project ('orc', 'c', version : '0.4.33', meson_version : '>= 0.55.0', default_options : ['buildtype=debugoptimized', 'warning_level=1'] ) orc_api = '0.4' orc_version_major = meson.project_version().split('.')[0] orc_version_minor = meson.project_version().split('.')[1] orc_version_micro = meson.project_version().split('.')[2] # maintaining compatibility with the previous libtool versioning soversion = 0 curversion = orc_version_micro.to_int() libversion = '@0@.@1@.0'.format(soversion, curversion) osxversion = curversion + 1 add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', language : 'c') orc_inc = include_directories('.') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cdata = configuration_data() # config.h pkg = import('pkgconfig') # -Bsymbolic-functions if cc.has_link_argument('-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions') add_project_link_arguments('-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions', language : 'c') endif # Symbol visibility if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' export_define = '__declspec(dllexport) extern' elif cc.has_argument('-fvisibility=hidden') add_project_arguments('-fvisibility=hidden', language: 'c') export_define = 'extern __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))' else export_define = 'extern' endif # Passing this through the command line would be too messy cdata.set('ORC_API_EXPORT', export_define) all_backends = ['sse', 'mmx'] extra_backends = ['altivec', 'neon', 'mips', 'c64x'] # 'arm' enabled_backends = [] host_system = host_machine.system() if host_system != 'windows' all_backends += extra_backends endif backend = get_option('orc-backend') foreach b : all_backends if backend == 'all' or backend == b cdata.set('ENABLE_BACKEND_' + b.to_upper(), 1) enabled_backends += [b] endif endforeach cpu_family = host_machine.cpu_family() if cpu_family == 'x86' cdata.set('HAVE_I386', true) elif cpu_family == 'x86_64' cdata.set('HAVE_AMD64', true) elif cpu_family == 'ppc' or cpu_family == 'ppc64' cdata.set('HAVE_POWERPC', true) # TODO: Windows ARM device is not tested elif cpu_family == 'arm' and host_system != 'windows' cdata.set('HAVE_ARM', true) # TODO: Add support for Windows # elif cpu_family == 'aarch64' and host_system != 'windows' cdata.set('HAVE_AARCH64', true) elif cpu_family == 'mips' and host_machine.endian() == 'little' cdata.set('HAVE_MIPSEL', true) else warning(cpu_family + ' with ' + host_system + ' isn\'t a supported configuration for optimization') endif threads = dependency('threads') libm = cc.find_library('m', required : false) librt = [] if cc.has_function('clock_gettime') cdata.set('HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME', true) else # On glibc older than 2.17, clock_gettime is provided by time.h and -lrt librt = cc.find_library('rt', required : false) endif liblog = [] if cc.has_header_symbol('android/log.h', '__android_log_print') cdata.set('HAVE_ANDROID_LIBLOG', true) liblog = [cc.find_library('log', required : true)] endif host_os = host_machine.system() if host_os == 'windows' cdata.set('HAVE_CODEMEM_VIRTUALALLOC', true) cdata.set('HAVE_OS_WIN32', true) cdata.set('HAVE_THREAD_WIN32', true) code = ''' #include #if !(WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP) && !WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)) #error "Not building for UWP" #endif''' if cc.compiles(code, name : 'building for UWP') cdata.set('ORC_WINAPI_ONLY_APP', true) endif else # If it is not windows, we just assume it is a unix of sorts for now. cdata.set('HAVE_CODEMEM_MMAP', true) cdata.set('HAVE_THREAD_PTHREAD', true) endif monotonic_test = ''' #include #include int main() { #if !(defined(_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK) && _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK >= 0 && defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)) #error No monotonic clock #endif return 0; } ''' cdata.set('HAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK', cc.compiles(monotonic_test)) cdata.set('HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY', cc.has_function('gettimeofday')) cdata.set('HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN', cc.has_function('posix_memalign', prefix : '#include ')) cdata.set('HAVE_MMAP', cc.has_function('mmap')) # pthread_jit_write_protect_np() is available but unusable on iOS simulator if host_os == 'ios' and cpu_family == 'x86_64' cdata.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_JIT', false) else cdata.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_JIT', cc.has_function('pthread_jit_write_protect_np')) endif cdata.set('HAVE_SYS_TIME_H', cc.has_header('sys/time.h')) cdata.set('HAVE_UNISTD_H', cc.has_header('unistd.h')) cdata.set('HAVE_VALGRIND_VALGRIND_H', cc.has_header('valgrind/valgrind.h')) cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) cdata.set_quoted('VERSION', meson.project_version()) subdir('orc') opt_benchmarks = get_option('benchmarks') opt_examples = get_option('examples') opt_orctest = get_option('orc-test') opt_tests = get_option('tests') opt_tools = get_option('tools') if not opt_orctest.disabled() subdir('orc-test') else if opt_tests.enabled() error('Tests were enabled explicitly, but the orc-test library was disabled.') endif orc_test_dep = disabler() # for testsuites + orc-bugreport endif if not opt_tools.disabled() subdir('tools') else orcc = disabler() # for testsuite/orcc/ tools_variables = [] endif if not opt_examples.disabled() subdir('examples') endif if not opt_tests.disabled() subdir('testsuite') endif have_docs = false if build_machine.system() == 'windows' message('Disabling gtk-doc while building on Windows') gtk_doc_disabled_reason = 'disabled on windows' else if find_program('gtkdoc-scan', required : get_option('gtk_doc')).found() subdir('doc') have_docs = true gtk_doc_disabled_reason = '' elif get_option('gtk_doc').disabled() message('Not building documentation (disabled)') gtk_doc_disabled_reason = 'disabled' else message('Not building documentation as gtk-doc was not found') gtk_doc_disabled_reason = 'gtk-doc not found' endif endif pkg.generate (orc_lib, subdirs : 'orc-' + orc_api, description : 'Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler', variables : tools_variables, extra_cflags: orc_dep_cargs, libraries_private : orc_dependencies) # Install m4 macro that other projects use install_data('orc.m4', install_dir : 'share/aclocal') configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : cdata) # summary summary({ 'SSE': 'sse' in enabled_backends, 'MMX': 'mmx' in enabled_backends, 'NEON': 'neon' in enabled_backends, 'MIPS': 'mips' in enabled_backends, 'c64x': 'c64x' in enabled_backends, 'Altivec': 'altivec' in enabled_backends, }, section: 'Backends', bool_yn: true) if not have_docs doc_summary = [have_docs, gtk_doc_disabled_reason] else doc_summary = have_docs endif summary({ 'Tools': not opt_tools.disabled(), 'Tests': not opt_tests.disabled(), 'Examples': not opt_examples.disabled(), 'Benchmarks': not opt_benchmarks.disabled(), 'Documentation': doc_summary, 'Orc-test library': not opt_orctest.disabled(), }, section: 'Build options', bool_yn: true, list_sep: ' ')