// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Stable Edition Repository // Build Utility // // SoftEther VPN Server, Client and Bridge are free software under the Apache License, Version 2.0. // // Copyright (c) Daiyuu Nobori. // Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project, University of Tsukuba, Japan. // Copyright (c) SoftEther Corporation. // Copyright (c) all contributors on SoftEther VPN project in GitHub. // // All Rights Reserved. // // http://www.softether.org/ // // This stable branch is officially managed by Daiyuu Nobori, the owner of SoftEther VPN Project. // Pull requests should be sent to the Developer Edition Master Repository on https://github.com/SoftEtherVPN/SoftEtherVPN // // License: The Apache License, Version 2.0 // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // DISCLAIMER // ========== // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS DEVELOPED IN JAPAN, AND DISTRIBUTED FROM JAPAN, UNDER // JAPANESE LAWS. YOU MUST AGREE IN ADVANCE TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, MERGE, PUBLISH, // DISTRIBUTE, SUBLICENSE, AND/OR SELL COPIES OF THIS SOFTWARE, THAT ANY // JURIDICAL DISPUTES WHICH ARE CONCERNED TO THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS CONTENTS, // AGAINST US (SOFTETHER PROJECT, SOFTETHER CORPORATION, DAIYUU NOBORI OR OTHER // SUPPLIERS), OR ANY JURIDICAL DISPUTES AGAINST US WHICH ARE CAUSED BY ANY KIND // OF USING, COPYING, MODIFYING, MERGING, PUBLISHING, DISTRIBUTING, SUBLICENSING, // AND/OR SELLING COPIES OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE REGARDED AS BE CONSTRUED AND // CONTROLLED BY JAPANESE LAWS, AND YOU MUST FURTHER CONSENT TO EXCLUSIVE // JURISDICTION AND VENUE IN THE COURTS SITTING IN TOKYO, JAPAN. YOU MUST WAIVE // ALL DEFENSES OF LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION AND FORUM NON CONVENIENS. // PROCESS MAY BE SERVED ON EITHER PARTY IN THE MANNER AUTHORIZED BY APPLICABLE // LAW OR COURT RULE. // // USE ONLY IN JAPAN. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY UNLESS YOU HAVE // A CONFIRMATION THAT THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY CRIMINAL LAWS OR CIVIL // RIGHTS IN THAT PARTICULAR COUNTRY. USING THIS SOFTWARE IN OTHER COUNTRIES IS // COMPLETELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE SOFTETHER VPN PROJECT HAS DEVELOPED AND // DISTRIBUTED THIS SOFTWARE TO COMPLY ONLY WITH THE JAPANESE LAWS AND EXISTING // CIVIL RIGHTS INCLUDING PATENTS WHICH ARE SUBJECTS APPLY IN JAPAN. OTHER // COUNTRIES' LAWS OR CIVIL RIGHTS ARE NONE OF OUR CONCERNS NOR RESPONSIBILITIES. // WE HAVE NEVER INVESTIGATED ANY CRIMINAL REGULATIONS, CIVIL LAWS OR // INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INCLUDING PATENTS IN ANY OF OTHER 200+ COUNTRIES // AND TERRITORIES. BY NATURE, THERE ARE 200+ REGIONS IN THE WORLD, WITH // DIFFERENT LAWS. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO VERIFY EVERY COUNTRIES' LAWS, REGULATIONS // AND CIVIL RIGHTS TO MAKE THE SOFTWARE COMPLY WITH ALL COUNTRIES' LAWS BY THE // PROJECT. EVEN IF YOU WILL BE SUED BY A PRIVATE ENTITY OR BE DAMAGED BY A // PUBLIC SERVANT IN YOUR COUNTRY, THE DEVELOPERS OF THIS SOFTWARE WILL NEVER BE // LIABLE TO RECOVER OR COMPENSATE SUCH DAMAGES, CRIMINAL OR CIVIL // RESPONSIBILITIES. NOTE THAT THIS LINE IS NOT LICENSE RESTRICTION BUT JUST A // STATEMENT FOR WARNING AND DISCLAIMER. // // READ AND UNDERSTAND THE 'WARNING.TXT' FILE BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE. // SOME SOFTWARE PROGRAMS FROM THIRD PARTIES ARE INCLUDED ON THIS SOFTWARE WITH // LICENSE CONDITIONS WHICH ARE DESCRIBED ON THE 'THIRD_PARTY.TXT' FILE. // // // SOURCE CODE CONTRIBUTION // ------------------------ // // Your contribution to SoftEther VPN Project is much appreciated. // Please send patches to us through GitHub. // Read the SoftEther VPN Patch Acceptance Policy in advance: // http://www.softether.org/5-download/src/9.patch // // // DEAR SECURITY EXPERTS // --------------------- // // If you find a bug or a security vulnerability please kindly inform us // about the problem immediately so that we can fix the security problem // to protect a lot of users around the world as soon as possible. // // Our e-mail address for security reports is: // softether-vpn-security [at] softether.org // // Please note that the above e-mail address is not a technical support // inquiry address. If you need technical assistance, please visit // http://www.softether.org/ and ask your question on the users forum. // // Thank you for your cooperation. // // // NO MEMORY OR RESOURCE LEAKS // --------------------------- // // The memory-leaks and resource-leaks verification under the stress // test has been passed before release this source code. using System; using System.Threading; using System.Text; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using CoreUtil; namespace