action) { return $this->/* @scrutinizer ignore-call */doTree(); } $this->printHeader( $this->lang['strtables'].' - '.$_REQUEST['table'].' - '.$this->lang['strconstraints'], '', true, 'header_select2.twig' ); $onloadInitActions = [ 'add_unique_key', 'save_add_unique_key', 'add_primary_key', 'save_add_primary_key', 'add_foreign_key', 'select_referenced_columns', 'save_add_foreign_key', ]; $onloadInit = false; if (in_array($this->action, $onloadInitActions, true)) { $onloadInit = true; } $this->printBody(true, 'detailbody', $onloadInit); if (isset($_POST['cancel']) || ($this->action === 'drop' && !isset($_POST['drop']))) { $this->action = 'default'; } switch ($this->action) { case 'add_foreign_key': $this->formAddForeignKey(); break; case 'select_referenced_columns': $this->_selectFKColumns(); break; case 'save_add_foreign_key': $this->addForeignKey(); break; case 'add_unique_key': $this->formPrimaryOrUniqueKey('unique'); break; case 'add_primary_key': $this->formPrimaryOrUniqueKey('primary'); break; case 'save_add_unique_key': $this->addPrimaryOrUniqueKey('unique'); break; case 'save_add_primary_key': $this->addPrimaryOrUniqueKey('primary'); break; case 'add_check': $this->addCheck(true); break; case 'save_add_check': $this->addCheck(false); break; case 'drop': $this->doDrop(); break; case 'confirm_drop': $this->formDrop(); break; default: $this->doDefault(); break; } $this->printFooter(); } /** * List all the constraints on the table. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doDefault($msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $cnPre = function (&$rowdata) use ($data) { if (is_null($rowdata->fields['consrc'])) { $atts = $data->getAttributeNames($_REQUEST['table'], explode(' ', $rowdata->fields['indkey'])); $rowdata->fields['+definition'] = ('u' == $rowdata->fields['contype'] ? 'UNIQUE (' : 'PRIMARY KEY (').join(',', $atts).')'; } else { $rowdata->fields['+definition'] = $rowdata->fields['consrc']; } }; $this->printTrail('table'); $this->printTabs('table', 'constraints'); $this->printMsg($msg); $constraints = $data->getConstraints($_REQUEST['table']); $columns = [ 'constraint' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strname'], 'field' => Decorator::field('conname'), ], 'definition' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strdefinition'], 'field' => Decorator::field('+definition'), 'type' => 'pre', ], 'actions' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['stractions'], ], 'comment' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strcomment'], 'field' => Decorator::field('constcomment'), ], ]; $actions = [ 'drop' => [ 'content' => $this->lang['strdrop'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'constraints', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'confirm_drop', 'table' => $_REQUEST['table'], 'constraint' => Decorator::field('conname'), 'type' => Decorator::field('contype'), ], ], ], ], ]; echo $this->printTable($constraints, $columns, $actions, 'constraints-constraints', $this->lang['strnoconstraints'], $cnPre); $navlinks = [ 'addcheck' => [ 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'constraints', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'add_check', 'server' => $_REQUEST['server'], 'database' => $_REQUEST['database'], 'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'], 'table' => $_REQUEST['table'], ], ], ], 'content' => $this->lang['straddcheck'], ], 'adduniq' => [ 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'constraints', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'add_unique_key', 'server' => $_REQUEST['server'], 'database' => $_REQUEST['database'], 'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'], 'table' => $_REQUEST['table'], ], ], ], 'content' => $this->lang['stradduniq'], ], 'addpk' => [ 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'constraints', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'add_primary_key', 'server' => $_REQUEST['server'], 'database' => $_REQUEST['database'], 'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'], 'table' => $_REQUEST['table'], ], ], ], 'content' => $this->lang['straddpk'], ], 'addfk' => [ 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'constraints', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'add_foreign_key', 'server' => $_REQUEST['server'], 'database' => $_REQUEST['database'], 'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'], 'table' => $_REQUEST['table'], ], ], ], 'content' => $this->lang['straddfk'], ], ]; $this->printNavLinks($navlinks, 'constraints-constraints', get_defined_vars()); } /** * Prints the first step to create an FK. * * @param string $msg The message */ public function formAddForeignKey($msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->printTrail('table'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['straddfk'], 'pg.constraint.foreign_key'); $this->printMsg($msg); $attrs = $data->getTableAttributes($_REQUEST['table']); $tables = $data->getAllTables(); $selColumns = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlSelect('TableColumnList', true, 10); $selColumns->set_style('width: 15em;'); if ($attrs->recordCount() > 0) { while (!