//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V. //CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher. #ifndef WIPE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_H #define WIPE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_H #include "utils/Coord_t.h" #include "RetractionConfig.h" #include "settings/types/Duration.h" #include "settings/types/Velocity.h" namespace cura { struct WipeScriptConfig { bool retraction_enable; // whether to retract the filament when the nozzle is moving over a non-printed area RetractionConfig retraction_config; Duration pause; // pause after the unretract, in seconds bool hop_enable; // whenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print coord_t hop_amount; // height difference when performing a Z Hop Velocity hop_speed; coord_t brush_pos_x; // X coordinate - location where wipe script will start size_t repeat_count; // number of times to move the nozzle across the brush coord_t move_distance; // distance to move the head back and forth across the brush Velocity move_speed; double max_extrusion_mm3; // maximum material that can be extruded before another nozzle wipe is initiated (in mm^3) bool clean_between_layers; // whether to include nozzle wipe g-code between layers }; }//namespace cura #endif // WIPE_SCRIPT_CONFIG_H