YOURLS Changelog ================ _This file lists the main changes through all versions of YOURLS. For a much more detailed list, simply refer to [commit messages]( 1.9.1 --- - fixed: error `Undefined constant "intval"` when upgrading (#3332) - fixed: warnings on PHP 8.1 (#3317) - fixed: incorrect HTTP status header with the API when shortening a duplicate (#3355) - fixed: no hyphen in random keywords (#3353) - added: required/suggested PHP extensions in composer.json (#3339) - updated: third party libs and binaries 1.9 --- - removed : support for PHP prior to 7.4 - improved: the API plugin with more plugin functions (#3281), a sandbox and a plugin uninstall procedure (#3282) - improved: inline documentation, [online documentation]( and unit tests - improved: concurrency during mass shortening (#3233) - improved: minor security fixes - sanitize step name during upgrade (#3055), nonce on the logout link (#3264), salt cookie with newer hash (#3278) - improved: Remove ozh/phpass library and use native PHP password_* functions (#3232) - added: more hooks in the admin view & search (#3265) - fixed: incorrect notice when "prefix and shorten" while not logged in (#3189) - fixed: UI sometimes not responsive after editing a URL (#3244) 1.8.2 --- - fixed: display SVG logo for IE 11 (#2864) - fixed (again) : DB upgrade procedure (#2933) - fixed: cosmetic issue with Docker falsely warning about unencrypted password (#3040) - improved: minor security improvements - iframes clickjacking and login nonce (#3034), potential XSS (#3041) - improved: SSL support for proxies (#3044) - improved: inline documentation and unit tests - added: more filters in admin pages (#2912), HTTP requests (#2951), to deal with user defined consts (#3048) - added: documentation for API action "version" (#2957) 1.8.1 --- - fixed: upgrade procedure with MySQL 8 & table names containing dashes (#2844, #2846) - fixed: function to make public some pages on private installs (#2859) - added: `all` hook to debug YOURLS and plugins (#2860) - improved: plugin inline documentation 1.8 --- - fixed: support for PHP 8 - removed : support for PHP prior to 7.2 - improved: IDN domain, and UTF8 URLs and titles (aka Number One Issue Since Day One) - improved: timezone management - improved: YOURLS UI and logo, now in SVG - improved: several little things - fixed: several little bugs 1.7.9 --- - improved: compatibility of YOURLS with proxies and reversed proxies - improved: accept timestamped signature in API requests with [arbitrary hash]( - improved: YOURLS pages are now located in `user/` and [documented]( - improved: accessibility, with labels and aria tags in the main admin screen - fixed: various little things here and also there 1.7.6 --- - improved: due to popular demand, "Random Keywords" is now a core plugin bundled with YOURLS - fixed: JSONP parameters now match the documentation, duh - fixed: various little things here and also there 1.7.5 --- - fixed: long referrers or client name won't trigger errors - fixed: some little bugs 1.7.4 --- - fixed: type juggling vulnerability in the API - improved: several little things and several little updates - dropped: PHP <= 5.5 support 1.7.3 --- - improved: some little things - added: some hooks here and there to allow more pluginness - fixed: some little bugs - updated: jquery and some javascript stuff 1.7.2 --- - improved: stat graphs, regarding accuracy and time zones - improved: navigation in the admin interface - improved: several little things - fixed: several little bugs - updated: all third party libs - dropped: PHP 5.2 support 1.7.1 --- - added: compatibility with PHP 7 - added: allow hooks with closures (see [Advanced Hook Syntax]( - improved: you can now search across all fields at once in the admin interface - improved: bookmarklets are now human readable in the PHP source, and minified on the fly - improved, still not perfect: support for URLs and page titles with encoded chars - fixed: timezone warnings - fixed: cookie mismatch preventing login when multiple YOURLS installs on subdomains of the same domain - fixed: lotsa bugs - improved: lotsa things 1.7 --- - added: support for PDO and MySQLi - added: social bookmarklets - share on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr in a click - added: check if a new version of YOURLS is available - added: proxy support - install YOURLS behind a firewall! - improved: security regarding SQL injections - improved: security regarding your credentials - now auto-encrypted - improved: external HTTP request handling - improved: ƒυηкƴ UTF-8 titles handling - fixed: compatibility with Apache mod_security blocking bookmarklets - fixed: lots of bugs 1.6 --- - added: مرحبا العالم! Hej verden! 你好世界! Kumusta mundo! Ciao mondo! Hello world! Translation API. - added: custom API actions - added: support for URLs with common protocols - fixed: search and pagination in the admin interface - updated: third party libs jQuery, ezSQL, GeoIP - improved: sanitizing and escaping functions 1.5.1 ----- - added: full jsonp support - added: ability to use encrypted passwords in the config file - fixed: support for http://www.sho.rt/bleh and http://sho.rt/bleh - added: support for any favicon dropped in the /user directory - updated: Google Visualization API instead of deprecated Google Charts - fixed: bugs, bugs, bugs - added: hooks, hooks, hooks - improved: things, things, things 1.5 --- - added: plugin architecture! OMG plugins!!1!!1! - added: directory /user, config.php can be moved there - added: new "instant bookmarklets" - added: 1 click copy-to-clipboard a la bitly - change in logic: now all request are handled by PHP and don't rely on .htaccess - added: saving URL titles - added: support for prefix-n-shorten: sho.rt/ - added: core plugin to allow hyphens in URLs - added: core sample plugin to wrap redirected URLs in a social toolbar - added: core sample plugin to show how to create administration page in plugins - added: core plugin to display a random pretty background - changed: layout now using a more consistent palette, see - added: anti XSS and anti CSRF measures - added: interactive map if possible in stat traffic by countries - fixed: lots of bugs 1.4.3 ----- - fixed bug no-stats-showing-ffs due to inconsistency in DB schema - improve error reporting with API method url-stat 1.4.2 ----- - fixed: bug in auth function - added: sample public API file - added: check in API requests for WordPress plugin when adding a new short URL - prettier sample public interface 1.4.1 ----- - fixed: base 62 URLs (keywords with MiXeD CaSe) - new & secure auth method for API calls, with no need to use login & password combo - allow SSL enforcement for admin pages - new API method: stats for individual URL. - prevent internal redirection loops - filter and search URLs & short URLs by date 1.4 --- - added: an upgrader from 1.3 to 1.4 - change in logic: now using a global object $ydb for everything related to DB and other globally needed stuff - change in logic: include "load-yourls.php" instead of "config.php" to start engine - change in DB schema: now storing URLs with their keyword as used in shorturl, allowing for any keyword length - change in DB schema: new table for storing various options including next_id, dropping table of the same name - change in DB schema: new table for storing hits (for stats) - improved the installer, with .htaccess file creation - layout tweak: now prettier, isn't it? - stats! OMG stats! 1.3-RC1 ------- - added bookmarklet and tools page - improved XSS filter when adding new URL - code cleanup in admin/index.php to separate code and display - added favicon - stricter coding to prevent notices with undefined indexes - hide PHP notices & SQL errors & warnings, unless YOURLS_DEBUG constant set to true 1.2 --- - don't remember. A few tiny stuff for sure. 1.1 --- - don't remember. Some little bugs I guess. 1.0.1 ----- - don't remember. Trivial stuff probably. 1.0 --- - initial release