action) { return $this->doTree(); } $header_template = 'header.twig'; ob_start(); switch ($this->action) { case 'export': $this->doExport(); break; case 'save_create': if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { $this->doDefault(); } else { $this->doSaveCreate(); } break; case 'create': $this->doCreate(); break; case 'drop': if (isset($_REQUEST['drop'])) { $this->doDrop(false); } else { $this->doDefault(); } break; case 'confirm_drop': $this->doDrop(true); break; case 'alter': if (isset($_POST['oldname'], $_POST['newname']) && !isset($_POST['cancel'])) { $this->doAlter(false); } else { $this->doDefault(); } break; case 'confirm_alter': $this->doAlter(true); break; default: $header_template = 'header_datatables.twig'; $this->doDefault(); break; } $output = ob_get_clean(); $this->printHeader($this->headerTitle(), null, true, $header_template); $this->printBody(); echo $output; return $this->printFooter(); } /** * Show default list of databases in the server. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doDefault($msg = '') { $this->printTrail('server'); $this->printTabs('server', 'databases'); $this->printMsg($msg); $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $databases = $data->getDatabases(); $this->misc->setReloadBrowser(true); $href = $this->misc->getHREF(); $columns = [ 'database' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strdatabase'], 'field' => Decorator::field('datname'), 'url' => \SUBFOLDER."/redirect/database?{$href}&", 'vars' => ['database' => 'datname'], ], 'owner' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strowner'], 'field' => Decorator::field('datowner'), ], 'encoding' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strencoding'], 'field' => Decorator::field('datencoding'), ], 'tablespace' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strtablespace'], 'field' => Decorator::field('tablespace'), ], 'dbsize' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strsize'], 'field' => Decorator::field('dbsize'), 'type' => 'prettysize', ], 'lc_collate' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strcollation'], 'field' => Decorator::field('datcollate'), ], 'lc_ctype' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strctype'], 'field' => Decorator::field('datctype'), ], 'actions' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['stractions'], ], 'comment' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strcomment'], 'field' => Decorator::field('datcomment'), ], ]; $actions = [ 'multiactions' => [ 'keycols' => ['database' => 'datname'], 'url' => 'alldb', 'default' => null, ], 'drop' => [ 'content' => $this->lang['strdrop'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'alldb', 'urlvars' => [ 'subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'confirm_drop', 'dropdatabase' => Decorator::field('datname'), ], ], ], 'multiaction' => 'confirm_drop', ], 'privileges' => [ 'content' => $this->lang['strprivileges'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'privileges', 'urlvars' => [ 'subject' => 'database', 'database' => Decorator::field('datname'), ], ], ], ], ]; if ($data->hasAlterDatabase()) { $actions['alter'] = [ 'content' => $this->lang['stralter'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'alldb', 'urlvars' => [ 'subject' => 'database', 'action' => 'confirm_alter', 'alterdatabase' => Decorator::field('datname'), ], ], ], ]; } if (!$data->hasTablespaces()) { unset($columns['tablespace']); } if (!$data->hasServerAdminFuncs()) { unset($columns['dbsize']); } if (!$data->hasDatabaseCollation()) { unset($columns['lc_collate'], $columns['lc_ctype']); } if (!isset($data->privlist['database'])) { unset($actions['privileges']); } echo $this->printTable($databases, $columns, $actions, $this->table_place, $this->lang['strnodatabases']); $navlinks = [ 'create' => [ 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'alldb', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'create', 'server' => $_REQUEST['server'], ], ], ], 'content' => $this->lang['strcreatedatabase'], ], ]; $this->printNavLinks($navlinks, $this->table_place, get_defined_vars()); } public function doTree() { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $databases = $data->getDatabases(); $reqvars = $this->misc->getRequestVars('database'); $attrs = [ 'text' => Decorator::field('datname'), 'icon' => 'Database', 'toolTip' => Decorator::field('datcomment'), 'action' => Decorator::redirecturl('redirect', $reqvars, ['subject' => 'database', 'database' => Decorator::field('datname')]), 'branch' => Decorator::url('/src/views/database', $reqvars, ['action' => 'tree', 'database' => Decorator::field('datname')]), ]; return $this->printTree($databases, $attrs, 'databases'); } /** * Display a form for alter and perform actual alter. * * @param mixed $confirm */ public function doAlter($confirm) { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); if ($confirm) { $this->printTrail('database'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['stralter'], 'pg.database.alter'); echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; if ($data->hasAlterDatabaseOwner() && $data->isSuperUser()) { // Fetch all users $rs = $data->getDatabaseOwner($_REQUEST['alterdatabase']); $owner = isset($rs->fields['usename']) ? $rs->fields['usename'] : ''; $users = $data->getUsers(); echo "".PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; } if ($data->hasSharedComments()) { $rs = $data->getDatabaseComment($_REQUEST['alterdatabase']); $comment = isset($rs->fields['description']) ? $rs->fields['description'] : ''; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; } echo '
{$this->lang['strname']}'; echo "_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['alterdatabase']), '" />
{$this->lang['strcomment']}'; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo $this->misc->form; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo "lang['stralter']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo "lang['strcancel']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; } else { $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'owner', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'dbcomment', ''); if (0 == $data->alterDatabase($_POST['oldname'], $_POST['newname'], $_POST['owner'], $_POST['dbcomment'])) { $this->misc->setReloadBrowser(true); $this->doDefault($this->lang['strdatabasealtered']); } else { $this->doDefault($this->lang['strdatabasealteredbad']); } } } /** * Show confirmation of drop and perform actual drop. * * @param mixed $confirm */ public function doDrop($confirm) { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); if (empty($_REQUEST['dropdatabase']) && empty($_REQUEST['ma'])) { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strspecifydatabasetodrop']); } if ($confirm) { $this->printTrail('database'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['strdrop'], 'pg.database.drop'); echo '
'.PHP_EOL; //If multi drop if (isset($_REQUEST['ma'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo '

