// SoftEther VPN Source Code // Build Utility // // SoftEther VPN Server, Client and Bridge are free software under GPLv2. // // Copyright (c) Daiyuu Nobori, Ph.D.. // Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project, University of Tsukuba, Japan. // Copyright (c) SoftEther Corporation. // // All Rights Reserved. // // http://www.softether.org/ // // Author: Daiyuu Nobori // Comments: Tetsuo Sugiyama, Ph.D. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE // SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // THE LICENSE AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED ON THE SOURCE-CODE PACKAGE // AS "LICENSE.TXT" FILE. READ THE TEXT FILE IN ADVANCE TO USE THE SOFTWARE. // // // THIS SOFTWARE IS DEVELOPED IN JAPAN, AND DISTRIBUTED FROM JAPAN, // UNDER JAPANESE LAWS. YOU MUST AGREE IN ADVANCE TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, // MERGE, PUBLISH, DISTRIBUTE, SUBLICENSE, AND/OR SELL COPIES OF THIS // SOFTWARE, THAT ANY JURIDICAL DISPUTES WHICH ARE CONCERNED TO THIS // SOFTWARE OR ITS CONTENTS, AGAINST US (SOFTETHER PROJECT, SOFTETHER // CORPORATION, DAIYUU NOBORI OR OTHER SUPPLIERS), OR ANY JURIDICAL // DISPUTES AGAINST US WHICH ARE CAUSED BY ANY KIND OF USING, COPYING, // MODIFYING, MERGING, PUBLISHING, DISTRIBUTING, SUBLICENSING, AND/OR // SELLING COPIES OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE REGARDED AS BE CONSTRUED AND // CONTROLLED BY JAPANESE LAWS, AND YOU MUST FURTHER CONSENT TO // EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION AND VENUE IN THE COURTS SITTING IN TOKYO, // JAPAN. YOU MUST WAIVE ALL DEFENSES OF LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION // AND FORUM NON CONVENIENS. PROCESS MAY BE SERVED ON EITHER PARTY IN // THE MANNER AUTHORIZED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR COURT RULE. // // USE ONLY IN JAPAN. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY UNLESS // YOU HAVE A CONFIRMATION THAT THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY // CRIMINAL LAWS OR CIVIL RIGHTS IN THAT PARTICULAR COUNTRY. USING THIS // SOFTWARE IN OTHER COUNTRIES IS COMPLETELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE // SOFTETHER VPN PROJECT HAS DEVELOPED AND DISTRIBUTED THIS SOFTWARE TO // COMPLY ONLY WITH THE JAPANESE LAWS AND EXISTING CIVIL RIGHTS INCLUDING // PATENTS WHICH ARE SUBJECTS APPLY IN JAPAN. OTHER COUNTRIES' LAWS OR // CIVIL RIGHTS ARE NONE OF OUR CONCERNS NOR RESPONSIBILITIES. WE HAVE // NEVER INVESTIGATED ANY CRIMINAL REGULATIONS, CIVIL LAWS OR // INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INCLUDING PATENTS IN ANY OF OTHER 200+ // COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES. BY NATURE, THERE ARE 200+ REGIONS IN THE // WORLD, WITH DIFFERENT LAWS. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO VERIFY EVERY // COUNTRIES' LAWS, REGULATIONS AND CIVIL RIGHTS TO MAKE THE SOFTWARE // COMPLY WITH ALL COUNTRIES' LAWS BY THE PROJECT. EVEN IF YOU WILL BE // SUED BY A PRIVATE ENTITY OR BE DAMAGED BY A PUBLIC SERVANT IN YOUR // COUNTRY, THE DEVELOPERS OF THIS SOFTWARE WILL NEVER BE LIABLE TO // RECOVER OR COMPENSATE SUCH DAMAGES, CRIMINAL OR CIVIL // RESPONSIBILITIES. NOTE THAT THIS LINE IS NOT LICENSE RESTRICTION BUT // JUST A STATEMENT FOR WARNING AND DISCLAIMER. // // // SOURCE CODE CONTRIBUTION // ------------------------ // // Your contribution to SoftEther VPN Project is much appreciated. // Please send patches to us through GitHub. // Read the SoftEther VPN Patch Acceptance Policy in advance: // http://www.softether.org/5-download/src/9.patch // // // DEAR SECURITY EXPERTS // --------------------- // // If you find a bug or a security vulnerability please kindly inform us // about the problem immediately so that we can fix the security problem // to protect a lot of users around the world as soon as possible. // // Our e-mail address for security reports is: // softether-vpn-security [at] softether.org // // Please note that the above e-mail address is not a technical support // inquiry address. If you need technical assistance, please visit // http://www.softether.org/ and ask your question on the users forum. // // Thank you for your cooperation. // // // NO MEMORY OR RESOURCE LEAKS // --------------------------- // // The memory-leaks and resource-leaks verification under the stress // test has been passed before release this source code. using System; using System.Threading; using System.Text; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using CoreUtil; namespace BuildUtil { // Build the UNIX software public class BuildSoftwareUnix : BuildSoftware { public readonly string[] SrcDirNameList = { @"bin\BuiltHamcoreFiles", @"bin\hamcore", "Cedar", "Ham", "Mayaqua", "Neo", "VGate", "vpnbridge", "vpnclient", "vpncmd", "vpnserver", }; public readonly string CrossLibName; public readonly string CrossLibBaseDir = Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, @"BuildFiles\CrossLib"); public readonly bool UseGccBitsOption; public readonly string CrossCompilerName; public readonly bool NoPThreadOption; public readonly string CrossCompilerOption; public readonly string SrcKitDefaultDir; public BuildSoftwareUnix(Software software, int buildNumber, int version, string buildName, Cpu cpu, OS os, string crossLibName, bool useGccBitsOption, string crossCompilerName, bool noPthreadOption, string crossCompilerOption) : base(software, buildNumber, version, buildName, cpu, os) { this.CrossLibName = crossLibName; this.UseGccBitsOption = useGccBitsOption; this.CrossCompilerName = crossCompilerName; this.NoPThreadOption = noPthreadOption; this.CrossCompilerOption = crossCompilerOption; #if !BU_SOFTETHER this.SrcKitDefaultDir = Env.SystemDir.Substring(0, 2) + @"\tmp\vpn4_srckit"; #else this.SrcKitDefaultDir = Env.SystemDir.Substring(0, 2) + @"\tmp\se_vpn_srckit"; #endif } // Run the build public void Build(bool debugMode) { string mutexName = "buildsrckit_" + this.CrossLibName; Mutex mutex = new Mutex(false, mutexName); mutex.WaitOne(); try { if (this.BuildSrcKit(SrcKitDefaultDir, debugMode)) { this.BuildWithCrossCompiler(SrcKitDefaultDir); } } finally { mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } this.Release(SrcKitDefaultDir); } public override void Build() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // Delegate to copy the source code public bool CopySrcFilesDelegate(FileInfo info) { string[] ignoreExts = { ".exe", ".sys", ".dll", ".inf", ".vcproj", ".user", ".ico", ".rc", }; string name = info.FullName; if (Str.InStr(name, @"\.svn\") || Str.InStr(name, @"\WinPcap\") || Str.InStr(name, @"_Debug\") || Str.InStr(name, @"_Release\") || Str.InStr(name, @"\BuiltHamcoreFiles\win32_")) { return false; } foreach (string ext in ignoreExts) { if (name.EndsWith(ext, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return false; } } return true; } // Create a release public virtual void Release(string baseOutputDir) { string srcDir = Path.Combine(baseOutputDir, this.CrossLibName + @"\src"); string releaseFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.ReleaseDir, this.OutputFileName); Con.WriteLine("Generating '{0}'...", releaseFileName); List files = new List(); string gccOptionForLink; string gccOptionForCompile; generateGccOptions(srcDir, false, false, out gccOptionForLink, out gccOptionForCompile); string targetName = this.Software.ToString(); // Makefile StringWriter mk = GenerateMakeFileForRelease(srcDir); byte[] mkData = Str.NormalizeCrlf(Str.Utf8Encoding.GetBytes(mk.ToString()), new byte[] { 10 }); TarPacker tar = new TarPacker(); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\Makefile", mkData, 0, mkData.Length, DateTime.Now); // Install Script string isText = File.ReadAllText(Paths.UnixInstallScript); isText = Str.ReplaceStr(isText, "", TitleString, false); byte[] scriptData = Str.NormalizeCrlf(Str.Utf8Encoding.GetBytes(isText), new byte[] { 10 }); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\.install.sh", scriptData, 0, scriptData.Length, DateTime.Now); // EULA Encoding enc = Str.Utf8Encoding; if (true) { string srcData = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Paths.BinDirName, @"hamcore\eula.txt"), enc); byte[] destData = enc.GetBytes(srcData); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\" + "ReadMeFirst_License.txt", destData, 0, destData.Length, DateTime.Now); } if (true) { string srcData = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Paths.BinDirName, @"hamcore\authors.txt"), enc); byte[] destData = enc.GetBytes(srcData); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\" + "Authors.txt", destData, 0, destData.Length, DateTime.Now); } if (true) { string srcData = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Paths.BinDirName, @"hamcore\warning_ja.txt"), enc); byte[] destData = enc.GetBytes(srcData); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\" + "ReadMeFirst_Important_Notices_ja.txt", destData, 0, destData.Length, DateTime.Now); } if (true) { string srcData = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Paths.BinDirName, @"hamcore\warning_en.txt"), enc); byte[] destData = enc.GetBytes(srcData); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\" + "ReadMeFirst_Important_Notices_en.txt", destData, 0, destData.Length, DateTime.Now); } if (true) { string srcData = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Paths.BinDirName, @"hamcore\warning_cn.txt"), enc); byte[] destData = enc.GetBytes(srcData); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\" + "ReadMeFirst_Important_Notices_cn.txt", destData, 0, destData.Length, DateTime.Now); } // Codes string[] dirs = { Path.Combine(srcDir, "code"), Path.Combine(srcDir, "lib"), }; foreach (string dir in dirs) { string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.a", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (Path.GetFileName(dir).Equals("code", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { fileList = new string[] { Path.Combine(dir, string.Format("{0}.a", this.Software.ToString())), Path.Combine(dir, "vpncmd.a"), }; } foreach (string fileName in fileList) { if (Str.StrCmpi(Path.GetFileName(fileName), "libpcap.a") == false) { // Libpcap.a is not included in the release byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\" + IO.GetRelativeFileName(fileName, srcDir), fileData, 0, fileData.Length, DateTime.Now); } } } // License file byte[] lsFileData = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(CrossLibBaseDir, @"License.txt")); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\lib\License.txt", lsFileData, 0, lsFileData.Length, DateTime.Now); // HamCore byte[] hcData = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, string.Format(@"bin\BuiltHamcoreFiles\hamcore_unix\hamcore.se2"))); tar.AddFileSimple(targetName + @"\hamcore.se2", hcData, 0, hcData.Length, DateTime.Now); // Generate a tar tar.Finish(); byte[] tarData = tar.CompressToGZip(); File.WriteAllBytes(releaseFileName, tarData); Con.WriteLine("Finished."); } // Build by cross-compiler public virtual void BuildWithCrossCompiler(string baseOutputDir) { // Create a batch file string outDir = Path.Combine(baseOutputDir, this.CrossLibName); string outSrcDir = Path.Combine(outDir, "src"); try { string xcDir = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Paths.CrossCompilerBaseDir, this.CrossCompilerName), "bin"); if (Directory.Exists(xcDir) == false) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("dir '{0}' not found.", xcDir)); } string batFileName = Path.Combine(outSrcDir, "cross_build.cmd"); StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(batFileName, false, Str.ShiftJisEncoding); w.WriteLine("SET PATH={0};%PATH%", xcDir); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine(outSrcDir.Substring(0, 2)); w.WriteLine("CD {0}", outSrcDir); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("make clean"); w.WriteLine("make"); w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%"); w.Close(); Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(BuildConfig.NumMultipleCompileTasks, BuildConfig.NumMultipleCompileTasks, "vpn_build_cross"); Con.WriteLine("Waiting for Semaphore..."); sem.WaitOne(); Con.WriteLine("Done."); try { Win32BuildUtil.ExecCommand(Paths.CmdFileName, string.Format("/C \"{0}\"", batFileName)); } finally { sem.Release(); } } catch { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(outSrcDir, "code"), "*.a", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { try { File.Delete(file); } catch { } } } } // SrcKit file name public string SrcKitFileName { get { int build, version; string name; DateTime date; Win32BuildUtil.ReadBuildInfoFromTextFile(out build, out version, out name, out date); return