#include "Hamcore.h" #include "FileSystem.h" #include "Memory.h" #include #include #include typedef struct COMPRESSED_FILE { void *Data; HAMCORE_FILE File; } COMPRESSED_FILE; HAMCORE *HamcoreOpen(const char *path) { if (!path) { return NULL; } HAMCORE *hamcore = malloc(sizeof(HAMCORE)); memset(hamcore, 0, sizeof(HAMCORE)); hamcore->File = FileOpen(path, false); if (!hamcore->File) { free(hamcore); return NULL; } bool ok = false; uint8_t header[HAMCORE_HEADER_SIZE]; if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, header, sizeof(header))) { goto FINAL; } if (memcmp(header, HAMCORE_HEADER_DATA, sizeof(header)) != 0) { goto FINAL; } uint32_t tmp; if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, &tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { goto FINAL; } HAMCORE_FILES *files = &hamcore->Files; files->Num = BigEndian32(tmp); files->List = malloc(sizeof(HAMCORE_FILE) * files->Num); memset(files->List, 0, sizeof(HAMCORE_FILE) * files->Num); for (size_t i = 0; i < files->Num; ++i) { if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, &tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { goto FINAL; } HAMCORE_FILE *file = &files->List[i]; tmp = BigEndian32(tmp); file->Path = malloc(tmp); if (tmp >= 1) { memset(file->Path, 0, tmp); --tmp; } if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, file->Path, tmp)) { goto FINAL; } if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, &tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { goto FINAL; } file->OriginalSize = BigEndian32(tmp); if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, &tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { goto FINAL; } file->Size = BigEndian32(tmp); if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, &tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { goto FINAL; } file->Offset = BigEndian32(tmp); } ok = true; FINAL: if (!ok) { HamcoreClose(hamcore); hamcore = NULL; } return hamcore; } void HamcoreClose(HAMCORE *hamcore) { if (!hamcore) { return; } FileClose(hamcore->File); HAMCORE_FILES *files = &hamcore->Files; if (!files->List) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < files->Num; ++i) { HAMCORE_FILE *file = &files->List[i]; if (file->Path) { free(file->Path); } } free(files->List); free(hamcore); } const HAMCORE_FILE *HamcoreFind(const HAMCORE *hamcore, const char *path) { if (!hamcore || !path) { return NULL; } const HAMCORE_FILES *files = &hamcore->Files; for (size_t i = 0; i < files->Num; ++i) { const HAMCORE_FILE *file = &files->List[i]; if (strcmp(file->Path, path) == 0) { return file; } } return NULL; } bool HamcoreRead(HAMCORE *hamcore, void *dst, const HAMCORE_FILE *hamcore_file) { if (!hamcore || !dst || !hamcore_file) { return false; } if (!FileSeek(hamcore->File, hamcore_file->Offset)) { return false; } bool ok = false; void *buf = malloc(hamcore_file->Size); if (!FileRead(hamcore->File, buf, hamcore_file->Size)) { goto FINAL; } uLong dst_size = (uLong)hamcore_file->OriginalSize; if (uncompress(dst, &dst_size, buf, (uLong)hamcore_file->Size) != Z_OK) { goto FINAL; } if (dst_size != hamcore_file->OriginalSize) { goto FINAL; } ok = true; FINAL: free(buf); return ok; } bool HamcoreBuild(const char *dst_path, const char *base_path, const char **src_paths, const size_t num) { if (!dst_path || !src_paths || num == 0) { return false; } COMPRESSED_FILE *compressed_files = calloc(num, sizeof(COMPRESSED_FILE)); void *buffer = NULL; size_t buffer_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const char *path = src_paths[i]; if (!path) { continue; } FILE *handle = FileOpen(path, false); if (!handle) { fprintf(stderr, "HamcoreBuild(): Failed to open \"%s\", skipping...\n", path); continue; } COMPRESSED_FILE *compressed_file = &compressed_files[i]; HAMCORE_FILE *file = &compressed_file->File; file->OriginalSize = FileSize(path); void *content = malloc(file->OriginalSize); int ret = FileRead(handle, content, file->OriginalSize); FileClose(handle); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "HamcoreBuild(): Failed to read \"%s\", skipping...\n", path); free(content); continue; } const size_t wanted_size = CompressionBufferSize(file->OriginalSize); if (buffer_size < wanted_size) { const size_t prev_size = buffer_size; buffer_size = wanted_size; buffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_size); memset(buffer + prev_size, 0, buffer_size - prev_size); } file->Size = buffer_size; ret = compress(buffer, (uLongf *)&file->Size, content, (uLong)file->OriginalSize); free(content); if (ret != Z_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "HamcoreBuild(): Failed to compress \"%s\" with error %d, skipping...\n", path, ret); file->Size = 0; continue; } const char *relative_path = base_path ? PathRelativeToBase(path, base_path) : path; if (!relative_path) { fprintf(stderr, "HamcoreBuild(): Failed to get relative path for \"%s\", skipping...\n", path); file->Size = 0; continue; } const size_t path_size = strlen(relative_path) + 1; file->Path = malloc(path_size); memcpy(file->Path, relative_path, path_size); compressed_file->Data = malloc(file->Size); memcpy(compressed_file->Data, buffer, file->Size); } size_t offset = HAMCORE_HEADER_SIZE; // Number of files offset += sizeof(uint32_t); // File table for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const HAMCORE_FILE *file = &compressed_files[i].File; if (file->Size == 0) { continue; } // Path (length + string) offset += sizeof(uint32_t) + strlen(file->Path); // Original size offset += sizeof(uint32_t); // Size offset += sizeof(uint32_t); // Offset offset += sizeof(uint32_t); } for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { HAMCORE_FILE *file = &compressed_files[i].File; if (file->Size == 0) { continue; } file->Offset = offset; offset += file->Size; } if (buffer_size < offset) { buffer_size = offset; buffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_size); } void *ptr = buffer; WriteAndSeek(&ptr, HAMCORE_HEADER_DATA, HAMCORE_HEADER_SIZE); uint32_t tmp = BigEndian32((uint32_t)num); WriteAndSeek(&ptr, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const HAMCORE_FILE *file = &compressed_files[i].File; if (file->Size == 0) { continue; } const size_t path_length = strlen(file->Path); tmp = BigEndian32((uint32_t)path_length + 1); WriteAndSeek(&ptr, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); WriteAndSeek(&ptr, file->Path, path_length); free(file->Path); tmp = BigEndian32((uint32_t)file->OriginalSize); WriteAndSeek(&ptr, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); tmp = BigEndian32((uint32_t)file->Size); WriteAndSeek(&ptr, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); tmp = BigEndian32((uint32_t)file->Offset); WriteAndSeek(&ptr, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { COMPRESSED_FILE *compressed_file = &compressed_files[i]; WriteAndSeek(&ptr, compressed_file->Data, compressed_file->File.Size); free(compressed_file->Data); } free(compressed_files); bool ok = false; FILE *handle = FileOpen(dst_path, true); if (!handle) { fprintf(stderr, "HamcoreBuild(): Failed to open \"%s\"!\n", dst_path); goto FINAL; } if (!FileWrite(handle, buffer, buffer_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "HamcoreBuild(): Failed to write \"%s\"!\n", dst_path); goto FINAL; } ok = true; FINAL: FileClose(handle); free(buffer); return ok; }