action) { return $this->doTree(); } if ('subtree' == $this->action) { return $this->doSubTree(); } $this->printHeader(); $this->printBody(); switch ($this->action) { case 'selectrows': if (!isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) { $this->doSelectRows(false); } else { $this->doDefault(); } break; case 'confselectrows': $this->doSelectRows(true); break; case 'save_create_wiz': if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) { $this->doDefault(); } else { $this->doSaveCreateWiz(false); } break; case 'wiz_create': $this->doWizardCreate(); break; case 'set_params_create': if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { $this->doDefault(); } else { $this->doSetParamsCreate(); } break; case 'save_create': if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) { $this->doDefault(); } else { $this->doSaveCreate(); } break; case 'create': $this->doCreate(); break; case 'drop': if (isset($_POST['drop'])) { $this->doDrop(false); } else { $this->doDefault(); } break; case 'confirm_drop': $this->doDrop(true); break; default: $this->doDefault(); break; } return $this->printFooter(); } /** * Show default list of views in the database. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doDefault($msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->printTrail('schema'); $this->printTabs('schema', 'views'); $this->printMsg($msg); $views = $data->getViews(); $columns = [ $this->keystring => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strview'], 'field' => Decorator::field('relname'), 'url' => \SUBFOLDER."/redirect/view?{$this->misc->href}&", 'vars' => [$this->keystring => 'relname'], ], 'owner' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strowner'], 'field' => Decorator::field('relowner'), ], 'actions' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['stractions'], ], 'comment' => [ 'title' => $this->lang['strcomment'], 'field' => Decorator::field('relcomment'), ], ]; $actions = [ 'multiactions' => [ 'keycols' => [$this->keystring => 'relname'], 'url' => 'views', ], 'browse' => [ 'content' => $this->lang['strbrowse'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'display', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'confselectrows', 'subject' => $this->keystring, 'return' => 'schema', $this->keystring => Decorator::field('relname'), ], ], ], ], 'select' => [ 'content' => $this->lang['strselect'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'views', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'confselectrows', $this->keystring => Decorator::field('relname'), ], ], ], ], // Insert is possible if the relevant rule for the view has been created. // 'insert' => array( // 'title' => $this->lang['strinsert'], // 'url' => "views?action=confinsertrow&{$this->misc->href}&", // 'vars' => array($this->keystring => 'relname'), // ), 'alter' => [ 'content' => $this->lang['stralter'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'viewproperties', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'confirm_alter', $this->keystring => Decorator::field('relname'), ], ], ], ], 'drop' => [ 'multiaction' => 'confirm_drop', 'content' => $this->lang['strdrop'], 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'views', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'confirm_drop', $this->keystring => Decorator::field('relname'), ], ], ], ], ]; echo $this->printTable($views, $columns, $actions, $this->table_place, $this->lang['strnoviews']); $navlinks = [ 'create' => [ 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'views', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'create', 'server' => $_REQUEST['server'], 'database' => $_REQUEST['database'], 'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'], ], ], ], 'content' => $this->lang['strcreateview'], ], 'createwiz' => [ 'attr' => [ 'href' => [ 'url' => 'views', 'urlvars' => [ 'action' => 'wiz_create', 'server' => $_REQUEST['server'], 'database' => $_REQUEST['database'], 'schema' => $_REQUEST['schema'], ], ], ], 'content' => $this->lang['strcreateviewwiz'], ], ]; $this->printNavLinks($navlinks, $this->table_place, get_defined_vars()); } /** * Generate XML for the browser tree. */ public function doTree() { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $views = $data->getViews(); $reqvars = $this->misc->getRequestVars($this->keystring); $attrs = [ 'text' => Decorator::field('relname'), 'icon' => 'View', 'iconAction' => Decorator::url('display', $reqvars, [$this->keystring => Decorator::field('relname')]), 'toolTip' => Decorator::field('relcomment'), 'action' => Decorator::redirecturl('redirect', $reqvars, [$this->keystring => Decorator::field('relname')]), 'branch' => Decorator::url('views', $reqvars, ['action' => 'subtree', $this->keystring => Decorator::field('relname')]), ]; return $this->printTree($views, $attrs, 'views'); } /** * Show confirmation of drop and perform actual drop. * * @param mixed $confirm */ public function doDrop($confirm) { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); if (empty($_REQUEST['view']) && empty($_REQUEST['ma'])) { return $this->doDefault($this->lang['strspecifyviewtodrop']); } if ($confirm) { $this->printTrail('view'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['strdrop'], 'pg.view.drop'); echo '
'.PHP_EOL; //If multi drop if (isset($_REQUEST['ma'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['ma'] as $v) { $a = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES)); echo '

