--- tag: m0355 title: Case Light Control brief: Turn the case light on or off, set brightness author: thinkyhead requires: CASE_LIGHT_PIN group: control codes: [ M355 ] notes: Requires a `CASE_LIGHT_PIN` to control the on/off or PWM state of the case light. The pin will need to be a 12V MOSFET pin with PWM control, or a signal pin connected to a MOSFET or relay to control the higher current required for the light. parameters: - tag: P optional: true description: Set the brightness factor from 0 to 255. values: - type: byte - tag: S optional: true description: Turn the case light on or off. values: - type: bool example: - pre: Turn the case light on at half brightness code: M355 S1 P128 --- Set the case light power state and/or brightness.