/* * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 NetGroup, Politecnico di Torino (Italy) * Copyright (c) 2005 CACE Technologies, Davis (California) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Politecnico di Torino, CACE Technologies * nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include "ntddk.h" #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "packet.h" #include "win_bpf.h" #include "tme.h" #include "time_calls.h" extern struct time_conv G_Start_Time; // from openclos.c extern ULONG NCpu; //from packet.c NTSTATUS NPF_Read(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,IN PIRP Irp) { POPEN_INSTANCE Open; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp; PUCHAR packp; PUCHAR CurrBuff; struct bpf_hdr *header; // PUCHAR UserPointer; // ULONG bytecopy; ULONG copied,count,current_cpu,plen,increment,ToCopy,available; CpuPrivateData *LocalData; ULONG i; ULONG Occupation; IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: Read\n");) IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); Open=IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; if( Open->Bound == FALSE ) { // The Network adapter has been removed or diasabled EXIT_FAILURE(0); } if (Open->Size == 0) { EXIT_FAILURE(0); } if( Open->mode & MODE_DUMP && Open->DumpFileHandle == NULL ){ // this instance is in dump mode, but the dump file has still not been opened EXIT_FAILURE(0); } Occupation=0; for(i=0;iSize - Open->CpuData[i].Free); //See if the buffer is full enough to be copied if( Occupation <= Open->MinToCopy*NCpu || Open->mode & MODE_DUMP ) { //wait until some packets arrive or the timeout expires if(Open->TimeOut.QuadPart != (LONGLONG)IMMEDIATE) KeWaitForSingleObject(Open->ReadEvent, UserRequest, KernelMode, TRUE, (Open->TimeOut.QuadPart == (LONGLONG)0)? NULL: &(Open->TimeOut)); KeClearEvent(Open->ReadEvent); if(Open->mode & MODE_STAT) { //this capture instance is in statistics mode #ifdef NDIS50 CurrBuff=(PUCHAR)MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority); #else CurrBuff=(PUCHAR)MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Irp->MdlAddress); #endif //fill the bpf header for this packet header=(struct bpf_hdr*)CurrBuff; GET_TIME(&header->bh_tstamp,&G_Start_Time); if(Open->mode & MODE_DUMP){ *(LONGLONG*)(CurrBuff+sizeof(struct bpf_hdr)+16)=Open->DumpOffset.QuadPart; header->bh_caplen=24; header->bh_datalen=24; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 24 + sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); } else{ header->bh_caplen=16; header->bh_datalen=16; header->bh_hdrlen=sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); Irp->IoStatus.Information = 16 + sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); } *(LONGLONG*)(CurrBuff+sizeof(struct bpf_hdr))=Open->Npackets.QuadPart; *(LONGLONG*)(CurrBuff+sizeof(struct bpf_hdr)+8)=Open->Nbytes.QuadPart; //reset the countetrs NdisAcquireSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock ); Open->Npackets.QuadPart=0; Open->Nbytes.QuadPart=0; NdisReleaseSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock ); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // The MONITOR_MODE (aka TME extensions) is not supported on // 64 bit architectures // #ifdef __NPF_x86__ if(Open->mode==MODE_MON) //this capture instance is in monitor mode { PTME_DATA data; ULONG cnt; ULONG block_size; PUCHAR tmp; #ifdef NDIS50 UserPointer=MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority); #else UserPointer=MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Irp->MdlAddress); #endif if ((!IS_VALIDATED(Open->tme.validated_blocks,Open->tme.active_read))||(IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Lengthbh_tstamp,&G_Start_Time); header->bh_hdrlen=sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); //moves user memory pointer UserPointer+=sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); //calculus of data to be copied //if the user buffer is smaller than data to be copied, //only some data will be copied data=&Open->tme.block_data[Open->tme.active_read]; if (data->last_read.tv_sec!