# Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. from typing import Optional from .BaseModel import BaseModel # Model that represents the response received from the cloud after requesting to upload a print job class DFPrintJobUploadResponse(BaseModel): def __init__(self, job_id: str, status: str, download_url: Optional[str] = None, job_name: Optional[str] = None, upload_url: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, status_description: Optional[str] = None, slicing_details: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Creates a new print job response model. :param job_id: The job unique ID, e.g. 'kBEeZWEifXbrXviO8mRYLx45P8k5lHVGs43XKvRniPg='. :param status: The status of the print job. :param status_description: Contains more details about the status, e.g. the cause of failures. :param download_url: A signed URL to download the resulting status. Only available when the job is finished. :param job_name: The name of the print job. :param slicing_details: Model for slice information. :param upload_url: The one-time use URL where the toolpath must be uploaded to (only if status is uploading). :param content_type: The content type of the print job (e.g. text/plain or application/gzip) :param generated_time: The datetime when the object was generated on the server-side. """ self.job_id = job_id self.status = status self.download_url = download_url self.job_name = job_name self.upload_url = upload_url self.content_type = content_type self.status_description = status_description self.slicing_details = slicing_details super().__init__(**kwargs)