BuildUtil { public static class BuildUtilCommands { // Perform all [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Builds all sources and releases all packages.", "All [yes|no] [/NORMALIZESRC:yes|no] [/IGNOREERROR:yes|no] [/DEBUG:yes|no] [/SERIAL:yes|no]", "Builds all sources and releases all packages.", "[yes|no]:Specify 'yes' if you'd like to increment the build number.", "NORMALIZESRC:Specity 'yes' if you'd like to normalize the build infomations in the source codes and resource scripts.", "IGNOREERROR:Specify yes if you'd like to ignore the child process to show the error message.", "SERIAL:Specify yes not to use parallel mode.", "DEBUG:Specity yes to enable debug mode. (UNIX only)" #if !BU_SOFTETHER , "SEVPN:Build SoftEther VPN Automatically After PacketiX VPN Build" #endif )] static int All(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { #if !BU_SOFTETHER new ConsoleParam("[yes|no]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Increments build number (y/n) ? ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("SEVPN", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Build SoftEther VPN automatically after PacketiX VPN Build (y/n) ? ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), #else new ConsoleParam("[yes|no]"), #endif new ConsoleParam("IGNOREERROR"), new ConsoleParam("DEBUG"), new ConsoleParam("SERIAL"), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); DateTime start = Time.NowDateTime; Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/CMD:BuildWin32 {0} /NORMALIZESRC:{1}", vl["[yes|no]"].BoolValue ? "yes" : "no", "yes")); Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/CMD:ReleaseWin32 all /IGNOREERROR:{0} /SERIAL:{1}", vl["IGNOREERROR"].BoolValue ? "yes" : "no", vl["SERIAL"].BoolValue ? "yes" : "no")); #if !BU_OSS Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/CMD:ReleaseUnix all /IGNOREERROR:{0} /DEBUG:{1} /SERIAL:{2}", vl["IGNOREERROR"].BoolValue ? "yes" : "no", vl["DEBUG"].BoolValue ? "yes" : "no", vl["SERIAL"].BoolValue ? "yes" : "no")); #endif Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/CMD:CopyRelease")); #if !BU_SOFTETHER Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/CMD:MakeSoftEtherDir")); if (vl["SEVPN"].BoolValue) { // Build SEVPN Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Paths.CmdFileName, string.Format("/C \"{0}\"", Path.Combine(Paths.SoftEtherBuildDir, @"Main\BuildAll.cmd"))); } Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/CMD:MakeOpenSource")); #endif DateTime end = Time.NowDateTime; Con.WriteLine("Taken time: {0}.", (end - start)); return 0; } #if !BU_SOFTETHER // Create SoftEther Edition source [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Make MakeSoftEtherDir Source Dir.", "MakeSoftEtherDir", "Make MakeSoftEtherDir Source Dir." )] static int MakeSoftEtherDir(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); OpenSourceUtil.MakeSoftEtherDir(); return 0; } // Create an open source version of source [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Make MakeOpenSource Source Dir.", "MakeOpenSource", "Make MakeOpenSource Source Dir." )] static int MakeOpenSource(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); OpenSourceUtil.MakeOpenSource(); return 0; } #endif // Copy the released files [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Copies all release files.", "CopyRelease", "Copies all release files." )] static int CopyRelease(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); int build, version; string name; DateTime date; Win32BuildUtil.ReadBuildInfoFromTextFile(out build, out version, out name, out date); string baseName = string.Format("v{0}-{1}-{2}-{3:D4}.{4:D2}.{5:D2}", BuildHelper.VersionIntToString(version), build, name, date.Year, date.Month, date.Day); #if !BU_OSS string destDirName = Path.Combine(Paths.ReleaseDestDir, string.Format(@"{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}", Str.DateToStrShort(BuildSoftwareList.ListCreatedDateTime), baseName, Env.MachineName, Env.UserName)); #else // !BU_OSS string destDirName = Path.Combine(Paths.ReleaseDestDir, string.Format(@"{1}", Str.DateToStrShort(BuildSoftwareList.ListCreatedDateTime), baseName, Env.MachineName, Env.UserName)); #endif #if !BU_OSS string publicDir = Path.Combine(destDirName, "Public"); #else // !BU_OSS string publicDir = destDirName; #endif #if !BU_OSS string filesReleaseDir = Path.Combine(publicDir, baseName); #else // !BU_OSS string filesReleaseDir = publicDir; #endif string autorunReleaseSrcDir = Path.Combine(publicDir, "autorun"); IO.CopyDir(Paths.ReleaseDir, filesReleaseDir, null, false, true); #if !BU_OSS IO.CopyDir(Paths.ReleaseSrckitDir, Path.Combine(destDirName, "Private"), null, false, true); IO.CopyDir(Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, @"tmp\lib"), Path.Combine(destDirName, @"Private\lib"), null, false, true); #endif //IO.MakeDir(autorunReleaseSrcDir); /* File.Copy(Path.Combine(Paths.AutorunSrcDir, "Project1.exe"), Path.Combine(autorunReleaseSrcDir, "autorun.exe"), true); File.Copy(Path.Combine(Paths.AutorunSrcDir, "autorun.inf"), Path.Combine(autorunReleaseSrcDir, "autorun.inf"), true); File.Copy(Path.Combine(Paths.AutorunSrcDir, "packetix.ico"), Path.Combine(autorunReleaseSrcDir, "autorun.ico"), true);*/ // Create a batch file string batchFileName = Path.Combine(publicDir, "MakeCD.cmd"); #if !BU_OSS StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(batchFileName); #else // !BU_OSS StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); #endif w.WriteLine(@"SETLOCAL"); w.WriteLine(@"SET BATCH_FILE_NAME=%0"); w.WriteLine(@"SET BATCH_DIR_NAME=%0\.."); w.WriteLine(@"SET NOW_TMP=%time:~0,2%"); w.WriteLine(@"SET NOW=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%_%NOW_TMP: =0%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%"); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(filesReleaseDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string cddir = "CD"; /*string.Format("CD-v{0}.{1}-{2}-{3}-{4:D4}.{5:D2}.{6:D2}", version / 100, version % 100, build, name, date.Year, date.Month, date.Day);*/ StringWriter txt = new StringWriter(); foreach (string filename in files) { string file = filename; BuildSoftware s = new BuildSoftware(file); // Software\Windows\PacketiX VPN Server 4.0\32bit (Intel x86)\filename.exe string cpustr = string.Format("{0} - {1}", CPUBitsUtil.CPUBitsToString(s.Cpu.Bits), s.Cpu.Title).Replace("/", "or"); string cpustr2 = cpustr; if (s.Cpu == CpuList.intel) { cpustr2 = ""; cpustr = "Intel"; } string tmp = string.Format(@"{1}\{2}\{3}\{5}{4}", 0, s.Os.Title, BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(s.Software), cpustr2, Path.GetFileName(file), "" ); tmp = Str.ReplaceStr(tmp, "\\\\", "\\"); tmp = Str.ReplaceStr(tmp, " ", "_"); w.WriteLine("mkdir \"{1}\\{0}\"", Path.GetDirectoryName(tmp), cddir); w.WriteLine("copy /b /y \"{2}\\{0}\" \"{3}\\{1}\"", IO.GetRelativeFileName(file, filesReleaseDir), tmp, baseName, cddir); w.WriteLine(); string txt_filename = tmp; txt_filename = Str.ReplaceStr(txt_filename, "\\", "/"); string txt_description = BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(s.Software); string txt_products = BuildHelper.GetSoftwareProductList(s.Software); string txt_os = s.Os.Title; string txt_cpu = s.Cpu.Title; if (s.Cpu.Bits != CPUBits.Both) { txt_cpu += " (" + CPUBitsUtil.CPUBitsToString(s.Cpu.Bits) + ")"; } else { txt_cpu += " (x86 and x64)"; } string txt_version = BuildHelper.VersionIntToString(version); string txt_build = build.ToString(); string txt_verstr = name; string txt_date = Str.DateTimeToStrShortWithMilliSecs(date); string txt_lang = "English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese"; string txt_category = "PacketiX VPN (Commercial)"; #if BU_SOFTETHER txt_category = "SoftEther VPN (Freeware)"; #endif txt.WriteLine("FILENAME\t" + txt_filename); txt.WriteLine("DESCRIPTION\t" + txt_description); txt.WriteLine("CATEGORY\t" + txt_category); txt.WriteLine("PRODUCT\t" + txt_products); txt.WriteLine("OS\t" + txt_os); txt.WriteLine("OSLIST\t" + s.Os.OSSimpleList); txt.WriteLine("CPU\t" + txt_cpu); txt.WriteLine("VERSION\t" + txt_version); txt.WriteLine("BUILD\t" + txt_build); txt.WriteLine("VERSTR\t" + txt_verstr); txt.WriteLine("DATE\t" + txt_date); txt.WriteLine("LANGUAGE\t" + txt_lang); txt.WriteLine("*"); txt.WriteLine(); } #if BU_OSS Con.WriteLine("Installer packages are built on '{0}'. Enjoy it !!", publicDir); return 0; #endif // BU_OSS /* w.WriteLine("mkdir \"{0}\\autorun\"", cddir); w.WriteLine("copy /b /y autorun\\autorun.ico \"{0}\\autorun\"", cddir); w.WriteLine("copy /b /y autorun\\autorun.exe \"{0}\\autorun\"", cddir); w.WriteLine("copy /b /y autorun\\autorun.inf \"{0}\\autorun.inf\"", cddir); * */ string zipFileName = string.Format("VPN-CD-v{0}.{1:D2}-{2}-{3}-{4:D4}.{5:D2}.{6:D2}.zip", version / 100, version % 100, build, name, date.Year, date.Month, date.Day); w.WriteLine("del {0}", zipFileName); w.WriteLine("CD {0}", cddir); w.WriteLine("zip -r -0 ../{0} *", zipFileName); w.WriteLine("cd .."); w.WriteLine("move {0} CD\\", zipFileName); w.WriteLine("rename CD {0}-tree", baseName); w.WriteLine(); w.Close(); // Copy of fastcopy string fastcopy_dest = Path.Combine(destDirName, @"Private\fastcopy_bin"); IO.MakeDirIfNotExists(fastcopy_dest); File.Copy(Path.Combine(Paths.UtilityDirName, "FastCopy.exe"), Path.Combine(fastcopy_dest, "FastCopy.exe"), true); File.Copy(Path.Combine(Paths.UtilityDirName, "FastEx64.dll"), Path.Combine(fastcopy_dest, "FastEx64.dll"), true); File.Copy(Path.Combine(Paths.UtilityDirName, "FastExt1.dll"), Path.Combine(fastcopy_dest, "FastExt1.dll"), true); string fastcopy_exe = @"..