misc->setNoDBConnection(true); */ public function __construct(\Slim\Container $container) { $this->container = $container; $this->lang = $container->get('lang'); $this->controller_name = str_replace(__NAMESPACE__.'\\', '', get_class($this)); $this->view_name = str_replace('controller', '', strtolower($this->controller_name)); $this->script = $this->view_name; $this->view = $container->get('view'); $this->plugin_manager = $container->get('plugin_manager'); $this->msg = $container->get('msg'); $this->appLangFiles = $container->get('appLangFiles'); $this->misc = $container->get('misc'); $this->conf = $this->misc->getConf(); $this->appThemes = $container->get('appThemes'); $this->action = $container->get('action'); $this->appName = $container->get('settings')['appName']; $this->appVersion = $container->get('settings')['appVersion']; $this->postgresqlMinVer = $container->get('settings')['postgresqlMinVer']; $this->phpMinVer = $container->get('settings')['phpMinVer']; $msg = $container->get('msg'); if (true === $this->no_db_connection) { $this->misc->setNoDBConnection(true); } if (false === $this->misc->getNoDBConnection()) { if (null === $this->misc->getServerId()) { $servers_controller = new \PHPPgAdmin\Controller\ServersController($container); return $servers_controller->render(); } $_server_info = $this->misc->getServerInfo(); // Redirect to the login form if not logged in if (!isset($_server_info['username'])) { $msg = sprintf($this->lang['strlogoutmsg'], $_server_info['desc']); $servers_controller = new \PHPPgAdmin\Controller\ServersController($container); return $servers_controller->render(); } } } /** * Default method to render the controller according to the action parameter. */ public function render() { $this->misc = $this->misc; $this->printHeader(); $this->printBody(); switch ($this->action) { default: $this->doDefault(); break; } $this->printFooter(); } public function doDefault() { $html = '

