/** * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2021 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ (function ($, OCA) { OCA.Onlyoffice = _.extend({ AppName: "onlyoffice", inframe: false, fileId: null, shareToken: null, insertImageType: null }, OCA.Onlyoffice); OCA.Onlyoffice.InitEditor = function () { var displayError = function (error) { OCP.Toast.error(error, { timeout: -1 }); }; OCA.Onlyoffice.fileId = $("#iframeEditor").data("id"); OCA.Onlyoffice.shareToken = $("#iframeEditor").data("sharetoken"); OCA.Onlyoffice.version = $("#iframeEditor").data("version"); var directToken = $("#iframeEditor").data("directtoken"); OCA.Onlyoffice.template = $("#iframeEditor").data("template"); OCA.Onlyoffice.inframe = !!$("#iframeEditor").data("inframe"); OCA.Onlyoffice.filePath = $("#iframeEditor").data("path"); var guestName = localStorage.getItem("nick"); if (!OCA.Onlyoffice.fileId && !OCA.Onlyoffice.shareToken && !directToken) { displayError(t(OCA.Onlyoffice.AppName, "FileId is empty")); return; } if (typeof DocsAPI === "undefined") { displayError(t(OCA.Onlyoffice.AppName, "ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached. Please contact admin")); return; } var configUrl = OC.generateUrl("apps/" + OCA.Onlyoffice.AppName + "/ajax/config/{fileId}", { fileId: OCA.Onlyoffice.fileId || 0 }); var params = []; var filePath = $("#iframeEditor").data("path"); if (filePath) { params.push("filePath=" + encodeURIComponent(filePath)); } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.shareToken) { params.push("shareToken=" + encodeURIComponent(OCA.Onlyoffice.shareToken)); } if (directToken) { $("html").addClass("onlyoffice-full-page"); params.push("directToken=" + encodeURIComponent(directToken)); } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.version > 0) { params.push("version=" + OCA.Onlyoffice.version); } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.template) { params.push("template=true"); } if (guestName) { params.push("guestName=" + encodeURIComponent(guestName)); } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.inframe || directToken) { params.push("inframe=true"); } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.Desktop) { params.push("desktop=true"); } if (params.length) { configUrl += "?" + params.join("&"); } $.ajax({ url: configUrl, success: function onSuccess(config) { if (config) { if (config.error != null) { displayError(config.error); return; } if (config.redirectUrl) { location.href = config.redirectUrl; return; } var docIsChanged = null; var docIsChangedTimeout = null; var setPageTitle = function (event) { clearTimeout(docIsChangedTimeout); if (docIsChanged !== event.data) { var titleChange = function () { window.document.title = config.document.title + (event.data ? 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Please do not store private sensitive data.")); }; } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.inframe && !OCA.Onlyoffice.shareToken || OC.currentUser) { config.events.onRequestSaveAs = OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestSaveAs; config.events.onRequestInsertImage = OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestInsertImage; config.events.onRequestMailMergeRecipients = OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestMailMergeRecipients; config.events.onRequestCompareFile = OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestCompareFile; } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.directEditor || OCA.Onlyoffice.inframe) { config.events.onRequestClose = OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestClose; } if (OCA.Onlyoffice.inframe && config._files_sharing && !OCA.Onlyoffice.shareToken && window.parent.OCA.Onlyoffice.context) { config.events.onRequestSharingSettings = OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestSharingSettings; } OCA.Onlyoffice.docEditor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor("iframeEditor", config); if (OCA.Onlyoffice.directEditor) { OCA.Onlyoffice.directEditor.loaded(); } if (!OCA.Onlyoffice.directEditor && config.type === "mobile" && $("#app > iframe").css("position") === "fixed") { $("#app > iframe").css("height", "calc(100% - 50px)"); } } } }); }; OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestHistory = function (version) { $.get(OC.generateUrl("apps/" + OCA.Onlyoffice.AppName + "/ajax/history?fileId={fileId}&shareToken={shareToken}", { fileId: OCA.Onlyoffice.fileId || 0, shareToken: OCA.Onlyoffice.shareToken || "", }), function onSuccess(response) { if (response.error) { var data = {error: response.error}; } else { var currentVersion = 0; $.each(response, function (i, fileVersion) { if (fileVersion.version >= currentVersion) { currentVersion = fileVersion.version; } fileVersion.created = moment(fileVersion.created * 1000).format("L LTS"); if (fileVersion.changes) { $.each(fileVersion.changes, function (j, change) { change.created = moment(change.created + "+00:00").format("L LTS"); }); } }); if (version) { currentVersion = Math.min(currentVersion, version); } data = { currentVersion: currentVersion, history: response, }; } OCA.Onlyoffice.docEditor.refreshHistory(data); }); }; OCA.Onlyoffice.onRequestHistoryData = function (event) { var version = event.data; 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