// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Stable Edition Repository // Mayaqua Kernel // // SoftEther VPN Server, Client and Bridge are free software under the Apache License, Version 2.0. // // Copyright (c) Daiyuu Nobori. // Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project, University of Tsukuba, Japan. // Copyright (c) SoftEther Corporation. Copyright (c) all contributors on SoftEther VPN project in GitHub. // // All Rights Reserved. // // http://www.softether.org/ // // This stable branch is officially managed by Daiyuu Nobori, the owner of SoftEther VPN Project. // Pull requests should be sent to the Developer Edition Master Repository on https://github.com/SoftEtherVPN/SoftEtherVPN // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE // SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // THE LICENSE AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED ON THE SOURCE-CODE PACKAGE // AS "LICENSE.TXT" FILE. READ THE TEXT FILE IN ADVANCE TO USE THE SOFTWARE. // // // THIS SOFTWARE IS DEVELOPED IN JAPAN, AND DISTRIBUTED FROM JAPAN, // UNDER JAPANESE LAWS. YOU MUST AGREE IN ADVANCE TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, // MERGE, PUBLISH, DISTRIBUTE, SUBLICENSE, AND/OR SELL COPIES OF THIS // SOFTWARE, THAT ANY JURIDICAL DISPUTES WHICH ARE CONCERNED TO THIS // SOFTWARE OR ITS CONTENTS, AGAINST US (SOFTETHER PROJECT, SOFTETHER // CORPORATION, DAIYUU NOBORI OR OTHER SUPPLIERS), OR ANY JURIDICAL // DISPUTES AGAINST US WHICH ARE CAUSED BY ANY KIND OF USING, COPYING, // MODIFYING, MERGING, PUBLISHING, DISTRIBUTING, SUBLICENSING, AND/OR // SELLING COPIES OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE REGARDED AS BE CONSTRUED AND // CONTROLLED BY JAPANESE LAWS, AND YOU MUST FURTHER CONSENT TO // EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION AND VENUE IN THE COURTS SITTING IN TOKYO, // JAPAN. YOU MUST WAIVE ALL DEFENSES OF LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION // AND FORUM NON CONVENIENS. PROCESS MAY BE SERVED ON EITHER PARTY IN // THE MANNER AUTHORIZED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR COURT RULE. // // USE ONLY IN JAPAN. DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY UNLESS // YOU HAVE A CONFIRMATION THAT THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY // CRIMINAL LAWS OR CIVIL RIGHTS IN THAT PARTICULAR COUNTRY. USING THIS // SOFTWARE IN OTHER COUNTRIES IS COMPLETELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE // SOFTETHER VPN PROJECT HAS DEVELOPED AND DISTRIBUTED THIS SOFTWARE TO // COMPLY ONLY WITH THE JAPANESE LAWS AND EXISTING CIVIL RIGHTS INCLUDING // PATENTS WHICH ARE SUBJECTS APPLY IN JAPAN. OTHER COUNTRIES' LAWS OR // CIVIL RIGHTS ARE NONE OF OUR CONCERNS NOR RESPONSIBILITIES. WE HAVE // NEVER INVESTIGATED ANY CRIMINAL REGULATIONS, CIVIL LAWS OR // INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INCLUDING PATENTS IN ANY OF OTHER 200+ // COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES. BY NATURE, THERE ARE 200+ REGIONS IN THE // WORLD, WITH DIFFERENT LAWS. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO VERIFY EVERY // COUNTRIES' LAWS, REGULATIONS AND CIVIL RIGHTS TO MAKE THE SOFTWARE // COMPLY WITH ALL COUNTRIES' LAWS BY THE PROJECT. EVEN IF YOU WILL BE // SUED BY A PRIVATE ENTITY OR BE DAMAGED BY A PUBLIC SERVANT IN YOUR // COUNTRY, THE DEVELOPERS OF THIS SOFTWARE WILL NEVER BE LIABLE TO // RECOVER OR COMPENSATE SUCH DAMAGES, CRIMINAL OR CIVIL // RESPONSIBILITIES. NOTE THAT THIS LINE IS NOT LICENSE RESTRICTION BUT // JUST A STATEMENT FOR WARNING AND DISCLAIMER. // // // SOURCE CODE CONTRIBUTION // ------------------------ // // Your contribution to SoftEther VPN Project is much appreciated. // Please send patches to us through GitHub. // Read the SoftEther VPN Patch Acceptance Policy in advance: // http://www.softether.org/5-download/src/9.patch // // // DEAR SECURITY EXPERTS // --------------------- // // If you find a bug or a security vulnerability please kindly inform us // about the problem immediately so that we can fix the security problem // to protect a lot of users around the world as soon as possible. // // Our e-mail address for security reports is: // softether-vpn-security [at] softether.org // // Please note that the above e-mail address is not a technical support // inquiry address. If you need technical assistance, please visit // http://www.softether.org/ and ask your question on the users forum. // // Thank you for your cooperation. // // // NO MEMORY OR RESOURCE LEAKS // --------------------------- // // The memory-leaks and resource-leaks verification under the stress // test has been passed before release this source code. // Memory.h // Header of Memory.c #ifndef MEMORY_H #define MEMORY_H // MallocFast (not implemented) #define MallocFast Malloc #define ZeroMallocFast ZeroMalloc // Memory size that can be passed to the kernel at a time #define MAX_SEND_BUF_MEM_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024) // The magic number for memory tag #define MEMTAG_MAGIC 0x49414449 #define CALC_MALLOCSIZE(size) ((MAX(size, 1)) + sizeof(MEMTAG)) #define MEMTAG_TO_POINTER(p) ((void *)(((UCHAR *)(p)) + sizeof(MEMTAG))) #define POINTER_TO_MEMTAG(p) ((MEMTAG *)(((UCHAR *)(p)) - sizeof(MEMTAG))) #define IS_NULL_POINTER(p) (((p) == NULL) || ((POINTER_TO_UINT64(p) == (UINT64)sizeof(MEMTAG)))) // Fixed size of a block of memory pool #define MEMPOOL_MAX_SIZE 3000 // Memory tag struct MEMTAG { UINT Magic; UINT Size; bool ZeroFree; UINT Padding; }; // Buffer struct BUF { void *Buf; UINT Size; UINT SizeReserved; UINT Current; }; // FIFO struct FIFO { REF *ref; LOCK *lock; void *p; UINT pos, size, memsize; UINT64 total_read_size; UINT64 total_write_size; bool fixed; }; // List struct LIST { REF *ref; UINT num_item, num_reserved; void **p; LOCK *lock; COMPARE *cmp; bool sorted; UINT64 Param1; }; // Queue struct QUEUE { REF *ref; UINT num_item; FIFO *fifo; LOCK *lock; }; // Stack struct SK { REF *ref; UINT num_item, num_reserved; void **p; LOCK *lock; bool no_compact; }; // Candidate list struct CANDIDATE { wchar_t *Str; // String UINT64 LastSelectedTime; // Date and time last selected }; struct STRMAP_ENTRY { char *Name; void *Value; }; // Shared buffer struct SHARED_BUFFER { REF *Ref; void *Data; UINT Size; }; // Macro #define LIST_DATA(o, i) (((o) != NULL) ? ((o)->p[(i)]) : NULL) #define LIST_NUM(o) (((o) != NULL) ? (o)->num_item : 0) #define HASH_LIST_NUM(o) (((o) != NULL) ? (o)->NumItems : 0) // Function pointer type to get a hash function typedef UINT (GET_HASH)(void *p); // Hash list struct HASH_LIST { UINT Bits; UINT Size; GET_HASH *GetHashProc; COMPARE *CompareProc; LOCK *Lock; REF *Ref; LIST **Entries; UINT NumItems; LIST *AllList; }; // PRAND struct PRAND { UCHAR Key[20]; CRYPT *Rc4; }; // Function prototype HASH_LIST *NewHashList(GET_HASH *get_hash_proc, COMPARE *compare_proc, UINT bits, bool make_list); void ReleaseHashList(HASH_LIST *h); void CleanupHashList(HASH_LIST *h); void AddHash(HASH_LIST *h, void *p); bool DeleteHash(HASH_LIST *h, void *p); void *SearchHash(HASH_LIST *h, void *t); UINT CalcHashForHashList(HASH_LIST *h, void *p); void **HashListToArray(HASH_LIST *h, UINT *num); void LockHashList(HASH_LIST *h); void UnlockHashList(HASH_LIST *h); bool IsInHashListKey(HASH_LIST *h, UINT key); void *HashListKeyToPointer(HASH_LIST *h, UINT key); PRAND *NewPRand(void *key, UINT key_size); void FreePRand(PRAND *r); void PRand(PRAND *p, void *data, UINT size); UINT PRandInt(PRAND *p); LIST *NewCandidateList(); void FreeCandidateList(LIST *o); int ComapreCandidate(void *p1, void *p2); void AddCandidate(LIST *o, wchar_t *str, UINT num_max); BUF *CandidateToBuf(LIST *o); LIST *BufToCandidate(BUF *b); void *Malloc(UINT size); void *MallocEx(UINT size, bool zero_clear_when_free); void *ZeroMalloc(UINT size); void *ZeroMallocEx(UINT size, bool zero_clear_when_free); void *ReAlloc(void *addr, UINT size); void Free(void *addr); void CheckMemTag(MEMTAG *tag); UINT GetMemSize(void *addr); void *InternalMalloc(UINT size); void *InternalReAlloc(void *addr, UINT size); void InternalFree(void *addr); void Copy(void *dst, void *src, UINT size); void Move(void *dst, void *src, UINT size); int Cmp(void *p1, void *p2, UINT size); int CmpCaseIgnore(void *p1, void *p2, UINT size); void ZeroMem(void *addr, UINT size); void Zero(void *addr, UINT size); void *Clone(void *addr, UINT size); void *CloneTail(void *src, UINT src_size, UINT dst_size); void *AddHead(void *src, UINT src_size, void *head, UINT head_size); char B64_CodeToChar(BYTE c); char B64_CharToCode(char c); int B64_Encode(char *set, char *source, int len); int B64_Decode(char *set, char *source, int len); UINT Encode64(char *dst, char *src); UINT Decode64(char *dst, char *src); void Swap(void *buf, UINT size); USHORT Swap16(USHORT value); UINT Swap32(UINT value); UINT64 Swap64(UINT64 value); USHORT Endian16(USHORT src); UINT Endian32(UINT src); UINT64 Endian64(UINT64 src); void EndianUnicode(wchar_t *str); BUF *NewBuf(); BUF *NewBufFromMemory(void *buf, UINT size); void ClearBuf(BUF *b); void WriteBuf(BUF *b, void *buf, UINT size); void WriteBufBuf(BUF *b, BUF *bb); UINT ReadBuf(BUF *b, void *buf, UINT size); BUF *ReadBufFromBuf(BUF *b, UINT size); void AdjustBufSize(BUF *b, UINT new_size); void SeekBuf(BUF *b, UINT offset, int mode); void SeekBufToEnd(BUF *b); void SeekBufToBegin(BUF *b); void FreeBuf(BUF *b); bool BufToFile(IO *o, BUF *b); BUF *FileToBuf(IO *o); UINT ReadBufInt(BUF *b); USHORT ReadBufShort(BUF *b); UINT64 ReadBufInt64(BUF *b); UCHAR ReadBufChar(BUF *b); bool WriteBufInt(BUF *b, UINT value); bool WriteBufInt64(BUF *b, UINT64 value); bool WriteBufChar(BUF *b, UCHAR uc); bool WriteBufShort(BUF *b, USHORT value); bool ReadBufStr(BUF *b, char *str, UINT size); bool WriteBufStr(BUF *b, char *str); void WriteBufLine(BUF *b, char *str); void AddBufStr(BUF *b, char *str); bool DumpBuf(BUF *b, char *filename); bool DumpBufW(BUF *b, wchar_t *filename); bool DumpBufWIfNecessary(BUF *b, wchar_t *filename); bool DumpData(void *data, UINT size, char *filename); bool DumpDataW(void *data, UINT size, wchar_t *filename); BUF *ReadDump(char *filename); BUF *ReadDumpWithMaxSize(char *filename, UINT max_size); BUF *ReadDumpW(wchar_t *filename); BUF *ReadDumpExW(wchar_t *filename, bool read_lock); BUF *CloneBuf(BUF *b); BUF *MemToBuf(void *data, UINT size); BUF *RandBuf(UINT size); BUF *ReadRemainBuf(BUF *b); UINT ReadBufRemainSize(BUF *b); bool CompareBuf(BUF *b1, BUF *b2); UINT PeekFifo(FIFO *f, void *p, UINT size); UINT ReadFifo(FIFO *f, void *p, UINT size); BUF *ReadFifoAll(FIFO *f); void ShrinkFifoMemory(FIFO *f); UCHAR *GetFifoPointer(FIFO *f); UCHAR *FifoPtr(FIFO *f); void WriteFifo(FIFO *f, void *p, UINT size); void WriteFifoFront(FIFO *f, void *p, UINT size); void PadFifoFront(FIFO *f, UINT size); void ClearFifo(FIFO *f); UINT FifoSize(FIFO *f); void LockFifo(FIFO *f); void UnlockFifo(FIFO *f); void ReleaseFifo(FIFO *f); void CleanupFifo(FIFO *f); FIFO *NewFifo(); FIFO *NewFifoFast(); FIFO *NewFifoEx(bool fast); FIFO *NewFifoEx2(bool fast, bool fixed); void InitFifo(); UINT GetFifoCurrentReallocMemSize(); void SetFifoCurrentReallocMemSize(UINT size); void *Search(LIST *o, void *target); void Sort(LIST *o); void SortEx(LIST *o, COMPARE *cmp); void Add(LIST *o, void *p); void AddDistinct(LIST *o, void *p); void Insert(LIST *o, void *p); void InsertDistinct(LIST *o, void *p); bool Delete(LIST *o, void *p); bool DeleteKey(LIST *o, UINT key); void DeleteAll(LIST *o); void LockList(LIST *o); void UnlockList(LIST *o); void ReleaseList(LIST *o); void CleanupList(LIST *o); LIST *NewList(COMPARE *cmp); LIST *NewListFast(COMPARE *cmp); LIST *NewListEx(COMPARE *cmp, bool fast); LIST *NewListEx2(COMPARE *cmp, bool fast, bool fast_malloc); LIST *NewListSingle(void *p); void CopyToArray(LIST *o, void *p); void *ToArray(LIST *o); void *ToArrayEx(LIST *o, bool fast); LIST *CloneList(LIST *o); void SetCmp(LIST *o, COMPARE *cmp); void SetSortFlag(LIST *o, bool sorted); int CompareStr(void *p1, void *p2); bool InsertStr(LIST *o, char *str); int CompareUniStr(void *p1, void *p2); bool IsInList(LIST *o, void *p); bool IsInListKey(LIST *o, UINT key); void *ListKeyToPointer(LIST *o, UINT key); bool IsInListStr(LIST *o, char *str); bool IsInListUniStr(LIST *o, wchar_t *str); bool ReplaceListPointer(LIST *o, void *oldptr, void *newptr); void AddInt(LIST *o, UINT i); void AddInt64(LIST *o, UINT64 i); void AddIntDistinct(LIST *o, UINT i); void AddInt64Distinct(LIST *o, UINT64 i); void DelInt(LIST *o, UINT i); void DelInt64(LIST *o, UINT64 i); void ReleaseIntList(LIST *o); void ReleaseInt64List(LIST *o); void DelAllInt(LIST *o); bool IsIntInList(LIST *o, UINT i); bool IsInt64InList(LIST *o, UINT64 i); LIST *NewIntList(bool sorted); LIST *NewInt64List(bool sorted); int CompareInt(void *p1, void *p2); int CompareInt64(void *p1, void *p2); void InsertInt(LIST *o, UINT i); void InsertInt64(LIST *o, UINT64 i); void InsertIntDistinct(LIST *o, UINT i); void InsertInt64Distinct(LIST *o, UINT64 i); void RandomizeList(LIST *o); void *GetNext(QUEUE *q); void *GetNextWithLock(QUEUE *q); void *PeekQueue(QUEUE *q); void InsertQueue(QUEUE *q, void *p); void InsertQueueWithLock(QUEUE *q, void *p); void InsertQueueInt(QUEUE *q, UINT value); void LockQueue(QUEUE *q); void UnlockQueue(QUEUE *q); void ReleaseQueue(QUEUE *q); void CleanupQueue(QUEUE *q); QUEUE *NewQueue(); QUEUE *NewQueueFast(); UINT GetQueueNum(QUEUE *q); SK *NewSk(); SK *NewSkEx(bool no_compact); void ReleaseSk(SK *s); void CleanupSk(SK *s); void LockSk(SK *s); void UnlockSk(SK *s); void Push(SK *s, void *p); void *Pop(SK *s); UINT Uncompress(void *dst, UINT dst_size, void *src, UINT src_size); UINT Compress(void *dst, UINT dst_size, void *src, UINT src_size); UINT CompressEx(void *dst, UINT dst_size, void *src, UINT src_size, UINT level); UINT CalcCompress(UINT src_size); BUF *CompressBuf(BUF *src_buf); BUF *UncompressBuf(BUF *src_buf); bool IsZero(void *data, UINT size); void FillBytes(void *data, UINT size, UCHAR c); LIST *NewStrMap(); void *StrMapSearch(LIST *map, char *key); UINT SearchBin(void *data, UINT data_start, UINT data_size, void *key, UINT key_size); void CrashNow(); UINT Power(UINT a, UINT b); void XorData(void *dst, void *src1, void *src2, UINT size); SHARED_BUFFER *NewSharedBuffer(void *data, UINT size); void ReleaseSharedBuffer(SHARED_BUFFER *b); void CleanupSharedBuffer(SHARED_BUFFER *b); void AppendBufUtf8(BUF *b, wchar_t *str); void AppendBufStr(BUF *b, char *str); #endif // MEMORY_H