trans = $trans; $this->config = $appConfig; } /** * Translation key to a supported form. * * @param string $expected_key - Expected key * * @return string */ public static function GenerateRevisionId($expected_key) { if (strlen($expected_key) > 20) { $expected_key = crc32( $expected_key); } $key = preg_replace("[^0-9-.a-zA-Z_=]", "_", $expected_key); $key = substr($key, 0, min(array(strlen($key), 20))); return $key; } /** * The method is to convert the file to the required format and return the percentage of completion * * @param string $document_uri - Uri for the document to convert * @param string $from_extension - Document extension * @param string $to_extension - Extension to which to convert * @param string $document_revision_id - Key for caching on service * @param bool $is_async - Perform conversions asynchronously * @param string $converted_document_uri - Uri to the converted document * * @return int */ function GetConvertedUri($document_uri, $from_extension, $to_extension, $document_revision_id, $is_async, &$converted_document_uri) { $converted_document_uri = ""; $responceFromConvertService = $this->SendRequestToConvertService($document_uri, $from_extension, $to_extension, $document_revision_id, $is_async); $errorElement = $responceFromConvertService->Error; if ($errorElement->count() > 0) { $this->ProcessConvServResponceError($errorElement.""); } $isEndConvert = $responceFromConvertService->EndConvert; $percent = $responceFromConvertService->Percent . ""; if ($isEndConvert !== NULL && strtolower($isEndConvert) === "true") { $converted_document_uri = $responceFromConvertService->FileUrl; $percent = 100; } else if ($percent >= 100) { $percent = 99; } return $percent; } /** * Request for conversion to a service * * @param string $document_uri - Uri for the document to convert * @param string $from_extension - Document extension * @param string $to_extension - Extension to which to convert * @param string $document_revision_id - Key for caching on service * @param bool - $is_async - Perform conversions asynchronously * * @return array */ function SendRequestToConvertService($document_uri, $from_extension, $to_extension, $document_revision_id, $is_async) { if (empty($from_extension)) { $path_parts = pathinfo($document_uri); $from_extension = $path_parts["extension"]; } $title = basename($document_uri); if (empty($title)) { $title = $document_revision_id . $from_extension; } if (empty($document_revision_id)) { $document_revision_id = $document_uri; } $document_revision_id = self::GenerateRevisionId($document_revision_id); $documentServerUrl = $this->config->GetDocumentServerInternalUrl(false); if (empty($documentServerUrl)) { throw new \Exception($this->trans->t("ONLYOFFICE app is not configured. Please contact admin")); } $urlToConverter = $documentServerUrl . "ConvertService.ashx"; $data = json_encode( array( "async" => $is_async, "url" => $document_uri, "outputtype" => trim($to_extension, "."), "filetype" => trim($from_extension, "."), "title" => $title, "key" => $document_revision_id ) ); $response_xml_data; $countTry = 0; $opts = array("http" => array( "method" => "POST", "timeout" => "120000", "header"=> "Content-type: application/json\r\n", "content" => $data ) ); if (!empty($this->config->GetDocumentServerSecret())) { $params = [ "payload" => $data ]; $token = \Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode($params, $this->config->GetDocumentServerSecret()); $opts["http"]["header"] = $opts["http"]["header"] . "Authorization: Bearer " . $token . "\r\n"; } if (substr($urlToConverter, 0, strlen("https")) === "https") { $opts["ssl"] = array( "verify_peer" => FALSE ); } $context = stream_context_create($opts); $ServiceConverterMaxTry = 3; while ($countTry < $ServiceConverterMaxTry) { $countTry = $countTry + 1; $response_xml_data = file_get_contents($urlToConverter, FALSE, $context); if ($response_xml_data !== false) { break; } } if ($countTry === $ServiceConverterMaxTry) { throw new \Exception ($this->trans->t("Bad Request or timeout error")); } libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if (!function_exists("simplexml_load_file")) { throw new \Exception($this->trans->t("Server can't read xml")); } $response_data = simplexml_load_string($response_xml_data); if (!$response_data) { $exc = $this->trans->t("Bad Response. Errors: "); foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $exc = $exc . "\t" . $error->message; } throw new \Exception ($exc); } return $response_data; } /** * Generate an error code table of convertion * * @param string $errorCode - Error code * * @return null */ function ProcessConvServResponceError($errorCode) { $errorMessageTemplate = $this->trans->t("Error occurred in the document service"); $errorMessage = ""; switch ($errorCode) { case -20: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Error encrypt signature"; break; case -8: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Invalid token"; break; case -7: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Error document request"; break; case -6: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Error while accessing the conversion result database"; break; case -5: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Error unexpected guid"; break; case -4: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Error while downloading the document file to be converted."; break; case -3: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Conversion error"; break; case -2: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Timeout conversion error"; break; case -1: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Unknown error"; break; case 0: break; default: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": ErrorCode = " . $errorCode; break; } throw new \Exception($errorMessage); } /** * Send command * * @param string $method - type of command * * @return array */ function CommandRequest($method) { $documentServerUrl = $this->config->GetDocumentServerInternalUrl(false); if (empty($documentServerUrl)) { throw new \Exception($this->trans->t("ONLYOFFICE app is not configured. Please contact admin")); } $urlCommand = $documentServerUrl . "coauthoring/CommandService.ashx"; $data = json_encode( array( "c" => $method ) ); $opts = array("http" => array( "method" => "POST", "timeout" => "120000", "header"=> "Content-type: application/json\r\n", "content" => $data ) ); if (!empty($this->config->GetDocumentServerSecret())) { $params = [ "payload" => $data ]; $token = \Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode($params, $this->config->GetDocumentServerSecret()); $opts["http"]["header"] = $opts["http"]["header"] . "Authorization: Bearer " . $token . "\r\n"; } if (substr($urlCommand, 0, strlen("https")) === "https") { $opts["ssl"] = array( "verify_peer" => FALSE ); } $context = stream_context_create($opts); if (($response = file_get_contents($urlCommand, FALSE, $context)) === FALSE) { throw new \Exception ($this->trans->t("Bad Request or timeout error")); } $data = json_decode($response); $this->ProcessCommandServResponceError($data->error); return $data; } /** * Generate an error code table of command * * @param string $errorCode - Error code * * @return null */ function ProcessCommandServResponceError($errorCode) { $errorMessageTemplate = $this->trans->t("Error occurred in the document service"); $errorMessage = ""; switch ($errorCode) { case 6: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Invalid token"; break; case 5: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Command not correсt"; break; case 3: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": Internal server error"; break; case 0: return; default: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . ": ErrorCode = " . $errorCode; break; } throw new \Exception($errorMessage); } }