=0) data->last_read=header->bh_tstamp; bytecopy=data->block_size*data->filled_blocks; if ((IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length-sizeof(struct bpf_hdr))Parameters.Read.Length-sizeof(struct bpf_hdr))/ data->block_size; else bytecopy=data->filled_blocks; tmp=data->shared_memory_base_address; block_size=data->block_size; for (cnt=0;cntMachineLock); RtlCopyMemory(UserPointer,tmp,block_size); NdisReleaseSpinLock(&Open->MachineLock); tmp+=block_size; UserPointer+=block_size; } bytecopy*=block_size; header->bh_caplen=bytecopy; header->bh_datalen=header->bh_caplen; EXIT_SUCCESS(bytecopy+sizeof(struct bpf_hdr)); } Occupation=0; for(i=0;iSize - Open->CpuData[i].Free); if ( Occupation == 0 || Open->mode & MODE_DUMP) // The timeout has expired, but the buffer is still empty (or the packets must be written to file). // We must awake the application, returning an empty buffer. { EXIT_SUCCESS(0); } #else // not __NPF_x86__ , so x86-64 or IA64 if(Open->mode==MODE_MON) //this capture instance is in monitor mode { EXIT_FAILURE(0); } #endif // __NPF_x86__ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ copied=0; count=0; current_cpu=0; available = IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length; #ifdef NDIS50 packp=(PUCHAR)MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority); #else packp=(PUCHAR)MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Irp->MdlAddress); #endif KeClearEvent(Open->ReadEvent); while (count < NCpu) //round robin on the CPUs, if count = NCpu there are no packets left to be copied { if (available == copied) { EXIT_SUCCESS(copied); } LocalData = &Open->CpuData[current_cpu]; if (LocalData->Free < Open->Size) { //there are some packets in the selected (aka LocalData) buffer struct PacketHeader *Header = (struct PacketHeader*)(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->C); if ( Header->SN == Open->ReaderSN) { //check if it the next one to be copied plen = Header->header.bh_caplen; if (plen + sizeof (struct bpf_hdr) > available - copied) { //if the packet does not fit into the user buffer, we've ended copying packets EXIT_SUCCESS(copied); } // FIX_TIMESTAMPS(&Header->header.bh_tstamp); *((struct bpf_hdr*)(&packp[copied]))=Header->header; copied += sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); LocalData->C += sizeof(struct PacketHeader); if (LocalData->C == Open->Size) LocalData->C = 0; if (Open->Size - LocalData->C < plen) { //the packet is fragmented in the buffer (i.e. it skips the buffer boundary) ToCopy = Open->Size - LocalData->C; RtlCopyMemory(packp + copied,LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->C,ToCopy); RtlCopyMemory(packp + copied + ToCopy,LocalData->Buffer,plen-ToCopy); LocalData->C = plen-ToCopy; } else { //the packet is not fragmented RtlCopyMemory(packp + copied ,LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->C ,plen); LocalData->C += plen; // if (c==size) inutile, contemplato nell "header atomico" // c=0; } Open->ReaderSN++; copied+=Packet_WORDALIGN(plen); increment = plen + sizeof(struct PacketHeader); if ( Open->Size - LocalData->C < sizeof(struct PacketHeader)) { //the next packet would be saved at the end of the buffer, but the NewHeader struct would be fragmented //so the producer (--> the consumer) skips to the beginning of the buffer increment += Open->Size-LocalData->C; LocalData->C=0; } InterlockedExchangeAdd(&Open->CpuData[current_cpu].Free,increment); count=0; } else { current_cpu=(current_cpu+1)%NCpu; count++; } } else { current_cpu=(current_cpu+1)%NCpu; count++; } } {EXIT_SUCCESS(copied);} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } extern void *test_addr; NDIS_STATUS NPF_tap (IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,IN NDIS_HANDLE MacReceiveContext, IN PVOID HeaderBuffer,IN UINT HeaderBufferSize,IN PVOID LookaheadBuffer, IN UINT LookaheadBufferSize,IN UINT PacketSize) { POPEN_INSTANCE Open; PNDIS_PACKET pPacket; NDIS_STATUS Status; UINT BytesTransfered; PMDL pMdl1,pMdl2; UINT fres; CpuPrivateData *LocalData; ULONG Cpu; struct PacketHeader *Header; ULONG ToCopy; ULONG increment; ULONG i; // BOOLEAN ShouldReleaseMachineLock; IF_VERY_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: