VERSION = $(shell cat composer.json | sed -n 's/.*"version": "\([^"]*\)"/\1/p') SHELL = /usr/bin/env bash HAS_PSALM := $(shell ls ./vendor/bin/xpsalm 2> /dev/null) XDSWI := $(shell command -v xd_swi 2> /dev/null) HAS_PHPMD := $(shell command -v phpmd 2> /dev/null) HAS_CSFIXER:= $(shell command -v php-cs-fixer 2> /dev/null) XDSWI_STATUS:=$(shell command xd_swi stat 2> /dev/null) CURRENT_BRANCH:=$(shell command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) DATENOW:=`date +'%Y-%m-%d'` YELLOW=\033[0;33m RED=\033[0;31m WHITE=\033[0m GREEN=\u001B[32m default: install .PHONY: tag install test csfixer create_testdb destroy_testdb run_local phpmd version: @echo -e "Current version is: ${GREEN} $(VERSION) ${WHITE}" ;\ echo -e " master branch closest tag is $(GREEN)" ` git describe --tags master `;\ echo -e "$(WHITE) develop branch closest tag is $(GREEN)" ` git describe --tags develop `;\ echo -e "$(WHITE) " install: fix_permissions composer_update install: @composer install --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest --prefer-dist ;\ composer validate --strict ;\ composer normalize fix_permissions: @sudo chmod 777 temp -R ;\ sudo chown -R $$USER:www-data temp/sessions ;\ sudo chown -R $$USER:www-data temp/twigcache ;\ sudo rm -R --force temp/twigcache/* composer_update: @echo -e "updating composer...${YELLOW}--lock --root-reqs --prefer-dist --prefer-stable --no-suggest -a${WHITE}" ;\ composer update --lock --root-reqs --prefer-dist --prefer-stable --no-suggest -a update_version: @echo "Current version is " ${VERSION} ;\ echo "Next version is " $(v) ;\ sed -i 's/"version": "$(VERSION)"/"version": "$(v)"/g' composer.json @${MAKE} composer_update --no-print-directory mocktag: echo "Creating tag Tag v$(v) at $(DATENOW) - $(m)" tag_and_push: @git commit -a -m "Creating Tag v$(v) at $(DATENOW) - $(m)" ;\ git push ;\ if [[ "$(CURRENT_BRANCH)" != "master" ]]; then \ git checkout master ;\ git merge $(CURRENT_BRANCH) ;\ fi git tag v$(v) ;\ git push ;\ git push --tags ;\ git checkout $(CURRENT_BRANCH) tag: test update_version csfixer tag_and_push test: ifeq ("$(wildcard","") cp endif ./vendor/bin/codecept run unit --debug csfixer: @if [ -f "vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer" ]; then \ echo "XDEBUG was: "$(XDSWI_STATUS) ;\ ${MAKE} disable_xdebug --no-print-directory ;\ mkdir -p .build/php-cs-fixer ;\ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php_cs --verbose ;\ ${MAKE} enable_xdebug new_status=$(XDSWI_STATUS) --no-print-directory;\ else \ echo -e "$(GREEN)php-cs-fixer$(WHITE) is $(RED)NOT$(WHITE) installed. " ;\ echo -e "Install it with $(GREEN)composer install --dev friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer$(WHITE)" ;\ fi ;\ sudo rm -rf temp/route.cache.php disable_xdebug: @if [[ "$(XDSWI)" != "" ]]; then \ xd_swi off ;\ fi enable_xdebug: @if [[ "$(XDSWI)" != "" ]]; then \ xd_swi $(new_status) ;\ fi phpmd: @if [ "$(HAS_PHPMD)" == "" ]; then \ echo -e "$(GREEN)phpmd$(WHITE) is $(RED)NOT$(WHITE) installed. " ;\ echo -e "Install it with $(GREEN)phive install phpmd$(WHITE)" ;\ else \ phpmd src text .phpmd.xml | sed "s/.*\///" ;\ fi ;\ echo "" var_dumper: @if [ -f "vendor/bin/var-dump-server" ]; then \ vendor/bin/var-dump-server ;\ else \ echo -e "$(GREEN)symfony/var-dumper$(WHITE) is $(RED)NOT$(WHITE) installed. " ;\ echo -e "Install it with $(GREEN)composer require --dev symfony/var-dumper$(WHITE)" ;\ fi; @echo "" folder ?= src psalm: FOLDER_BASENAME:=`basename $(folder)` psalm: @if [ -f "vendor/bin/psalm" ]; then \ mkdir -p .build/psalm ;\ ${MAKE} disable_xdebug --no-print-directory ;\ vendor/bin/psalm --show-info=false \ --config=psalm.xml \ --set-baseline=psalm-baseline-$(FOLDER_BASENAME).xml \ --shepherd $(folder) ;\ ${MAKE} enable_xdebug new_status=$(XDSWI_STATUS) --no-print-directory;\ else \ echo -e "$(GREEN)vimeo/psalm$(WHITE) is $(RED)NOT$(WHITE) installed. " ;\ echo -e "Install it with $(GREEN)composer require --dev vimeo/psalm$(WHITE)" ;\ fi @echo "" create_testdb: PGPASSWORD=scrutinizer psql -U scrutinizer -h localhost -f tests/simpletest/data/ppatests_install.sql destroy_testdb: PGPASSWORD=scrutinizer psql -U scrutinizer -h localhost -f tests/simpletest/data/ppatests_remove.sql run_local: ${MAKE} fix_permissions php -S localhost:8000 index.php