\Private\fastcopy_bin\FastCopy.exe"; // Create a upload batch string uploadBatchFileName = Path.Combine(publicDir, "UploadNow.cmd"); #if !BU_OSS w = new StreamWriter(uploadBatchFileName); #endif // !BU_OSS string folder_name = "packetix"; #if BU_SOFTETHER folder_name = "softether"; #endif w.WriteLine(@"mkdir \\download\FILES\{1}\{0}-tree", baseName, folder_name); w.WriteLine(@"{0} /cmd=force_copy /exclude={3} /auto_close /force_start /estimate /open_window /error_stop=TRUE /bufsize=128 /disk_mode=diff /speed=full /verify {1}-tree /to=\\download\FILES\{2}\{1}-tree", fastcopy_exe, baseName, folder_name, "\"*files.txt*\""); w.WriteLine(); /* w.WriteLine(@"mkdir \\downloadjp\FILES\{1}\{0}-tree", baseName, folder_name); w.WriteLine(@"{0} /cmd=force_copy /exclude={3} /auto_close /force_start /estimate /open_window /error_stop=TRUE /bufsize=128 /disk_mode=diff /speed=full /verify {1}-tree /to=\\downloadjp\FILES\{2}\{1}-tree", fastcopy_exe, baseName, folder_name, "\"*files.txt*\""); w.WriteLine();*/ w.WriteLine(@"copy /y /b {0}-tree\files.txt \\download\FILES\{1}\{0}-tree\files.txt", baseName, folder_name); //w.WriteLine(@"copy /y /b {0}-tree\files.txt \\downloadjp\FILES\{1}\{0}-tree\files.txt", baseName, folder_name); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine(@"pause"); w.WriteLine(); w.Close(); txt.WriteLine("FILENAME\t" + zipFileName); #if BU_SOFTETHER txt.WriteLine("DESCRIPTION\t" + "ZIP CD-ROM Image Package of SoftEther VPN (for Admins)"); txt.WriteLine("CATEGORY\t" + "SoftEther VPN (Freeware)"); txt.WriteLine("PRODUCT\t" + "ZIP CD-ROM Image Package of SoftEther VPN"); #else // BU_SOFTETHER txt.WriteLine("DESCRIPTION\t" + "ZIP CD-ROM Image Package of PacketiX VPN (for Admins)"); txt.WriteLine("CATEGORY\t" + "PacketiX VPN (Commercial)"); txt.WriteLine("PRODUCT\t" + "ZIP CD-ROM Image Package of PacketiX VPN"); #endif // BU_SOFTETHER txt.WriteLine("OS\t" + "Any"); txt.WriteLine("OSLIST\t" + "Any"); txt.WriteLine("CPU\t" + "CD-ROM"); txt.WriteLine("VERSION\t" + BuildHelper.VersionIntToString(version)); txt.WriteLine("BUILD\t" + build.ToString()); txt.WriteLine("VERSTR\t" + name); txt.WriteLine("DATE\t" + Str.DateTimeToStrShortWithMilliSecs(date)); txt.WriteLine("LANGUAGE\t" + "English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese"); txt.WriteLine("*"); txt.WriteLine(); string src_bindir = Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, "bin"); string vpnsmgr_zip_filename_relative = @"Windows\Admin_Tools\VPN_Server_Manager_and_Command-line_Utility_Package\"; vpnsmgr_zip_filename_relative += #if BU_SOFTETHER "softether-" + #endif // BU_SOFTETHER string.Format("vpn_admin_tools-v{0}.{1:D2}-{2}-{3}-{4:D4}.{5:D2}.{6:D2}-win32.zip", version / 100, version % 100, build, name, date.Year, date.Month, date.Day); string vpnsmgr_zip_filename_full = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(publicDir, cddir), vpnsmgr_zip_filename_relative); ZipPacker zip = new ZipPacker(); zip.AddFileSimple("vpnsmgr.exe", DateTime.Now, FileAttributes.Normal, IO.ReadFile(Path.Combine(src_bindir, "vpnsmgr.exe")), true); zip.AddFileSimple("vpncmd.exe", DateTime.Now, FileAttributes.Normal, IO.ReadFile(Path.Combine(src_bindir, "vpncmd.exe")), true); zip.AddFileSimple("hamcore.se2", DateTime.Now, FileAttributes.Normal, IO.ReadFile(Path.Combine(src_bindir, @"BuiltHamcoreFiles\hamcore_win32\hamcore.se2")), true); zip.AddFileSimple("ReadMeFirst_License.txt", DateTime.Now, FileAttributes.Normal, IO.ReadFile(Path.Combine(src_bindir, @"hamcore\eula.txt")), true); zip.AddFileSimple("ReadMeFirst_Important_Notices_ja.txt", DateTime.Now, FileAttributes.Normal, IO.ReadFile(Path.Combine(src_bindir, @"hamcore\warning_ja.txt")), true); zip.AddFileSimple("ReadMeFirst_Important_Notices_en.txt", DateTime.Now, FileAttributes.Normal, IO.ReadFile(Path.Combine(src_bindir, @"hamcore\warning_en.txt")), true); zip.AddFileSimple("ReadMeFirst_Important_Notices_cn.txt", DateTime.Now, FileAttributes.Normal, IO.ReadFile(Path.Combine(src_bindir, @"hamcore\warning_cn.txt")), true); zip.Finish(); byte[] zip_data = zip.GeneratedData.Read(); IO.MakeDirIfNotExists(Path.GetDirectoryName(vpnsmgr_zip_filename_full)); IO.SaveFile(vpnsmgr_zip_filename_full, zip_data); // ZIP package for VPN Server Manager GUI txt.WriteLine("FILENAME\t" + Str.ReplaceStr(vpnsmgr_zip_filename_relative, @"\", "/")); #if BU_SOFTETHER txt.WriteLine("DESCRIPTION\t" + "ZIP Package of vpnsmgr.exe and vpncmd.exe (without installers)"); txt.WriteLine("CATEGORY\t" + "SoftEther VPN (Freeware)"); txt.WriteLine("PRODUCT\t" + "SoftEther VPN Server Manager for Windows, SoftEther VPN Command-Line Admin Utility (vpncmd)"); #else // BU_SOFTETHER txt.WriteLine("DESCRIPTION\t" + "ZIP Package of vpnsmgr.exe and vpncmd.exe (without installers)"); txt.WriteLine("CATEGORY\t" + "PacketiX VPN (Commercial)"); txt.WriteLine("PRODUCT\t" + "PacketiX VPN Server Manager for Windows, PacketiX VPN Command-Line Admin Utility (vpncmd)"); #endif // BU_SOFTETHER txt.WriteLine("OS\t" + "Windows (.zip package without