$attrs->EOF) { $xmloption = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlOption($attrs->fields['attname']); $selColumns->add($xmloption); $attrs->moveNext(); } } $selIndex = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlSelect('IndexColumnList[]', true, 10); $selIndex->set_style('width: 15em;'); $selIndex->set_attribute('id', 'IndexColumnList'); $buttonAdd = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlButton('add', '>>'); $buttonAdd->set_attribute('onclick', 'buttonPressed(this);'); $buttonAdd->set_attribute('type', 'button'); $buttonRemove = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlButton('remove', '<<'); $buttonRemove->set_attribute('onclick', 'buttonPressed(this);'); $buttonRemove->set_attribute('type', 'button'); echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ""; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
_maxNameLen}\" />
{$this->lang['strtablecolumnlist']} {$this->lang['strfkcolumnlist']}
'.PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo $this->getFormInputsAndButtons( [ ['name' => 'action', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'select_referenced_columns'], ['name' => 'table', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table'])], ], [ ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => '', 'value' => $this->lang['stradd']], ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => $this->lang['strcancel']], ] ); echo sprintf('
%s', PHP_EOL); } /** * Prints second screen of FK creation, where you select which columns * to use in the referencing table. * * @param string $msg optional message to display */ private function _selectFKColumns($msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'name', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'target', ''); // Check that they've given at least one source column if (!isset($_REQUEST['SourceColumnList']) && (!isset($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || !is_array($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || 0 == sizeof($_POST['IndexColumnList']))) { return $this->formAddForeignKey($this->lang['strfkneedscols']); } // Copy the IndexColumnList variable from stage 1 if (isset($_REQUEST['IndexColumnList']) && !isset($_REQUEST['SourceColumnList'])) { $_REQUEST['SourceColumnList'] = serialize($_REQUEST['IndexColumnList']); } // Initialise variables $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'upd_action', null); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'del_action', null); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'match', null); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'deferrable', null); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'initially', null); $_REQUEST['target'] = unserialize($_REQUEST['target']); $this->printTrail('table'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['straddfk'], 'pg.constraint.foreign_key'); $this->printMsg($msg); // Unserialize target and fetch appropriate table. This is a bit messy // because the table could be in another schema. $data->setSchema($_REQUEST['target']['schemaname']); $attrs = $data->getTableAttributes($_REQUEST['target']['tablename']); $data->setSchema($_REQUEST['schema']); $selColumns = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlSelect('TableColumnList', true, 10); $selColumns->set_style('width: 15em;'); if ($attrs->recordCount() > 0) { while (!$attrs->EOF) { $xmloption = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlOption($attrs->fields['attname']); $selColumns->add($xmloption); $attrs->moveNext(); } } $selIndex = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlSelect('IndexColumnList[]', true, 10); $selIndex->set_style('width: 15em;'); $selIndex->set_attribute('id', 'IndexColumnList'); $buttonAdd = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlButton('add', '>>'); $buttonAdd->set_attribute('onclick', 'buttonPressed(this);'); $buttonAdd->set_attribute('type', 'button'); $buttonRemove = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlButton('remove', '<<'); $buttonRemove->set_attribute('onclick', 'buttonPressed(this);'); $buttonRemove->set_attribute('type', 'button'); echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ""; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ''; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ""; echo ''; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo '
