//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gcode Processor Library // // Tools for parsing gcode and calculating printer state from parsed gcode commands. // // Copyright(C) 2020 - Brad Hochgesang //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // // You can contact the author at the following email address: // FormerLurker@pm.me //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "gcode_parser.h" #include "utilities.h" #include #include gcode_parser::gcode_parser() { // doesn't work in the ancient version of c++ I am forced to use :( // or at least I don't know how to us a newer one with python 2.7 // help... /* std::vector text_only_function_names = { "M117" }; // "M117" is an example of a command that would work here. std::vector parsable_command_names = { "G0","G1","G2","G3","G10","G11","G20","G21","G28","G29","G80","G90","G91","G92","M82","M83","M104","M105","M106","M109","M114","M116","M140","M141","M190","M191","M207","M208","M240","M400","T" }; */ // Have to resort to barbarity. // Text only function names std::vector text_only_function_names; text_only_function_names.push_back(("M117")); // parsable_command_names std::vector parsable_command_names; parsable_command_names.push_back("G0"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G1"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G2"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G3"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G10"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G11"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G20"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G21"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G28"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G29"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G80"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G90"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G91"); parsable_command_names.push_back("G92"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M82"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M83"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M104"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M105"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M106"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M109"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M114"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M116"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M140"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M141"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M190"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M191"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M207"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M208"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M218"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M240"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M400"); parsable_command_names.push_back("M563"); parsable_command_names.push_back("T"); parsable_command_names.push_back("@OCTOLAPSE"); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < text_only_function_names.size(); index++) { std::string functionName = text_only_function_names[index]; text_only_functions_.insert(functionName); } for (unsigned int index = 0; index < parsable_command_names.size(); index++) { std::string commandName = parsable_command_names[index]; parsable_commands_.insert(commandName); } } gcode_parser::gcode_parser(const gcode_parser &source) { // Private copy constructor - you can't copy this class } gcode_parser::~gcode_parser() { text_only_functions_.clear(); parsable_commands_.clear(); } parsed_command gcode_parser::parse_gcode(const char * gcode) { parsed_command p_cmd; try_parse_gcode(gcode, p_cmd, true); return p_cmd; } parsed_command gcode_parser::parse_gcode(const char* gcode, bool preserve_format) { parsed_command p_cmd; try_parse_gcode(gcode, p_cmd, preserve_format); return p_cmd; } bool gcode_parser::try_parse_gcode(const char* gcode, parsed_command& command) { return try_parse_gcode(gcode, command, true) ; } // Superfast gcode parser - v2 bool gcode_parser::try_parse_gcode(const char * gcode, parsed_command & command, bool preserve_format) { // Create a command char * p_gcode = const_cast(gcode); char * p = const_cast(gcode); command.is_empty = true; command.is_known_command = try_extract_gcode_command(&p, &(command.command)); if (!command.is_known_command) { while (true) { char c = *p_gcode; if (c == '\0' || c == ';' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') break; else if (c > 31) { command.is_empty = false; break; } else if (preserve_format) { command.gcode.push_back(c); } p_gcode++; } command.command = ""; } else command.is_empty = false; bool has_seen_character = false; bool is_text_only_parameter = text_only_functions_.find(command.command) != text_only_functions_.end(); while (true) { char cur_char = *p_gcode; if (cur_char == '\0' || cur_char == ';') break; else if (cur_char > 32 || (cur_char == ' ' && has_seen_character)) { if (!preserve_format && !is_text_only_parameter && (cur_char >= 'a' && cur_char <= 'z')) command.gcode.push_back(cur_char - 32); else command.gcode.push_back(cur_char); has_seen_character = true; } else if (preserve_format) { command.gcode.push_back(cur_char); } p_gcode++; } if (!preserve_format){ command.gcode = utilities::rtrim(command.gcode); } if (command.is_known_command && parsable_commands_.find(command.command) != parsable_commands_.end()) { if (command.command.length() > 0 && command.command == "@OCTOLAPSE") { parsed_command_parameter octolapse_parameter; if (!try_extract_octolapse_parameter(&p, &octolapse_parameter)) { return true; } command.parameters.push_back(octolapse_parameter); // Extract any additional parameters the old way while (true) { //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_parse_gcode - Trying to extract parameters.