# Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 /build/ build*/ CMakeLists.txt.user *.orig .* *~ *.tar *.tar.gz *.log pregen/ # Marker file for a snapshot build SNAPSHOT # Cached python scripts in bytecode form *.pyc applyfixes.sh # Files related to building examples specification/**/*.c specification/**/*.cpp specification/**/*.o specification/examples.mk # Files related to pytest specification/scripts/.cache # VS 2019 CMake artifacts out/build/ # VS misc *.sln *.pyproj CMakeSettings.json CppProperties.json # Gradle .cxx/ .gradle/ local.properties # Don't ignore these things !.*.license !.appveyor.yml !.azure-pipelines/ !.azure-pipelines/nuget/NugetTemplate/build !.clang-format !.clang-tidy !.cmake-format.json !.editorconfig !.git-blame-ignore-revs !.git-keep !.gitattributes !.github !.gitignore !.gitlab !.gitlab-ci.yml !.mailmap !.markdownlint.yaml !.proclamation.json !.reuse # Output artifact *.aar *.pom