string.Format("{0}-{3}-{1}.tar.gz", "srckit", this.CrossLibName, Str.DateTimeToStrShort(BuildSoftwareList.ListCreatedDateTime), build); } } // Copy the source code public virtual void CopyUnixSrc(string baseOutputDir) { // Generate an Output directory name string outDir = baseOutputDir; string outSrcDir = baseOutputDir; Con.WriteLine("BuildSrcKit for '{0}'...", this.IDString); Con.WriteLine("BuildSrcKit Output Dir = '{0}'.", outDir); string tsFile = Path.Combine(outDir, "TimeStamp.txt"); string timeStamp = Str.DateTimeToStrShort(BuildSoftwareList.ListCreatedDateTime); Con.WriteLine("timestamp={0}", timeStamp); if (Directory.Exists(outDir)) { } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(outDir); } // Copy the source code foreach (string srcDirName in SrcDirNameList) { string srcFullPath = Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, srcDirName); string destFullPath = Path.Combine(outSrcDir, srcDirName); IO.CopyDir(srcFullPath, destFullPath, new IO.CopyDirPreCopyDelegate(CopySrcFilesDelegate), false, true, true, true, true); } IO.FileCopy(Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, "CurrentBuild.txt"), Path.Combine(outSrcDir, "CurrentBuild.txt"), true, false); } // Build SrcKit public virtual bool BuildSrcKit(string baseOutputDir, bool debugMode) { // Generate an Output directory name string outDir = Path.Combine(baseOutputDir, this.CrossLibName); string outSrcDir = Path.Combine(outDir, "src"); Con.WriteLine("BuildSrcKit for '{0}'...", this.IDString); Con.WriteLine("CrossLib Name: '{0}'.", this.CrossLibName); Con.WriteLine("BuildSrcKit Output Dir = '{0}'.", outDir); string tsFile = Path.Combine(outDir, "TimeStamp.txt"); string timeStamp = Str.DateTimeToStrShort(BuildSoftwareList.ListCreatedDateTime); Con.WriteLine("timestamp={0}", timeStamp); if (Directory.Exists(outDir)) { bool ok = false; // See TimeStamp.txt file if the directory already exists try { string[] ts = File.ReadAllLines(tsFile); if (ts[0] == timeStamp) { ok = true; } } catch { } if (ok) { Con.WriteLine("Skipped for '{0}'.", this.IDString); return false; } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(outDir); } // Copy the source code foreach (string srcDirName in SrcDirNameList) { string srcFullPath = Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, srcDirName); string destFullPath = Path.Combine(outSrcDir, srcDirName); bool delete_bom = true; if (Str.InStr(srcDirName, "\\hamcore")) { delete_bom = false; } IO.CopyDir(srcFullPath, destFullPath, new IO.CopyDirPreCopyDelegate(CopySrcFilesDelegate), false, true, true, delete_bom); } IO.FileCopy(Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, "CurrentBuild.txt"), Path.Combine(outSrcDir, "CurrentBuild.txt"), true, false); IO.FileCopy(Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, "GlobalConst.h"), Path.Combine(outSrcDir, "GlobalConst.h"), true, false); IO.FileCopy(Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, @"DebugFiles\Replace.h"), Path.Combine(outSrcDir, "Replace.h"), true, false); IO.FileCopy(Path.Combine(Paths.BaseDirName, @"bin\BuiltHamcoreFiles\hamcore_unix\hamcore.se2"), Path.Combine(outSrcDir, @"bin\hamcore.se2"), true, false); // Copy Crosslibs IO.CopyDir(Path.Combine(this.CrossLibBaseDir, this.CrossLibName), Path.Combine(outSrcDir, @"lib"), delegate(FileInfo fi) { if (fi.DirectoryName.IndexOf(@".svn", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { return false; } return true; }, false, true, true, false); // Generate Makefile for compilation byte[] makeFileDataForCross = Str.NormalizeCrlf(Str.Utf8Encoding.GetBytes(GenerateMakeFileForCompile(outSrcDir, debugMode, true).ToString()), new byte[] { 10, }); byte[] makeFileDataForSelf = Str.NormalizeCrlf(Str.Utf8Encoding.GetBytes(GenerateMakeFileForCompile(outSrcDir, debugMode, false).ToString()), new byte[] { 10, }); string makeFileName = Path.Combine(outSrcDir, "Makefile"); File.WriteAllBytes(makeFileName, makeFileDataForCross); // TimeStamp.txt File.WriteAllText(tsFile, timeStamp); // Create a tar.gz string tarGzFileName = Path.Combine(outSrcDir, this.SrcKitFileName); Con.WriteLine("Creating '{0}'...", tarGzFileName); List<string> files = new List<string>(); foreach (string srcDirName in Util.CombineArray<string>(SrcDirNameList, new