installers)"); txt.WriteLine("OSLIST\t" + OSList.Windows.OSSimpleList); txt.WriteLine("CPU\t" + "Intel (x86 and x64)"); txt.WriteLine("VERSION\t" + BuildHelper.VersionIntToString(version)); txt.WriteLine("BUILD\t" + build.ToString()); txt.WriteLine("VERSTR\t" + name); txt.WriteLine("DATE\t" + Str.DateTimeToStrShortWithMilliSecs(date)); txt.WriteLine("LANGUAGE\t" + "English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese"); txt.WriteLine("*"); txt.WriteLine(); IO.MakeDirIfNotExists(Path.Combine(publicDir, cddir)); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(publicDir, cddir), "files.txt"), txt.ToString(), Str.Utf8Encoding); // Execution of batch file string old_cd = Environment.CurrentDirectory; try { Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(batchFileName); } catch { } Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Paths.CmdFileName, string.Format("/C \"{0}\"", batchFileName)); try { Environment.CurrentDirectory = old_cd; } catch { } Con.WriteLine(); Con.WriteLine("'{0}' に出力されました。", destDirName); return 0; } // UNIX release [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Builds UNIX installer package files.", "ReleaseUnix [id] [/IGNOREERROR:yes|no] [/DEBUG:yes|no] [/SERIAL:yes|no]", "Builds Unix installer package files.", "[id]:Specify target package ID which you'd like to build. If you'd like to erase and rebuild all packages, specify 'all'. Specify 'clean' to delete all release files.", "IGNOREERROR:Specify yes if you'd like to ignore the child process to show the error message.", "SERIAL:Specify yes not to use parallel mode.", "DEBUG:Specity yes to enable debug mode." )] static int ReleaseUnix(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[id]"), new ConsoleParam("IGNOREERROR"), new ConsoleParam("DEBUG"), new ConsoleParam("SERIAL"), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); int version, build; string name; DateTime date; Win32BuildUtil.ReadBuildInfoFromTextFile(out build, out version, out name, out date); BuildSoftware[] softs = BuildSoftwareList.List; bool serial = vl["SERIAL"].BoolValue; if (Str.IsEmptyStr(vl.DefaultParam.StrValue)) { Con.WriteLine("IDs:"); foreach (BuildSoftware soft in softs) { if (soft.Os.IsWindows == false) { soft.SetBuildNumberVersionName(build, version, name, date); Con.WriteLine(" {0}", soft.IDString); Con.WriteLine(" - \"{0}\"", soft.OutputFileName); } } } else { string key = vl.DefaultParam.StrValue; bool all = false; if ("all".StartsWith(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { all = true; } if ("clean".StartsWith(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // Delete the release directory Paths.DeleteAllReleaseTarGz(); Con.WriteLine("Clean completed."); return 0; } List o = new List(); foreach (BuildSoftware soft in softs) { soft.SetBuildNumberVersionName(build, version, name, date); if (soft.Os.IsWindows == false) { if (all || soft.IDString.IndexOf(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { o.Add(soft); } } } if (o.Count == 0) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Software ID '{0}' not found.", key)); } else { if (all) { // Delete the release directory Paths.DeleteAllReleaseTarGz(); } else { IO.MakeDir(Paths.ReleaseDir); } if (serial) { // Build in series int i; for (i = 0; i < o.Count; i++) { Con.WriteLine("{0} / {1}: Executing for '{2}'...", i + 1, o.Count, o[i].IDString); BuildHelper.BuildMain(o[i], vl["DEBUG"].BoolValue); } } else if (o.Count == 1) { // To build BuildHelper.BuildMain(o[0], vl["DEBUG"].BoolValue); } else { // Make a child process build Process[] procs = new Process[o.Count]; int i; for (i = 0; i < o.Count; i++) { Con.WriteLine("{0} / {1}: Executing for '{2}'...", i + 1, o.Count, o[i].IDString); procs[i] = Kernel.Run(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/PAUSEIFERROR:{1} /DT:{2} /CMD:ReleaseUnix /DEBUG:{3} {0}", o[i].IDString, vl["IGNOREERROR"].BoolValue ? "no" : "yes", Str.DateTimeToStrShort(BuildSoftwareList.ListCreatedDateTime), vl["DEBUG"].BoolValue ? "yes" : "no") ); } Con.WriteLine("Waiting child processes..."); int numError = 0; for (i = 0; i < o.Count; i++) { procs[i].WaitForExit(); bool ok = procs[i].ExitCode == 0; if (ok == false) { numError++; } Con.WriteLine("{0} / {1} ({2}):", i + 1, o.Count, o[i].IDString); Con.WriteLine(" {0}", ok ? "Success" : "* Error *"); } Con.WriteLine(); if (numError != 0) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("{0} Errors.", numError)); } Con.WriteLine("No Errors."); } } } return 0; } // Win32 Release [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Builds Win32 installer package files.", "ReleaseWin32 [id] [/IGNOREERROR:yes|no] [/SERIAL:yes|no]", "Builds Win32 installer package files.", "[id]:Specify target package ID which you'd like to build. If you'd like to erase and rebuild all packages, specify 'all'. Specify 'clean' to delete all release files.", "SERIAL:Specify yes