#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Gilmullin T.M. # This is configuration file for Password Bruter with default parameters. Please, do not change variable's names. # ---------- Form-based Auth page parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start URL for Password Bruter. target = '' # xPath for Login field. xPathLogin = "//input[@name='username']" # xPath for Password field. xPathPassword = "//input[@name='password']" # xPath for oK button. xPathAcceptButton = "//input[@name='Login']" # xPath for Success auth. xPathSuccessAuth = "//img[@src='']" # xPath for Fail auth. xPathFailAuth = "//pre[contains(text(), 'Username and/or password incorrect.']" # Selenium Browser string. This param shows Selenium WebDriver which browser to run: *firefox, *chrome, *ie selBrowserString = '*firefox' # Mozilla profile. This param used only for ff. This is relative path to dir with mozilla profile config. selFFProfile = 'ff_profile' # ---------- Bruter parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path to user's list. usersFile = 'dict/users.txt' # Path to password's list. passwordsFile = 'dict/pwd.txt' # Path to result file. resultFile = 'result.txt' # How many threads do you need? brutThreads = 1 # Rump up period when all browsers will open and all threads will in progress. rumpUpPeriod = brutThreads * 5 # Operation's timeout in seconds. timeout = 1 # If this key is True then Bruter uses random item from user's list and password's list in every iteration. randomCredentials = False # ---------- Random Generator parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Random Generator parameter. 1 number - number of strings, 2 - string's length, 3 - use or not Numbers, # 4 - use or not English Upper Case Chars, 5 - use or not English Lower Case Chars, # 6 - use or not Russian Upper case chars, 7 - use or not Russian Lower Case Chars, 8 - use or not Special Simbols. # Output file: dict/rnd_.txt randomGeneratorParameter = [100, 8, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]