# Hugo Theme: Simpleness Simpleness is a concise theme for hugo which is ported from [contrast-hugo](https://github.com/niklasbuschmann/contrast-hugo). ![screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RainerChiang/simpleness/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Live Demo - https://rainerchiang.github.io/simpleness/ - https://rainerchiang.github.io ## Features - MathJax suport - Google Analytics support - Comment systems include: disqus, valine - Table of content ## TODO - [ ] Pagination for posts ## Quick Start ### 1. Install Hugo [Download](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases) the appropriate version for your platform. I used [hugo_extended_0.75.1_Linux-64bit.deb](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v0.75.1/hugo_extended_0.75.1_Linux-64bit.deb) to develop this theme. ### 2. Create a New Site ```shell hugo new site myBlog ``` ### 3. Use hugo theme simpleness ```shell cd myBlog git init git submodule add https://github.com/RainerChiang/simpleness.git themes/simpleness ``` copy the content of exampleSite ```shell cp themes/simpleness/exampleSite/config.toml . cp -r themes/simpleness/exampleSite/content . ``` build site ```shell hugo server ``` then, open http://localhost:1313/ in your browser。 ## Example Repository There's a example repo [RainerChiang/upload-theme](https://github.com/RainerChiang/upload-theme) on Github as a reference.