tap\n");) IF_VERY_LOUD(DbgPrint("HeaderBufferSize=%d, LookAheadBuffer=%d, LookaheadBufferSize=%d, PacketSize=%d\n", HeaderBufferSize, LookaheadBuffer, LookaheadBufferSize, PacketSize);) Open= (POPEN_INSTANCE)ProtocolBindingContext; if (Open->SkipProcessing == 1) //some IoCtl is modifying some shared structure, we must drop the packet. return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; Cpu = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); LocalData = &Open->CpuData[Cpu]; LocalData->Processing = 1; //this tells the Ioctls that we are processing a packet, they cannot modify anything //until ALL the Cpu have terminated their processing (aka, set their LocalData->processing to 0) LocalData->Received++; IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Received on CPU %d \t%d\n",Cpu,LocalData->Received);) // Open->Received++; // Number of packets received by filter ++ // // The MONITOR_MODE (aka TME extensions) is not supported on // 64 bit architectures // #ifdef __NPF_x86__ if (Open->mode == MODE_MON) { ShouldReleaseMachineLock = TRUE; NdisAcquireSpinLock(&Open->MachineLock); } else ShouldReleaseMachineLock = FALSE; #endif // //Check if the lookahead buffer follows the mac header. //If the data follow the header (i.e. there is only a buffer) a normal bpf_filter() is //executed on the packet. //Otherwise if there are 2 separate buffers (this could be the case of LAN emulation or //things like this) bpf_filter_with_2_buffers() is executed. // if((UINT)((PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer-(PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer) != HeaderBufferSize) fres=bpf_filter_with_2_buffers((struct bpf_insn*)(Open->bpfprogram), HeaderBuffer, LookaheadBuffer, HeaderBufferSize, PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize, LookaheadBufferSize+HeaderBufferSize, &Open->mem_ex, &Open->tme, &G_Start_Time); else // // the jit filter is available on x86 (32 bit) only // #ifdef __NPF_x86__ if(Open->Filter != NULL) { if (Open->bpfprogram != NULL) { fres=Open->Filter->Function(HeaderBuffer, PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize, LookaheadBufferSize+HeaderBufferSize); } else fres = -1; } else #endif //__NPF_x86__ fres=bpf_filter((struct bpf_insn*)(Open->bpfprogram), HeaderBuffer, PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize, LookaheadBufferSize+HeaderBufferSize, &Open->mem_ex, &Open->tme, &G_Start_Time); // // The MONITOR_MODE (aka TME extensions) is not supported on // 64 bit architectures // #ifdef __NPF_x86__ if (ShouldReleaseMachineLock) NdisReleaseSpinLock(&Open->MachineLock); #endif // // The MONITOR_MODE (aka TME extensions) is not supported on // 64 bit architectures // #ifdef __NPF_x86__ if(Open->mode==MODE_MON) // we are in monitor mode { if (fres==1) KeSetEvent(Open->ReadEvent,0,FALSE); LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } #endif if(fres==0) { // Packet not accepted by the filter, ignore it. LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } //if the filter returns -1 the whole packet must be accepted if(fres==-1 || fres > PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize) fres = PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize; if(Open->mode & MODE_STAT) { // we are in statistics mode NdisAcquireSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock ); Open->Npackets.QuadPart++; if(PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize<60) Open->Nbytes.QuadPart+=60; else Open->Nbytes.QuadPart+=PacketSize+HeaderBufferSize; // add preamble+SFD+FCS to the packet // these values must be considered because are not part of the packet received from NDIS Open->Nbytes.QuadPart+=12; NdisReleaseSpinLock( &Open->CountersLock ); if(!