\r\n"; parsed_command_parameter param; if (try_extract_parameter(&p, ¶m)) command.parameters.push_back(param); else { //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_parse_gcode - No parameters found.\r\n"; break; } } } else if ( is_text_only_parameter || ( command.command.length() > 0 && command.command[0] == '@' ) ){ //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_parse_gcode - Text only parameter found.\r\n"; parsed_command_parameter text_command; if (!try_extract_text_parameter(&p, &(text_command.string_value))) { return true; } text_command.name = '\0'; command.parameters.push_back(text_command); } else { if (command.command[0] == 'T') { //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_parse_gcode - T parameter found.\r\n"; parsed_command_parameter param; if (try_extract_t_parameter(&p, ¶m)) { command.parameters.push_back(param); } } else { while (true) { //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_parse_gcode - Trying to extract parameters.\r\n"; parsed_command_parameter param; if (try_extract_parameter(&p, ¶m)) command.parameters.push_back(param); else { //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_parse_gcode - No parameters found.\r\n"; break; } } } } } try_extract_comment(&p_gcode, &(command.comment)); return command.is_known_command; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_gcode_command(char ** p_p_gcode, std::string * p_command) { char * p = *p_p_gcode; char gcode_word; bool found_command = false; // Ignore Leading Spaces while (*p == ' ') { p++; } // See if this is an @ command, which can be used in octoprint for controlling octolapse if (*p == '@') { found_command = gcode_parser::try_extract_at_command(&p, p_command); } else { } // Deal with case sensitivity if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') gcode_word = *p - 32; else gcode_word = *p; if (gcode_word == 'G' || gcode_word == 'M' || gcode_word == 'T') { // Set the gcode word of the new command to the current pointer's location and increment both (*p_command).push_back(gcode_word); p++; if (gcode_word != 'T') { // the T command is special, it has no address // Now look for a command address while ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == ' ') { if (*p != ' ') { found_command = true; (*p_command).push_back(*p++); } else if (found_command) { // Previously we just ignored all spaces, // but for the command itself, it might be a good idea // to assume the space is important. // instead, keep moving forward until no spaces are found while (*p == ' ') { p++; } break; } else { // a space was encountered, but no command was found. // increment the pointer and continue to search // for an address ++p; } } if (*p == '.') { (*p_command).push_back(*p++); found_command = false; while ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == ' ') { if (*p != ' ') { found_command = true; (*p_command).push_back(*p++); } else ++p; } } } else { // peek at the next character and see if it is either a number, a question mark, a c, x, or integer. // Use a different pointer so as not to mess up parameter parsing char * p_t = p; // skip any whitespace // Ignore Leading Spaces while (*p_t == ' ' || *p_t == '\t') { p_t++; } // create a char to hold the t parameter char t_param = '\0'; // if (*p_t >= 'a' && *p_t <= 'z') t_param = *p_t - 32; else t_param = *p_t; if (t_param == 'C' || t_param == 'X' || t_param == '?') { p_t++; // The next letter looks good! Now see if there are any other characters before the end of the line (excluding comments) while (*p_t == ' ' || *p_t == '\t') { p_t++; } if (*p_t == ';' || *p_t == '\0') found_command = true; } else if (t_param >= '0' && t_param <= '9') { found_command = true; } } } *p_p_gcode = p; return found_command; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_at_command(char ** p_p_gcode, std::string * p_command) { char *p = *p_p_gcode; bool found_command = false; while (*p != '\0' && *p != ';' && *p!= ' ') { if (!found_command) { found_command = true; } if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') (*p_command).push_back(*p++ - 32); else (*p_command).push_back(*p++); } *p_p_gcode = p; return found_command; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_unsigned_long(char ** p_p_gcode, unsigned long * p_value) { char * p = *p_p_gcode; unsigned int r = 0; bool found_numbers = false; // skip any leading whitespace while (*p == ' ') ++p; while ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == ' ') { if (*p != ' ') { found_numbers = true; r = static_cast((r * 10.0) + (*p - '0')); } ++p; } if (found_numbers) { *p_value = r; *p_p_gcode = p; } return found_numbers; } double gcode_parser::ten_pow(unsigned short n) { double r = 1.0; while (n > 0) { r *= 10; --n; } return r; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_double(char ** p_p_gcode, double * p_double, unsigned char *p_precision) const { char * p = *p_p_gcode; bool