# How to Contribute Icons This project does not take pull requests as all icon designs go through community approval and design changes before being added. Please follow the guides below while contribiting. We follow a 1 issue per icon request policy. ## I Have an Icon Idea! Awesome, please take a moment to search for the icon. ### Icon Request Exists Already So the icon request was created by someone else. You can do a few things to get our attention. - Use the reaction button to upvote/downvote the first comment and any designs people have posted. - Don't feel bad about downvoting a design from a contributor, we're all use to it by now. - Comment with example images (you can paste images in your comments). - Examples help our design contributors more accurately dipict the request. ### Icon Request Does Not Exist Yet So it's a unique request and the issue doesn't exist. - 1 Icon Request per issue - Click the new issue button. - The title of the issue should simply be the icon name `home`, `theater`, etc. - The description should contain some context of where the icon will be used and the general look - You can paste reference images inline to give us a better idea. ## I'm an Icon Designer Also awesome, please take a minute to search through the existing issues. ### Issue exists already / made an icon for an issue Please post in the issue by attaching a `.zip` of the `.svg` file. Wait for the contribution team to reply (usually @Templarian also). ### I think I designed a better version of an existing icon The contribution team loves these as we've replaced a lot of icons over the years. Some of the Google stock icons have gotten tweaks. Almost always @Templarian will review these. Attach a `.zip` with the `.svg`. ### No similar issue exists Follow the same guidelines as submitting an icon request from above ('Icon Request Does Not Exist Yet' section). Attach a `.zip` with the `.svg`. ## A Note on Brand Icons Please note that, at this time, the only brand icons we accept requests for are popular social media sites/apps and widely used products/software. Thanks for understanding.