', sprintf($this->lang['strconfdropdatabase'], $this->misc->printVal($a['database'])), '

'.PHP_EOL; printf('', htmlspecialchars($a['database'])); } } else { echo '

', sprintf($this->lang['strconfdropdatabase'], $this->misc->printVal($_REQUEST['dropdatabase'])), '

'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; // END if multi drop } echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo $this->misc->form; echo "lang['strdrop']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo "lang['strcancel']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo "
\n"; // END confirm } else { //If multi drop if (is_array($_REQUEST['dropdatabase'])) { $msg = ''; foreach ($_REQUEST['dropdatabase'] as $d) { $status = $data->dropDatabase($d); if (0 == $status) { $msg .= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($d, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['strdatabasedropped']); } else { $this->doDefault(sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($d, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['strdatabasedroppedbad'])); return; } // Everything went fine, back to Default page... } $this->setReloadDropDatabase(true); $this->doDefault($msg); } else { $status = $data->dropDatabase($_POST['dropdatabase']); if (0 == $status) { $this->setReloadDropDatabase(true); $this->doDefault($this->lang['strdatabasedropped']); } else { $this->doDefault($this->lang['strdatabasedroppedbad']); } } //END DROP } } // END FUNCTION /** * Displays a screen where they can enter a new database. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doCreate($msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->printTrail('server'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['strcreatedatabase'], 'pg.database.create'); $this->printMsg($msg); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formName', ''); // Default encoding is that in language file $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formEncoding', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formTemplate', 'template1'); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formSpc', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formComment', ''); // Fetch a list of databases in the cluster $templatedbs = $data->getDatabases(false); $tablespaces = null; // Fetch all tablespaces from the database if ($data->hasTablespaces()) { $tablespaces = $data->getTablespaces(); } echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; // ENCODING echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; if ($data->hasDatabaseCollation()) { $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formCollate', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formCType', ''); // LC_COLLATE echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; // LC_CTYPE echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; } // Tablespace (if there are any) if ($data->hasTablespaces() && $tablespaces->recordCount() > 0) { echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; } // Comments (if available) if ($data->hasSharedComments()) { echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; } echo '
{$this->lang['strname']}_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_POST['formName']), "\" />
{$this->lang['strtemplatedb']}".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t
{$this->lang['strencoding']}".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t
{$this->lang['strcollation']}".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t'.PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t
{$this->lang['strctype']}".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t'.PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t
'.PHP_EOL; echo '

'.PHP_EOL; echo $this->misc->form; echo "lang['strcreate']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo "lang['strcancel']}\" />

".PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; } /** * Actually creates the new view in the database. */ public function doSaveCreate() { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); // Default tablespace to null if it isn't set $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formSpc', null); // Default comment to blank if it isn't set $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formComment', null); // Default collate to blank if it isn't set $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formCollate', null); // Default ctype to blank if it isn't set $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'formCType', null); // Check that they've given a name and a definition if ('' == $_POST['formName']) { $this->doCreate($this->lang['strdatabaseneedsname']); } else { $status = $data->createDatabase( $_POST['formName'], $_POST['formEncoding'], $_POST['formSpc'], $_POST['formComment'], $_POST['formTemplate'], $_POST['formCollate'], $_POST['formCType'] ); if (0 == $status) { $this->misc->setReloadBrowser(true); $this->doDefault($this->lang['strdatabasecreated']); } else { $this->doCreate($this->lang['strdatabasecreatedbad']); } } } /** * Displays options for cluster download. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doExport($msg = '') { $this->printTrail('server'); $this->printTabs('server', 'export'); $this->printMsg($msg); $subject = 'server'; $object = $_REQUEST['server']; $this->prtrace($this->misc->getServerInfo()); echo $this->formHeader('dbexport'); echo $this->dataOnly(true, true); echo $this->structureOnly(); echo $this->structureAndData(true); // dumpall doesn't support gzip echo $this->displayOrDownload(false); echo $this->formFooter($subject, $object); } }