# Vec Vec is a minimal, clean and beautiful theme for [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/). [Demo](http://yii.im). ![Vec screenshot](https://github.com/IvanChou/hugo-theme-vec/blob/master/images/tn.png) ![Vec screenshot2](https://github.com/IvanChou/hugo-theme-vec/blob/master/images/tn2.png) ## Installation ``` mkdir themes cd themes git clone https://github.com/IvanChou/hugo-theme-vec vec ``` See the [official docs](http://gohugo.io/themes/installing) for more information. ## Quickstart Guide Make sure you have : 1. Hugo installed 2. Test poject setup with hugo. Instructions on [hugo quickstart guide](https://gohugo.io/overview/quickstart/). 3. Cloned this repo in the themes folder. The [exampleSite](exampleSite) folder contains a sample site to quickly get started. Copy over the contents of ```config.toml``` and copy the [content](exampleSite/content) and [static](exampleSite/static) folders to your main folder. Build using ```hugo server --buildDrafts``` To create a post use ```hugo new post/post-title.md``` ## Configuration You should config your site's `config.toml` file like: ``` baseurl = "https://www.example.com" title = "Site.title" theme = "vec" languageCode = "en-us" paginate = 15 # Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname disqusShortname = "Your Disqus shortname" # Enable analytics by entering your Google Analytics tracking ID googleAnalytics = "Your Google Analytics tracking code" [params] Keywords = "key, 关键字, キーワード" Description = "There are some words to describe your site" Avatar = "img/avatar.jpg" SelfIntro = "Just a worm, seek for true, live in shadow, no more..." Email = "you@example.com" GithubID = "Your Github ID" TwitterID = "Your Twitter ID" FacebookID = "Your Facebook ID" LinkedInID = "Your LinkedIn ID" GoogleplusID = "Your Googleplus ID" ``` If you use `config.yaml`, plz reformat them to yaml. ### Enable Disqus to your post 1. Add your Disqus Shortname to the site config file; 2. You can enable Disqus per-post, by adding `comments: true` (YAML) or `comments = true` (TOML) in the front matter of your post. To disable it, you can either change the value to `false` or just not include `comments` variable and its value at all. ### Enable TOC to your post If you need show table of contents per-post, adding `toc: true` (YAML) or `toc = true` (TOML) in the front matter of your post. Please notice that TOC will be hidden when browser width is less than 920px. ### Enable Formspree to your page If you need a form which allows guests to contact you by email, Formspree maybe a good choice. Firstly, make sure you have already set a Email in the config.toml. And then add `formspree: true` (YAML) or `formspree = true` (TOML) in the front matter of your page. ## Build your site Add `theme = "vec"` to your `config.toml`, then ``` # Build hugo # Run a server hugo server ``` OR ``` hugo -t vec hugo server -t vec ``` ## Design By Cedric Fung(@vecio) ## License Open sourced under [MIT license](https://github.com/IvanChou/hugo-theme-vec/blob/master/LICENSE.md).