not to use parallel mode.", "IGNOREERROR:Specify yes if you'd like to ignore the child process to show the error message." )] static int ReleaseWin32(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[id]"), new ConsoleParam("IGNOREERROR"), new ConsoleParam("SERIAL"), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); bool serial = vl["SERIAL"].BoolValue; int version, build; string name; DateTime date; Win32BuildUtil.ReadBuildInfoFromTextFile(out build, out version, out name, out date); BuildSoftware[] softs = BuildSoftwareList.List; if (Str.IsEmptyStr(vl.DefaultParam.StrValue)) { Con.WriteLine("IDs:"); foreach (BuildSoftware soft in softs) { if (soft.Os.IsWindows) { soft.SetBuildNumberVersionName(build, version, name, date); Con.WriteLine(" {0}", soft.IDString); Con.WriteLine(" - \"{0}\"", soft.OutputFileName); } } } else { string key = vl.DefaultParam.StrValue; bool all = false; if ("all".StartsWith(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { all = true; } if ("clean".StartsWith(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // Delete the release directory Paths.DeleteAllReleaseExe(); Con.WriteLine("Clean completed."); return 0; } List o = new List(); foreach (BuildSoftware soft in softs) { soft.SetBuildNumberVersionName(build, version, name, date); if (soft.Os.IsWindows) { if (all || soft.IDString.IndexOf(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { o.Add(soft); } } } if (o.Count == 0) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Software ID '{0}' not found.", key)); } else { if (all) { // Delete the release directory Paths.DeleteAllReleaseExe(); } else { IO.MakeDir(Paths.ReleaseDir); } if (serial) { // Build in series int i; for (i = 0; i < o.Count; i++) { Con.WriteLine("{0} / {1}: Executing for '{2}'...", i + 1, o.Count, o[i].IDString); BuildHelper.BuildMain(o[i], false); } } else if (o.Count == 1) { // To build BuildHelper.BuildMain(o[0], false); } else { // Make a child process build Process[] procs = new Process[o.Count]; int i; for (i = 0; i < o.Count; i++) { Con.WriteLine("{0} / {1}: Executing for '{2}'...", i + 1, o.Count, o[i].IDString); procs[i] = Kernel.Run(Env.ExeFileName, string.Format("/PAUSEIFERROR:{1} /CMD:ReleaseWin32 {0}", o[i].IDString, vl["IGNOREERROR"].BoolValue ? "no" : "yes")); } Con.WriteLine("Waiting child processes..."); int numError = 0; for (i = 0; i < o.Count; i++) { procs[i].WaitForExit(); bool ok = procs[i].ExitCode == 0; if (ok == false) { numError++; } Con.WriteLine("{0} / {1} ({2}):", i + 1, o.Count, o[i].IDString); Con.WriteLine(" {0}", ok ? "Success" : "* Error *"); } Con.WriteLine(); if (numError != 0) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("{0} Errors.", numError)); } Con.WriteLine("No Errors."); } } } return 0; } // Copy the Unix source [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Copies source codes for Unix.", "CopyUnixSrc [destdir]", "Copies source codes for Unix.", "[destdir]:Specify the destination directory." )] static int CopyUnixSrc(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[destdir]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Destination directory : ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); ((BuildSoftwareUnix)BuildSoftwareList.vpnbridge_linux_x86_ja).CopyUnixSrc(vl.DefaultParam.StrValue); return 0; } // Driver package build // Win32 build [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Builds the driver package.", "BuildDriverPackage", "Builds the driver package.")] static int BuildDriverPackage(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { Win32BuildUtil.MakeDriverPackage(); return 0; } // Win32 build [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Builds all executable files for win32 and HamCore for all OS.", "BuildWin32 [yes|no] [/NORMALIZESRC:yes|no]", "Builds all executable files for win32 and HamCore for all OS.", "[yes|no]:Specify 'yes' if you'd like to increment the build number.", "NORMALIZESRC:Specity 'yes' if you'd like to normalize the build infomations in the source codes and resource scripts." )] static int BuildWin32(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[yes|no]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Increments build number (y/n) ? ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("NORMALIZESRC", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Normalizes source codes (y/n) ? ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null) }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); if (vl.DefaultParam.BoolValue) { Win32BuildUtil.IncrementBuildNumber(); } if (vl.DefaultParam.BoolValue || vl["NORMALIZESRC"].BoolValue) { Win32BuildUtil.NormalizeBuildInfo(); } Paths.DeleteAllReleaseTarGz(); Paths.DeleteAllReleaseExe(); Paths.DeleteAllReleaseManuals(); Paths.DeleteAllReleaseAdminKits(); Win32BuildUtil.BuildMain(); Win32BuildUtil.SignAllBinaryFiles(); HamCoreBuildUtil.BuildHamcore(); Win32BuildUtil.CopyDebugSnapshot(); return 0; } // Process of post-build [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Process necessary tasks after building.", "PostBuild", "Process necessary tasks after building." )] static int PostBuild(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); Win32BuildUtil.SignAllBinaryFiles(); HamCoreBuildUtil.BuildHamcore(); return 0; } // Increment the build number [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Increments the build number.", "IncrementBuildNumber", "Increments the build number written in 'CurrentBuild.txt' text file." )] static int IncrementBuildNumber(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); Win32BuildUtil.IncrementBuildNumber(); return 0; } // Test processing [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Run Test Procedure.", "Test", "Run Test Procedure." )] static int Test(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); TestClass.Test(); return 0; } // Build a HamCore [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Builds a HamCore file.", "BuildHamCore", "Builds a HamCore file." )] static int BuildHamCore(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); HamCoreBuildUtil.BuildHamcore(); return 0; } // Sign a binary file [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Sign all binary files.", "SignAll", "Sign all binary files." )] static int SignAll(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); Win32BuildUtil.SignAllBinaryFiles(); return 0; } // Create and sign a Inf file of SeLow for Windows 8 [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Generate INF files for SeLow.", "SignSeLowInfFiles", "Generate INF files for SeLow." )] static int SignSeLowInfFiles(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[cpu]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "x86 / x64: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null) }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); #if !BU_OSS Win32BuildUtil.SignSeLowInfFiles(vl.DefaultParam.StrValue); #endif return 0; } // Create Inf file for Windows 8 [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Generate INF files for Windows 8.", "GenerateWin8InfFiles", "Generate INF files for Windows 8." )] static int GenerateWin8InfFiles(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[cpu]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "x86 / x64: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null) }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); #if !BU_OSS Win32BuildUtil.GenerateINFFilesForWindows8(vl.DefaultParam.StrValue); #endif return 0; } // Set the version of the PE to 4 [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Set the version of the PE file to 4.", "SetPE4 [filename]", "Set the version of the PE file to 4.", "[filename]:Specify the target filename." )] static int SetPE4(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[filename]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null) }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); PEUtil.SetPEVersionTo4(vl.DefaultParam.StrValue); return 0; } // Set the Manifest [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Set the manifest to the executable file.", "SetManifest [filename] [/MANIFEST:manifest_file_name]", "Set the manifest to the executable file.", "[filename]:Specify the target executable filename.", "MANIFEST:Specify the manifest XML file." )] static int SetManifest(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[filename]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Target Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("MANIFEST", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Manifest Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); PEUtil.SetManifest(vl.DefaultParam.StrValue, vl["MANIFEST"].StrValue); return 0; } // Generate a version information resource [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Generate a Version Information Resource File.", "GenerateVersionResource [targetFileName] [/OUT:destFileName]", "Generate a Version Information Resource File.", "[targetFileName]:Specify the target exe/dll file name.", "OUT:Specify the output .res file.", "RC:Specify a template RC file name.")] static int GenerateVersionResource(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[targetFileName]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Target Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("OUT", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Dst Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("PRODUCT"), new ConsoleParam("RC"), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); string targetFilename = vl.DefaultParam.StrValue; string outFilename = vl["OUT"].StrValue; string product_name = vl["PRODUCT"].StrValue; Win32BuildUtil.GenerateVersionInfoResource(targetFilename, outFilename, vl["RC"].StrValue, product_name); return 