(Open->mode & MODE_DUMP)) { LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } } if(Open->Size == 0) { LocalData->Dropped++; LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } if(Open->mode & MODE_DUMP && Open->MaxDumpPacks) { ULONG Accepted=0; for(i=0;iCpuData[i].Accepted; if( Accepted > Open->MaxDumpPacks) { // Reached the max number of packets to save in the dump file. Discard the packet and stop the dump thread. Open->DumpLimitReached = TRUE; // This stops the thread // Awake the dump thread NdisSetEvent(&Open->DumpEvent); // Awake the application KeSetEvent(Open->ReadEvent,0,FALSE); LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } } //////////////////////////////COPIA.C//////////////////////////////////////////77 if (fres + sizeof(struct PacketHeader) > LocalData->Free) { LocalData->Dropped++; LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } if (LocalData->TransferMdl1 != NULL) { //if TransferMdl is not NULL, there is some TransferData pending (i.e. not having called TransferDataComplete, yet) //in order to avoid buffer corruption, we drop the packet LocalData->Dropped++; LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } if (LookaheadBufferSize + HeaderBufferSize >= fres) { //we do not need to call NdisTransferData, either because we need only the HeaderBuffer, or because the LookaheadBuffer //contains what we need Header = (struct PacketHeader*)(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P); LocalData->Accepted++; GET_TIME(&Header->header.bh_tstamp,&G_Start_Time); Header->SN = InterlockedIncrement(&Open->WriterSN) - 1; Header->header.bh_caplen = fres; Header->header.bh_datalen = PacketSize + HeaderBufferSize; Header->header.bh_hdrlen=sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); LocalData->P +=sizeof(struct PacketHeader); if (LocalData->P == Open->Size) LocalData->P = 0; if ( fres <= HeaderBufferSize || (UINT)( (PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer - (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer ) == HeaderBufferSize ) { //we can consider the buffer contiguous, either because we use only the data //present in the HeaderBuffer, or because HeaderBuffer and LookaheadBuffer are contiguous // ;-)))))) if (Open->Size - LocalData->P < fres) { //the packet will be fragmented in the buffer (aka, it will skip the buffer boundary) //two copies!! ToCopy = Open->Size - LocalData->P; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P,HeaderBuffer, ToCopy); NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0 , (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer + ToCopy, fres - ToCopy); LocalData->P = fres-ToCopy; } else { //the packet does not need to be fragmented in the buffer (aka, it doesn't skip the buffer boundary) // ;-)))))) only ONE copy NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P, HeaderBuffer, fres); LocalData->P += fres; } } else { //HeaderBuffer and LookAhead buffer are NOT contiguous, //AND, we need some bytes from the LookaheadBuffer, too if (Open->Size - LocalData->P < fres) { //the packet will be fragmented in the buffer (aka, it will skip the buffer boundary) if (Open->Size - LocalData->P >= HeaderBufferSize) { //HeaderBuffer is NOT fragmented NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P, HeaderBuffer, HeaderBufferSize); LocalData->P += HeaderBufferSize; if (LocalData->P == Open->Size) { //the fragmentation of the packet in the buffer is the same fragmentation //in HeaderBuffer+LookaheadBuffer LocalData->P=0; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, LookaheadBuffer, fres - HeaderBufferSize); LocalData->P += (fres - HeaderBufferSize); } else { //LookAheadBuffer is fragmented, two copies ToCopy = Open->Size - LocalData->P; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P, LookaheadBuffer, ToCopy); LocalData->P=0; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer+ ToCopy, fres - HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy); LocalData->P = fres - HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy; } } else { //HeaderBuffer is fragmented in the buffer (aka, it will skip the buffer boundary) //two copies to copy the HeaderBuffer ToCopy = Open->Size - LocalData->P; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P, HeaderBuffer, ToCopy); LocalData->P = 0; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer + ToCopy, HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy); LocalData->P = HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy; //only one copy to copy the LookaheadBuffer NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P, LookaheadBuffer, fres- HeaderBufferSize); LocalData->P += (fres - HeaderBufferSize); } } else { //the packet won't be fragmented in the destination buffer (aka, it won't skip the buffer boundary) //two copies, the former to copy the HeaderBuffer, the latter to copy the LookaheadBuffer NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P, HeaderBuffer, HeaderBufferSize); LocalData->P += HeaderBufferSize; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P, LookaheadBuffer, fres - HeaderBufferSize); LocalData->P += (fres - HeaderBufferSize); } } increment = fres + sizeof(struct PacketHeader); if (Open->Size - LocalData->P < sizeof(struct PacketHeader)) //we check that the available, AND contiguous, space in the buffer will fit { //the NewHeader structure, at least, otherwise we skip the producer increment += Open->Size-LocalData->P; //at the beginning of the buffer (p = 0), and decrement the free bytes appropriately LocalData->P = 0; } InterlockedExchangeAdd(&LocalData->Free, (ULONG)(-(LONG)increment)); if(Open->Size - LocalData->Free >= Open->MinToCopy) { if(Open->mode & MODE_DUMP) NdisSetEvent(&Open->DumpEvent); else KeSetEvent(Open->ReadEvent,0,FALSE); } LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } else { IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("TransferData!!\n");) //ndisTransferData required LocalData->NewP = LocalData->P; LocalData->NewP +=sizeof(struct PacketHeader); if (LocalData->NewP == Open->Size) LocalData->NewP = 0; //first of all, surely the header must be copied if (Open->Size-LocalData->NewP >= HeaderBufferSize) { //1 copy! NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->NewP, HeaderBuffer, HeaderBufferSize); LocalData->NewP += HeaderBufferSize; if (LocalData->NewP == Open->Size) LocalData->NewP = 0; } else { ToCopy = Open->Size - LocalData->NewP; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->NewP, HeaderBuffer, ToCopy); NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)HeaderBuffer + ToCopy, HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy); LocalData->NewP = HeaderBufferSize - ToCopy; } //then we copy the Lookahead buffer if (Open->Size-LocalData->NewP >= LookaheadBufferSize) { //1 copy! NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->NewP, LookaheadBuffer, LookaheadBufferSize); LocalData->NewP += LookaheadBufferSize; if (LocalData->NewP == Open->Size) LocalData->NewP = 0; } else { ToCopy = Open->Size - LocalData->NewP; NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->NewP, LookaheadBuffer, ToCopy); NdisMoveMappedMemory(LocalData->Buffer + 0, (PUCHAR)LookaheadBuffer + ToCopy, LookaheadBufferSize - ToCopy); LocalData->NewP = LookaheadBufferSize - ToCopy; } //Now we must prepare the buffer(s) for the NdisTransferData if ((Open->Size - LocalData->NewP) >= (fres - HeaderBufferSize - LookaheadBufferSize)) { //only 1 buffer pMdl1 = IoAllocateMdl( LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->NewP, fres - HeaderBufferSize - LookaheadBufferSize, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (pMdl1 == NULL) { IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Error allocating Mdl1\n");) LocalData->Dropped++; LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(pMdl1); pMdl2=NULL; LocalData->NewP += fres - HeaderBufferSize - LookaheadBufferSize; } else { //2 buffers pMdl1 = IoAllocateMdl( LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->NewP, Open->Size - LocalData->NewP, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (pMdl1 == NULL) { IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Error allocating Mdl1\n");) LocalData->Dropped++; LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } pMdl2 = IoAllocateMdl( LocalData->Buffer + 0, fres - HeaderBufferSize - LookaheadBufferSize - (Open->Size - LocalData->NewP), FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (pMdl2 == NULL) { IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("Error allocating Mdl2\n");) IoFreeMdl(pMdl1); LocalData->Dropped++; LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } LocalData->NewP = fres - HeaderBufferSize - LookaheadBufferSize - (Open->Size - LocalData->NewP); MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(pMdl1); MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(pMdl2); } NdisAllocatePacket(&Status, &pPacket, Open->PacketPool); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: Tap - No free packets\n");) IoFreeMdl(pMdl1); if (pMdl2 != NULL) IoFreeMdl(pMdl2); LocalData->Dropped++; LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } if (pMdl2 != NULL) NdisChainBufferAtFront(pPacket,pMdl2); NdisChainBufferAtFront(pPacket,pMdl1); RESERVED(pPacket)->Cpu = Cpu; LocalData->TransferMdl1 = pMdl1; LocalData->TransferMdl2 = pMdl2; Header = (struct PacketHeader*)(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P); Header->header.bh_caplen = fres; Header->header.bh_datalen = PacketSize + HeaderBufferSize; Header->header.bh_hdrlen=sizeof(struct bpf_hdr); NdisTransferData( &Status, Open->AdapterHandle, MacReceiveContext, LookaheadBufferSize, fres - HeaderBufferSize - LookaheadBufferSize, pPacket, &BytesTransfered); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_PENDING) { IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NdisTransferData, not pending!\n");) LocalData->TransferMdl1 = NULL; LocalData->TransferMdl2 = NULL; IoFreeMdl(pMdl1); if ( pMdl2 != NULL ) IoFreeMdl(pMdl2); NdisReinitializePacket(pPacket); // Put the packet on the free queue NdisFreePacket(pPacket); LocalData->P = LocalData->NewP; LocalData->Accepted++; GET_TIME(&Header->header.bh_tstamp,&G_Start_Time); Header->SN = InterlockedIncrement(&Open->WriterSN) - 1; increment = fres + sizeof(struct PacketHeader); if (Open->Size - LocalData->P < sizeof(struct PacketHeader)) { increment += Open->Size-LocalData->P; LocalData->P = 0; } InterlockedExchangeAdd(&LocalData->Free, (ULONG)(-(LONG)increment)); if(Open->Size - LocalData->Free >= Open->MinToCopy) { if(Open->mode & MODE_DUMP) NdisSetEvent(&Open->DumpEvent); else KeSetEvent(Open->ReadEvent,0,FALSE); } LocalData->Processing = 0; return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } else { DbgPrint("NdisTransferData, pending!\n"); return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; } } return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID NPF_TransferDataComplete (IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,IN PNDIS_PACKET pPacket, IN NDIS_STATUS Status,IN UINT BytesTransfered) { POPEN_INSTANCE Open; ULONG Cpu; CpuPrivateData *LocalData; struct PacketHeader* Header; ULONG increment; IF_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: TransferDataComplete\n");) Open = (POPEN_INSTANCE)ProtocolBindingContext; Cpu = RESERVED(pPacket)->Cpu; LocalData = &Open->CpuData[Cpu]; IoFreeMdl(LocalData->TransferMdl1); if ( LocalData->TransferMdl2 != NULL ) IoFreeMdl(LocalData->TransferMdl2); NdisReinitializePacket(pPacket); // Put the packet on the free queue NdisFreePacket(pPacket); //the packet has been successfully copied to the kernel buffer, we can prepend it with the PacketHeader, //and obtain the sequence number and the timestamp LocalData->Accepted++; Header = (struct PacketHeader*)(LocalData->Buffer + LocalData->P); GET_TIME(&Header->header.bh_tstamp,&G_Start_Time); Header->SN = InterlockedIncrement(&Open->WriterSN) - 1; LocalData->P = LocalData->NewP; increment = Header->header.bh_caplen + sizeof(struct PacketHeader); if (Open->Size - LocalData->P < sizeof(struct PacketHeader)) { increment += Open->Size-LocalData->P; LocalData->P = 0; } InterlockedExchangeAdd(&LocalData->Free, (ULONG)(-(LONG)increment)); if(Open->Size - LocalData->Free >= Open->MinToCopy) { if(Open->mode & MODE_DUMP) NdisSetEvent(&Open->DumpEvent); else KeSetEvent(Open->ReadEvent,0,FALSE); } LocalData->TransferMdl1 = NULL; LocalData->TransferMdl2 = NULL; LocalData->Processing = 0; // Unfreeze the consumer if(Open->Size - LocalData->Free > Open->MinToCopy) { if(Open->mode & MODE_DUMP) NdisSetEvent(&Open->DumpEvent); else KeSetEvent(Open->ReadEvent,0,FALSE); } return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID NPF_ReceiveComplete(IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext) { IF_VERY_LOUD(DbgPrint("NPF: NPF_ReceiveComplete\n");) return; }