# Development Building this software can be performed two ways: using the STM32CubeIDE or using command line tools. ## STM32CubeIDE The easiest way to start working with the STM32CubeIDE is to create a new project for the STM32F103RCTx. Once this is created, remove the auto-generated source code. Next, drag the contents of the `source` folder into the project and choose to link to files. You will need to update the build settings for include paths and point to the new `.ld` linker file. ## Command line tools and building a release In the `source` folder there is a `Makefile` that can be used to build the repository using command line tools. When running the `make` command, specify which model of the device and the language(s) you would like to use. ### macOS Use the following steps to set up a build environment for IronOS on the command line (in Terminal). 1. [Follow steps 1 – 3 here to install the toolchain](https://github.com/glegrain/STM32-with-macOS#0---installing-the-toolchain) needed to compile for STM32 microcontrollers. 2. Install `python`: ``` brew install python ``` 3. (Optional) Update `pip` so it doesn't warn you about being out-of-date: ``` python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip ``` 4. Change to the `source` directory: ``` cd source ``` 5. Create a Python virtual environment for IronOS named `ironos-venv` to keep your Python installation clean: ``` python3 -m venv ironos-venv ``` 6. Activate the Python virtual environment: ``` source ironos-venv/bin/activate ``` 7. Install the dependencies required to run `make-translation.py`: ``` pip install bdflib ``` 8. All done! See some examples below for how you can build your own IronOS. ### Examples To build a single language Simplified Chinese firmware for the TS80P with 8 simultaneous jobs: ``` make -j8 model=TS80P firmware-ZH_CN ``` To build a European multi-language firmware for the Pinecil with as many simultaneous jobs as there are logical processors on Linux: ``` make -j$(nproc) model=Pinecil firmware-multi_European ``` To build a Cyrillic compressed multi-language firmware for the Pinecil with as many simultaneous jobs as there are logical processors on macOS: ``` make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) model=Pinecil firmware-multi_compressed_Bulgarian+Russian+Serbian+Ukrainian ``` To build a custom multi-language firmware including English and Simplified Chinese for the TS80: ``` make -j8 model=TS80 custom_multi_langs="EN ZH_CN" firmware-multi_Custom ``` To build a custom compressed multi-language firmware including German, Spanish, and French for the TS100 (note if `model` is unspecified, it will default to `TS100`): ``` make -j8 custom_multi_langs="DE ES FR" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom ``` To build a release instead, run the `build.sh` script. This will update translations and also build every language for all device models. For macOS users, replace `make -j$(nproc)` in the script with `make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)` before running. ## Updating languages To update the language translation files and their associated font maps, execute the `make_translation.py` code from the `Translations` directory. If you edit the translation definitions or the English translation, please also run `gen_menu_docs.py` to update the settings menu documentation automatically. ## Building Pinecil I highly recommend using the command line tools and using Docker to run the compiler. It's a bit fussier on setup than the STM tooling, and this is by far the easiest way. If you _need_ an IDE I have used [Nuclei's IDE](https://nucleisys.com/download.php). Follow the same idea as the STM Cube IDE notes above.