string[] { "lib" })) { string dirFullPath = Path.Combine(outSrcDir, srcDirName); string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(dirFullPath, "*", srcDirName.Equals("lib", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly : SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string fileName in fileList) { files.Add(fileName); } } files.Add(Path.Combine(outSrcDir, @"CurrentBuild.txt")); files.Add(Path.Combine(outSrcDir, @"bin\hamcore.se2")); files.Add(Path.Combine(outSrcDir, @"Replace.h")); files.Add(Path.Combine(outSrcDir, @"GlobalConst.h")); files.Sort(); TarPacker tar = new TarPacker(); foreach (string file in files) { byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(file); tar.AddFileSimple(@"src\" + IO.GetRelativeFileName(file, outSrcDir), fileData, 0, fileData.Length, File.GetLastWriteTime(file), "0000750", "0000640"); } tar.AddFileSimple(@"src\Makefile", makeFileDataForSelf, 0, makeFileDataForSelf.Length, DateTime.Now, "0000750", "0000640"); tar.Finish(); byte[] tarGzData = tar.CompressToGZip(); File.WriteAllBytes(tarGzFileName, tarGzData); IO.MakeDir(Paths.ReleaseSrckitDir); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Paths.ReleaseSrckitDir, this.SrcKitFileName), tarGzData); Con.WriteLine("Completed."); return true; } // Compilation settings public string Compiler = "gcc"; public List<string> GccMacros = new List<string>(); // Create a Makefile for release public virtual StringWriter GenerateMakeFileForRelease(string srcDir) { string gccOptionForLink; string gccOptionForCompile; generateGccOptions(srcDir, false, false, out gccOptionForLink, out gccOptionForCompile); string codeDir = Path.Combine(srcDir, "code"); string libDir = Path.Combine(srcDir, "lib"); string[] codeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(codeDir, "*.a"); string[] libFiles = Directory.GetFiles(libDir, "*.a"); StringWriter sr = new StringWriter(); sr.WriteLine("# {0}", this.TitleString); sr.WriteLine("# Makefile"); sr.WriteLine("# "); #if !BU_SOFTETHER sr.WriteLine("# Copyright (c) SoftEther Corporation. All Rights Reserved."); #else sr.WriteLine("# Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project at University of Tsukuba, Japan. All Rights Reserved."); #endif sr.WriteLine("# Platform: {0}", this.CrossLibName); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("CC={0}", this.Compiler); sr.WriteLine("OPTIONS={0}", gccOptionForLink); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("default:"); sr.WriteLine("\t@./.install.sh"); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("# NOTE:"); sr.WriteLine("# You have to read and agree the license agreement at the same directory"); sr.WriteLine("# before using this software."); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("i_read_and_agree_the_license_agreement:"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"Preparing {0}...\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); foreach (string filename in libFiles) { sr.WriteLine("\t-ranlib lib/{0}", Path.GetFileName(filename)); } sr.WriteLine("\t-ranlib code/{0}.a", this.Software.ToString()); sr.WriteLine("\t$(CC) code/{0}.a $(OPTIONS) -o {0}", this.Software.ToString()); sr.WriteLine("\t-ranlib code/{0}.a", "vpncmd"); sr.WriteLine("\t$(CC) code/{0}.a $(OPTIONS) -o {0}", "vpncmd"); if (this.Software == Software.vpnserver_vpnbridge || this.Software == Software.vpnbridge || this.Software == Software.vpnserver) { sr.WriteLine("\t./vpncmd /tool /cmd:Check"); } Language[] langs = BuildHelper.GetLanguageList(); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"--------------------------------------------------------------------\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"The preparation of {0} is completed !\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"*** How to switch the display language of the {0} Service ***\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"{0} supports the following languages:\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); foreach (Language lang in langs) { sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \" - {0}\"", lang.Title); } sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"You can choose your prefered language of {0} at any time.