neg = false; double r = 0; bool found_numbers = false; // skip any leading whitespace while (*p == ' ') ++p; // Check for negative sign if (*p == '-') { neg = true; ++p; while (*p == ' ') ++p; } else if (*p == '+') { // Positive sign doesn't affect anything since we assume positive ++p; while (*p == ' ') ++p; } // skip any additional whitespace while ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == ' ') { if (*p != ' ') { found_numbers = true; r = (r*10.0) + (*p - '0'); } ++p; } if (*p == '.') { double f = 0.0; unsigned short n = 0; ++p; while ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == ' ') { if (*p != ' ') { found_numbers = true; f = (f*10.0) + (*p - '0'); ++n; } ++p; } //r += f / pow(10.0, n); r += f / ten_pow(n); *p_precision = n; } if (neg) { r = -r; } if (found_numbers) { *p_double = r; *p_p_gcode = p; } return found_numbers; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_text_parameter(char ** p_p_gcode, std::string * p_parameter) { // Skip initial whitespace //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_extract_parameter - Trying to extract a text parameter from " << *p_p_gcode << "\r\n"; char * p = *p_p_gcode; // Ignore Leading Spaces while (*p == ' ') { p++; } // Add all values, stop at end of string or when we hit a ';' while (*p != '\0' && *p != ';') { (*p_parameter).push_back(*p++); } *p_p_gcode = p; return true; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_octolapse_parameter(char ** p_p_gcode, parsed_command_parameter * p_parameter) { p_parameter->name = ""; p_parameter->value_type = 'N'; // Skip initial whitespace //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_extract_parameter - Trying to extract a text parameter from " << *p_p_gcode << "\r\n"; char * p = *p_p_gcode; bool has_found_parameter = false; // Ignore Leading Spaces while (*p == ' ') { p++; } // extract name, make all caps. while (*p != '\0' && *p != ';' && *p != ' ') { if (!has_found_parameter) { has_found_parameter = true; } if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') { p_parameter->name.push_back(*p++ - 32); } else { p_parameter->name.push_back(*p++); } } // Todo: Handle any otolapse commands require a string parameter /* // Ignore spaces after the command name while (*p == ' ') { p++; } // Extract the value (we may do this per command in the future). This will output mixed case. bool has_parameter_value = false; while (*p != '\0' && *p != ';') { if (!has_parameter_value) { p_parameter->value_type = 'S'; has_parameter_value = true; } p_parameter->string_value.push_back(*p++); } if (has_parameter_value) { p_parameter->string_value = utilities::rtrim(p_parameter->string_value); } */ *p_p_gcode = p; return has_found_parameter; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_parameter(char ** p_p_gcode, parsed_command_parameter * parameter) const { //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_extract_parameter - Trying to extract a parameter from " << *p_p_gcode << "\r\n"; char * p = *p_p_gcode; // Ignore Leading Spaces while (*p == ' ') { p++; } // Deal with case sensitivity if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') parameter->name = *p++ - 32; else if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') parameter->name = *p++; else return false; // TODO: See if unsigned long works.... // Add all values, stop at end of string or when we hit a ';' if (try_extract_double(&p,&(parameter->double_value), &(parameter->double_precision))) { parameter->value_type = 'F'; } else { if(try_extract_text_parameter(&p, &(parameter->string_value))) { parameter->value_type = 'S'; } else { return false; } } *p_p_gcode = p; return true; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_t_parameter(char ** p_p_gcode, parsed_command_parameter * parameter) { //std::cout << "Trying to extract a T parameter from " << *p_p_gcode << "\r\n"; char * p = *p_p_gcode; parameter->name = 'T'; // Ignore Leading Spaces while (*p == L' ') { p++; } if (*p == L'c' || *p == L'C') { //std::cout << "Found C value for T parameter\r\n"; parameter->string_value = "C"; parameter->value_type = 'S'; } else if (*p == L'x' || *p == L'X') { //std::cout << "Found X value for T parameter\r\n"; parameter->string_value = "X"; parameter->value_type = 'S'; } else if (*p == L'?') { //std::cout << "Found ? value for T parameter\r\n"; parameter->string_value = "?"; parameter->value_type = 'S'; } else { //std::cout << "No char t parameter found, looking for unsigned int values.\r\n"; if(!try_extract_unsigned_long(&p,&(parameter->unsigned_long_value))) { //std::cout << "No parameter for the T command.\r\n"; return false; } parameter->value_type = 'U'; } return true; } bool gcode_parser::try_extract_comment(char ** p_p_gcode, std::string * p_comment) { // Skip initial whitespace //std::cout << "GcodeParser.try_extract_parameter - Trying to extract a text parameter from " << *p_p_gcode << "\r\n"; char * p = *p_p_gcode; bool found_comment = false; // Hunt for the comment (semicolon) while (*p != '\0' && !found_comment) { if (*p == ';') { found_comment = true; } p++; } // Add all values, stop at end of string or when we hit a ';' /*while (*p == ';' || *p == ' ') { p++; }*/ // Add all characters until we hit the null terminator while (*p != '\0') { if (*p != '\r' && *p != '\n') { // Dont't add line breaks (*p_comment).push_back(*p++); } else p++; } *p_p_gcode = p; return p_comment->length() != 0; }