# Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V. # Cura is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. import os from UM.FileProvider import FileProvider from UM.Logger import Logger from cura.API import Account from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication from .DigitalFactoryController import DigitalFactoryController class DigitalFactoryFileProvider(FileProvider): def __init__(self, df_controller: DigitalFactoryController) -> None: super().__init__() self._controller = df_controller self.menu_item_display_text = "From Digital Library" self.shortcut = "Ctrl+Shift+O" plugin_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self._dialog_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "resources", "qml", "DigitalFactoryOpenDialog.qml") self._dialog = None self._account = CuraApplication.getInstance().getCuraAPI().account # type: Account self._controller.userAccessStateChanged.connect(self._onUserAccessStateChanged) self.enabled = self._account.isLoggedIn and self._controller.userAccountHasLibraryAccess() self.priority = 10 def run(self) -> None: """ Function called every time the 'From Digital Factory' option of the 'Open File(s)' submenu is triggered """ self.loadWindow() if self._account.isLoggedIn and self._controller.userAccountHasLibraryAccess(): self._controller.initialize() if not self._dialog: Logger.log("e", "Unable to create the Digital Library Open dialog.") return self._dialog.show() def loadWindow(self) -> None: """ Create the GUI window for the Digital Library Open dialog. If the window is already open, bring the focus on it. """ if self._dialog: # Dialogue is already open. self._dialog.requestActivate() # Bring the focus on the dialogue. return self._dialog = CuraApplication.getInstance().createQmlComponent(self._dialog_path, {"manager": self._controller}) if not self._dialog: Logger.log("e", "Unable to create the Digital Library Open dialog.") def _onUserAccessStateChanged(self, logged_in: bool) -> None: """ Sets the enabled status of the DigitalFactoryFileProvider according to the account's login status :param logged_in: The new login status """ self.enabled = logged_in and self._controller.userAccountHasLibraryAccess() self.enabledChanged.emit()