\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"To switch the current language, open and edit the 'lang.config' file.\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"*** How to start the {0} Service ***\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"Please execute './{0} start' to run the {1} Background Service.\"", this.Software.ToString(), BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); #if !BU_SOFTETHER sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"And please execute './vpncmd' to run the PacketiX VPN Command-Line Utility to configure {0}.\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); #else sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"And please execute './vpncmd' to run the SoftEther VPN Command-Line Utility to configure {0}.\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); #endif sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); #if !BU_SOFTETHER sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"Of course, you can use the VPN Server Manager GUI Application for Windows on the other Windows PC in order to configure the {0} remotely.\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); #else sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"Of course, you can use the VPN Server Manager GUI Application for Windows / Mac OS X on the other Windows / Mac OS X computers in order to configure the {0} remotely.\"", BuildHelper.GetSoftwareTitle(this.Software)); #endif #if !BU_SOFTETHER #else sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"*** For Windows users ***\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"You can download the SoftEther VPN Server Manager for Windows\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"from the http://www.softether-download.com/ web site.\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"This manager application helps you to completely and easily manage the VPN server services running in remote hosts.\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"*** For Mac OS X users ***\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"In April 2016 we released the SoftEther VPN Server Manager for Mac OS X.\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"You can download it from the http://www.softether-download.com/ web site.\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"VPN Server Manager for Mac OS X works perfectly as same as the traditional Windows versions. It helps you to completely and easily manage the VPN server services running in remote hosts.\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); #endif sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"--------------------------------------------------------------------\""); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo"); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("clean:"); sr.WriteLine("\trm -f {0}", this.Software.ToString()); sr.WriteLine("\trm -f {0}", "vpncmd"); sr.WriteLine(); return sr; } // Generate Makefile for compilation public virtual StringWriter GenerateMakeFileForCompile(string outDir, bool debugMode, bool crossCompile) { string[] programNames = { "Ham", "vpnserver", "vpnbridge", "vpnclient", "vpncmd", }; string gccOptionForLinkDebug, gccOptionForLinkRelease; string gccOptionForCompileDebug, gccOptionForCompileRelease; generateGccOptions(outDir, false, crossCompile, out gccOptionForLinkRelease, out gccOptionForCompileRelease); generateGccOptions(outDir, true, crossCompile, out gccOptionForLinkDebug, out gccOptionForCompileDebug); StringWriter sr = new StringWriter(); #if !BU_SOFTETHER sr.WriteLine("# PacketiX VPN Source Code"); sr.WriteLine("# Copyright (c) SoftEther Corporation. All Rights Reserved."); #else sr.WriteLine("# SoftEther VPN Source Code"); sr.WriteLine("# Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project at University of Tsukuba, Japan. All Rights Reserved."); #endif sr.WriteLine("# Platform: {0}", this.CrossLibName); sr.WriteLine(); // Variable declaration