--- tag: m0300 title: Play Tone brief: Play a single tone, buzz, or beep. author: thinkyhead requires: SPEAKER group: lcd codes: [ M300 ] notes: - Requires `SPEAKER` to play tones (not just beeps). - In Marlin 1.0.2, playing tones block the command queue. Marlin 1.1.0 uses a tone queue and background tone player to keep the command buffer from being blocked by playing tones. parameters: - tag: P optional: true description: Duration (1ms) values: - tag: ms type: int - tag: S optional: true description: Frequency (260Hz) values: - tag: Hz type: int examples: - pre: Play a tune. code: | M300 S440 P200 M300 S660 P250 M300 S880 P300 --- Add a tone to the tone queue.