{$this->lang['strtablecolumnlist']} {$this->lang['strfkcolumnlist']}
'.PHP_EOL; // ON SELECT actions echo "{$this->lang['stronupdate']}
'.PHP_EOL; // ON DELETE actions echo "{$this->lang['strondelete']}
'.PHP_EOL; // MATCH options echo '
'.PHP_EOL; // DEFERRABLE options echo '
'.PHP_EOL; // INITIALLY options echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo '

'; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo $this->getActionTableAndButtons( 'save_add_foreign_key', htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table']), $this->lang['stradd'], $this->lang['strcancel'] ); echo sprintf('

%s', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL); } /** * Perform actual creation of the FOREIGN KEY constraint. * * @param string $msg optional message to display */ public function addForeignKey($msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'name', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'target', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'SourceColumnList', 'a:0:{}'); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'IndexColumnList', []); // Unserialize target $_POST['target'] = unserialize($_POST['target']); // Check that they've given at least one column $temp = unserialize($_POST['SourceColumnList']); // If IndexColumnList or SourceColumnList are empty, return to screen to select referencing table columns if (!is_array($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || 0 == sizeof($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || 0 == sizeof($temp)) { return $this->_selectFKColumns($this->lang['strfkneedscols']); } $status = $data->addForeignKey( $_POST['table'], $_POST['target']['schemaname'], $_POST['target']['tablename'], unserialize($_POST['SourceColumnList']), $_POST['IndexColumnList'], $_POST['upd_action'], $_POST['del_action'], $_POST['match'], $_POST['deferrable'], $_POST['initially'], $_POST['name'] ); if (0 == $status) { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strfkadded']); } return $this->_selectFKColumns($this->lang['strfkaddedbad']); } /** * Print form to add a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint. * * @param string $type either primary or unique * @param string $msg optional message */ public function formPrimaryOrUniqueKey($type, $msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'name', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'tablespace', ''); $this->printTrail('table'); switch ($type) { case 'primary': $this->printTitle($this->lang['straddpk'], 'pg.constraint.primary_key'); break; case 'unique': $this->printTitle($this->lang['stradduniq'], 'pg.constraint.unique_key'); break; default: $this->doDefault($this->lang['strinvalidparam']); return; } $this->printMsg($msg); $attrs = $data->getTableAttributes($_REQUEST['table']); $tablespaces = null; // Fetch all tablespaces from the database if ($data->hasTablespaces()) { $tablespaces = $data->getTablespaces(); } $selColumns = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlSelect('TableColumnList', true, 10); $selColumns->set_style('width: 15em;'); if ($attrs->recordCount() > 0) { while (!$attrs->EOF) { $new_option = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlOption($attrs->fields['attname']); $selColumns->add($new_option); $attrs->moveNext(); } } $selIndex = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlSelect('IndexColumnList[]', true, 10); $selIndex->set_style('width: 15em;'); $selIndex->set_attribute('id', 'IndexColumnList'); $buttonAdd = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlButton('add', '>>'); $buttonAdd->set_attribute('onclick', 'buttonPressed(this);'); $buttonAdd->set_attribute('type', 'button'); $buttonRemove = new \PHPPgAdmin\XHtml\XHtmlButton('remove', '<<'); $buttonRemove->set_attribute('onclick', 'buttonPressed(this);'); $buttonRemove->set_attribute('type', 'button'); echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ""; echo ''; echo '"; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo ''; echo ''.PHP_EOL; // Tablespace (if there are any) if ($data->hasTablespaces() && $tablespaces->recordCount() > 0) { echo ""; echo ''.PHP_EOL; } echo '
_maxNameLen}\" />
{$this->lang['strtablecolumnlist']} {$this->lang['strindexcolumnlist']}
'.PHP_EOL; echo $this->getFormInputsAndButtons( [ ['name' => 'action', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => ($type === 'primary' ? 'save_add_primary_key' : 'save_add_unique_key')], ['name' => 'table', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table'])], ], [ ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => '', 'value' => $this->lang['stradd']], ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => $this->lang['strcancel']], ] ); echo sprintf('