sr.WriteLine("# Variables"); sr.WriteLine("CC={0}", this.Compiler); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("OPTIONS_COMPILE_DEBUG={0}", gccOptionForCompileDebug); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("OPTIONS_LINK_DEBUG={0}", gccOptionForLinkDebug); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("OPTIONS_COMPILE_RELEASE={0}", gccOptionForCompileRelease); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("OPTIONS_LINK_RELEASE={0}", gccOptionForLinkRelease); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("ifeq ($(DEBUG),YES)"); sr.WriteLine("\tOPTIONS_COMPILE=$(OPTIONS_COMPILE_DEBUG)"); sr.WriteLine("\tOPTIONS_LINK=$(OPTIONS_LINK_DEBUG)"); sr.WriteLine("else"); sr.WriteLine("\tOPTIONS_COMPILE=$(OPTIONS_COMPILE_RELEASE)"); sr.WriteLine("\tOPTIONS_LINK=$(OPTIONS_LINK_RELEASE)"); sr.WriteLine("endif"); sr.WriteLine(); string[] mayaquaHeaders = generateFileList(Path.Combine(outDir, "Mayaqua"), outDir, "*.h"); string[] cedarHeaders = generateFileList(Path.Combine(outDir, "Cedar"), outDir, "*.h"); string[] mayaquaSrcs = generateFileList(Path.Combine(outDir, "Mayaqua"), outDir, "*.c"); string[] cedarSrcs = generateFileList(Path.Combine(outDir, "Cedar"), outDir, "*.c"); List<string> mayaquaObjs = new List<string>(); List<string> cedarObjs = new List<string>(); List<string> progSrcs = new List<string>(); List<string> progObjs = new List<string>(); List<string> progAs = new List<string>(); List<string> progBins = new List<string>(); foreach (string progName in programNames) { string progName2 = progName; if (progName2.Equals("vpnclient", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == false) { progSrcs.Add(string.Format("{0}/{0}.c", progName2)); } else { progSrcs.Add(string.Format("{0}/vpncsvc.c", progName2)); } progObjs.Add(string.Format("object/{0}.o", progName2)); progAs.Add(string.Format("code/{0}.a", progName)); progBins.Add(string.Format("bin/{0}", progName.ToLower())); } int i; for (i = 0; i < mayaquaSrcs.Length; i++) { mayaquaObjs.Add(string.Format("object/Mayaqua/{0}.o", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mayaquaSrcs[i]))); } for (i = 0; i < cedarSrcs.Length; i++) { cedarObjs.Add(string.Format("object/Cedar/{0}.o", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cedarSrcs[i]))); } sr.WriteLine("# Files"); sr.WriteLine("HEADERS_MAYAQUA={0}", Str.CombineStringArray(mayaquaHeaders, " ")); sr.WriteLine("HEADERS_CEDAR={0}", Str.CombineStringArray(cedarHeaders, " ")); sr.WriteLine("OBJECTS_MAYAQUA={0}", Str.CombineStringArray(mayaquaObjs.ToArray(), " ")); sr.WriteLine("OBJECTS_CEDAR={0}", Str.CombineStringArray(cedarObjs.ToArray(), " ")); sr.WriteLine(); // Behavior sr.WriteLine("# Build Action"); sr.WriteLine("default:\tbuild"); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("build:\t$(OBJECTS_MAYAQUA) $(OBJECTS_CEDAR) {0}", Str.CombineStringArray(progBins.ToArray(), " ")); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("# Mayaqua Kernel Code"); for (i = 0; i < mayaquaSrcs.Length; i++) { sr.WriteLine("{0}: {1} $(HEADERS_MAYAQUA)", mayaquaObjs[i], mayaquaSrcs[i]); if (i == 0) { sr.WriteLine("\t@mkdir -p object/"); sr.WriteLine("\t@mkdir -p object/Mayaqua/"); sr.WriteLine("\t@mkdir -p object/Cedar/"); sr.WriteLine("\t@mkdir -p code/"); } sr.WriteLine("\t$(CC) $(OPTIONS_COMPILE) -c {0} -o {1}", mayaquaSrcs[i], mayaquaObjs[i]); sr.WriteLine(); } sr.WriteLine("# Cedar Communication Module Code"); for (i = 0; i < cedarSrcs.Length; i++) { string line = string.Format("{0}: {1} $(HEADERS_MAYAQUA) $(HEADERS_CEDAR)", cedarObjs[i], cedarSrcs[i]); if (cedarSrcs[i].EndsWith("Bridge.c", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { line += " Cedar/BridgeUnix.c"; } sr.WriteLine(line); sr.WriteLine("\t$(CC) $(OPTIONS_COMPILE) -c {0} -o {1}", cedarSrcs[i], cedarObjs[i]); sr.WriteLine(); } for (i = 0; i < programNames.Length; i++) { sr.WriteLine("# {0}", programNames[i]); sr.WriteLine("{0}: {1} $(HEADERS_MAYAQUA) $(HEADERS_CEDAR) $(OBJECTS_MAYAQUA) $(OBJECTS_CEDAR)", progBins[i], progAs[i]); sr.WriteLine("\t$(CC) {0} $(OPTIONS_LINK) -o {1}", progAs[i], progBins[i]); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("{0}: {1} $(HEADERS_MAYAQUA) $(HEADERS_CEDAR) $(OBJECTS_MAYAQUA) $(OBJECTS_CEDAR)", progAs[i], progObjs[i]); sr.WriteLine("\trm -f {0}", progAs[i]); sr.WriteLine("\tar r {0} $(OBJECTS_MAYAQUA) $(OBJECTS_CEDAR) {1}", progAs[i], progObjs[i]); sr.WriteLine("\tranlib {0}", progAs[i]); sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("{0}: {1} $(HEADERS_MAYAQUA) $(HEADERS_CEDAR) $(OBJECTS_MAYAQUA) $(OBJECTS_CEDAR)", progObjs[i], progSrcs[i]); sr.WriteLine("\t$(CC) $(OPTIONS_COMPILE) -c {0} -o {1}", progSrcs[i], progObjs[i]); sr.WriteLine(); } sr.WriteLine("# Clean"); sr.WriteLine("clean:"); sr.WriteLine("\t-rm -f $(OBJECTS_MAYAQUA)"); sr.WriteLine("\t-rm -f $(OBJECTS_CEDAR)"); for (i = 0; i < programNames.Length; i++) { sr.WriteLine("\t-rm -f {0}", progObjs[i]); sr.WriteLine("\t-rm -f {0}", progAs[i]); sr.WriteLine("\t-rm -f {0}", progBins[i]); } sr.WriteLine(); sr.WriteLine("# Help Strings"); sr.WriteLine("help:"); sr.WriteLine("\t@echo \"make [DEBUG=YES]\""); sr.WriteLine(); return sr; } // Create a file list string[] generateFileList(string dir, string baseDir, string searchPattern) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, searchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories); List<string> ret = new List<string>(); foreach (string file in files) { string name = IO.GetRelativeFileName(file, baseDir).Replace(@"\", "/"); ret.Add(name); } ret.Sort(); return ret.ToArray(); } // Generate the GCC option string void generateGccOptions(string outDir, bool debugMode, bool crossCompile, out string gccOptionForLink, out string gccOptionForCompile) { List<string> macros = new List<string>(this.GccMacros.ToArray()); List<string> includes = new List<string>(); List<string> options = new List<string>(); List<string> libs = new List<string>(); // Determine the macro if (debugMode) { macros.Add("_DEBUG"); macros.Add("DEBUG"); } else { macros.Add("NDEBUG"); macros.Add("VPN_SPEED"); macros.Add("MAYAQUA_REPLACE"); } macros.Add("UNIX"); macros.Add("_REENTRANT"); macros.Add("REENTRANT"); macros.Add("_THREAD_SAFE"); macros.Add("_THREADSAFE"); macros.Add("THREAD_SAFE"); macros.Add("THREADSAFE"); macros.Add("_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64"); // Decide the include directory includes.Add("./"); includes.Add("./Cedar/"); includes.Add("./Mayaqua/"); // Determine options if (debugMode) { options.Add("-g"); } else { options.Add("-O2"); } options.Add("-fsigned-char"); if (this.NoPThreadOption == false) { options.Add("-pthread"); } if (this.UseGccBitsOption) { if (this.Cpu.Bits == CPUBits.Bits32) { options.Add("-m32"); } else { options.Add("-m64"); } } // Determine library files string[] libNames = { "libssl", "libcrypto", "libiconv", "libcharset", "libedit", "libncurses", "libz", }; foreach (string libName in libNames) { libs.Add(string.Format("lib/{0}.a", libName)); } if (crossCompile) { if (this.Os == OSList.MacOS) { // Include libpcap.a only when cross-compiling for Mac OS X libs.Add(string.Format("lib/{0}.a", "libpcap")); } } if (this.Os == OSList.Linux) { if (this.Cpu == CpuList.x86 || this.Cpu == CpuList.x64) { // Include libintelaes.a only for x86 / x64 in Linux libs.Add(string.Format("lib/{0}.a", "libintelaes")); } } gccOptionForCompile = MakeGccOptions(macros.ToArray(), includes.ToArray(), options.ToArray(), null); if (crossCompile) { if (Str.IsEmptyStr(this.CrossCompilerOption) == false) { options.Add(this.CrossCompilerOption); } } options.Add("-lm"); if (this.Os == OSList.Solaris) { options.Add("-lrt"); options.Add("-lnsl"); options.Add("-lsocket"); options.Add("-ldl"); } else if (this.Os == OSList.Linux) { options.Add("-ldl"); options.Add("-lrt"); } else if (this.Os == OSList.MacOS) { if (crossCompile == false) { // Include -lpcap for the user environment on Mac OS X options.Add("-lpcap"); } } if (this.Cpu == CpuList.armeabi) { // Prevent to show a warning on linking in EABI binaries // to EABIHF architecture in ARM options.Add("-Wl,--no-warn-mismatch"); } options.Add("-lpthread"); gccOptionForLink = MakeGccOptions(new string[0], new string[0], options.ToArray(), libs.ToArray()); } public static string MakeGccOptions(string[] macros, string[] includeDirs, string[] options, string[] libs) { List<string> o = new List<string>(); foreach (string macro in macros) { o.Add(string.Format("-D{0}", macro)); } foreach (string dir in includeDirs) { o.Add(string.Format("-I{0}", dir)); } foreach (string opt in options) { o.Add(opt); } if (libs != null) { o.Add("-L./"); foreach (string lib in libs) { o.Add(lib); } } return Str.CombineStringArray(o.ToArray(), " "); } } }