dest[0] = '0'; dest[1] = '.'; memset(dest + 2, '0', offset); memcpy(dest + offset + 2, digits, ndigits); return ndigits + 2 + offset; /* fp > 1.0 */ } else { memcpy(dest, digits, offset); dest[offset] = '.'; memcpy(dest + offset + 1, digits + offset, ndigits - offset); return ndigits + 1; } } /* write decimal w/ scientific notation */ ndigits = minv(ndigits, 18 - neg); int idx = 0; dest[idx++] = digits[0]; if (ndigits > 1) { dest[idx++] = '.'; memcpy(dest + idx, digits + 1, ndigits - 1); idx += ndigits - 1; } dest[idx++] = 'e'; char sign = K + ndigits - 1 < 0 ? '-' : '+'; dest[idx++] = sign; int cent = 0; if (exp > 99) { cent = exp / 100; dest[idx++] = cent + '0'; exp -= cent * 100; } if (exp > 9) { int dec = exp / 10; dest[idx++] = dec + '0'; exp -= dec * 10; } else if (cent) { dest[idx++] = '0'; } dest[idx++] = exp % 10 + '0'; return idx; } static int emit_digits_decimal(char* digits, int ndigits, char* dest, int K, bool neg, unsigned char precision) { int exp = absv(K + ndigits - 1); unsigned char length = 0; /* write plain integer */ if (K >= 0 && (exp < (ndigits + 7))) { memcpy(dest, digits, ndigits); memset(dest + ndigits, '0', K); // pad with 0s if we need to length = ndigits + K; if (precision > 0) { dest[length++] = '.'; for (; precision > 0; precision--) { dest[length] = '0'; length++; } } return length; } /* write decimal w/o scientific notation */ int offset = ndigits - absv(K); // round the number in dest unsigned char terminator_location; /* fp < 1.0 -> write leading zero */ if (offset <= 0) { offset = -offset; dest[0] = '0'; dest[1] = '.'; memset(dest + 2, '0', offset); memcpy(dest + offset + 2, digits, ndigits); length = ndigits + 2 + offset; terminator_location = 2 + precision; /* fp > 1.0 */ } else { memcpy(dest, digits, offset); dest[offset] = '.'; memcpy(dest + offset + 1, digits + offset, ndigits - offset); length = ndigits + 1; terminator_location = offset + precision + 1; } if (ndigits < terminator_location) { // add 0s as necessary for (int zero_index = terminator_location; zero_index >= length; zero_index--) { dest[zero_index] = '0'; } } if (terminator_location < 24) { // Get the character at the terminator location // we will use this to determine if we need to round char term_char = dest[terminator_location]; // Create a pointer to the terminator location for fast access char* p = &dest[terminator_location]; bool decimal_found = false; int index = terminator_location; if (term_char != '.' && term_char > '4') { // The character we found a 5-9, we need to round bool roundup = true; // Loop towards the left and round until we can't anymore while (--index > -1) { p--; if (!decimal_found && *p == '.') { continue; } if (*p == '9') { *p = '0'; } else { *p += 1; roundup = false; break; } } if (roundup) { // drat, we need to shift everything over one for (int ri = length - 1; ri > -1; --ri) { dest[ri+1] = dest[ri]; } dest[0] = '1'; terminator_location++; length++; } } if (precision == 0) { terminator_location--; if (terminator_location < 0) { terminator_location = 0; } } //dest[terminator_location] = '\0'; length = terminator_location; } return length; } static int filter_special(double fp, char* dest) { if (fp == 0.0) { dest[0] = '0'; return 1; } unsigned long long bits = get_dbits(fp); bool nan = (bits & expmask) == expmask; if (!nan) { return 0; } if (bits & fracmask) { dest[0] = 'n'; dest[1] = 'a'; dest[2] = 'n'; } else { dest[0] = 'i'; dest[1] = 'n'; dest[2] = 'f'; } return 3; } int fpconv_dtoa(double d, char dest[24]) { char digits[18]; int str_len = 0; bool neg = false; if (get_dbits(d) & signmask) { dest[0] = '-'; str_len++; neg = true; } int spec = filter_special(d, dest + str_len); if (spec) { return str_len + spec; } int K = 0; int ndigits = grisu2(d, digits, &K); str_len += emit_digits(digits, ndigits, dest + str_len, K, neg); return str_len; } int fpconv_dtos(double d, char dest[24], unsigned char precision) { char digits[18]; int str_len = 0; bool neg = false; if (get_dbits(d) & signmask) { dest[0] = '-'; str_len++; neg = true; } int spec = filter_special(d, dest + str_len); if (spec) { return str_len + spec; } int K = 0; int ndigits = grisu2(d, digits, &K); str_len += emit_digits_decimal(digits, ndigits, dest + str_len, K, neg, precision); return str_len; }