%s', PHP_EOL); } /** * Try to add a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint. * * @param string $type either primary or unique */ public function addPrimaryOrUniqueKey($type) { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'name', ''); // Default tablespace to empty if it isn't set $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'tablespace', ''); if ('primary' == $type) { // Check that they've given at least one column if (!isset($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || !is_array($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || 0 == sizeof($_POST['IndexColumnList']) ) { $this->formPrimaryOrUniqueKey($type, $this->lang['strpkneedscols']); } else { $status = $data->addPrimaryKey($_POST['table'], $_POST['IndexColumnList'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['tablespace']); if (0 == $status) { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strpkadded']); } return $this->formPrimaryOrUniqueKey($type, $this->lang['strpkaddedbad']); } } elseif ('unique' == $type) { // Check that they've given at least one column if (!isset($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || !is_array($_POST['IndexColumnList']) || 0 == sizeof($_POST['IndexColumnList']) ) { $this->formPrimaryOrUniqueKey($type, $this->lang['struniqneedscols']); } else { $status = $data->addUniqueKey($_POST['table'], $_POST['IndexColumnList'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['tablespace']); if (0 == $status) { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['struniqadded']); } return $this->formPrimaryOrUniqueKey($type, $this->lang['struniqaddedbad']); } } else { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strinvalidparam']); } } /** * Confirm and then actually add a CHECK constraint. * * @param mixed $confirm * @param mixed $msg */ public function addCheck($confirm, $msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'name', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_POST, 'definition', ''); if ($confirm) { $this->printTrail('table'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['straddcheck'], 'pg.constraint.check'); $this->printMsg($msg); echo '
'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo "".PHP_EOL; echo "'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo '
_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']), '" />()
'.PHP_EOL; echo $this->getFormInputsAndButtons( [ ['name' => 'action', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'save_add_check'], ['name' => 'table', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table'])], ], [ ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => '', 'value' => $this->lang['stradd']], ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => $this->lang['strcancel']], ] ); echo sprintf('
%s', PHP_EOL); } else { if ('' == trim($_POST['definition'])) { $this->addCheck(true, $this->lang['strcheckneedsdefinition']); } else { $status = $data->addCheckConstraint( $_POST['table'], $_POST['definition'], $_POST['name'] ); if (0 == $status) { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strcheckadded']); } return $this->addCheck(true, $this->lang['strcheckaddedbad']); } } } /** * Prints the drop form. */ public function formDrop() { $this->printTrail('constraint'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['strdrop'], 'pg.constraint.drop'); echo '

', sprintf( $this->lang['strconfdropconstraint'], $this->misc->printVal($_REQUEST['constraint']), $this->misc->printVal($_REQUEST['table']) ), '

'.PHP_EOL; echo sprintf('
%s', PHP_EOL); echo $this->getFormInputsAndButtons( [ ['name' => 'action', 'value' => 'drop', 'type' => 'hidden'], ['name' => 'table', 'value' => htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table']), 'type' => 'hidden'], ['name' => 'constraint', 'value' => htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['constraint']), 'type' => 'hidden'], ['name' => 'type', 'value' => htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['type']), 'type' => 'hidden'], ], [ ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'drop', 'value' => $this->lang['strdrop']], ['type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => $this->lang['strcancel']], ], [ ['type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'cascade', 'id' => 'cascade', 'checked' => false, 'labeltext' => $this->lang['strcascade']], ] ); echo sprintf('
%s', PHP_EOL); } /** * Try to perform actual drop. */ public function doDrop() { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $status = $data->dropConstraint($_POST['constraint'], $_POST['table'], $_POST['type'], isset($_POST['cascade'])); if (0 == $status) { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strconstraintdropped']); } return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strconstraintdroppedbad']); } }