OC.L10N.register( "onlyoffice", { "Access denied" : "禁止访问", "Invalid request" : "非法请求", "Files not found" : "文件未找到", "File not found" : "文件未找到", "Not permitted" : "没有权限", "Download failed" : "下载失败", "The required folder was not found" : "必须的文件夹未找到", "You don't have enough permission to create" : "没有足够权限创建文件", "Template not found" : "模板未找到", "Can't create file" : "无法创建文件", "Format is not supported" : "文件格式不支持", "Conversion is not required" : "无需文件转换", "Failed to download converted file" : "转换后的文件下载失败", "ONLYOFFICE app is not configured. Please contact admin" : "ONLYOFFICE未配置,请联系管理员。", "FileId is empty" : "文件ID为空", "You do not have enough permissions to view the file" : "您没有足够权限浏览该文件", "Error occurred in the document service" : "文档服务内部发生异常", "Not supported version" : "不支持的版本", "ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached. Please contact admin" : "ONLYOFFICE服务器无法连接,请联系管理员。", "Loading, please wait." : "载入中,请稍后...", "File created" : "文件已创建", "Open in ONLYOFFICE" : "用 ONLYOFFICE 打开", "Convert with ONLYOFFICE" : "用 ONLYOFFICE 转换", "New document" : "新建文档", "New spreadsheet" : "新建表格", "New presentation" : "新建幻灯片", "Error when trying to connect" : "连接是发生异常", "Settings have been successfully updated" : "设置已保存", "Server can't read xml" : "服务器无法读取XML", "Bad Response. Errors: " : "错误的返回: ", "Documentation" : "文档集", "ONLYOFFICE Docs Location specifies the address of the server with the document services installed. Please change the '' for the server address in the below line." : "ONLYOFFICE Docs 位置指定了安装了文档服务的服务器的地址,请将''改为下面一行中的服务器地址。", "ONLYOFFICE Docs address" : "ONLYOFFICE Docs地址", "Advanced server settings" : "更多设置", "ONLYOFFICE Docs address for internal requests from the server" : "用于服务器内部的ONLYOFFICE Docs的地址", "Server address for internal requests from ONLYOFFICE Docs" : "用于ONLYOFFICE Docs内部请求的服务器的地址", "Secret key (leave blank to disable)" : "秘钥(留空为关闭)", "Open file in the same tab" : "在相同的切签中打开", "The default application for opening the format": "默认关联的文件格式", "Open the file for editing (due to format restrictions, the data might be lost when saving to the formats from the list below)" : "默认的文件编辑器 (由于文件格式限制,保存为下列格式时,数据可能会缺失)", "View details" : "查看详情", "Save" : "保存", "Mixed Active Content is not allowed. HTTPS address for ONLYOFFICE Docs is required." : "不允许混合活动内容,请使用HTTPS连接ONLYOFFICE Docs。", "Restrict access to editors to following groups" : "仅授权的用户组可以使用该服务", "Server settings" : "服务器设置", "Common settings" : "常用设置", "Editor customization settings" : "编辑器自定义设置", "The customization section allows personalizing the editor interface": "自定义设置区允许对编辑器界面进行个性化设置", "Display Chat menu button" : "显示交流菜单按钮", "Display the header more compact" : "更紧致的显示菜单栏", "Display Feedback & Support menu button" : "显示反馈&支持菜单按钮", "Display Help menu button" : "显示帮助菜单按钮", "Display monochrome toolbar header" : "显示单色工具栏标题", "Save as" : "另存为", "File saved" : "文件已保存", "Insert image" : "插入图片", "Select recipients" : "选择接收者", "Connect to demo ONLYOFFICE Docs server" : "连接到 ONLYOFFICE Docs 服务器的演示", "This is a public test server, please do not use it for private sensitive data. The server will be available during a 30-day period." : "这是公开的测试服务器,请勿用于隐私数据。服务器试用期限为30天。", "The 30-day test period is over, you can no longer connect to demo ONLYOFFICE Docs server." : "30天试用期已结束,无法连接ONLYOFFICE Docs 服务器的演示。", "You are using public demo ONLYOFFICE Docs server. Please do not store private sensitive data." : "您正在使用公开ONLYOFFICE Docs服务器的演示,请勿存储隐私数据。", "Secure view settings" : "安全视图设置", "Secure view enables you to secure documents by embedding a watermark" : "启用安全视图可通过水印来保障文档安全", "Enable watermarking" : "启用水印", "Watermark text" : "水印文本", "DO NOT SHARE THIS" : "请勿散播此文件", "Show watermark on tagged files" : "在标记的文件上展示水印", "Show watermark for users of groups" : "在组内用户中展示水印", "Supported placeholders" : "支持的占位符", "Show watermark for all shares" : "在所有的共享中展示水印", "Show watermark for read only shares" : "在只读共享中展示水印", "Link shares" : "分享链接", "Show watermark for all link shares" : "在分享链接中展示水印", "Show watermark for download hidden shares" : "在隐藏的下载分享链接中展示水印", "Show watermark for read only link shares" : "在只读分享链接中展示水印", "Show watermark on link shares with specific system tags" : "在有特定系统标签的分享链接中展示水印", "Select tag" : "选择标签", "Select file to compare" : "选择文件比较", "Review mode for viewing": "审阅模式浏览", "Markup": "修订", "Final": "最终版", "Original": "原始版本", "version": "版本", "Disable certificate verification (insecure)": "关闭证书校验(不安全)", "Keep intermediate versions when editing (forcesave)": "编辑时保留中间版本 (强制保存)", "Use ONLYOFFICE to generate a document preview (it will take up disk space)": "使用ONLYOFFICE生成文档预览(将占用磁盘空间)", "Keep metadata for each version once the document is edited (it will take up disk space)": "编辑文档后保留每个版本的元数据(它将占用磁盘空间)", "All history successfully deleted": "所有历史记录成功删除", "Create": "创建", "Select template" : "选择模板", "Invalid file provided" : "提供了无效文件", "Empty": "空", "Error" : "错误", "Add a new template": "添加一个新的模板", "Template already exists": "模板已经存在", "Template must be in OOXML format": "模板必须是OOXML格式", "Template successfully added": "模板成功添加", "Template successfully deleted": "模板成功删除", "Common templates": "通用模板", "Failed to delete template": "删除模板失败", "File has been converted. Its content might look different.": "文件已被转换。其内容可能看起来有所不同。", "Download as": "下载为", "Download": "下载", "Origin format": "原产地格式", "Failed to send notification": "发送通知失败", "Notification sent successfully": "通知发送成功", "%1\$s mentioned in the %2\$s: \"%3\$s\".": "%1\$s 提到 %2\$s: \"%3\$s\".", "{notifier} mentioned in the {file}: \"%1\$s\".": "{notifier} 提到 {file}: \"%1\$s\".", "Choose a format to convert {fileName}": "选择要转换{fileName}的格式", "New form template": "新表单模板", "Blank": "空白", "From text document": "从文本文件", "Create new Form template": "创建新的表单模板", "Create form": "创建表单", "Fill in form in ONLYOFFICE": "在ONLYOFFICE上填写表单", "Please update ONLYOFFICE Docs to version 7.0 to work on fillable forms online": "请将ONLYOFFICE Docs更新到7.0版本,以便在线编辑可填写的表单" }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;");