# EasyBook EasyBook is ported from [jekyll-theme-EasyBook](https://github.com/laobubu/jekyll-theme-EasyBook), simple but powerful. Passed the test in Hugo v0.58.3. [Demo](http://y4er.com) [中文README](https://github.com/Y4er/hugo-theme-easybook/blob/master/README_ZH.md) # Screenshots ![Screenshots](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Y4er/hugo-theme-easybook/master/images/screenshot.png) # Start Please refer to [Official Document](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) before starting. ``` hugo new site myblog cd myblog git clone https://github.com/Y4er/hugo-theme-easybook themes/easybook cp themes/easybook/exampleSite/config.toml config.toml hugo new post\helloworld.md hugo server ``` # Features - Recent articles - Image lazy loading - Lightbox - Baidu push statistics - Google stats - Automatic catalog - Multiple comment systems - Code highlighting - 😁 expression - Custom js, css - Shortcode # THINKS This warehouse is based on a number of open source topics, and I would like to thank you. - [jekyll-theme-EasyBook](https://github.com/laobubu/jekyll-theme-EasyBook) - [hugo-theme-even](https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even) Many references to the [Official Theme Development Document](https://gohugo.io/templates/) during development. # LICENSE [The MIT License (MIT)](https://github.com/Y4er/hugo-theme-easybook/blob/master/LICENSE)