0; } // Measure the number of lines of code [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Count the number of lines of the sources.", "Count [DIR]", "Count the number of lines of the sources.", "[DIR]:dir name.")] static int Count(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[DIR]", null, null, null, null), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); string dir = vl.DefaultParam.StrValue; if (Str.IsEmptyStr(dir)) { dir = Paths.BaseDirName; } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); int numLines = 0; int numBytes = 0; int numComments = 0; int totalLetters = 0; Dictionary commentsDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (string file in files) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(file); if (Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".c") || Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".cpp") || Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".h") || Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".rc") || Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".stb") || Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".cs") || Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".fx") || Str.StrCmpi(ext, ".hlsl")) { if (Str.InStr(file, "\\.svn\\") == false && Str.InStr(file, "\\seedll\\") == false && Str.InStr(file, "\\see\\") == false && Str.InStr(file, "\\openssl\\") == false) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file); numLines += lines.Length; numBytes += (int)new FileInfo(file).Length; foreach (string line in lines) { if (Str.InStr(line, "//") && Str.InStr(line, "// Validate arguments") == false) { if (commentsDict.ContainsKey(line) == false) { commentsDict.Add(line, 1); } numComments++; totalLetters += line.Trim().Length - 3; } } } } } Con.WriteLine("{0} Lines, {1} Bytes. {2} Comments ({3} distinct, aver: {4})", Str.ToStr3(numLines), Str.ToStr3(numBytes), Str.ToStr3(numComments), commentsDict.Count, totalLetters / numComments); return 0; } // Add to Cab by compressing OCX [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Compress a OCX and Generate a Cab file.", "GenerateVpnWebOcxCab [src] [/DEST:dest]", "Compress a OCX and Generate a Cab file.", "[src]:Specify the ocx file.", "DEST:Specify the destination cab file.")] static int GenerateVpnWebOcxCab(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[src]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Src Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("DEST", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Dst Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); #if !BU_OSS string destFileName = vl["DEST"].StrValue; string srcFileName = vl.DefaultParam.StrValue; Win32BuildUtil.GenerateVpnWebOcxCab(destFileName, srcFileName); #endif return 0; } // Copy the file [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Copy a File.", "FileCopy [src] [/DEST:dest]", "Copy a File.", "[src]:Specify the source file.", "DEST:Specify the destination file.")] static int FileCopy(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[src]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Src Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("DEST", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Dst Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); string destFileName = vl["DEST"].StrValue; string srcFileName = vl.DefaultParam.StrValue; IO.FileCopy(srcFileName, destFileName, true, false); return 0; } // Sign the file [ConsoleCommandMethod( "Sign files using Authenticode certificates.", "SignCode [filename] [/DEST:destfilename] [/COMMENT:comment] [/KERNEL:yes|no]", "Sign files using Authenticode certificates.", "[filename]:Specify the target filename.", "DEST:Specify the destination filename. If this parameter is not specified, the target file will be overwritten.", "COMMENT:Provide a description of the signed content.", "KERNEL:Specify \"yes\" if Windows Vista / 7 Kernel Mode Driver Signing is needed." )] static int SignCode(ConsoleService c, string cmdName, string str) { ConsoleParam[] args = { new ConsoleParam("[filename]", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Filename: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("DEST"), new ConsoleParam("COMMENT", ConsoleService.Prompt, "Comment: ", ConsoleService.EvalNotEmpty, null), new ConsoleParam("KERNEL"), new ConsoleParam("CERTID"), new ConsoleParam("SHAMODE"), }; ConsoleParamValueList vl = c.ParseCommandList(cmdName, str, args); string destFileName = vl["DEST"].StrValue; string srcFileName = vl.DefaultParam.StrValue; if (Str.IsEmptyStr(destFileName)) { destFileName = srcFileName; } string comment = vl["COMMENT"].StrValue; bool kernel = vl["KERNEL"].BoolValue; int certid = vl["CERTID"].IntValue; int shamode = vl["SHAMODE"].IntValue; CodeSign.SignFile(destFileName, srcFileName, comment, kernel, certid, shamode); return 0; } } }