', sprintf($this->lang['strconfdropview'], $this->misc->printVal($a['view'])), '

'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; } } else { echo '

', sprintf($this->lang['strconfdropview'], $this->misc->printVal($_REQUEST['view'])), '

'.PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; } echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo $this->misc->form; echo "

".PHP_EOL; echo "lang['strdrop']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo "lang['strcancel']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; } else { if (is_array($_POST['view'])) { $msg = ''; $status = $data->beginTransaction(); if (0 == $status) { foreach ($_POST['view'] as $s) { $status = $data->dropView($s, isset($_POST['cascade'])); if (0 == $status) { $msg .= sprintf('%s: %s
', htmlentities($s, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['strviewdropped']); } else { $data->endTransaction(); $this->doDefault(sprintf('%s%s: %s
', $msg, htmlentities($s, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $this->lang['strviewdroppedbad'])); return; } } } if (0 == $data->endTransaction()) { // Everything went fine, back to the Default page.... $this->misc->setReloadBrowser(true); $this->doDefault($msg); } else { $this->doDefault($this->lang['strviewdroppedbad']); } } else { $status = $data->dropView($_POST['view'], isset($_POST['cascade'])); if (0 == $status) { $this->misc->setReloadBrowser(true); $this->doDefault($this->lang['strviewdropped']); } else { $this->doDefault($this->lang['strviewdroppedbad']); } } } } /** * Sets up choices for table linkage, and which fields to select for the view we're creating. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doSetParamsCreate($msg = '') { // Check that they've chosen tables for the view definition if (!isset($_POST['formTables'])) { return $this->doWizardCreate($this->lang['strviewneedsdef']); } // Initialise variables $this->coalesceArr($_REQUEST, 'formView', ''); $this->coalesceArr($_REQUEST, 'formComment', ''); $this->printTrail('schema'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['strcreateviewwiz'], 'pg.view.create'); $this->printMsg($msg); $this->printParamsCreateForm(); } /** * Display a wizard where they can enter a new view. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doWizardCreate($msg = '') { $this->printTrail('schema'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['strcreateviewwiz'], 'pg.view.create'); $this->printMsg($msg); $this->printWizardCreateForm(); } /** * Displays a screen where they can enter a new view. * * @param mixed $msg */ public function doCreate($msg = '') { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); $this->coalesceArr($_REQUEST, 'formView', ''); if (!isset($_REQUEST['formDefinition'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['sqlquery'])) { $_REQUEST['formDefinition'] = $_SESSION['sqlquery']; } else { $_REQUEST['formDefinition'] = 'SELECT '; } } $this->coalesceArr($_REQUEST, 'formComment', ''); $this->printTrail('schema'); $this->printTitle($this->lang['strcreateview'], 'pg.view.create'); $this->printMsg($msg); echo '
view_name}\" method=\"post\">".PHP_EOL; echo ''.PHP_EOL; echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\n\t\t".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\n\t".PHP_EOL; echo '
{$this->lang['strname']}_maxNameLen}\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['formView']), "\" />
'.PHP_EOL; echo '

'.PHP_EOL; echo $this->misc->form; echo "lang['strcreate']}\" />".PHP_EOL; echo "lang['strcancel']}\" />

".PHP_EOL; echo '
'.PHP_EOL; } /** * Actually creates the new view in the database. */ public function doSaveCreate() { $data = $this->misc->getDatabaseAccessor(); // Check that they've given a name and a definition if ('' == $_POST['formView']) { $this->doCreate($this->lang['strviewneedsname']); } elseif ('' == $_POST['formDefinition']) { $this->doCreate($this->lang['strviewneedsdef']); } else { $status = $data->createView($_POST['formView'], $_POST['formDefinition'], false, $_POST['formComment']); if (0 == $status) { $this->misc->setReloadBrowser(true); $this->doDefault($this->lang['strviewcreated']); } else { $this->doCreate($this->lang['strviewcreatedbad']); } } } }