Section title

Main content

'; echo $html; return $html; } /** * Returns the page title for each controller. * * @param string $title The title * @param string $prefix The prefix * @param string $suffix The suffix * * @return string the page title */ public function headerTitle($title = '', $prefix = '', $suffix = '') { $title = $title ? $title : $this->controller_title; return $prefix.$this->lang[$title].($suffix ? ': '.$suffix : ''); } public function getContainer() { return $this->container; } private function _getTableController() { if (null === $this->table_controller) { $this->table_controller = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\HTMLTableController($this->getContainer(), $this->controller_name); } return $this->table_controller; } private function _getFooterController() { if (null === $this->footer_controller) { $this->footer_controller = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\HTMLFooterController($this->getContainer(), $this->controller_name); } return $this->footer_controller; } private function _getHeaderController() { if (null === $this->header_controller) { $this->header_controller = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\HTMLHeaderController($this->getContainer(), $this->controller_name); } return $this->header_controller; } private function _getNavbarController() { if (null === $this->trail_controller) { $this->trail_controller = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\HTMLNavbarController($this->getContainer(), $this->controller_name); } return $this->trail_controller; } private function _getTreeController() { if (null === $this->tree_controller) { $this->tree_controller = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\TreeController($this->getContainer(), $this->controller_name); } return $this->tree_controller; } /** * Display a table of data. * * @param \PHPPgAdmin\ADORecordSet|\PHPPgAdmin\ArrayRecordSet $tabledata a set of data to be formatted * @param array $columns An associative array of columns to be displayed: * @param array $actions Actions that can be performed on each object: * @param string $place Place where the $actions are displayed. Like 'display-browse', * @param string $nodata (optional) Message to display if data set is empty * @param callable $pre_fn (optional) callback closure for each row * * @return string the html of the table */ public function printTable(&$tabledata, &$columns, &$actions, $place, $nodata = '', $pre_fn = null) { $html_table = $this->_getTableController(); $html_table->initialize($tabledata, $columns, $actions, $place, $nodata, $pre_fn); return $html_table->printTable(); } public function adjustTabsForTree($tabs) { $tree = $this->_getTreeController(); return $tree->adjustTabsForTree($tabs); } /** * Produce JSON data for the browser tree. * * @param \PHPPgAdmin\ArrayRecordSet $_treedata a set of records to populate the tree * @param array $attrs Attributes for tree items * @param string $section The section where the branch is linked in the tree * @param bool $print either to return or echo the result * * @return \Slim\Http\Response|string the json rendered tree */ public function printTree(&$_treedata, &$attrs, $section, $print = true) { $tree = $this->_getTreeController(); return $tree->printTree($_treedata, $attrs, $section, $print); } public function printTrail($trail = [], $do_print = true) { $from = __METHOD__; $html_trail = $this->_getNavbarController(); return $html_trail->printTrail($trail, $do_print, $from); } public function printNavLinks($navlinks, $place, $env = [], $do_print = true) { $from = __METHOD__; $footer_controller = $this->_getFooterController(); return $footer_controller->printNavLinks($navlinks, $place, $env, $do_print, $from); } public function printTabs($tabs, $activetab, $do_print = true) { $from = __METHOD__; $html_trail = $this->_getNavbarController(); return $html_trail->printTabs($tabs, $activetab, $do_print, $from); } public function printLink($link, $do_print = true, $from = null) { if (null === $from) { $from = __METHOD__; } $html_trail = $this->_getNavbarController(); return $html_trail->printLink($link, $do_print, $from); } public function setReloadDropDatabase($flag) { $footer_controller = $this->_getFooterController(); return $footer_controller->setReloadDropDatabase($flag); } public function setNoBottomLink($flag) { $footer_controller = $this->_getFooterController(); return $footer_controller->setNoBottomLink($flag); } public function printFooter($doBody = true, $template = 'footer.twig') { $footer_controller = $this->_getFooterController(); return $footer_controller->printFooter($doBody, $template); } public function printReload($database, $do_print = true) { $footer_controller = $this->_getFooterController(); return $footer_controller->printReload($database, $do_print); } /** * Outputs JavaScript to set default focus. * * @param mixed $object eg. forms[0].username */ public function setFocus($object) { $footer_controller = $this->_getFooterController(); return $footer_controller->setFocus($object); } /** * Outputs JavaScript to set the name of the browser window. * * @param string $name the window name * @param bool $addServer if true (default) then the server id is * attached to the name */ public function setWindowName($name, $addServer = true) { $footer_controller = $this->_getFooterController(); return $footer_controller->setWindowName($name, $addServer); } public function setNoOutput($flag) { $header_controller = $this->_getHeaderController(); return $header_controller->setNoOutput((bool) $flag); } public function printHeader($title = '', $script = null, $do_print = true, $template = 'header.twig') { $title = $title ? $title : $this->headerTitle(); $header_controller = $this->_getHeaderController(); return $header_controller->printHeader($title, $script, $do_print, $template); } public function printBody($doBody = true, $bodyClass = 'detailbody', $onloadInit = false) { $header_controller = $this->_getHeaderController(); return $header_controller->printBody($doBody, $bodyClass, $onloadInit); } public function printTitle($title, $help = null, $do_print = true) { $header_controller = $this->_getHeaderController(); return $header_controller->printTitle($title, $help, $do_print); } public function getRequestParam($key, $default = null) { return $this->container->requestobj->getParam($key, $default); } public function getPostParam($key, $default = null) { return $this->container->requestobj->getParsedBodyParam($key, $default); } public function getQueryParam($key, $default = null) { return $this->container->requestobj->getQueryParam($key, $default); } /** * Print out a message. * * @param string $msg The message * @param bool $do_print if true, print the message. Return the string otherwise * * @return string a paragraph containing the message, whose linebreaks are replaced by
elements */ public function printMsg($msg, $do_print = true) { $html = ''; $msg = htmlspecialchars(\PHPPgAdmin\Traits\HelperTrait::br2ln($msg)); if ('' != $msg) { $html .= '


'.PHP_EOL; } if ($do_print) { echo $html; return $html; } return $html; } }